39 Reviews
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Old Dads (2023)
Good, not great
26 October 2023
I love Bill Burr's humor for the most part, even though he's a bit much with his "back in my generation you could leave your kid in a car" type mindset, and there's definitely some of that here. But the movie still had heart and had some good jokes. It definitely feels like a lot of it was based on his personal experiences with life especially with his anger problems, and I liked that aspect. Acting was good, with Bobby Cannavale being the standout - he definitely had a lot of fun with this movie.

If you really hate Bill Burr, you won't like the movie. I do think it leans a little too hard into "hurrrr these damn millennials are too soft with their feelings" type of sentiment (even though it does try to reconcile the "old vs new" a little bit), and the pacing is a little disjointed. But overall I think it's a pretty solid directorial debut for Burr, and there's enough here to be worth a watch!
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The Ruins (2008)
Really unique idea
12 June 2022
I went into the movie with 0 idea of what was coming, so I won't give any details other than to say that I thought this was a monster movie and it's not. It's not amazing and it has issues, but honestly overall I think it's a good time. It's a really unique idea, the movie looks pretty good overall, some of the prosthetic effects were convincingly gross, and the acting was decent.

It's not a classic or something that I'm going to watch again and again, but I have no regrets watching it and would have no problems recommending it to others.
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Candyman (2021)
Interesting ideas, but far too short of a runtime
11 June 2022
I won't get into spoilers for this review, but this movie has some really great pieces. They found really interesting ways to tie it to the original, and I really wanted to love it. Unfortunately, 90 minutes was just way too short. The first half of the moves fairly slowly, with the second half just moving at a breakneck pace. The movie just jumps from scene to scene, and it almost felt like the editor was forced to fit the movie into 90 minutes. Halfway through they realized they didn't have enough time, so they just crammed everything they could into the back half.

It's a real shame, because there's a lot of talent on display. The movie looks stunning, the acting is good, and most of the special effects were decent (some CG bees looked a little iffy, but other than that it was good). The movie just needed another 15, if not 20 minutes to really flesh it out and make everything flow.

Do I regret watching the movie? No, but I struggle to recommend it too.
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Morbius (2022)
I have to be honest... I didn't hate it
17 April 2022
Let's get one thing straight: this is not a "good" movie. The dialogue isn't great and there are plot holes galore. And maybe it's just because I went into the movie with rock bottom expectations, but I actually enjoyed watching the movie.

Morbius as a character is a little bland, but Leto had this quiet sarcasm that I actually really liked. I liked the actress for the love interest, although their relationship in the movie was silly. Matt Smith is just phenomenal though, he definitely makes the movie.

The CG was good overall, and there were some cool fight sequences. Don't go into this expecting anything grand or amazing, but just a fun action movie and you'll have a good time.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Amazing start that just pales with every episode
24 January 2022
I'm keeping this spoiler free. Let's get this out of the way right up front: this show has a fantastic premise and the first episode is absolutely terrific. It starts out SO strong and I was really looking forward to seeing where it went.

Even though I assume it's not the case, it legitimately felt like the writers had no idea how they wanted to resolve the central mystery (what happened on the island that was so terrible?), and just kept putting it off. Most of the characters were really strong and the acting was great (Christina Ricci in particular was fantastic). But I literally let out a "of come on" in the final 5 minutes of the finale. It takes such a disappointing direction and doesn't resolve everything, which I assume is for the inevitable second season.

If this had been a single self-contained mini-series that focused on human desperation, the lengths that we'll go to in order to survive, and going insane while being stranded in the wilderness it would have been incredible. And who knows, you may still like it. I just ended up being really disappointed with how it turned out.
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Home Economics (2021–2023)
Surprisingly enjoyable
9 January 2022
I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this show, especially because the reviews were fairly mixed. But honestly? I'm enjoying my time with it. It's not going to win any awards for writing or acting, and some of its progressive messaging is a tad bit pushy. But I think that the main cast works really well together, and while none of the laughs have been "gut busting", it's had some good jokes.

I have no problem recommending the show if you're just looking for something fun and simple, with positive messages about family.
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Aftermath (IV) (2021)
Interesting ideas, but doesn't really do anything with them
8 January 2022
I have to be honest, I don't understand all of the complaints about bad acting, I thought most of the cast did a good job. Sure they're not going to win any awards, but it was serviceable.

As for the plot of the movie, it ends up being rather standard for a horror movie. It wasn't particularly scary, and it has some pretty predictable scare sequences (and the resolution is honestly kind of utter nonsense). But where the movie hooked me was the main couple. The main conflict of the movie (which you learn about at the very beginning, so this isn't spoiler territory) is that the wife cheated on the husband, and a large portion of the movie is spent sorting through that emotional baggage and trying to fix it. My favorite horror movies are ones that deal with real life "problems", and a fractured marriage is PERFECT for a horror movie. I really liked that idea.

Unfortunately, most of the surrounding material is either dumb or just not explained. There are explanations given that don't really work, and other things just aren't explained at all, to the point where it makes no logical sense. The movie is perfectly watchable, and it's far from the worst horror movie I've seen. But I wouldn't recommend watching this unless you REALLY like the cast (I only watched it because it had Britt Baron in it, who I love).
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
Avoid any trailers if you're interested
24 December 2021
I'm not going to get into spoilers, but this is the type of movie that the less you know about going in, the better. It doesn't turn out how you'd expect, and I liked that it went to some disturbing places. It definitely requires some suspension of disbelief (characters are capable of things that most real people wouldn't be) but it was a really interesting idea and I enjoyed the movie a fair amount.
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Till Death (I) (2021)
It's a pretty enthralling thriller!
19 December 2021
I'm honestly shocked by the low score this movie has (5.9/10 at the time of this review). It's not perfect and requires some suspension of disbelief for sure, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. I thought Fox was great and it had great tension building. I don't think it's something I'd watch over and over but it's definitely worth at least one watch.
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I found it delightful
18 December 2021
I almost didn't give this show a chance, because for some reason I found its title really obnoxious, but I'm glad that I did! It has issues, but overall I really enjoyed the first season and would happily watch another.

I think the main factor of your enjoyment of this show will come down to how you feel about the 4 leads. I found them all very likable and to have great chemistry with each other, but I could understand how some could find them grating. Some of the writing felt a little "on the nose" with the 'girl power, yeah!' type stuff, but for the most part I felt like it offered a lot of really great messages for female empowerment, and it was just straight up funny.

Not everything worked, some of the gags fell flat and there were times where some of the characters would overstay their welcome or go a bit overboard, but overall I got really drawn into these characters and I think that's the mark of a successful TV show. If this show is given the time to be polished and grow, it could really turn into something special.
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Love Hard (2021)
You know what you're getting, but it's cute
16 December 2021
I'm a big fan of Nina Dobrev, and I thought she was surprisingly good in this. This is the type of movie that you know 100% how it's going to end, but I still thought it was cute. It had some good jokes, the leads had good chemistry, and it had this charming feel to it.

The only real issue I have is the idea that someone like Nina Dobrev would struggle to get dates... I really just don't buy that.
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Close to being good, but ultimately frustrating
13 December 2021
On a technical/mechanical level, the movie is fine. The acting is generally good, the overall direction is solid. But the story is pretty ridiculous. Without getting into spoilers, the movie is just filled with a bunch of terrible people making selfish decisions that hurt the people around them. The movie could have gone in a direction with a better message, but it ended up being really disappointed with how it turned out. It's watchable, but I wouldn't recommend it.
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
Absolutely ludicrous in the best ways
13 December 2021
So there are two things to know about this movie: it's completely predictable (you know exactly how it will end), and the characters act like script characters. They don't behave how actual people do, they behave in crazy ways that only movie script characters behave in.

That being said, I have always loved this movie. I think it's hysterical and hilarious - the shenanigans between Ryan Reynolds' character and his little brother (in addition to Anna Faris being in the mix) are the best part of the movie. It never fails to crack me up.

If you want a movie that's just silly fun, I'd very highly recommend it!
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A cute kid's movie
12 December 2021
Let's be real here: this is not the pinnacle of cinematic achievement. This movie isn't trying to do anything new or inventive: it's a kid's movie first and foremost. That being said, I think it's cute. The kids get into some fun shenanigans, Lewis Black plays a fun bumbling villain, and it has a nice overall message. It's not a "classic" that you'll watch every year, but if you want a simple movie to watch with the family it's a good time.
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Not "good", but perfectly watchable
1 November 2021
I have a bit of a soft spot for these movies. I do think the first one is a genuinely good movie, and the sequel isn't bad, but it's definitely unnecessary. It's very predictable, a little cheesy, but I still find it entertaining. Eugene Levy is terrific as always, and I really like his back and forth with Steve Martin. It's not a movie that I watch often, but I've seen it a few times and feel that it has enough entertainment value to be worth a watch.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Weird, creepy, and kind of silly... but very unique
18 September 2021
Full disclosure: I'm a massive James Wan fan. Anything that he does, I'm there, so when I saw that he was doing another horror movie I was stoked. I purposely didn't watch any trailers or look up anything about the movie because I didn't want to know anything.

I just finished the movie, and... I have some thoughts. This will be completely spoiler free. First, the good: the visuals (aside from one or two moments of wonky CG), the acting, and the cinematography. There are multiple sequences that were stupendously done with very inventive camera work. Everything in the movie looks great, and the acting was really good overall. The only thing that seemed a bit off in the visual department was Annabelle Wallis' wig - it just didn't look like her real hair.

The bad: there are some moments throughout that were pretty corny. Some of the dialogue was pretty bad, and the movie tries to end positively, but due to how things play out it's really not positive... but I can't really get into that. Also, I found certain plot developments in the final act to be a little silly. There was once when I actually laughed because I thought it was just dumb.

But you know what? I have to give this movie some insane props because it's incredibly unique. As horror movies have been around for decades and decades, it gets difficult to come up with anything new or fresh, but this movie felt fresh. Not all of its ideas work, and some of the ideas are ridiculous in a bad way. But Wan wasn't afraid to get weird and do something outside the box and I think that deserves praise.

I do recommend seeing the movie, just go in with an open mind and be willing to get a little weird with it.
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iCarly: iNeed Space (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
It has potential
29 August 2021
Like most that are likely watching this show, I have immensely fond memories of the original show and was very excited to see a revival. Having caught up with all episodes released so far (up through episode 13), I don't exactly love it, but it has a lot of potential.

The returning cast all slip back into their roles with ease, and I love seeing them back. I really like some of the new cast, and there are others who I haven't decided on yet. The show handles some more modern technology topics that I like a lot.

Where I'm not totally convinced is the show's overall "identity". Even though the original wasn't 100% focused on a web show, that was a big portion of its existence. The revival sometimes has Carly do iCarly livestreams, but that's really it. It's more of a continuation of the character's lives than it is about restarting the web show. There's also one or two episodes that feel like they're trying a little too hard to be "edgy" to say "look, see! We're not a show for kids anymore!", and I just thought it was a bit much.

All that being said, I think it's a decent start and I'm definitely excited to see where it goes next. The cast are still great, and if they can focus up a little and find the show's "voice", then I think it could be a really successful revival.
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iCarly (2007–2012)
Still holds up!
29 August 2021
Like many, I hold a lot of nostalgia for this show. I was worried that it wouldn't hold up when I decided to rewatch before the revival, but it does! I still enjoyed the show immensely.

Make no mistakes, this is still a kid's show. You're not going to get any sophisticated dialogue or incredibly in depth characters - this show largely consists of really silly jokes and slapstick humor. But where I feel it shines the most (and this makes up the majority of my love for the show) are the actors. The actors are all great all the way throughout the show, and they have such fantastic chemistry with each other. You can tell that they were all really enjoying their time on the show and enjoyed each other's company, and it makes the show very enjoyable to watch.
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The Empty Man (2020)
Incredibly fascinating idea that's a little messy
14 August 2021
This movie doesn't really do anything too new in the horror realm, but it goes about it in a really fascinating way that I really enjoyed despite the movie's flaws. I'm trying to keep this as spoiler free, as honestly, the less you know going in the better.

The thing I enjoyed most is that the movie is really great at building tension. The first half to two-thirds of the movie are a slow burn, but VERY compelling. I was genuinely interested to see how the mystery would unfold and what would happen. The movie is shot beautifully, and acting is generally good. The movie also contains very few jump scares, which I really appreciated, because it doesn't use them to try and get cheap thrills. The movie is excellent at slowly building horror and dread.

My issues with the movie largely come from the narrative, which will likely make it break the movie for you. I can guarantee that a lot of people will probably dislike the ending, which I totally get. I haven't decided how I feel about the ending yet, but I know I didn't hate it. The movie also suffers from a few horror/thriller tropes, such as "the Google search to get exposition". It also left a few things unexplained, but not in a good way - they were in a "okay, well how did that work?" type of a way that I didn't always love.

Overall though I genuinely enjoyed my time with the movie. It's got some story issues and a couple of thriller tropes, but I thought the directing was excellent and the movie was really great at building tension. Also, watch with ear/headphones if you can - the movie has a whispering "motif" that I found very creepy and unsettling, and it wouldn't work as well if you just use normal speakers.
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Not without issue, but much better than the last attempt
7 August 2021
The biggest issue with this movie is one that most ensemble movies face - there's just not enough time for each of the characters. Some get some good development (I liked Ratcatcher 2, for example), but others felt fairly lacking (like Polka Dot Man). And as much as I love Margot Robbie as Harley, Harley as a character felt kind of out of place in this movie. I feel like WB felt like they "had" to include her because she was basically the only good part about the 2016 Suicide Squad. And it's kind of complicated because her individual scenes are generally good, but she spends more time on her own "adventure" than with the rest of the Squad.

Narrative issues aside though, I've basically got nothing bad to say about the movie. Gunn directed the hell out of this movie - it looks great, and his visual flair is all over it. The movie was generally funny without being cringey, and there were a few scenes that were surprisingly emotional. Acting was solid, special effects were good. I would 100% watch a sequel.

The movie is definitely in the top 3 DC movies, but that's really not saying much. It has some narrative issues but it's very enjoyable and I'd highly recommend it.
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A serviceable sequel
2 August 2021
I couldn't tell you why, but I adored the first Trolls movie. I thought it was cute in all the right ways and a really fun time. This one just feels like "more of the same", but in a worse way. It's far from being outright bad - it's perfectly watchable, and it made me laugh a few times. But the first movie is one that I'll rewatch in the future, and I won't rewatch this one.
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Flipped (I) (2010)
Very cute
2 August 2021
This is a movie that doesn't break any new narrative ground, but it's very cute and very charming. I liked the two leads a lot, and I loved how the movie flipped (heh) back and forth between each character for each new plot point - that was a really fun dynamic that you don't see very often. I do have one issue with one specific plot point that I felt was resolved much too easily, but other than that I have no issues with the movie. It's a great "feel good" type of movie that I'd highly recommend.
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Piercing (2018)
Stuff just kind of happens
1 August 2021
This is one of those movies where things just kind of happen because reasons. I don't know if there's some major underlying symbolism that I'm not getting or if the movie is just weird because it's weird, but I didn't really "get it". The acting was decent and visually the movie looked great, but that's about all I can say positively about the movie. Wouldn't really recommend.
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Love Jacked (2018)
100% predictable, but still cute
26 July 2021
This is one of those movies where you'll read the synopsis and know exactly how it ends - it's basically a Hallmark movie. But I still thought it was really cute. I'm a big fan of Amber Steven West and she was really likable in the movie. There were some fun situations with her fake fiancé as well that got some good chuckles from me. Is it a movie I'll ever watch again? Probably not, but I enjoyed watching it the one time.
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Atypical (2017–2021)
Such a terrific show
25 July 2021
One major disclaimer: I'm not autistic, nor do I know anyone on the spectrum personally. I've heard some people praise this show as being accurate in that regard while others claim that it's exaggerated, so I'm not sure how realistic the autism portrayal is.

All that being said, the show is just absolutely terrific. Whether or not the portrayal is exaggerated, a show like this could very easily stray into being a parody or insensitive about autism, but it never feels that way. I feel like it does a really excellent job at showing the struggles of autism without being pandering or condescending.

The characters (aside from one, which I'll get to in a bit) are also very likable. Sam being autistic isn't the only focus of the show, and the focus on his family/friends really helps round the show out. Acting is really great all around, and most of the major characters have really compelling arcs across the course of the show. The only character that I really dislike is the mom, played by Jennifer Jason Leigh. I don't know if it's her acting or if it's how the character is written, but I just find her to be incredibly whiny, annoying, and "woe is me". Other than that though, characters are great.

I can very highly recommend this show! I enjoyed it immensely and it held my interest completely all the way through.
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