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Nash Bridges: ManHunt (2000)
Season 6, Episode 5
The Crime story takes a back seat to a lot of silliness.
6 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The opening scene is a total flop. This show was dying in Season 6; the network should have pulled the plug. But no, they decided to drag it out for another 17 episodes.

The Joe and Inger thing is becoming very tedious and boring. We thought we were watching a Police Detective show. Instead, we get Cheech's weak bladder, and a stupid contractor talking in a goofy accent, for comedy relief. The only thing missing is the canned laughter. HOW ABOUT SOME CRIME, SOME GUNFIRE, SOMETHING EXCITING?

Back from the commercial break. We have Nash Bridges escorted by some really tough SWAT Team guys, ready for combat if necessary. Oh wait, I am mistaken... Nash Bridges is escorted by Cheech Marin and two girls. Now THAT is a tough-looking Police Force, the criminals would run away in sheer terror!

Just when it starts to look serious, we get even more comedy relief (why?) with silly actress Edie McClurg as some wing-ding car rental counter clerk.

Don't turn it off yet... we will soon be introduced to the indomitable if somewhat mundane Mariette Hartley; she will appear as character Libby. Granted, she doesn't look like Mariette Hartley as you may remember her from other shows; here she is portrayed as pick-up material for old-and-in-the-way Nick, of all people. You figure it out, I can't.

We finally get some action in the convenience store. But wait, first we need some background music. How about some punk rock death metal music from an unknown band that has not stood the test of time? No, just no. Turn down the volume until that scene is over.

And then one of the lady cops (Officer Rachel) arrests Kieran Mulroney. Look at his profile picture here on IMDb... wasn't he the lead singer of the 80's band Devo ("Crack that Whip!")?

And lest we forget... several DEA Agents were killed in the opening scene, 300 kilos of cocaine were stolen, but not one single FBI or BATF agent showed up to investigate? They just leave it to the local police department? Sure, it happens every day.

Back to that Mariette Hartley character and her daughter... you know by now that sexual deviancy is a running theme on "Nash Bridges". So of course the daughter turns out to be a son, not a daughter... and she/he/it/them/they has a date with Nash Bridges. Can't wait to see how that will turn out, can you?

But now it's back to some crime (this IS a cop show, right?). We get Antwon and Harvey chasing the bad guys in a junkyard, and the punk rock band is cued again for the background music.

The show ends with SIU making a deal with a Colombian ("Enrique") telling Nash where the 300 Kilos of cocaine will be delivered. Another obvious allusion to Miami Vice.

This is a mess. Character development for Rachel (who can come across as hot-to-trot), Antwon (has a tiny dog and is epileptic), and Nash Bridges becoming even more of a deviate than he already was. And once again, the show ends with semi-senile Nick retreating to the bedroom with some sleazeball.

The crime takes a back seat to all of this nonsense. They should have terminated this show two seasons ago.

* * * * * * 5 Stars for Manhunt * * * * * *
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Nash Bridges: Rock and a Hard Place (2000)
Season 6, Episode 1
Great Start for Season 6, shades of Miami Vice
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER. This is both a synopsis and a review, thank you.

It is the opening episode of Season 6. "Nash Bridges" was dropping in the ratings at the end of Season 5. At the beginning of Season 6, the producers have another premier season opener, can they get the ratings back up for Nash Bridges?

Major characters Caitlyn Cross and Evan Cortez are gone. The Cassidy saga needs to be revitalized, as does the situation with Joe and Inger, plus old-and-in-the-way Nick.

The writers must have been looking for a way to really juice this up... how about MIAMI VICE? That show absolutely dominated the ratings in the 80's, it is still fresh in the minds of the viewers. So let's put Nash (and Joe) in a speedboat, trying to catch a pony-tailed Colombian drug dealer. That will bring back the excitement of Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs.

When the story breaks for the opening credits, we get an exciting new theme song, and of course Caitlyn and Evan are no longer pictured.

We are back from the commercial break. Fade out from Miami Vice, we need another thrill, let's blow something up. From this point the writers will throw in a mad bomber, police corruption at the highest levels, and to top it all off... Alcatraz!

The writers need to work in Evan's replacement, Antwon Babcock, a large black guy who can get things done. They had to do something with Joe and Inger, but (as usual) their soap opera antics are largely filler... you can fast forward through their conversations and you won't miss a thing.

As the show approaches the climax, the speedboat is brought in again to evoke shades of Miami Vice. And that boat proceeds to the aforementioned Alcatraz.

Like so many movies and TV shows depicting that closed-down prison, the star of the show (in this case Nash Bridges) has no problem docking their boat, and no problem finding their way around the maze of a shuttered Federal prison. Not likely!

Now we get another tried-and-true suspense technique used in cop shows... the diffusing of a bomb. Like most TV and movie bombs, this one conveniently has a bright red digital timer counting down the seconds.

The closing scene (getting rid of the bomb-rigged automobile) introduces Antwon as a new hero to the SIU. Very well done!

The writers should have ended it here, but no, they have to put in some more comedy relief nonsense regarding Joe and Inger, and a final scene with the increasingly senile Nick.

Even with a number of plot holes, and way too much soap opera (what else is new?), this is a very watchable and enjoyable episode. A great start for Season 6 of Nash Bridges!

* * * * * * * * * 9 Stars for Rock and a Hard Place * * * * * * * * *
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Hawaii Five-O: Diary of a Gun (1975)
Season 7, Episode 23
Read this Review about HOW BAD THIS IS!
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers

What this episode seems to be saying: A demon-possessed handgun with a mind of its own causes people to do crazy things. The gun sees innocent people, and shoots them at random.

In an early scene, the gun convinces a lost tourist to ask some troublesome gangster types for traffic directions. The gun jumps out of a punk's pants, then shoots the tourist.

The gun hides itself in a U. S. Postal Service Mailbox. It is found by a mailman, whose name is Letter Carrier (according to the tag sewn on his shirt). Mr. Carrier's wife is a good-looking young thing (where did he find her?). But she is a mean one... she starts griping and squawking. Postal Workers are highly paid Union members, but Ms. Hot Legs is complaining that Mr. Carrier doesn't bring home enough cash.

After his wife stomps out the door, Letter Carrier sees some guy's name on a bar napkin. He tracks the guy to a fleabag motel, and of course Mrs. Carrier is there, too. The gun gets out of Letter's pocket, then shoots the cheating couple dead.

The evil gun then shoots a child. As the Mom carries the kid off to the hospital, the gun calls out to a janitor. Eddie the janitor enters the apartment and picks up the gun.

The gun takes Eddie to a bar, and what are the odds on an island with a million people, the guy who first sold the gun to the punk kid is tending bar. And Eddie knows him!

Eddie offers to sell Gun for anything that bartender wants to give him (may I suggest, trade it for a hairbrush?). Bartender introduces him to a guy fresh out of the slammer who wants the gun. Eddie hands it to him (didn't anyone tell Eddie to take out the clip with the bullets before handing over a weapon)? You know what the gun is going to do now... BANG! Eddie RIP.

The gun tells Bad Guy to take the hot girl and run. More shots are fired at a gas station robbery, then at a liquor store (anybody counting bullets here?).

The show is approaching the end. Danno and Chin are searching a warehouse for the friends of the wicked gun. They know they are here somewhere! H5-0 regular guest Tommy Fujiwara is grinning as the State Police frantically break open the boxes, but the grin turns to a frown when they hit THE box.

Simultaneously, HPD has road-blocked Bad Guy and the hot girl. But those cops are such good shots, they hit the rear gas tank of a Lincoln Continental while shooting at the front of that car!

The car blows up and rolls over. The Evil Gun gets into the hand of the bad guy, and keeps shooting and shooting (even though it was never reloaded).

The wicked gun finally surrenders, throwing itself to the ground. McGarrett picks it up with a ball point pen, and holds it for a close-up shot.

* Okay, if you made it this far, you know that this is not a John Carpenter movie. It is not "Christine" or "The Car" or some other film where an inanimate object gets demon-possessed. But the writers of this pathetic episode sure try to portray guns as pure evil.

One final note: I own a .25 caliber handgun. It is the exact same make and model as the one they are using in this episode. My gun has never shot anyone; it is peaceful and well-behaved.

This is somewhat entertaining, even if it is pure propaganda and totally over the top. So I award it a whopping 4 stars.

* * * * 4 Stars for "Diary of a Gun" * * * *

Florida Fred.
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Hawaii Five-O: The Hostage (1975)
Season 7, Episode 22
McGarrett vs. an HPD Captain. The real battle here is between HPD and Hawaii Five-0
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A middle-aged Korean War Vet who is off his rocker comes to the condo of his former CO and demands to see him. When the police are called, the Veteran (Sergeant Jesse Cooper, played by actor Dane Clark) gets into a scuffle with a cop, a shot is fired, and of course it's the policeman who catches the bullet.

Sergeant Cooper then grabs a very attractive babysitter (20 year old Linda Purl) as a hostage, breaks down a door and takes up shelter in an unoccupied condo.

Lots of tension. McGarrett is having a particularly bad day, in a rare show of emotion he gets into a heated argument with a Honolulu Police Department Captain who is head of the SWAT Team (the writers made that Captain very, very unlikeable, which adds to the frustration). McGarrett also blasts an HPD undercover officer who is too eager to help.

Linda Purl, as character "Ruth Martin", plays her part well. Dane Clark also does a commendable job of playing the unstable Veteran.

There are lots of wanna-be "helpers" who get in McGarrett's way. We mentioned the HPD officer who volunteered to be a substitute hostage. Next up is an annoying news anchorman who drags in Cooper's abandoned wife and a sad excuse for a Priest. McGarrett has to dispense with them all.

There are a couple of plot holes, nothing serious. One flaw that we see in a lot of H5-0 episodes: there is no crowd control, no closing of the streets. Even when multiple shots have been fired at and into the bystanders, with bullets hitting police cars, the cops do not set up barricades or push the onlookers to a safe place. Only when the show approaches it climax, McGarrett finally says, "Get these people out of here!"

A very good "hostage story", well-written and well-played.

* * * * * * * * * 9 Stars for "The Hostage" * * * * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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Hawaii Five-O: 6,000 Deadly Tickets (1975)
Season 7, Episode 24
Outstanding Episode with great guest stars and a LOT of action
18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A very good episode to close out Season 7. Lots of action, and enough suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat. We get some great regular guest stars including Kwan Hi Lim and Tommy Fujiwara.

This show also marks the last appearance of Ben Kokura (actor Al Harring), who appeared in 64 episodes of the show. As another reviewer pointed out, the producers of H5-0 never played Ben up to his full potential. Too bad, he was a really good character.

In this story, Ben is prominent in the opening scenes, but then he fades into the background. He doesn't go out like character Chin Ho Kelly (who gets killed and dumped on the street in a Season 10 episode). The story just closes, he will not appear in Season 8. Farewell to Ben!

There are some plot holes, including the arrest of a guy who bought some tickets from a guy in a bar (McGarrett must have been in a really bad mood), and the question of why didn't the bad guys just run a protection racket, instead of dealing with stolen airline tickets.

One reviewer thought it absurd that McGarrett and his guys would be shooting snub-nose revolvers at that distance. But until the real-life FBI shootout in Miami Florida in April 1986 which cost the lives of two FBI agents and seriously wounded five others, most cops only carried snub-nose revolvers.

This show has some really good action scenes, topped off by the speedboat fleeing the H5-0 officers. That scene reminds you of the cigarette boat chases in the Miami Vice TV show that would air in the 1980's.

All around, a very watchable and very enjoyable episode.

* * * * * * * * * * 10 Stars for "6000 Deadly Tickets" * * * * * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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Nash Bridges: Skin Deep (1998)
Season 3, Episode 16
Laverne and Shirley meet Cheech and Chong? Well, not exactly...
16 April 2024
The producers brought in Penny Marshall ("Laverne DeFazio"), probably as an appeal to her fan base. It's been some 15 years since Laverne and Shirley went off the air, but the name recognition should draw in a lot of viewers.

Unfortunately, Marshall's role as Police Woman Iris Heller doesn't go over well. (Wasn't Angie Dickinson available to be the Police Woman?) As a Reviewer on another website pointed out, seeing a recognizable character from a situation comedy acting as a serious Police Detective, gun and all, isn't believable. You keep waiting for "Shirley" to step out of the shadows. But of course that doesn't happen.

Instead, we get some childish rivalry between Marshall and Cheech (Inspector Jose Dominguez). It gets tiring for Nash Bridges, but it gets even more tiring for those of us watching this episode.

We also have a silly sexual escapade involving Evan Cortez, and an even sillier arrest of Nash's father Nick and his consort Lynette. All of this filler drags down an otherwise pretty good story.

As to the main plot, a Stalker is coming after a woman.

You know early on "Who done it?" The question is, why does it take Nash Bridges and his Team so long to figure it out?

I'm dinging it a couple of stars for poor casting (Marshall as a serious NYC Police Detective), and for the aforementioned silly side stories.

* * * * * * * * 8 Stars for "Skin Deep" * * * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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Nash Bridges: Live Shot (1998)
Season 3, Episode 14
Worst Episode in the entire 6 Year run of Nash Bridges.
13 April 2024
This is absolutely horrible. Nash Bridges is stoned out on LSD (someone slipped him a Mickey), and they don't take him out of the office, and put him under medical supervision?

And Geraldo Rivera shows up, and does some interviews that are neither funny nor entertaining? What gives here?

This whole episode is about 50% flashbacks to earlier episodes. A rehash of the entire catalogue of shows.

The writers throw in one lousy criminal arrest (who shot who?) to try and add interest.

Possibly the worst episode of the entire 6 seasons of Nash Bridges. Two stars is being generous!

* * Two Stars for Live Shot * *

Florida Fred.
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Nash Bridges: Night Train (1996)
Season 2, Episode 7
Hostages on the BART include the SIU Team!
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show is a bit of a mess. The opening sequence includes some now-forgotten music by some now-forgotten band. The producers wanted the camera to make the scene look edgy, but instead it comes across as jumpy and disoriented.

The SIU cops are stumbling out of a bar at 4:00AM, supposedly from a bachelor party (which doesn't explain what Nash's love interest for this episode, "Eve" (actress Paula Marshall) is doing there.

As for the hostage takers: the Casting Department picked a real-life psycho whacko to play the part of "Carrie". She is a coked-out punk rocker who is the leader of the hostage takers. Actress Brittany Murphy, who overplays this annoying person, died at age 32 from "multiple drug intoxication" (per the Coroner's report).

The scene with Cassidy in the Emergency Room is supposed to provide comic relief; it doesn't work.

The Directors wanted to avoid the claustrophobia that the audience may feel when a movie or TV show is entirely underground or underwater (coal mine, subway, submarine). In fact, Inspector Harvey Leek suffers from claustrophobia; he begins to freak out as he realizes he is trapped in a non-moving subway car under San Francisco Bay.

So, to get us back outside, the bad guys move the train out of the tunnel and back in the open air (although it is still dark, purportedly 5:00AM in the morning).

With the okay of Lieutenant A. J., Evan will play the hero. He comes riding in on a motorcycle. Actually, he is sitting on the back, the bike is driven by some young lady BART worker. She drops Evan off next to the hostage train, and the takedown of the bad guys begins.

A different episode, one of those "How did the SIU get themselves into this situation?" type of shows.

* * * * * * * 7 Stars for Night Train * * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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Nash Bridges (1996–2001)
The Car was the Star! It had to be compared to Miami Vice.
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Comparison to Miami Vice... when Nash Bridges aired in 1996, and Don Johnson (aka "Sonny Burnett") would play the eponymous star of the show, it was inevitable that it would be matched up with Miami Vice.

It is hard to overstate the influence that Miami Vice had on TV and American culture when it aired in the 1980's. "Real music", fancy sports cars, fabulous scenery, beautiful music, and of course the moniker "MTV Cops". That cop show changed everything; it's impact would be felt on TV shows of every genre.

About 7 years have passed since Miami Vice last aired; now comes "Nash Bridges" Would this new show rise to the challenge? Would it be as exciting as Miami Vice, would it have the same impact on the Culture? The producers certainly hoped so (remember that Don Johnson himself takes credit for "Executive Producer", alongside Carlton Cuse).

The producers made some important decisions. Instead of South Florida, they took the setting for Nash Bridges all the way across the country to San Francisco. In the 1990's, that city was engaging, beautiful, and exciting. Watching Nash Bridges today, you can see San Francisco in its glory days.

Next decision was about the cars. Instead of the Italian sports cars that the Cops drove in Miami Vice, we get American Muscle Cars. Other cars that appear in the show include 7-series Beamers (including the one driven by Joe Fernandez), with a few S-class Mercedes Benz thrown in from time to time.

But the main automobiles featured are the 1960's and 1970's classic Detroits. A great example is the episode "Gun Play", there is an epic car chase between the Hemi-Cuda and a red 1968 Z/28 Camaro. That chase is reminisicent of "Bullitt", as the cars appear to jump off the ground on the hilly streets of San Francisco.

There was additional "nostalgia" for the 1960's and 70's thrown in (given Don Johnson's age at time the show aired, this would be appropriate).

The producers brought in Cheech Marin. Older viewers would remember the comedy duo Cheech and Chong, from the 1970's vinyl albums featuring "Pedro and Man", to the "Up in Smoke" movies. And, by casting a Latin actor as the co-star/partner, the producers covered the bases on having a minority person play a major part in the show.

Speaking of minorities, for various reasons the Oriental co-stars on Nash Bridges did not last long. Lt. A. J. Shimamura, played by actor Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, was gone before the show got off the ground. Inspector Michelle Chan, played by actress Kelly Hu, lasted 23 episodes before she was pulled to star in another TV show.

More about the American Muscle cars, specifically the 1970 Plymouth Hemi-Cuda driven by Nash Bridges.

For many Nash Bridges fans, that car is the star! A number of 'Cudas and Barracudas were cloned to look like the super-rare 1970 V-code Hemi-Cuda convertible; none of them were the actual thing. Do an internet search for Nash Bridges Hemi-Cuda, and you can find the details and the auto body shops that cranked out the 5 or 6 cloned Hemi-Cudas that were used for this TV show.

> > > At an auction in Kissimmee, Florida in January 2024, a 1970 Plymouth Hemi 'Cuda convertible sold for $2.15 Million dollars. The exact same color as Nash Bridge's car (Lemon Twist), only with a brown interior. As of the date of this review, that 'Cuda is for sale at a Nevada Automobile Dealership. Asking price is $2,575,000

The music. Playing "real music", especially during car chases and action scenes, which had been so successful on Miami Vice, was used on Nash Bridges. It adds some pep to the scenes, especially the car chases, but it just didn't work like it did on Miami Vice. After the first few seasons, the producers dropped this gimmick.

Speaking of music, there is a major reference to the Grateful Dead. Inspector Harvey Leek is reportedly a "Dead Head", but that is questionable, since most Dead Heads were also acid heads (LSD users). The Grateful Dead would be appropriate for a show based in San Francisco (the producers could have gone with any great SF band from the Fillmore Era, including Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna, It's A Beautiful Day, Santana, et al).

A few other 60's and 70's bands are mentioned or given a cameo on Nash Bridges. However, many of the tunes used as background music is from now-forgotten bands of the 1990's.

Another casting trick used in Miami Vice was carried over to Nash Bridges. There were cameo appearances, sometimes for several episodes, by famous musicians, wrestlers, politicians, movie stars, TV stars. In Miami Vice you had Ted Nugent and Frank Zappa, on Nash Bridges you got Steve Austin, Meat Loaf, and Ricky Medlocke.

Speaking of casting, it was nice to see some of the regulars from Miami Vice brought on as guest stars. Martin Ferrero ("Izzy") is a criminal, John Diehl ("Vito") is a rogue Secret Service agent, and of course Philip Michael Thomas ("Rico Tubbs") gets an episode. And to reciprocate, they brought in Tommy Chong to round out the Cheech and Chong duo.

But some cast regulars were downright annoying. Character "Cassidy" was a total pain. Yasmine Bleeth wore the same pasted-on smile in every scene. Richard Bettina (the cop who is always trying to outdo Nash) gets on your nerves. And there are others.

Making Nash's daughter Cassidy a Police Officer in the final season was about as bad as it gets. A really poor decision by the writers and producers. Total flop.

None of the women regulars on Nash Bridges are particulary attractive. Granted, Don Johnson is well into his 40's, they can't fix him up with hot 20-somethings (although they did put him with Yasmine Bleeth in a later season; some people thought that she was highly rated on the beauty scale).

In the middle of the 4th season, as the show struggled in the Nielsen Ratings, the Casting Department dragged in Yasmine Bleeth, formerly of the TV show Baywatch. She becomes the love/hate interest for Nash Bridges. Never mind the 20 years age difference, the producers needed a good looking girl to spike up the show... Bleeth was it.

The real problem with Nash Bridges, why I don't rate it very high? Like many TV shows, they didn't know when to end it. The first three seasons would have drawn a combined 7 Star rating, maybe 8 stars. But regrettably, Seasons 4, 5, and 6 are included in the mix, those seasons each rate 4 or 5 stars.

In those last 3 seasons, the Criminals and the crimes take a back seat to the sexual escapades of Nash, his fellow cops, his dysfunctional family members, and any guest star who appears in that episode. Yes, there were innuendos in the first 3 seasons, but in these last 3 seasons, there was way too much skin.

We also get too many comedy-relief guest stars, including "Boz" and "Betty Ann". Their scenes don't contribute to the main plot; they just provide filler to drag out the show to fill the one hour time slot.

So, my total rating for this entire show, which could have gleaned 7 stars, gets pulled down to 6 stars, thanks to the last 3 seasons.


See the PHOTOS that I took of the Hemi-Cuda! Scroll through the photos on the IMDb Nash Bridges main page... look for the picture of two (2) Hemi-Cudas parked on the street in San Francisco.

Where I took that shot: In year 1997, I was driving in downtown San Francisco. A small crowd of people was gathered in front of a department store, the two Lemon Twist 'Cudas were parked next to the curb. I knew immediately it was "Nash Bridges! They are filming a scene!" I threw my car into park, put my flashers on, got out and took that photograph.

* * * * * * 6 Stars for Nash Bridges * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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S.W.A.T.: The Steel-Plated Security Blanket (1975)
Season 1, Episode 9
Dolls of the 1970's!
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a feast for the eyes. The producers and directors trotted out some of the best looking ladies of the 1970's for this episode of S. W. A. T. The beauty pageant includes Farrah Fawcett, Lara Parker, and Loni Anderson; and assisting the bad guys is Jillian Kessner.

Lara Parker was already well-known, as the voluptuous "Angelique" from the spooky soap opera, Dark Shadows. Farrah Fawcett was a virtual unknown at the time this show aired. And the same with Loni Anderson. Both Farrah and Loni would go on to become easily-recognized television stars ("Jill Munroe" from Charlie's Angels, and "Jennifer Marlowe" from WKRP in Cincinnati, respectively).

Adding to the list of leading guest stars / attractive girls is Jillian Kessner, who is regrettably remembered for the pornographic martial arts movie "Firecracker" (yes, there was such a thing, please don't waste time watching it, nothing to see except a half-naked girl whipping up on some bad guys).

The plot of this particular show is a bit formulaic. We get the usual comedy relief with Rose Marie selling bad sandwiches (the SWAT cops are kind of rude this time, they run her off without buying anything). And additional comic relief is provided when Officer Dominic Luca turns down a blind date. To his regret, that blind date is Farrah Fawcett. (She didn't go away empty-handed, Robert Urich stepped in to take her out).

The plot gets a bit confusing. It was fairly easy to follow, until the switch of the diamond crown with a phony, as the robbery takes place. Evidently the lady promoter of the show, and the jewelry store owner, had some kind of scam planned. But it is not clear what happens to them, the scene switches to the shoot-out with the thieves, and we don't see the swindlers again. The writers botched it up.

Like most S. W. A. T. episodes, this is watchable and entertaining, but with the addition of some of the most beautiful women in TV history, it makes for an especially good show.

* * * * * * * * 8 Stars for "The Steel-Plated Security Blanket" * * * * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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S.W.A.T.: Hit Men (1975)
Season 1, Episode 5
Excellent episode of S.W.A.T. that starts with a shootout, ends with a great plot twist!
14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A very good episode of SWAT. It starts out with a pretty violent hit by a group of mobsters.

One complaint: it is common in police shows, both TV and movies, for someone or some group of men to pose as hospital employees. They put on medical uniforms, and then just walk down the hall, into the linen closets, and into the private rooms. And the regular staff and employees don't notice them? In a real hospital, all of the employees know each other (just like any job, all the people know their co-workers). If a new person shows up, either a nurse, a technician, an orderly, a custodian, the other staffers are going to ask "Who are you?" This ruse of a criminal dressing as a hospital worker to sneak his way in is over-used; it is unrealistic.

The final shootout in the hospital is excellent. In 1975, this was considered too violent. (It may be the reason why the show was cancelled midway through the second season).

And what a great plot twist at the end! I didn't see that coming. Poor Officer Luca, his dream went up in smoke.

* * * * * * * * * * 10 Stars for "Hit Men" * * * * * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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Nash Bridges: Hot Prowler (1998)
Season 4, Episode 3
Spoiler Alert - Why does a Cast Member leave the show?
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A really good episode that is the final episode for actress Kelly Hu. Lots of emotion in the closing scenes, especially with Harvey and his new dog, and with Nash. The flowers from Michelle arrive right on time to close out the show.

Many have questioned "Why did the producers kill off character Michelle Chan? The reason was obvious... they had already cast her in their new show, "Martial Law".

That cop show premiered at almost exactly the same time that Kelly Hu was written out of "Nash Bridges". Notice the producers and the writers for both Nash Bridges and Martial Law are the same people (Carlton Cuse, et al).

Nash takes out the bad man: The writers did a good job of dispensing Justice when the Prowler finally gets cornered. Nash Bridges proclaims, "You're not going to jail, you're going to Hell!" followed by the sound of gunfire as the screen goes dark. Well done, the viewers will understandably be upset over pretty Inspector Chan getting murdered; they can take solace in knowing that Nash blew away the Bad Guy.

* * * * * * * * * * "Hot Prowler" rates 10 Stars * * * * * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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The Lieutenant: Capp's Lady (1964)
Season 1, Episode 19
Sergeant Capp is taken in by a much younger Woman. Is it legit?
24 February 2024
Loneliness. Batchelorhood. Marriage. A scheming woman trying to hook a well-off middle aged man. A Sergeant whose entire life is the Marine Corps, now being encouraged to retire, and take a job in the civilian world, doing something, somewhere. Lots going on here!

Well played by James Gregory, and by the alluring Nita Talbot.

Two lonely people who meet on a pier. The woman is a con artist, the other a man who feels that life is passing him by.

Lieutenant Rice will serve as an intermediary of sorts, and he is under pressure from Captain Rambridge not to let Capp leave the Service.

A nice plot twist at the end. Good job by the writers.

* * * * * * * * 8 Stars for Capp's Lady * * * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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The Lieutenant: Cool of the Evening (1963)
Season 1, Episode 2
Yet another Courtroom drama with the Lieutenant. And Teachers are not paid enough money.
23 February 2024
We have the very annoying Norman Fell, and the equally annoying and rather petulant school teacher Ms. Wayden. Why the school teacher is accusing Lt. Rice of accosting her is the theme of this episode.

Looking for action, but too much drama? Keep in mind, the producer of this show was Gene Roddenberry, who brought us "Star Trek". One of the complaints about Star Trek (yes, there were some) was that the show was not concentrated on Aliens, Outer Space Creatures, and Space ships. Star Trek was drama, human interest, questions of morals and ethics. And so here, on "The Lieutenant", we are looking for fighting and battles and combat and tanks and rocket launchers... but that is not what Gene Roddenberry and the writers focused on. It was the same moral stories, human conflicts, and personal drama that we would see a few years later on Star Trek.

So, if you are looking for the kind of action in the classic TV show "Combat", or the epic battles in Hollywood movies like "Sands of Iwo Jima" with John Wayne, then The Lieutenant will let you down. But if drama and human interest stories are your thing, this story is for you.

We do get a nice plot twist as the show approaches the end. Good job by the writers; the story was starting to drag a bit, this peps it back up.

One problem here, it was mentioned by a previous reviewer, is the tired old line that "Teachers do not get paid enough money". It was not true then, it is certainly not true today. Public school teachers are some of the highest paid (and many would argue overpaid) Government employees in the country.

* * * * * * * 7 Stars for "Cool of the Evening" * * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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The Lieutenant: A Very Private Affair (1963)
Season 1, Episode 5
No wonder they moved this from "First Episode" to #5 on the DVD release.
22 February 2024
This was obviously the premier episode of The Lieutenant. But it doesn't pack the necessary punch needed for an opening show of a new series.

The show has a couple of overlapping themes. First, newbie Lt. Rice is supposed to sort out what happened regarding a physical fight between a Private and a Non-Commissioned Officer. The Private is facing up to 25 years in prison, unless Rice can exonerate him. Second, Rice is thrown into the command position for a simulated attack exercise.

The Private vs. The Non-Com is a total flop. Overacting, especially by "the wife". Way too much drama. Then, at the training exercise, Rice is a complete dolt, lost and wandering around while under simulated heavy fire.

To top it off, Rice shows up for a parade-level inspection, his shirt tail is not tucked in, he is a disgrace to the uniform of the USMC.

Watchable, but not very good. No wonder it was put as "Episode 5" in the DVD series.

* * * * * * 6 Stars for this vain attempt at an opening episode. * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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The Lieutenant: Fall from a White Horse (1963)
Season 1, Episode 11
Another Courtroom Drama, the Lieutenant is the Defense Attorney
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Another Courtroom drama, with Lt. Rice serving as Defense Counsel for an officer friend who has been accused of hit and run.

You know early on "who done it".

Actress Katharine Ross, as character Liz Sharp, does a great job in her part. During the heated exchange with Rice, she makes it clear that she doesn't care that Lt. Allison's career will be ruined, or that he may go to jail. Then she threatens Bill Rice himself. What a mean, scheming wench!

A good show, but it would have played better on "Perry Mason", than here on a show about a USMC Lieutenant.

7 Stars for "Fall from a White Horse"

* * * * * * * Florida Fred * * * * * * *
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The Lieutenant: In the Highest Tradition (1964)
Season 1, Episode 22
SPOILERS - a rather depressing episode of The Lieutenant
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A rather depressing episode of The Lieutenant. The premise is good, but it struggles to work.

Leonard Nimoy is great in his part as the Jewish movie producer, Andrew Duggan is good. But the wife, actress Martine Bartlett, is way over the top. Describing her as "Debbie Downer" is an understatement.

You can sense from the beginning what the problem is... that Lt. Peter Bonney wasn't at this famous battle.

Sure, they try to end the story on a feel good note. "We'll make the picture anyway... with a new title!", proclaims Leonard Nimoy. Then the Colonel gives a philosophical speech to Lt. Rice. But it still leaves you feeling empty.

* * * * * * 6 STARS * * * * * *

Florida Fred.
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Code 3: Bail Out (1957)
Season 1, Episode 32
Where is the United States Air Force?
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has the Sheriff's Office doing an aerial search for a downed aircraft and the missing pilot.

Where is the United States Air Force? This was clearly a Military Jet; the pilot was wearing a helmet with the name Edwards Air Force Base printed on it.

The US Coast Guard brings in a helicopter to bring the guy out. Again, why not the Air Force?

Interesting documentary, the ending is a bit canned, with the pilot leaning on crutches (wouldn't they have taken him to a hospital?). It's also noteworthy to see Guy Williams ("Zorro" and "Professor Robinson of Lost in Space") as the downed fighter pilot.

7 Stars for "Bail Out"

* * * * * * * Florida Fred * * * * * * *
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The Lieutenant: The Two Star Giant (1963)
Season 1, Episode 4
Big Name Stars, including Neville Brand and Linda Evans, make for a great episode.
13 February 2024
Lots of big name stars appear in this show. At the top of the list we have Neville Brand,one of the most intimidating actors of the 1950's and 60's. Brand looked like, and was a tough guy! He is perfect in this role as the demanding, ruthless General Ira Stone.

Lt. Rice is appointed as the temporary aide for General Stone. Complicating the matter involves Rice's ongoing romance with Colonel Hiland's daughter "Nan", played by a very young Linda Evans.

Before the show is over, Rice will bring out the personal side of General Stone. Instead of detesting this tyrannical General, we find ourselves sympathetic to the man.

The title of this episode ("The Two Star Giant") refers to the possible promotion of a second star for Stone. Will he get that star? Watch and see!

This is a 10 star episode of "The Lieutenant".

* * * * * * * * * * Florida Fred * * * * * * * * * *
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Code 3: Night of Terror (1957)
Season 1, Episode 30
Psychobabble episode leaves too many unanswered questions.
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The lead character, Paul Martin (actor Paul Richards) is clearly out of his mind. Poor guy backed over his 3-year old child in the driveway. But did his brother-in-law set him up, and put him in the Nut House? The producers fail to answer the question.

Paul Richards puts on a decent performance, and the writers try to keep the action going (a gun fired into a flower vase, the deputies breaking into the house on the upper floor, the crazy piano playing), but the story drags a bit.

Could have been better. Of course we get lectured about all the mental patients in America, and why "we" need to do something about it (exactly what?).

Six stars for "Night of Terror"

* * * * * * Florida Fred * * * * * *
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The Lieutenant: To Kill a Man (1964)
Season 1, Episode 29
The best episode of the series! And regrettably, the last.
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Lieutenant finally gets out of California / Camp Pendleton; he is sent to what is obviously Vietnam. The helicopter he is flying in is forced down behind enemy lines. After a firefight with the Viet Cong, it appears that Lt. Rice is the only survivor.

Anyone who was alive in 1964, and especially those who served in Vietnam, can relate personally to this episode. One of the great challenges was knowing who was your friend, and who was your enemy. The person you trusted could turn out to be a backstabbing traitor. That was true in the jungles of Vietnam, it was equally true in Washington, D. C. Before this episode is over, Lt. Rice will find out that someone he considered a friend is a Communist traitor.

There is also the moral issue of killing another person. Rice states in no uncertain terms that he hates killing, but as the climax approaches, it is kill or be killed.

As the show concludes, with some relaxing R&R in a hotel lobby bar, Lt. Rice is told that he will be returning to Vietnam. And of course, a beautiful Asian woman (actress Irene Tsu) will be waiting for him. What a shame that this was the final episode of the series.

10 Stars for "To Kill a Man".

* * * * * * * * * * * Florida Fred * * * * * * * * * *
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The Lieutenant: Alert! (1963)
Season 1, Episode 12
Way too much kissing and making out in the opening scene.
10 February 2024
A show about the Military should have guns, cannons, marches, drills. But the first 4 minutes of this show are spent on "The Lieutenant" making out with his new girlfriend. Then more time is given to a conflict of interest, where the Lieutenant is challenged by his buddy to get married, for money and fringe benefits. Where is the action in this show?

Finally we get some excitement... the Marines have to hustle to get on the aircraft. All kinds of personal Hell are breaking loose for Lt. Rice and his men. As the convoy races down the street, Rice's girlfriend Pam is standing up in her swank convertible car, frantically waving and calling "Bill, Bill!" But the convoy is not going to stop. Can Rice handle it?

Sergeant Tragg (actor Charles McGraw) gives a very moving and motivating speech to the men, as they prepare to face real combat.

An interesting show, but 7 stars is the best I can do for "Alert".

* * * * * * * Florida Fred * * * * * * *
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The Lieutenant: Green Water, Green Flag (1964)
Season 1, Episode 20
Lots of Action, Battle Scenes, this is Good!
9 February 2024
Action! Lots of action! Too many episodes of "The Lieutenant" had devolved into syrupy soap operas. It's nice to see an episode that involves fighting, war, and battle. There is plenty of footage of landing parties, tanks, helicopters, mortars, and troops getting into the conflict.

The antagonist, character Lt. Joe Worth, is well-played by actor Jan Merlin. A great choice by casting. You just don't like this guy, and that was the point.

Not too many back stories or flashbacks, there is something going on with the Medical staffer (nurse?), but not much more.

Robert Vaughn is good, as always. He is dying of acute appendicitis, but he is still able to express his disdain, and bark out orders to Lieutenant Rice.

You are expecting some sort of group hug or good old boy forgiveness handshake at the end. Watch and see if it happens!

Once again, this is a great show because we get lots of Military action.

NINE STARS for "Green Water, Green Flag"!

* * * * * * * * * Florida Fred * * * * * * * * *
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The Lieutenant: Lament for a Dead Goldbrick (1964)
Season 1, Episode 24
Lt. Rice in a Courtroom Drama
6 February 2024
Most Americans dislike the Mainstream Media. Watching Robert Duvall as an irritating, pompous investigative magazine reporter only intensifies that dislike.

Good acting by Joseph Campanella, Robert Duval, and Robert Vaughn.

But this show quickly devolves into a somewhat tedious Courtroom Drama. It is not a spoiler to say that the trial of Lt. Rice will end with a Perry Mason-style last minute surprise from a witness.

The scenes in the bar with "Lily" are always enjoyable in this series. The Producers should have devoted more time there.

This show is watchable, but not that great.

6 Stars for "Lament for a Dead Goldbrick"

* * * * * * Florida Fred * * * * * *
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Code 3: Sunset Strip (1957)
Season 1, Episode 38
A Good Story with Excellent Actors. 10 Stars!
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A has-been actor takes a hard fall from grace. Former movie star Frank Merrick (actor Harry Bartell) alienates and antagonizes the only people who can help him. He is even jealous of his wife's increasing success, and proceeds to wreck his marriage (to the stunning Lola Albright). Merrick finally bottoms out in Las Vegas, broke and arrested.

Sergeant Tim Hayes is played by Paul Langton, who will later become famous as "Leslie Harrington" on the classic TV show, Peyton Place. Langton gives a convincing performance as the Deputy Sheriff who sincerely wants to help Frank Merrick get off the ground, and find his way back.

This show was very powerful when it aired in the 1950's. The Golden Era of Hollywood was over; television was the new medium of choice for the American Public. There were indeed many actors and actresses in the position of Frank Merrick, who were no longer needed, no longer wanted.

The story ends on a feel good note, almost unrealistic, until the narrator Assistant Sheriff Barrett explains that Merrick did get punished for the felony crime that he had committed.

Very good all around... I rate "Sunset Strip" 10 Stars!

* * * * * * * * * * Florida Fred.
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