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Beautiful visuals in a non-sensical story
20 September 2016
World of Tomorrow is a beautiful movie even if its story is pretty ehh. Every square inch of this film is pure eye candy. each character is drawn in such a unique way and the water color back rounds make the colors pop straight of the screen. The music was also pretty cool. It was a nice mix of retro and pop music creating something really cool. If you do watch this movie it would be pretty much a sixteen minutes of eye candy with cool music to it. The story is clearly not much of a focus in this picture but that thankfully does not hurt the short film so much seeing how it knows what it is and doesn't try and take itself to seriously . This allows the movie to be much more entertaining. Overall I recommend this movie for its beautiful animation, and unique music. 7/10!
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Arrival (II) (2016)
An Emotional refereshing Sci-Fi movie
18 September 2016
Believe the hype because Arrival was great! The film was able to pay omoge to other Sci-Fi films while remaining it own thing. The way the story is told is much different from other Sci-Fi movies involving extra terrestrials such as Independence Day, which makes the film all the interesting. The way the score was used was also fantastic, and will stay in your head long after you have seen it. The performances in the movie particularly Amy Adams were all very good. The film also had implications and subtitles that will stick with you as well. The film manages to be smart without making the plot overly complex while still remaining fun. The only real issues I can find in this film is that there are convenices, as well as a bit to much chesse in some areas, but it never ditracted from my enjoyment of the movie. Overall I highly recommend you check this movie out and I'm giving Arrival an 8/10!
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Try hard mess of a film.
19 August 2016
Suicide Squad is not a movie as much as it is a buy product of items from Hot Topic. To quote YourMovieSucksDOTorg I found this movie to be 25 percent cringe worthy and 75 percent boring. As a fan of the comics it is genuinely insulting to see all of these dark character's be done in such of superficial way. Every character excluding the Joker was playing themselves and not the character's they are playing.

The best part of this movie was the Joker in the sense that he was laughably bad. Every second that the Joker was on screen Jared Leto was trying so hard to be intimidating and insane that he just came off as an eccentric crime boss from the Simpsons. His performance was so over the top that if there was more of him in the movie I probably could have enjoyed this film as a so bad its funny, but that is unfortunately not the case.

The primary problem with this movie is the fact that is has on over emphases on a dark color palate in this light tone. This was distracting in scenes were there was a lot of light and of fire. This is also the reason the film is an eye sore on a visual level. There were also a lot of unnecessary flash back sequence's that came out of no were. This would have distracted from the story if it was the least bit cohesive.

People may argue that the movie was edited to death and there go it deserves to be cut slack. But in reality my point of view is if it is not in the movie its not in the movie. There are obvious cuts, and even cuts to black which shows there was no effort to conceal the cut.

In conclusion this is nothing more then an inconsistent, tone shifting, and edited try hard film. However I can see how somebody could find entertainment from this movie If not only to see character's they like on the big screen. But as I look at this as a film it is horrible. And I'm giving this one a 2/10.
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Chronicle (2012)
Appropretly done for the budget.
27 July 2016
Chronicle tells the story of three friends who upon attending a party fall upon a mysterious rock that grants them superpowers. Although it was outstanding for a superhero movie and certainly took risks that the M.C.U. as well as Fox's X-Men universes would dare to try, as a stand alone film its predictable as can be. But it was good.

Chronicle was good because of its fleshed out characters that all felt relatable. And to add on to the fact that the main trio in the film are teenagers it feels all the more relatable through how they react to the events in the film. And although the promotional material might show this movies plot being simply about superpowers it surprisingly has an emotionally gripping though predictable main plot about the main character that makes this movie all the more riveting.

The main complaints I have with this movie is how the effects did not look convincing. This problem is pretty visibly due to the films budget. Thankfully since the movie was done on a smaller scale this problem did not take me out of the movie. There were also some character decision's that did not make the most since, but this movie was enjoyable as well as unique.

In conclusion Chronicle was good, I thought. I'm glad that it tried something new, and I'm even happier that the movie was able to grip me in way I did not think a superhero movie could. This is without a doubt one of my favorite films of 2012, and will probably be making my list. And I'm giving this one a 7/10.
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The best of the original trilogy, I thought.
24 July 2016
Star Wars Episode 6 Return of the Jedi tells the story of the gang upon saving Han-Solo the Empire builds another Death Star which this time around has the Emperor on board and the Rebellion race to destroy it. Meanwhile Luke try's to bring his now known father Darth Vader back to the light side of the force.

Return of the Jedi has the best storyline out of the original trilogy because it is able to have what worked the best out of all of them and it makes up to be the best structured in terms of stacks for our hero's while also at long last being self aware enough so that the audience can have more fun with it. To put it simply it takes what worked from the other two and as a result the film was fun and enjoyable.

The problems with this movie is what is wrong with the others in this trilogy. It still has hooky dialogue as well as acting, its still predictable, there are scenes that are over the top, and the effects are starting to show there age.

In conclusion Return of the Jedi in my opinion is the most underrated, as well as best in the trilogy and I'm giving this one a 7/10.
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I guss its cool to hate this movie now right?
24 July 2016
Star Wars: The Force Awakens has great music, good acting, fleshed out characters, and stunning effects. The movie has a great new cast that actually does better then the original actors, and actress. And with characters with fleshed out motivations that are easy to not only get behind but also feel emotionally invested in. The fight choreography was also much better then any of the other movies in the saga. And with effects that are realistic enough to believe I can just sit back and watch the character deal with there conflicts.

My main problem with this film stems from just how similar it is to A New Hope. This made the conflicts less interesting as result. Piggybacking on that point if you have ever seen a movie you will be able to predict pretty much everything that is going to happen while watching it.

In conclusion I would say that if you go in to this movie with level headed expectations you will enjoy it for what it is. I would say that although this movie does not have as much of a cultural impact on society I still felt it was a refreshing return to the saga and I can't wait for episodes 8 and 9. And I'm giving this one a 7/10
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Good but just because it is darker doesn't mean its better.
24 July 2016
Star Wars Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back tells the story of the evil galactic empire attacking the hopeless rebellion after the destruction of the Death Star. One thing that I feel is worth noting right off the bat is that I don't think this film surpasses A New Hope but is ratter on the same level in terms of substance as well as quality.

What makes this film good is that it is able to keep its focus on the characters in a universe that is so interesting as well as vast. That is something that makes the original trilogy better in my opinion because in the prequels it was focused on showing us heavily C.G.I. visuals ratter then on the characters. This is one of many factors that make the original trilogy by far the superior films. The plot is also more complex then the first of this trilogy which shows that the people involved with this project were taking risks. The characters were all likable and interesting. And the fact that they filmed at real locations shows dedication from the director Irvin Kershner.

The cons of this picture though are not minimal which leads me to feeling as though it is grossly overrated. The acting and dialogue is still hooky, the effects are showing age, the action is underwhelming, and unfortunately the fan base that surrounds Star Wars has made it difficult to watch Empire as it was intended. The story although complex is occasionally driven forward by plot convinces. And although I did not see this infamous twist coming, I also was not all that wowed.

In conclusion The Empire Strikes Back is complex and has relatable characters which is able to drive this picture forward as well as be entertaining. And I'm giving this one a 6/10.
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Great impact on cinama but also incredibly cheesy.
24 July 2016
Star Wars Episode 4 A New Hope tells the story of a farm boy Luke Skywalker who upon his purchase of two droids R2-D2 and C3-P0, and running into the old and wise Obi-Wan Kenobi he is thrown into a world bigger then his own.

A New Hope has great sense of pacing and having a flowing narrative build up to its conclusion almost flawlessly. The characters feel like real people with fleshed out motivations. The effects although aged today definably inspired what we have today in the art of cinema. The score just like all the other films in the saga is fantastic. But what this movies greatest feat is just how much it inspired a generation of cinema, as well as is outstanding impact on pop culture that keeps this film fresh.

In spite of how much we can all appreciate this movies impact it is still far from a perfect movie. Most of the acting is hooky, and the effects are hard to by today. And although it has a good sense of pacing it still has many plot conveniences. The action is also pretty slow which prevents it from feeling like a real fight is going on. Even the dialogue is pretty hooky and hard to by. This is a problem because if characters are unable to talk like people do it makes it hard to relate to them and get invested in there conflicts.

In conclusion I can appreciate its impact on culture, as well as love the movie. I personally consider myself to be a Star Wars fan. Keeping in mind that I feel on an objective level I consider this picture to be above average instead of great I'm giving this one a 6/10.
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Best of the prequel trilogy but still not very good.
24 July 2016
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith tells the story of the fall of Anakin Skywalker. And already we have something this film did better. And that is that is tells a somewhat coherent story. And truth be told everything is slightly improved upon in this one. And I guess that's why people hold it on such a pedestal. It's because for so long fans were waiting for a good Star Wars movie that the day they got one that was ever so slightly better then the other two people began to parse Revenge of the Sith as though it belonged with the original trilogy.

I guess in conclusion Revenge of the Sith may be the best of the prequels but it is still a horrible movie that is hard to stomach through. The C.G.I. still sucks, the acting is horrible, the fights are still bland, and the characters are uninteresting. But something that I failed to mention about all of the prequels is the score by John Willems is amazing. And I'm giving this one a 2/10.
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Joke of a movie.
24 July 2016
Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace tells the story of...... Well doesn't really have much of a story. Essentially its movie about trade dispute and the way that it is told is so convoluted that it becomes anger enduing and extremely boring.

The Phantom Menace has no redeeming quality's what so ever. The acting it horrible, you don't by the effects, the story makes zero sense, the characters unreletable, or just plan annoying, the way it was shot is off center and the C.G.I. becomes mind numbing, and the action is overdone and has no weight.

In conclusion The Phantom Menace is garbage. Even the most dye hard of fans admit it is stupid. But the worse thing about this movie is that it is unbelievably boring. But if you want to watch something much better go to this link for Mr. Pliket's review for The Phantom Menace. And I'm giving this one a 1/10
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At least The Phantom Menice seemed to try.
24 July 2016
Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones tells the story of getting clones, and Anakin and Padma's love or something. Attack of the Clones has all of the problems as The Phantom Menace with all of passion sucked right out of it.

What makes this film such a tragedy to film is the fact that there is latterly no life in this movie. And not just because of the overuse of C.G.I. but also the characters are lifeless and speck and move as though there is no emotion to wo they are. Even the story fails on a coherent level because it has no sense of pacing. When even the action fails on both an objective and subjective level then it should be clear that this film sucks. And I'm giving this one a 1/10
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Deadpool (2016)
Subjectivly I loved this movie. But objectivly it stops at good.
24 July 2016
Deadpool tells the story of Wade Wilson who upon being diagnosed with terminal cancer then goes to a shady place with shady people ran by antagonist Ajax. After being cured but disfigured Wade goes after Ajax in order to fix his face.

Let me start out by saying that I had a blast watching this movie. I thought the action was outstanding, and found myself laughing at the films crude and sadistic hummer through out the whole runtime. The movie was also incredibly fun. If I was rating this movie purely on how much I enjoyed my self during it I would be giving this movie a perfect 10/10. But upon analyzing it I can only recommend it as good.

My reason for only calling it good is because the movie relies mostly on its sense of hummer. And upon analyzing it what I found is that if you find Deadpools hummer chuckle worthy at best you will probably not like this movie nearly as much. Also the plot as well as antagonist are only unique when compared to other marvel movies. Where as if you look at as just a movie it is cookie cutter.

In conclusion I had a blast at this movie and any one else with that sense of hummer will. But if you don't share Deadpools sense of hummer you will find it only has action scenes to offer after that. And when more then half of the movie is not an action scene you will be disappointed. And I'm giving this one a 6/10.
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Entertaining but only as good as the standerded marval blockbuster formula will allow it to be.
24 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
No Spoilers section! Captain America: Civil War was just as good as it could be. Although one thing I think is worth mentioning is how this is more of an Avengers movie then a Caption America movie. This probably because it will make more money if it markets more characters, rater then just having a stand alone character.

Some things that I thought were very good about the movie is the way they introduced Black Panther and Spider-Man. The action scenes were vastly improved from the previous two Captain America films. And although music is still incredibly formulated and by the books it is never displeasing to listen to. And what is probably this movies greatest achievement is just how entertaining it was in spite of its strategically calculated formula.

My problems with this film stems from just how by the books it is. It is this problem alone that makes it impossible to be surprised by any superhero movies these days. It is all the more annoying when thee marketing builds the events happening as having dire consequences when there really aren't any. To go more in depth I'm going to spoil a bit of this film.

Spoiler section So as you knew from the promotional material you probably knew that the Avengers split apart due to the problem of casualties in there many battles. When they show a video of this all I could think is that every time the Avengers have saved the world from being completely obliterated a few people died in stead of several billion. To which Iron-Man says we need to be put in check and so the Avengers are asked to sign a law that will prevent them from going were they need to go. This was annoying because almost everyone thought this idea was genus without looking at the bigger picture. This is even worse because Iron-Man is a massive hypocrite later in the movie when he latterly try's to kill the winter solider for is own viol ante justice. Also does any one else think that Iron-Man was a jerk not only in this through out the film. Notably when he goes to Peter Parkers house to manipulate him in to fighting for him.

No Spoilers Section Two

In conclusion I did think this movie was still good in spite of its flaws. I especially loved the way they developed Spider-Man, and I walked out wanting to know more about Black Panther. And although I thought Iron-Man was unlikable I still thought most of the characters were still likable. The airport battle was also memorable and the best part of this movie. If your a fan of Marvel you will like this movie. But if your getting sick of the formula then this movie will probably stop at good. And I'm giving this one a 6/10.
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Anomalisa (2015)
A very human thought provoking gem!
28 June 2016
Anomalisa tells the story of Michael Stone, husband, father and respected author of "How May I Help You Help Them?" is a man crippled by the mundanity of his life. On a business trip to Cincinnati, where he's scheduled to speak at a convention of customer service professionals, he checks into a Hotel. There, he is amazed to discover a possible escape from his desperation in the form of an unassuming Akron baked goods sales rep, Lisa. Anomalisa has brilliant animation and this story about romance takes an unexpected turn that makes you truly care for the characters as well as there conflict. The characters were very human and repeatable. This is a movie that has been creeping its way into my thoughts and is truly excellent. I'm giving this one a 10/10.
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