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Survivor: Friends Going to War (2024)
Season 46, Episode 13
4 ⭐ is actually an improvement
26 May 2024
Four stars reflect not just this season which was an improvement to a certain degree ...which may deserve possibly 7 stars, but this game is still broken.

* Two finalists, not three. This has not worked for seasons now and it definitely not work at this season. The jury focuses on two of the finalists and the 3rd tags along plus the poor person looks totally uncomfortable.

* Helping during challenges. Giving verbal advice, fine. Physically helping, not good. Ganging up on Marie was not a good look at all. Hopefully this is corrected so they shut this door on this new development.

*Casting. Although (out of nowhere) people started to say the cast was not diverse we find that that the cast is still not diverse enough. I'm all for diversity, but adding one certain race seems rather odd over others. There is 18.9 Hispanics that make up the US population vs 12.5 of African descent. 6.0 of Asian. Still we see far more of African descent. 🤔How about reaching out to Native Americans for instance?

*The other item...screen these individuals for there mental health plus can the get past the first week? There was very early on some mental breakdowns by some. Casting has improved to a degree but not close to seasons previous of 41.

In all it was a good season. Horrible gameplay with people sitting on idols. Could have easily replaced any of the final three with 3-5 players on the jury in particular Tiff (and Marie) who were a stronger players than the other three finalists, in particular McKenzie and Ben.

Did McKenzie deserve to win? Maybe. Her social game was strong. In the end Marie gave her vote to McKenzie due to her answer thus shunning her #1, Charlie. What is strange is, it was then at that moment that Marie found out that McKenzie wanted to start a family and put money into her salon? It took her 26 days to find this out? 🤔 Hmmm. Likely not. She did however feel McKenzie may have needed the money more due to her story which in fact "her story" is not the reason why people should be handed 1,000,000.00, rather it's how they played the game. It's Survivor, not Storytime.

Survivor. Needs some fixing to get back to its heyday.

*Two finalists only.

* Be completely diverse.

*Screen (fragile) players.
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Priscilla (2023)
23 March 2024
Unless living under a rock for decades many do know Elvis's life story of which Priscilla's story tags along. Then with the 2022 Elvis movie, although entirely accurate but still to a degree eye-catching it likely helped old and new fans acquaint themselves with the King and his life which included many of the ups and downs.

So I'm not entirely sure as to why we need a Priscilla story. It appears according to this movie of which I endured she was glum, rather unhappy, imprisoned at Graceland and apparently tried to make Elvis guilty that he was well.... Elvis. Yes, he made movies in the 60's of which took 4-5 weeks per. Sorry. Then he started live shows, tours. Sorry. Sorry making a living!

The movie depicted Elvis's alleged affairs yet does not touch on Priscilla's affairs.🤔 At the end of the movie it shows her driving through Gracelands gates for the last time smiling (as she drives the Cadillac Elvis gave her) as she becomes her own person milking the Presley name for all it's worth.

The movie is drab to a large extent. One has to watch it in stages to endure it.
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Survivor: Don't Touch the Oven (2024)
Season 46, Episode 4
Enough of the crying
22 March 2024
I've come to realize that Survivors (which for the last 8 seasons or so has been horrible) casting has amalgamated with Big Brothers casting. Whiney, complaining, crying, emotional, people who are totally clued out on how to play just the basics of Survivor and surprisingly these are the ones who call themselves Super-Fans.

The other amazing thing that now happens for X amount of years is how some of these dumbdumbs suddenly think " and so is playing really hard, we need to vote them out". Yes, they are playing a really hard game just as much as everyone else and the dummy's that say this should maybe play harder too. They seem to think others who are being friendly with other tribe mates as a threat.🙄 Alrighty then.
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Survivor: I'm Not Batman, I'm the Canadian (2023)
Season 45, Episode 6
Finally a good episode
5 November 2023
I would give this episode a higher score except these episodes are an hour and a half in length and truly it's way too long for a show that contributes just one challenge. Now that there's finally emerge there will be an awards challenge likely so that might help. Other than that we are left with a whole bunch of chatter continually that one can only get confused to actually know what's going on.

This episode was good. Shot in the dark helped and it did help the individual that played it. Yet you can tell by the way the show is structured who would be your choice of five who the producers have chosen to interview or focus on the most. To predict the winner would be a challenge though as with the way the show is structured three of the last four winners totally did not deserve to win. Last year was no exception by far. Jam Jam or Yam Yam or whatever his name was did not do anything around camp, in competition or let alone being a leader.

"Here's your 1 million being gay, a minority and showing up".

It was the first time since Survivor began that I never watched the finale because I knew who was going to win anyway.
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Survivor: I Don't Want to Be the Worm (2023)
Season 45, Episode 5
Lower expectations
27 October 2023
It is rather odd we are needed to endure 90 minute episodes this season. For the last 3-4 seasons CBS has chosen people who are not the Survivor geniuses we are use to. The last 3 winners were far from deserving to win, we all know that. Survivor has decided to have fairly dull, unathletic people who are either quitting or passing out on the beach yet we have to watch them for an extra 1/2 hour talking in circles about food, their lives back home, Bruce and other fillers. They jam even more chat about he said she said where by the time they go to tribal it's utterly confusing.

Go back to 39 days, one hour shows, two tribes and pick at least some athletic individuals plus ones who are healthy and want to be there. I don't care what race, gender whatever.
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Survivor: Music to My Ears (2023)
Season 45, Episode 4
Another quitter🙄
27 October 2023
Two quitters this season. After 4 episodes that's not a good ratio. The choosing of players for Survivor is scrutinized for the last 3-4 seasons for good reason. Some are not truly interesting. Some claim they are bright, intelligent in the outside world yet this is Survivor. You have to be good at lying and good at impressing your teammates and worth having around.

These people who quit aren't even giving the game a chance. They miss their mate. This miss their kids. They don't like the weather. They're hungry. Boo hoo hoo. They knew what they were getting into. If it was up to them they would want a 3 day Survivor.
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Funny if you are deaf and stupid
23 October 2023
Lilly Singh is to comedy to what relish and hot sauce is to a topping for a banana sundae. Coming across as a smart ass on her short YouTube videos may be something viewers may find interesting to a certain point, but as a talkshow host who is a narcissist and a braggart with fake audience reactions to her idiotic takes has hopefully pushed her 15 minutes of fame where it belongs, down the crapper. Stealing jokes, ideas with a dash of poor delivery makes NBC look awfully stupid pf giving this woman a show just because she's a woman of color. She's a YT star. That means no discernable talent. Critics gave this trash high scores because they did not want to be called chauvinistic, racist etc. Sad little liars. Please read the audience reviews, they are far more truthful. 0.1/10.
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Survivor: We Can Do Hard Things (2023)
Season 45, Episode 1
Survivor 40, the last decent Survivor
29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We've known for the last x amount of years CBS has an agenda to open up a wider range of participants and be diverse, basically to people who would never consider to be on such a show. The result? There are people that should never been chosen to be on that show. Case in point Survivor 45's premiere.

One individual wants to quit and eventually does while another person is completely unfit to not only compete in challenges but work around camp.

The two sets of individuals that competed on the beach to gain an advantage by carrying logs were so unfit they couldn't do it. Like not even close.

As a suggestion to CBS, if you are to have so many unfit/unathletic people on your show perhaps lesson the difficulty of the challenges. Some of the challenges could include a 10 yd race. That's it, run 10 yards, get first place and you win. Perhaps a game of Boccie Ball or Croquet. Carrying an egg on a spoon a la the Office, Beach Day.

CBS must get thousands upon thousands of applications to be on that show, but yet in the city that I live in I can probably round up some unfit disinteresting people in one afternoon to be on a Survivor show. Does CBS purposely choose these types "I'm really intelligent" or "I'm a lawyer" btw, how many lawyers are on this year?🤔 plus the terribly unfit, people having panic attacks, whiney voices and as unattractive as sin or just plain quitters.

Long gone are the days of Boston Rob, Tony, Bobby Jon, Parvatti, John Cochran, Sandra, Natalie.

Last year I didn't watch the finale' as I totally knew who was going to win...likely one of the most unfit person ever on Survivor but he fit CBS's agenda.

I doubt CBS Survivor is winning any new fans.
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Survivor: Absolute Banger Season (2023)
Season 44, Episode 13
Average seaon
26 May 2023
The producers are rebounding a bit with interesting game play and a bit more idol play plus wedding out some of the pointless garbage that they added a few years back, their so-called ""twists"". Sadly though they seem to be running out of ideas when it comes to challenges as we have seen some of them time and again.

The other item although there has been a bit of an improvement of choosing players it is still a far cry of anyone memorable for game play. If anyone asked who won the last 3-4 seasons.... I couldn't tell you.

No more Russell's. Parv. Sandra. Ben. Tony. Boston Rob.

Sadly these last few seasons are just a watered down version of what Survivor use to be. No more 39 days. 26 days? Sheeesh.

This year Yam Yam won. No kidding. CBS telegraphed that practically from the first episode. 😂 Not sure if the dude could have gotten any more face time🤔
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Deadliest Catch: Bering Sea Superstition (2023)
Season 19, Episode 4
This week on Ladies of Deadliest Catch
12 May 2023
A native lady who's a greenhorn splashes her piss in the crab pots for good luck. Wild Bill catches between 30-45 crabs per pot.👍

A lady Captain of a fishing boat other than crabbing sits along with Wild Bill in his boat. No one knows why. When they started to pull in the string she said. " Here's pot #1". When they were pulling in the second pot she said " Here's pot #2". A great addition for those who lack counting ability.🙄

Another female greenhorn treats her menstrual cramps with Fentanyl. She was kicked off the Time Bandit. Of course it was everyone else's fault according to her👎

Another female greenhorn on the Saga has aspirations to be a boat captain. Expect this story to be ongoing for weeks to come 🤔
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Survivor: The Third Turd (2023)
Season 44, Episode 5
31 March 2023
Thankfully the merge is coming up to mix things up.

So far this season has been a snooze fest. No real blindsides. Nothing surprising.

Athletically for the challenges...oy! Every season for about the last 5 seasons it just gets worse and worse.

There might 2 players who actually knows what's going on.

Not too many geniuses out. There was a time one would remember who won one year to the next. I honestly cannot remember these days any more of who's won over the last few years. CBS is so worried of checking all the boxes of their agenda they seem to have by-passed interesting, physically fit, smart players.
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The Fabelmans (2022)
Such high expectations....
15 January 2023
When words such as masterpiece or a classic is thrown around there should be some substance in behind the movie. Let's just say expected much more. If I were to compare this movie for shear enjoyment with a similar period piece such as Woody Allen's , Radio Days...Radio Days was much more enjoyable to watch.

Home premiere describes the movie "as a coming of age tale about a young man's discovery of a family secret and the power of movies to help us see many truths". The audience figures out the "secret" fairly quickly and the making of movies really does not have the "power" you'd expect aside from Sam being defended by a jock. The entire cast is excellent. The script could have been honed in a different manner to include the entire family.. especially Paul Dani's character versus Michelle Williams character of the mother who irritated the heck out of me as some scenes with her dragged on too long.

A one time watch for me. I think I'll now watch Radio Days again😊
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Amsterdam (2022)
Bob saves this movie to a degree
31 December 2022
This movie is very easy to figure out due to there being nothing to really figure out. Someone is killed, the murderer's identity is rather apperant throughout the movie and there's the obvious notion it's because of communism this all happens. The story bounces around to pact (a pact of 3 friends that stand up for one another. For what reason...not sure) There's a murder with very little intrigue.

It trudges along with far too much dialogue, some dress up with dancing.

The cast is incredible and they do their best to keep this movie afloat although there is only so much room on the door(Titanic pun😉) Look at all the Oscar winners on one screen!!!!

Christian Bale stands out as he has the most demanding role. Margot Robbie is excellent but dang!!!!...her looks are so distracting. You cannot take your eyes off of her due to her acting abilities or her heart stopping beauty. Yet, the story trudged on.

Then Bob arrives!

A perfect part for him and he handles it with great care and attention. A prominent actor playing a prominent part in this movie, who better than Bob.

This movie is far from a whodunnit and it's really not a mystery. In fact to a degree I found it more humorous. I do not regret watching it due to all the incredible talent.... I feel bad for all the people that expected much much more from this story after seeing an interesting preview.
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Fresh Off the Boat (2015–2020)
Improves after each season, specifically Season 2
19 November 2022
Season 1 started out fine although the focus was to a large degree Eddie who also did voice overs as well. Season 2 they stopped Eddie's voiceover but the scripts were more about the mother or Eddie which is too bad because he's basically an irritating little snot.

Season 3 a noticable change, the content of the scripts were much more interesting, they spread the storyline around more with the focus on the entire family.

Constance Wu has a knack for comedy with being the over protective parent/wife.

The supporting cast is excellent as well with Chelsey Crisp and Ray Wise.

The producers obviously saw this show needed improving and they did a great job doing it.
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Just above Ed Wood quality
9 October 2022
Danny Aiello's rendition of what became of Bela Lugosi in the Ed Wood movies, wasted talent.

Not much of a story, if you were to sports fan you may believe how far fetched it would be to activate the goalie that hasn't played in 20 years. A lot of fillers, I enjoyed the portion of about 15 minutes in of a rotation of a woman laying on the couch and two old guys bowling, switching back and forth with pointless dialogue.

The big game comes along with beer league quality which was quite fitting.

The best part was at the end of the game where the opposing coach who was played by Dennis Hull looked really happy his team lost, so that's nice.
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Mad Men: 5G (2007)
Season 1, Episode 5
A revealing episode but oddly written
2 September 2022
An episode that was quite interesting as it revealed a small portion of Don's past. We know this happens throughout the series and then explodes in the finale, but this is just the beginning.

The only thing that I had trouble with is the writing of this episode, which seemed rather odd. If you didn't think that it was Don's brother that had approached him and the dialogue between the two, you would swear that this mystery person was a former lover that's the conversation between the two appeared to be up a person finding a lost love.

The reaction of Don's younger brother towards him just seemed rather odd.
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Passing (I) (2021)
Waste of two good actresses
1 August 2022
I thought, hey this will be interesting.

The movie got right into it which was nice which made anticipation of where this going to go.

Where it went was basically nowhere. The script trudged along.

You did hope at one point with the white husband saying derogatory things about black people may add some fire to the script...actually no.

The two main actresses did what they could with this script, I respect both of them immensely.
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Better Call Saul: Nippy (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
Great episode, incredible cast
26 July 2022
The Gene storyline is coming to an end and it was wonderfully done. Man, I was crapping my pants when the dude wiped out on the floor.

The cast was incredible starting with of course Carol Burnett.

Seasoned actors Paul Healey, Jim O'Heir plus actress Kelsey Scott were fantastic.

No doubt the episode was proving that Saul is ready to burst out of his Gene disguise but is being careful in doing so.
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Elvis (2022)
So far the best Elvis film yet
4 July 2022
Just a few things about this film.

First, Austin Butler was incredible along with Tom Hanks. I was quite shocked of how dead on these roles were done by these two actors and what was achieved.

The suits, the atmosphere all took as back. If you were not an Elvis fan, perhaps you are now.

There were obvious timeline mistakes if you were a fan you'd notice right away. Graceland for instance was purchased in 1957 not 1956.

The firing of Parker had to do largely with a waiter about to being fired at the Hilton Hotel and what Elvis said was not overly a tantrum at all on stage.

The only "real" complaint was the sound and these explosive sequences that they still felt the need to have Parkers voice overlaid on top. You can barely hear what he is saying, actually for the first 1/3rd of the movie one has a hard time hearing what Parker or Elvis are saying. Later the sound gets better as they toned down the background music.

All in all... excellent!
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No One Saw a Thing (2019–2021)
Milking a 40 year old murder
22 June 2022
Waaaaaay to long.

After episode 4 they introduce other suspicious deaths as a filler.

Finished watching episode 6 and will not continue as what's the point? Nothing will be solved regarding McAllroy.

Recipe for this series...a killing, interview people decades later who talk in circles, play eerie suspenseful music, extreme close-ups on people's faces and random scenery shots with grey filters.


Basically a two hour special jammed into an 8 part series.
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Such a true classic
20 June 2022
Classic novel, classic movie.

Incredible acting!

This movie tugs at one's heart strings. Americans treated like 4th class citizens in their own country.

Trouble is, it's still happening.

And the way things are going, it is surely going to happen again, even worse.
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The Office: St. Patrick's Day (2010)
Season 6, Episode 19
Solid episode loaded with cringe
12 June 2022
I like this episode. The whole office turned upside down due to having to have a conscience and work late on St. Patrick's Day.

The main cast was not overly used as much aside from Michael, Dwight,, Jim and oddly enough Meredith .

The final part with everyone at the bar made me smile, especially when Michael walks up and everyone is happy to see him . He's so thrilled he offers to but the next round but because he was (finally) a hero in their eyes, they were going to buy him drinks.

He's thrilled.

Michael's voice over saying he was "pretending to work" was funny but likely truthful when you think of it.
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Better Call Saul: Fall (2017)
Season 3, Episode 9
Cringey but...
31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode.

We get to really turn on Jimmy in this episode...his using of Irene and his insistence for Kim to have shots prior to meeting a new client.

Jimmy's handling of Irene and using her should not come as a surprise. However the cringe is incredible and your heart just goes out to her.

However you know Jimmy will make it right in the end.

Kim's matter how many times I watch it, totally shocks me everytime.

Chuck's demise stalls. In fact he gets stronger.

Howard takes being an asshole to a whole new standard.
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Survivor: It Comes Down to This (2022)
Season 42, Episode 12
A just above average season
27 May 2022
An average season, obviously better than 41, which was an epic disaster from start to finish.

Personally I was cheering Drea. She was a threat, a big one as she was (just like Mike) playing right from the time they hit the shore. My second choice was Lindsay or Mike. Mary Anne basically did nothing at all but somehow the jury was impressed with her.

Interestingly, what supposedly won the undecided jury over was her explaining her strategy. So here's the thing I could not figure out, she talked a million miles an hour, explained 3-4 scenarios to the jury who all went "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah". I was thinking, "whaaaaaaaaa?" Now if that explanation went over my head, what about the early jury members who were sitting at Ponderosa like Roxroy, even lets say Omar or Tori? They have no idea what's been going on since they left other than maybe as new members came to Ponderosa they may have been told things.

To put into perspective, did Roxroy think after he was voted out "wow, Mary Anne is my favorite to win, I'm going to vote for her." Maybe, but likely not as there were Lindsay, Jonathan, Mike, Drea and Omar all playing an obvious stronger game.

Drea even saying at the final tribal to Mary Anne " we slept by the every night and you never spoke strategy at all".

Bottomline, Mary Anne won due to Romeo allowing her into the final three and she spoke better in the final three. Mike was horrible explaining himself and Romeo had no resume'.

To make the game better so for those who are voted on the jury earlier can still get a sense of what's going on, allow jury members to sit in to watch the Reward and Immunity competitions.

It may help at least to degree of what's going on.
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The Staircase (2004–2018)
Interesting but could be better
13 May 2022
Interesting to say the least. At times irritating to watch as well.

A woman who's head explodes by a ""fall"" down a flight of stairs is determined accidental even though there are 7 large slices to the back of her head and blood everywhere, you would swear she fell off a skyscraper.

Not to go too deep into what everyone may or may not know....the irritating portions was...we saw for the most part mostly the defence attorneys. We did not get the entire scope of what took place.

Plus we did not hear much from any of the investigators.

Second, when we see experts to give their expert opinions and they are not really experts and an entire trial can be reversed when the obvious is ignored that someone was murdered....the judicial system has issues.

Third...being rich has it privileges. Big law firm. A 300,000 bond at the ready so he can be released. If only the "truly" wrongly convicted had this option open to them.
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