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Mr. Angel (2013)
Mrs Angel?
18 February 2021
Fawning over the latest exclusive social/sexual designations seems to be very fashionable these days. - Learning all the terms and proclivities can elevate your wokeness and instantly grant you the moral high-ground in any conversation.

This film documents the life and times of a girl who wants to be a boy,... and eventually achieves that goal (somewhat),.. with the help of chemicals and a surgeons scalpel.

I feel guilt that despite all their efforts to insist they're male,... i still view them as female merely with bits cut off. - I don't purposely think that to incite anger or offense,.... thats just what i think due to biological facts.

I've heard the justification speeches many times, the technicalities and specifications one affords themselves due to an emotional connection to the subject matter.... yet remain unconvinced.

Im not interested in representing an argument, or side of any debate as i have the luxury of not really caring that much. But i know there are people out there truly suffering No human deserves to be without love, which is why im not denigrating this person,.. my opinion alone should not be enough to hurt your feelings, just as yours shouldn't affect me. i think its just important that we leave room for people who don't agree with your sexual identification fantasy, but are fearful of being labelled as a bigot.

You can believe you're a boy,.... but you cant force ME to think that.

I'm not intending to offend when i ask if this could be a form of mental illness but the trend lately is to hog BOTH sides of the road of the conversation until there's no room for anyone else in the narrative, lest,.. somewhat ironically you're treated in the same way that the l.b.g.t.q have been offended at for years,.. for simply disagreeing.

I wish Buck good fortune and happiness. in fact i hope nobody is suffering in silence due to confusion over who they are. i may not view you how you'd prefer to be seen,... but i promise to respect you.
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Hellraiser: Judgment (2018 Video)
Yes Please!
16 February 2018
I am a HUGE fan of the Hellraiser mythos. The aesthetics, the lore, the characters. After watching the original as a teenager the lead character 'Pinhead' needled his way into my consciousness as the primary 'horror character' of my dreams/nightmares. He left such an impression that it wasn't long before i chased down his original appearance in Clive Barker's (master of the macabre) novella 'The Hellbound Heart' and became absolutely smitten for life.

Armed with such impressive enthusiasm i devoured every Hellraiser movie as soon as it became available. My infatuation notwithstanding i couldn't help but notice the gradual decline in quality as each subsequent effort was released. Apart from 'Hellraiser 4 - Bloodline' there was a clear degradation in the caliber of film being presented. It was getting beyond embarrassing.

Understandably my expectations for the 10th film were about as high as my expectations of answering the door to a scantily clad Drew Barrymore offering me a cigar made from rolled up $100 notes, as she ushered me onto her private jet for a life of pool-side tickle-fighting.

My impression from having JUST finished watching the movie is,... relief. The people who made this film DIDN'T just churn out the product and slap the 'Hellraiser' name on it like the last 5 movies. There was some actual THOUGHT put into the script and i was grateful to not be able to predict the plot at every turn.

This is in no way the BEST film in the world, or even the best film in the series, but easily in MY top 3 of the series. If you're in to Hellraiser like I am, then im sure you'll enjoy it. If you're NOT into Hellraiser,.. then i hereby forbid you to watch it. lol

Thanks to whoever made this movie, i really enjoyed the ending and i'd love it if you made more.
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There is only ONE band named DEATH - This is NOT it.
11 October 2017
The REAL band 'Death' need not be pointed out to those who KNOW. Chuck Schuldiner was a true hero and is sorely in need of a megalithic statue expressing his staggering contribution and services to the art of Heavy Metal.

This documentary, however well conceived will fall short of the superior story belonging to Chuck that is currently untold. ('Death By Metal' is the upcoming documentary looking to amend that gaping hole in history)

Death (87-98) is THE Death. - Everything else is mere novelty.
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Nothing Comes At Night
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm all for minimalist movies. I enjoy a good story. I can forgive budget constraints.

What i cannot forgive is a title that specifically promises something that the movie does NOT deliver.

'It Comes At Night' Naturally you would expect the immanent arrival of something,... ANYTHING.

Well guess what?... (Spoiler Alert!)

It doesn't. NOTHING comes. Nothing happens. At all.

This movie should have been called 'Paranoia' People were worried about something. That's ALL. That is the active ingredient in this film. Worrying about something that never happens.

I'm getting awfully annoyed with this latest trend of movies where nothing occurs, yet it is conveyed in such a pompous manner that the film-makers substitute a plot for the 'feeling' of where the plot should be.

Its literally the equivalent of writing a best-selling novel, labeling it as an advanced 'post-modern' masterpiece and leaving all of the pages blank.

Watching paint dry is a superior viewing experience because you are at least subjected to a linear resolution, and at the very least there is a result at the end.

0 out of 10
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