
8 Reviews
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Purple Hearts (2022)
What would happen if a movie production is bereft of any talent whatsoever?
8 January 2023
The answer is another netflix production that pushes the limits for what's possible. Though instead of upwards, they continously push downwards.

Some clarifications for anyone who is inclined to have a bad time watching this cliché ridden film:

  • Is there any talent in this movie? No.

  • Is there originality? No.

  • Is it realistic? No.

  • Is it believable? No.

You might think that I'm rather hyperbolic and I'm happy to admit that this is the case to a certain degree, but it's still astonishing how anyone can get away with stacking so many clichés on top of eachother. And therein lies the one redeemable quality this film has; it's so bad that you actually might find some entertainment in it. If you enjoy movies for their quality, then I suggest to stay away from this as far as possible.

I rate this movie 2/10. One additional point for how impressive it is, to come up with a story, that has absolutely zero originality to it.
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Machete (2010)
Trashy action flick with subpar action
13 November 2022
Trashy fun is the premise and the movie delivers in this regard. Robert Rodriguez treats us to a nonsensical plot, 'badass' one liners, gore and a lot of eye candy, which in itself creates some entertaining moments. The story then sprinkles some social commentary into the mix, which was bit too on the nose for my taste. But who expects subtlety from a trash flick? What you could expect from a film like this though, is good or at least presentable action scenes. Strangely enough this is what the film lacks. Every melee fight is destroyed by cuts and weak choreography. The actors have no clue what they're doing and it clearly shows. The blows have no impact and it's the same for gun fights. This turns and otherwise fun little trash movie to a subpar experience. I can only recommemd if you desperately want to watch something trashy, but then again, there are many better options out there.
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Nightlife (I) (2020)
The State of German Comedies
4 January 2022
I seriously question every life choice that led me to watch this garbage pile disguised as a "Comedy crime movie".

To call this movie bad would be an understatement. We have it all here: cliché romance, horrible dialog, nonsensical story, weak actors, terrible jokes and atrocious direction.

If you wonder how a script this bad is green-lighted by any Film Studio, don't ask me, I wonder the same.

But what is most baffling about all this is, that even a movie this awful has apparently a target audience that likes it. Just scroll through the reviews if you don't believe me. I must have either slept through the "good" parts or there's some hidden symbolism that was totally lost on me (spoiler: there isn't). Otherwise I can't understand how any sane person could give this movie a 7/10 or higher.

If I hadn't lost faith in humanity already, I definitely would now.
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Banshee (2013– )
Banshee sets a new benchmark for shows
31 December 2020
As a more movie oriented viewer, I have to say that this is the absolut best show I've ever seen.

(The following represents my opinion, you may either agree or disagree for valid reasons)

I have my fair share of quarrels with most TV shows, they are either lacking good production, good actors, milk the story or force cliffhangers in every episode and some even combine all these aspects in a potpurri of awful mediocracy.

For everyone that has a similar experience with shows as I do, I can safely say that Banshee doesn't suffer from all these quarrels. The actors do their job, some are even oustanding, like Antony Starr, Ivana Milicevic, Ulrich Thomsen and Hoon Lee. Each of them presented intruiguing yet different and distinctive characters. They deal with their own past and present in their own rights and they are always true to themselves. The story feels fluent and coherent, it never felt like they tried to stretch the story for another season. The action secenes were, while incredibly graphic, great and some were even nearly on the level of both Raid 1 and 2.

I recommend this show to everyone who likes good, brutal and honest action, decisive villains and interesting side characters. If you are interested, but you don't like graphic violence, then the show isn't for you. For everyone else, you won't regret giving this show a chance.
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A great example for an average movie
25 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
***Warning Spoilers***

Plot: The Plot could be summarized as a heist movie in the Star Wars Universe. There are some Twists, but they don't stand out (besides one). Some characters are rushed, especially Qi'ra. We don't know much about her past and probably never will (if we don't get a Sequel). The pacing is inconsistent. Sometimes it is pretty neat, but then again a bit slow. There is no real flow or hook. The movie has some tense scenes, but they aren't a big deal, because you can smoothly figure out what is going to happen. As a whole, the Plot will not surprise nor impress you. It is as generic as it could be. Average 5/10

Characters: The characters have generally the motivation you would imagine. Reasons are: money, love and survival. Most of the times, these reasons seem not to be enough nor interesting. Some of them have no development at all. There is not much going on from this side. The only one with slight development is Han himself, but that's no big deal. We could say that the movie focuses more on relationships between the characters. There are some that are heartwarming and interesting like Chewbacca + Han and Lando + Han. The movie succeeded in this matter (besides the worst robot ever, thank you Disney). Decent 6/10

Dialogue: The dialog focuses mostly on nostalgia, which does work sometimes but feels kind off chessy. They feel lifeless, even if they try to be funny. There are no smart, witty and funny dialogues. To be fair, they get better overtime. Average 5/10

Style: The movie has interesting colour schemes on the different planets. The visuals aren't as impressive as in The Last Jedi, but they are still good. It is as expected, good. Good 7/10

Actors: The don't stand out nor deliver special performances. They are just fine, way better than in other recent Star Wars movies. Donald Glover made an excellent job, he was really believable. Good 7/10

Genre: It's a science fiction heist movie. The heist part seemed bad, there was the heist feeling, but they executed it poorly. As a science fiction movie, it seemed okay. Average 5/10

Originality: There was like nothing original in the movie besides the female robot, but that would be a bad example. That was a huge let down. Terrible 3/10

Atmosphere: There is Star Wars feeling, that creates already a good atmosphere. They nailed it on the desert planets too. The quietness disturbed by some minor sounds felt great. That was surely a pleasant surprise. Good 4/5

Editing: The editing was average. There were no special or outstanding cuts. As expected. Average 5/10

Soundtrack: The soundtrack does support the movie scenes. But again, is is sad that they don't use some of the original tracks, expect remixes. Good 7/10

CGI: The animation looked good. The scene in the maelstrom was a huge succes, it looked gorgeous. I saw no flaws. Good 4/5

Evaluation: The movie was mediocre nearly all the time. It was enjoyable, nonetheless. Mediocre 53/100
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Why does Deadpool need to be serious?
23 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the movie isn't as bad as some reviews admit here, but definitely not a 8.2(!). So make sure, that you build your own opinion, that's the most important thing.

As I scrolled to some reviews here, I was pretty surprised that no one mentioned the major issue the movie has. Where there are few good and even great scenes, like the parachute drop, there are also some really bad one's.

Why does Deadpool need to be serious? All the background plot with his girlfriend and with "making a baby" was just terrible. First off, Deadpool is insane, why does he need real reason to do anything? I don't want that Deadpool is getting treated like other super heroes. That's unnecessary. I just want Deadpool being Deadpool, weird, violent and crazy. DP doesn't need a "tragic Subplot" that shows his motivation. I couldn't care less about Vanessa (girlfriend). There is unironically one or two scenes that should be sad and tragic. How am I supposed to feel affected by that? Every character is forgettable and exchangeable, besides Deadpool.

What I want is: A Plot that is just ridiculos and that DP makes fun about it, violence, 4th wall breaks, action, dark brutal humor, completely crazy storyline etc. Indeed, there was some of this, but sadly not enough.

I will not start with the kid, the huge plotholes or with misplaced jokes. There are plenty other reviews that cover these topics already.

I'll rate the movie 56/100

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It's over
16 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Star Wars is over.

As a true Star Wars Fan I can just say that it hurts. I love Legends, I love Episode 4 - 6 and I even love the prequels. But I hate the Last Jedi, I hate the plot (to be honest there is no plot), I hate the acting (Daisy Ridley), I hate the characters (Rey, Finn, Rose, benicio del toro), I hate the explanations (if there was any), I hate the casino arc, I hate the Leia Supergirl scene, I hate the choregraphy (even if there is no real lightsaber duel), I hate the ATAT, I hate how they used Yoda, I hate that they didn't use some of the old SW Tracks (Imperial March, Duel of the Fates etc.), I hate the fuel issue, I hate the resistance (9 people left?!), I hate the new Anakin Child, I hate the dialogs (hux, rey), I hate that there was no Star Wars feeling at all, I hate Disney, but hey I love Porgs now!

1 point because its Star Wars 1 point for the visuals

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12 May 2017
This Movie was so much better than everybody told me. The fight scenes, the shots and the music was gorgeous. I really don't now why this movie receives that much hate. For me it was just Guy Ritchie at his best. Give this movie a try, its worth it! No joke, it was the best movie in this year, just stunning and epic. I loved it and i think that a lot of people will love this movie too! 7/10.
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