
14 Reviews
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Great start but poor continuation.
2 March 2024
The beginning was so good and definitely a more unique approach to a murder on the street than your average American flick.

It kept you going with interesting characters, wondering which one of them could be the killer since they all seemed like possible choices. But then that's all it was to it. More suspects and no leads.

I know it's supposed to be a mystery that will remain unresolved but it just felt very underwhelming without a proper ending and the second half of the movie was dragged out and could've been made into an hour and a half.

Keeps your focus while you watch but it's nothing special at all.
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Pretty okay.
30 October 2023
I don't have much hope or expectations from a 2023 movie and this one wasn't in my top 10 but it wasn't all that bad.

It had some story and a mysterious aspect to it that kept me watching even though it was still somewhat predictable. I've never played the games myself and thought this would be like one of those cases where the guard is badass and fights against the monsters and destroys them. So I was glad it had more of a plot besides that.

There were some moments that did feel a bit boring and slow paced and the ending was a bit underwhelming and expected but it made sense to a degree.

Otherwise it was well made.
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Nothing new or special.
12 October 2023
If this movie didn't have that whole Indian girl trying to fit in plot, no one would look at it twice.

The only good thing about it was the fact that it had a few creepy scenes but that was maybe about two of them which wasn't worth the long movie. It was your typical evil demon comes and the main character/s fight against it. There was nothing unique about the demon at all and it looked kinda weird when they showed its appearance.

The main character was kinda bland too and it's hard to care about her. I also personally didn't like the back and forth switch between Hindi and English talking since it was just confusing for no reason.

Also the last scene was completely pointless and dragged out.
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Watchable but nothing special.
3 September 2023
This is one of those movies where the plot is predictable and already seen so there's nothing really unique about it. You sort of already know how it's going to go and end.

Kyla was very obnoxious in this part and the acting was just a bit too goofy to put it lightly.

Her dad was very irritating throughout most of the movie except for the ending.

I liked the male babysitter since he seemed like that typical likable side character.

Overall this is the type of movie you can just play in the background and don't need to focus at all to pay attention to. The jokes aren't that funny but they are somewhat passable for humor.
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Dragged out and nothing interesting.
3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People have already brought up the minority character that's flawless and untouchable. It was annoying, out of place and didn't belong in the movie.

The entire plot was just so dragged out. The characters didn't seem likable at all. Maybe the captain a little and that's being generous. I really didn't give a damn when he died.

What was really dumb was how they handled the creature. They wanted to sink the ship with it so it would drown despite the fact that it can fly and just, you know... escape?

And the ending that was set up so that you'd expect a part two was honestly more interesting than the rest of the movie. It had some mysterious vibe to it.

Overall they could've made this movie an hour an a half.
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Michael (1996)
Dragged out and just really not funny.
27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looked promising at first since the summary sounds interesting. I've always been a big fan of angel characters or interpretation and didn't mind that they made Michael a bit trashy with the way he smoked, had poor hygiene and was interested in women.

Which okay, sounds fun. But Jon Travolta isn't that suited to play said character. I just didn't see it.

That aside, there's nothing interesting about this movie and the main focus seems to be a romantic plot between two characters that aren't that likable either. The movie tries to add in elements of humor but it felt more like some vlog than anything else.

The dancing scenes, the one where they have pie and sit by the side of the road writing songs. Boring.

And Michael isn't even seen to have many powers. He revived the dog even after insisting that wasn't his area. It was an underwhelming scene too.
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Cobweb (2023)
Feels like I got scammed or baited.
13 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the movie was really good. It felt like it was genuinely onto something and the mystery of it kept the suspense and made me want to keep watching it.

But the second half made no sense to me. Even if logic isn't always needed in horror movies, it felt like there were too many plot holes that didn't make sense.

The parents could've just locked her somewhere in an abandoned house or area and bring her food from time to time instead of keeping her in their own house and leaving their innocent son in the dark about her.

But if that was the case then there would be no movie so let's put that aside for now.

That build up where the parents were abusive, locked their son in the basement and acted terrible with him showed potential. Maybe they could've made it so that they were forcing their children to be perfect and their daughter had some disfiguration so they locked her up.

The plot twist of it being some demon instead of their daughter would've also made some sense if they added an interesting backstory to it.

On one hand, there were moments where they cared for their son but on another, they were very abusive to him so when he kills them, the audience doesn't feel all that bad.

And the ending felt super rushed and was very confusing. They managed to lock her up after beating her stomach in so they had every opportunity to kill her or call the police while she was locked up. But instead they just left here there? Why?

Did the kid get adopted by the teacher? Who did he live with if his parents were dead?

Overall had great potential but was ruined. Almost like some scam.
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Started off good but disappointed
4 May 2021
The story was pretty intriguing at first and I thought it would escalate and woo me but the ending made no sense, it was kinda predictable with the husband. A waste of 2 hours.
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Watchable but nothing special
10 August 2020
Some of these reviews are making this movie sound unbearable. It's not funny or original but at least it's somewhat watchable.
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Biggest masterpiece ever made.
24 July 2020
This show is hands down the best thing I've ever seen. The characters are likable, interesting and it has an actual plot and action, humor. Basically everything.

I don't like that they changed the art style after season 3 and making everyone more feminine though.
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Mary (I) (2019)
Story had potential but bad execution.
13 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The story about a haunted ship and a woman that haunts them while they have nowhere to run sounds pretty scary and interesting.

But this movie had more drama than horror. There are like 3 "scary" scenes that aren't even that long or scary. I felt like I was gonna fall asleep the whole time.
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Overrated and nothing special.
30 July 2019
Honestly the whole movie seemed like one giant filler or like some vlog. There was no actual plot and nothing happened until the last 10 minutes. I don't understand the hype about it at all. It wasn't really bad but it wasn't good either.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
An actual review without fangirling.
10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You've probably seen all the comments here saying how it was way better in season 1-5. As someone that's been watching this show for a long time and actively follows every new episode I can agree. Even though it had some great seasons even after the 5th season, it has gone on for too long. They kill off every character then bring them back which defeats the purpose. I sobbed when Bobby died. The episode was so well made and it was amazing. But now out of nowhere he's back but not really? Why bring him back at all? Introduce new characters instead. As for the horror part, this show is more like a drama with horror than having something actually scary. The oldest episodes had a more scary vibe to them. Other than that I don't think there's anything scary in there since most creatures are humanized. Lastly, people praise a lot of characters like Castiel, even though he doesn't bring much to the story as he used to. The reason he hasn't been killed off is because a lot of fans love Misha Collins. There are also a lot of filler episodes where almost all of them are the same. They hunt something but it's a different creature mostly. Poor writing of female characters. Most of them come off as annoying because they try too hard to be strong or quirky. But this seems like a global thing so I look past it. Once you encounter Claire you will see what I'm talking about.
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American Gods (2017–2021)
Had potential.
10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think their idea and concept is very interesting. I haven't read the book but I liked the first few episodes.

They tried too hard to offer diversity. It has over the top sex scenes and nudity which are very unnecessary. There was a whole speech of how black people were mistreated and will always be even nowadays. It kinda doesn't make too much sense on a show about gods.

Also, there is nothing likable about the main character. Shadow feels more like a background sidekick really. He's emotionless most of the time.

I had more fun watching the cutscene stories with the Vikings and Anubis than the actual plot of the show.
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