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Not perfect, but still good
22 May 2019
Before starting to give you all my personal review about 'Detective Pikachu', I ought to tell you that I'm not really an expert in Pokémon or in all the videogames, manga, anime and movies that composes all of it. But I do have seen and enjoyed a few episodes of the series and got to like some of the wide list of characters that play a role on it. So, having said that, I will start with my review.

Here we have the first live action adaptation to the big screen of Pokémon. Loved by many, hated by other many, including the critics, for me it is a movie that provides funny moments and that for the most part stays true to the escence of the characters that are present in the film, which obviously aren't everyone, but still were good enough.

The new conception of Pikachu that this movie shows worked out pretty good for me, as well as the voice acting of Ryan Reynolds, which was really funny and cute, and always kept the charismatic style that we well know from him.

In my opinion, it is totally watchable, and provides pop corn entertainment for everyone. The only reason I have for giving it a 7 is because the writing and the performances aren't great and it gets a little slow at the last minutes. But I still recommend it. If you're a fan, you should, instead of listening to the bad opinions see this for yourself so you decide if it is faithfully adapted or not.

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The Aftermath (2019)
Solid historical drama
20 May 2019
Before 'The aftermath' there has been many films about a woman who has a forbidden romantic affair with the enemy of her and her people during the war, like for example, 'Suite Française' with Michelle Williams. And this film, directed by James Kent and produced by Mr. Ridley Scott, prooves that you can use a somehow well known storyline and still make things interesting for the audience.

The acting work of Knightley, Skaarsgard and Clarke was just top notch. All of them three made a devastating and impressive job and formed a love triangle that perfectly works. In my opinion, Ms. Knightley deserves an Oscar nomination for her role, or at least at the Golden globes. I was stunned by her work.

Many people and most of the critics bashed this film, saying that it is too predictable and that it's far from being any better than most of the movies of the genre that have come out by now. I agree with that. But there's no reason for hating it. It's not fair for this work, even less when its story has such a powerful feeling of melancholy and loneliness that only wars and the loss of the beloved ones can cause. Probably some people will see the ending coming, but not the way it happens. That's what makes it unpredictable for me.

So, if you're interested on watching a tale of love, loss and betrayal with a great cast as well as great performances from all of its members, this is your movie. But if you expect to see a movie that digs a lot into specific aspects and events of the second world war or to have a blast by watching lots of nazis being shot right in front of your face, choose another movie. Because as the title stays, this is not about the happenings, but about the aftermath they caused in everything and everyone.

Thanks for reading!
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Long Shot (2019)
One of the best comedies of the year so far
19 May 2019
I've always been into Seth Rogen's humor and style since I saw some of the films he protagonized or produced such as 'This is the end', 'The interview' and 'The disaster artist' (one of my favourites). So, when 'Long shot' came out, I wasn't going to miss it for anything.

And I must say that this is an incredibly wonderful comedy. It has a storyline that is far from being typical and it is told through a really well made script that is full of great dialogues and an enormous heart, managing to make me laugh hard for several minutes and to be warmed by the cuteness of this perfectly unconventional love story.

Rogen and Theron did an excellent job too. I loved the way they both looked together and how they embraced the characters they played. I also realized that I prefer Charlize in his comedy roles rather than in the serious ones (don't misunderstand me, I know she has made terrific performances in films like 'Monster' and 'Tully', I just like her comical side a little more).

10/10. Guys, you seriously got to give it the 'long shot' it deserves. This is a very romantic comedy that has to be seen by everyone. You'll have a blast.

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Da hong zha (2018)
Just awful
19 May 2019
I went to see with the lowest expectations in the world since the trailer prooved it to have below average visual effects and had all the aspect of being one of those movies that come out for a very short time and that therefore not many people knows about their existence. Anyway, I decided to deposit my hopes in this thing after seeing that two great actors like Bruce Willis and Adrien Brody were part of it.

But...dear lord. This was quite crappy. First of all, the appareances of this actors are shorter than the arms of a T-Rex and they have continuity mistakes. The story (if there is even a story here), is completely devoid of logic and full of cheesy dialogues and situations that are far from being realistic.

And the not precisely world-class developed sequences of the war itself and the central event of the movie weren't helpful. Even a videogame from the first Xbox or a computer animated movie from the 90's did a way better job on that.

So, why did I gave it 2 stars and not just 1? Well, that is because I have to recognize that there are some images and sequences that are just powerful, brutal and really well taken. Probably they would have fitted in a better film.

So, after passing for the existential crisis of wondering why in heaven did I let my mother and myself spend our precious time and money watching this masterclass of how not to make a movie, I'm forced to tell you...don't. Just don't. Believe me, you have more important things to do and great world war films to watch.

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19 May 2019
In 2016, I went to see a mexican comedy movie named "No manches Frida", mostly because a friend of my family and me played a small role in it, not precisely because we were very excited to watch the movie. But all of us were delighted and surprised of how much we enjoyed it. Compared to the mexican comedy flicks that have came out in recent years, I think that one was really well done and made me walk out of the theater happier than with any of the films that came out that year.

And now, the same director Nacho G. Velilla brought us the second part that was really hilarious too, but was it better than the first one? Was it worse? In my opinion, none of both. I'll tell you why.

One of the main differences we can find between NMF and NMF2 is that this sequel is more attached to the use of slapstick comical resources that are more exaggerated and unreal. In most of the cases, I hate that but here it kinda worked for me.

Now, the performances. Lots of people critizices few of the actors that play a role in this movie like Omar Chaparro and Martha Higareda saying that they are painfully bad in everything they act in. Seriously? Come on, this is a commercial movie that is way far of being art-house so I think it's pretty obvious that the performances won't be masterful. They did their jobs the way they had to. The result was funny. That's what matters. Period.

Overall, of course I liked much more the first part, but this one does not stay behind. It has moments that are hilarious as hell and it is entertaining from beginning to end. Go watch it without thinking much of what makes a film good or bad, and you might get something from it. Enjoy!

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Sink or Swim (2018)
Another fresh comedy made in France
18 May 2019
This movie came out here like 3 weeks ago and when I read the synopis it quickly called my attention. It reminded me a lot to a great film from Spain called 'Campeones', so I decided to give this one a shot.

'Le grand bain' is a film that, as many other french comedies from recent years, is really funny and cleverly written and directed. It makes you laugh hard in some ocassions, but also manages to give you a brief background of the middle aged male protagonists of the story, in order to be profound and real too, which is really good.

It also has good performances from everyone. Mathieu Amalric does a very good job as the main swimmer of the group, as well as the rest of the members of the cast. I liked a lot all of the characters and their motivations.

Really heartwarming experience. I highly recommend it if you want to have a good time at the movies, even if you're not much into foreign language features.


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93 minutes of watching an iconic actor doing what he can do best
18 May 2019
I saw "The Old Man & the Gun" a few weeks ago at the cinema. As usual, it came out quite late in Mexico and I didn't got the chance to watch it before the Golden Globes. But anyway, this Is what I think.

Here we have a film that brings us a funny, heartwarming and unconventional true story about a thief that spent his whole life stealing and running from the police for pure fun. And it is managed by a very decent script that has a strong sense of humor and irony in it.

But what makes this film worthwhile, appart from the cinematography that takes you to a different time, is Robert Redford. He incarnates this old man with his gun in a way that is nothing sort of heroic, showing us once again that for some reason he's between the most extraordinary actors that cinema ever had.

In conclussion I must say that this is far from being one of the greatest films ever made, mostly because of the sometimes slow pacing it has, but I still recommend it if you appreciate the actors effort and to see a reckless story that is worthy to tell the world.


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Whatever it takes...
17 May 2019
Hello again everyone! It's been almost a month since thousands of Marvel fans (including myself) got to see the one and only Endgame for the very first time, without having a clue of what could possibly happen. And as with most of the people who already watched it...there are no words to describe how this amazingly crafted piece of superhero movie-making just...blew me away.

I will start by giving its credit to the acting work of everyone. When we appreciate that, we can see that this isn't just another sci-fi flick where no one does exactly a great effort to make a remarkable performance. No. This is a movie that presents us a group of heroes that, after long years of saving the earth from any menace, are giving the last of themselves in order to give the planet one last shot. The performances made it all seem authentic and real.

Now, the story. God. The story is many things. Sometimes it's funny, as any other of the previous movies from the MCU. But also it's deep, melancholic, tragic, and most of all, undeniably exciting.

10/10. Probably most of the people that will read this had already watched it. But in case you haven't, you really, REALLY ought to do so. Probably during quite a few years, there will be no other film of the genre that can possibly make you feel all of the emotions that Avengers Endgame made the audiences feel, and made me feel. Don't miss it for anything

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Wood Eyes (2017)
Fantastic independent thriller
21 July 2018
I went to see this film at the International Cinema Forum that is taking place in some selected theaters in Mexico. When I read the synopsis it captivated me, and I wanted to go and see it as soon as I could. And now that I did it, I have to say that it's one hell of a movie.

The storyline is easy to understand and the running time is very short. But despite those facts, it manages to create an undeniable tension that keeps you at the edge of your seat, which makes you think that it's much longer.

It also has very good acting, photography, and soundtrack. The photography sometimes feels as if we were watching a movie of the past century, which is great. And the perfect camera angles and shots, along with the music, provide a dark, unssetling and nightmarish atmosphere.

In conclussion, if you have the chance, go and see it. It's a great thriller that has to be seen by everyone who loves cinema and art in general, and being captivated by it

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Adrift (I) (2018)
Solid tale of love, loss and redemption
21 July 2018
When I saw this film was directed by the same guy who directed Everest (which was a really tragic story), I was prepared for it to be devastating. And it is.

One of the best things of the movie was the acting. Shailene Woodley was great and you can perfectly feel her character's suffering while trying to survive in the middle of the sea facing the possiblility of not getting out of there alive, and so as her wounded beloved one. Both her and Sam Claflin made an excellent job.

The photography was really good, and all the camera shots of both characters while they're inside the water are so well done that they make you believe that you're sinking with them.

Overall, altough it is a tragic story, it manages to be heartbreaking, yet lovely as any love story has to be told, especially when the film is inspired by true events. Recommended for anyone who likes love stories, just think it twice if you want to take your couple to see it with you.

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Happy End (2017)
Completely different from all the films I've seen
21 July 2018
And that's a good thing. I was excited to see 'Happy End' as the style of Michael Haneke always called my attention, and I'd never got a chance to see a movie directed by him 'till now.

Well, here we have a family drama like no other, that probably starts off a bit slowly, but that has an undeniable quality. It has a great script, unique photography, performances that aren't remarkable, but they didn't need it. They just had to be real. And so they were.

And for the type of film, I expected it to be a lot more devastating, but instead, it shows us a sometimes darkly comical portrait of a wealthy family that makes us see that, believe it or not, rich people have their issues too, they're life is as imperfect as everyone elses. And that their issues may be even more complex than the ones of everybody else.

So, in conclussion, I think that watching this film is a rare, but great experience, especially if you watch it at the cinema -which I recommend you to do if you can-. I think it has the potential to be an Oscar nominee. Don't miss it.

Thanks for reading!
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Not what I expected
20 July 2018
As I said before in other reviews, I like a lot french cinema, and when I saw the trailer of this one, of course I wanted to see it. But, now that I've seen it, I think that it's a good movie, but I don't see it as my favorite french film of the year.

When I entered to see it, I was expecting a really cute, lighthearted movie that probably was going to be a tear-jerker. But turns out that the movie is less family friendly than what I thought, it has very intense moments and the performances were decent, but not the best.

However, it has its funny moments, and heartbreaking ones too. Particularily the ones with the oldest daughter of the protagonist, I think she did a great job, she was possibly the best of the entire cast.

Overall, it's a good job I think. Very entertaining and nice, but still, from all the french movies I've seen, this one is the most imperfect.
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Skyscraper (2018)
Entertaining for what it is
20 July 2018
I mean, is not that I expected a lot from this one and I don't usually go to the cinema to watch a movie of Dwayne Johnson, as I know that you can't expect precisely a masterpiece from it. However, the reason why I watched it was because I was kind of tired of watching only art films for a whole week and I was in the mood to see something completely commercial for once. So I did it.

And what I think is that it is a perfectly watchable, if not remarkable, movie that has some exciting moments mixed with some boring ones (I was sleeping a bit, I admit it), nice performance from Dwayne, I think this is one of his most serious roles. The visual effects were average, but in a few scenes they provide the tension they needed to make, especially at the last minutes.

The script was decent, if not great, and the plot was quite good for the type of movie this is.

Overall, it's by no means a great movie, but still, it is fun to watch if you want to have a nice pop corn time.

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The best of the franchise
20 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Hotel Transylvania is not one of my favorite animated sagas and the first two were funny and entertaining, but completely average. And my expectations for this one weren't too high.

But then I realized that I started laughing hard within the first 5 minutes of it, and I was more surprised every minute of how good it was. The characters are lovely and the script is very well done and heart-warming, and it keeps you laughing all the time.

I never thought I would enjoy this movie so much. I highly recommend it to watch it with your family and kids, and if you're an adult you'll love it as well. Totally worth of your time.


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Great entertainment
20 July 2018
Is it dumb? Yes. Is it childish? Probably. Is it the best of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe? Absolutely not. But hey, it's no bad at all.

I surprisingly enjoyed a lot the first Ant-Man movie when it came out. And, altough I wasn't excited for this one as I was for 'Infinity war', I still was looking forward to see it. And the result was really good. It has as many good laughs as you would expect from a Marvel movie nowadays, as well as great and exciting 3D visuals, nice plot and, of course, a post-credit ending scene that no Marvel fan saw (or will see) coming.

So, I'd personally tell you to take it for what it is: pure, mindless fun and entertainment. I don't know if true Marvel fans will like it, but I did. Don't stop to think if it is stupid or not, just enjoy it.

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Disobedience (2017)
Profound and real
19 July 2018
I didn't had the chance to watch the academy award winning 'A Fantastic Woman', directed also by Lelio, and given that, when I saw this film was going to came out at theaters, I didn't wanted to miss the opportunity to see it at the cinema.

And now that I did it, I must say that this is a quite good movie. The acting is really powerful, and the dialogues are deep and sometimes a bit funny. And the film also reflects very well the jewish society, their customs, traditions, and how something so pure like true love can be condemned by all of them.

Altough I honestly expected it to be more devastating that what it is, it's worth watching and is interesting to see both actresses in a completely different facet.

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19 July 2018
First of all, I didn't wanted to see this movie at all when it came out at theaters, because everyone in Mexico (including me) knows what can be expected from a commercial movie that has a cast integrated by well known mexican actors. It can rather be garbage or surprisingly good and enjoyable.

But well, as you can see at the title of this review, it's the first one. It starts off quite slowly but at least with a few funny moments provided mostly by actor Luis Arrieta, who I think that was the best in the entire cast. And then, everything comes appart. The performances were really bad, one thing that probably had to be one of the main confflicts, or at least that had to take some time to be solved, was concluded very easily and unrealistically. Appart from a really bad script with many cliches and a predictable ending

In conclussion, don't waste your time bothering on watching this "film". It is a big insult that it's still in theaters after lots of weeks. If you ever have the curiousity of seeing it (I don't think so, but still) or if you admire some of the actors that are here, please, reconsider it before you buy a ticket for this, because it's probably the worst thing they've ever done.

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Terminal (I) (2018)
18 July 2018
This is a film that is too well done, inventive and thrilling for it to have such awful ratings. I really can't understand it. I swear that I've seen a lot of movies and I can easily recognize a crappy one. The remake of Fantastic 4 is one of them, the overrated "thriller" film called The Dinner is also one of them, as well as Baywatch, The Mummy (another remake), Dead Silence, Batman V Superman...those are crappy movies. But not this one.

When you watch the trailer of 'Terminal', the first thing you think it's that the movie is a complete mess with no logic, story or sense. And when I went to see it at the cinema, I was already prepared for that possiblility and with only one reason for watching it: Margot Robbie.

But turns out that I was completely wrong. It is an excellent thriller with a great visual neon-like style, very good acting from everyone (Robbie was magnificent and her character gets more scary as the film progresses), excellent script with tones of black humor (my favorite), shocking plot twists and a final act that leaves you with the open mouth.


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Great follow-up to the franchise
17 July 2018
Jurassic Park is one of my favorite sagas of all time. And as fan, I must say that I loved 'Fallen Kingdom'. It is very entertaining, funny, and excitingly epic in many ways.

As the previous films, it has great visuals and sound editing. The photography is excellent and the dinosaurs are awesome. The script is really good with funny moments and dialogues, and it's good to see this two characters back again, and also to see Dr. Malcolm once more after a long time.

If you're a follower of the Jurassic series who liked and enjoyed all the previous films, this won't be the exception for you. It is a funny, entertaining, exciting and epic ride that you can't miss.

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Incredibles 2 (2018)
I've waited 14 years for this
16 July 2018
I was around 4 years old when 'The Incredibles' came out at the theaters, and during those times I didn't get tired of watching it over and over again. A few years later, I knew that there was going to be a sequel, but not the day or the year it was going to come out. And finally, after 14 long years, we have 'Incredibles 2'. And here's what I think.

Obviously I liked the first one much more, but still, this is a really good sequel. It has moments that are exciting and completely hilarious. It's very joyful to see this characters again on the big screen, including Jack-Jack (I know you will love him). It has interesting confflicts and, I won't spoil you anything, but it's very funny to see Bob Parr's parental side.

So, It may not be as epic as you'd expect it to be, but however, the excitement of the action sequences and the charm of all the characters keeps intact. Perfectly enjoyable and funny for the whole family.

Thanks for reading!
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Life of the Party (I) (2018)
Hilarious as hell!
16 July 2018
Melissa McCarthy is one of my favorite comedy actresses and she always does something incredibly funny at her roles. 'Life of the party' may not be one of her best movies, but it made me and my family laugh a lot during almost every minute.

The story is really good and hilarious and while the movie goes, it becomes funnier and more humorous, and makes you think how would it be if you were in a situation as awkward as studying at the same school as your mother, or your daughter, depending the case, and how it makes you laugh a lot just thinking about it.

In conclussion, I don't know what critics (and some people) were expecting from this movie appart from a sometimes absurd yet funny 105-minute ride. I liked a lot the characters and the movie, and also the fact that it was written by McCarthy and her husband, Ben Falcone -who also directed it-, makes it even more lovely to watch. It isn't a masterpiece, but give it a try. You have to laugh at least once with it.

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Ocean's Eight (2018)
Fancy and entertaining
16 July 2018
It's the first and only movie I've seen from the Oceans franchise, so I admit that probably my opinion isn't so valid or won't be as useful as the opinion of an expert in what comes to the previous movies. But still, here's what I think:

For me, this is a nice and well made heist movie. First of all, everyone in the cast is gorgeous, especially Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett. What can I say about them, they're always great at what they do. And the rest of the cast doesn't stay behind, they made a great team that you will want to be a part of during the whole movie.

And the clothes, well... they were beyond awesome, and made the movie and the whole ladies cast really good-looking.

Altough I think that everything in this film happens very easily, it manages to be very funny and entertaining, with a few "wooooah" moments so you quickly forget about that tiny detail.

Overall, I have to watch the previous films of the saga altough as far as I concern, this one isn't so connected with them, so I guess, having watching them or no, you are going to enjoy it (unless you're a very close-minded person who fears that this will ruin the legacy of the George Clooney's predecessors)

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Lucky (I) (2017)
Were truly lucky of being alive to watch this wonderful work
16 July 2018
I wasn't familiarized with Harry Dean Stanton's work when I went to see 'Lucky'. The only thing I knew about him was that his name sounded familiar to me, and that he died a few days before the premiere of the movie. And I must say that now that I watched it at last after seeing all the hype about it, it's quite a remarkable and brilliant work of art in every sense.

It has some feeling of joy, fun, happiness and most importantly, of life. Director John Carrol Lynch shows us a portrait of a 90-year-old man and his spiritual journey through what's left for him to live. And Carrol Lynch does it in a way that is real, human, delightful and hilarious. I told my mother that the character of Lucky was probably a portrait of myself when I had that age (she laughed a lot).

10/10 This is an anthem to life that has to be seen by everyone. I'm willing to check out Stanton's previous works, because he was great here. Worthy of all the hype. You got to see it.

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Patients (2016)
What a movie
15 July 2018
When you go to the cinema and you enter to see a french movie, you know that there's a 99.9% of probability for it to be one hell of a movie. And 'Patients' is.

It is full of funny and sad moments that will make you smile, laugh out loud and probably a tear (or some tears) will start coming out of your eyes. The acting and the dialogues are just powerful and moving, and everything in it made me feel comforted and motivated to move on.

10/10 A great movie that has to be seen not only by film lovers, but by everyone especially for the ones who are passing through a crisis and don't know how to deal with their personal issues that don't let them move on. This film is written for them. And for all of us.

Thanks for reading!
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Madame (I) (2017)
Funny and delightful
15 July 2018
I really don't understand why people are bashing this movie. It is one of the most entertaining, heartfelt and hilarious comedies I've seen in a while. One of the main reasons why I went to see this movie with my mother was Rossy de Palma. I like a lot her work in spanish films and I think she's a very versatile actress in comedy, and her job in 'Madame' wasn't the exception. I loved her character and in general I liked everyone's job and how good they fit in it.

10/10 I think it is a very good movie with really funny moments every minute, good acting, nice script and fancy clothes. Believe me, it is totally worth of your time. You won't be dissapointed.

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