
21 Reviews
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Zomblogalypse (2022)
The Office meets Shaun of the Dead (and a dash of Seinfeld)
30 January 2023
Zombogalypse is a wacky horror comedy that feels like the three way love child of Shaun of the Dead, The Office and Seinfeld. Centred around three inept people who think the world revolves around them, the trio has already been surviving in the Zombie Apocalypse for a decade. Finding themselves bored, they decide to make a movie about their life and rope in a bunch of other survivors with the promise of things they don't actually have.

The movie is told in the "Vlog" style, with characters either holding the camera or being filmed by others who are all other characters in the movie so there's a found footage/documentary feel to everything which lends itself to the humour. If you like The Office or Parks & Rec then you'll like this style of shooting, with characters delivering candid interviews to camera in between the action and some genuinely funny improv.

The three leads are likeable in the same way we like the cast of Seinfeld - they are pretty horrible people that really only care about themselves but it's the wacky scenarios that they get into which make them endearing. Tony is a crazy gun nut that loves blowing up zombies and re-enacting Metal Gear Solid. Hannah is a happy-go-lucky book lover who runs from the first sight of a Zombie. Miles is indifferent to the Zombie threat, wanting to sipping tea from a china cup while slapping the hands of hungry Zombies away with an umbrella as if they are a minor inconvenience.

Despite all the horrible things they do in the movie (a lot of people die in pursuit of making their film!), you still find them likeable. Much of this is down to their childlike passion to make their movie and obliviousness to all the pain and terror happening to everyone around them.

Their film crew come in the form of some truly talented actors who do some impressive improv and frantically run around trying to make an actual movie whilst Hannah, Tony & Miles play Spielberg.

Those looking for some Zombie chaos will also be pleased as there are some really frantic and gory moments in the second act, culminating in a horde of fast zombies (or "Fastards" as Tony calls them) descending upon the film shoot. When there's gore it's mostly practical effects and there's plenty of intestines and flesh being torn out to satisfy gore hounds.

If you go in looking for a scary, serious Zombie movie then this film isn't for you. If you want fun characters, great gore and enjoy British humour then you'll absolutely love it to bits. There's also four seasons of a YouTube web series (also called Zomblogalypse) to check out which the same creative team started making a decade earlier! Whilst the movie is kind of a retelling of the web series, it's still very much worth a watch and oozes with love for the zombie genre.
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Freeze (I) (2022)
Lovecraftian Horror done right!
30 January 2023
I thought I'd check out this movie as I am a fan of director Charlie Steeds previous work which includes the really fun A Werewolf in England which was very inspired by the wacky horror fun of Evil Dead II. Freeze is a much more serious film and fans of Lovecraft will find lots to enjoy here. It reminded me of Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness meets The Terror, particularly with the elements of an expedition gone wrong and an ancient civilisation being uncovered in the arctic.

The cast is strong, with some returning faces from Steeds previous work and genre favourites like Johnny Vivash (Book of Monsters) who gives a particularly fantastic performance. The creatures are entirely practical effects and are on screen enough to keep monster fans happy. The locations in the film are also incredible, with scenes taking place on a ship, a cave and the arctic tundra. It's clear these are real locations and not studio sets or green screen, giving the movie a very authentic feel. I must admit that I felt the cold and sympathised with the freezing actors as they trudged across the deep snow.

It's clear that Steeds spent his small budget well and every penny has been spent on the screen, successfully conveying the desolate dread of the unrelenting arctic and the secrets the crew uncover there. One to check out for fans of Lovecraft and creature features!
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A Horror Musical with Heart
30 August 2022
I was lucky enough the catch this indie gem at Frightfest London 2022 and it did not disappoint. A horror comedy musical filled with heart, gore and some really fun performances from a clearly passionate cast that put everything into the movie.

The movie follows a misfit cheerleading group called 'Power Cheer', the girls enter a reality TV contest and come up against the Starmen (whose intro harmony had me in stitches every time) and things soon veer into the supernatural territory with a cursed wishing necklace that brings a load of Zombie/Demons to the party, resulting in some great splattery gore. There's also a really fun love story involving a severed hand but I'll let you find out about that for yourself!

The writing is spot on with one-liners and jokes that land well, both in dialogue and the songs which had me tapping my feet quite a few times.

This film is a very pure example of micro budget indie filmmaking at its best and I had a fantastic time watching it. It can be scrappy around the edges in some places but all that is totally forgiven moments later when the next hilarious song kicks in. Check this out as soon as you can, you won't regret it.
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Wacky, Blood-Soaked Troma Fun
30 August 2022
Director Liam Regan follows up his debut film My Bloody Banjo (track it down if you haven't seen it) with an absurd, gore filled, hilarious movie about Beth Connor - a Goth, Vegan, Cannibal who falls in love with her high school teacher and to say anymore would spoil the movie! Lyndsey Craine (Book of Monsters) is a superb lead and perfectly plays the "straight man" role in a film filled with wacky characters right out of Tromaville who are sure to delight and offend in equal measure. The supporting cast is wonderful with many familiar faces including Lawrence Harvey (Human Centipede 2) who steals every scene he's in.

I saw the movie at its world premiere at Frightfest London where everyone laughed, cheered and cringed together making this a real highlight of the festival. There are some wild gags in the film, with many characters uttering lines that had the audience in stitches and whilst some may find themselves offended by the subject matter, the jokes are well executed in the context of the film and are a testament to the bold, uncensored film that Liam committed to make.

The other thing that I must compliment is the look of the film which dazzles with a bright, colourful palette akin to an R-rated Nickelodeon show that makes the film so unique. The High School lunch served in one scene is neon green and orange slop (reminded me of the movie Hook) which contrast so well against Beth's black and drab goth look. The sharp Cinematography is complimented with dolly moves and steadicam shots which give the film an expensive, Hollywood feel whist maintaining a late 90's teen movie aesthetic, resulting in one of the best looking Troma films of recent memory.

Well worth watching with company and a few beers on movie night if you are up for some solid laughs, brilliant performances and very icky gore which goes places most horror films wouldn't even dare. A must see for fans of horror comedy and even for those who don't normally take to Troma films.
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I Am Lisa (2020)
A Refreshing take on Werewolf Mythology
12 October 2020
I had a really great time with this one when it played as part of the Frightfest 2020 line-up. I won't spoil too much but it's a fun revenge flick with a great lead and some delightfully unexpected moments along the way. The Werewolf element adds some great flavour to what already stands on its own as a good revenge movie!
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Blood Myth (2019)
Creepy Rural Chiller
6 November 2019
Blood Myth was a refreshing horror movie to watch in an age of jump scares and gore. The story is slowly paced but expertly unravels, building creepy tension and a dread filled atmosphere which pulls you in.

The acting is great and in the tradition of American Werewolf and Wicker Man, there are some genuinely creepy locals in the village the film takes place. The lead is very good at portraying an everyman character and everything he does makes sense unlike some horror films where the protagonist does stupid things and walks into danger.

If you like slow-burn horror/thrillers then you will appreciate Blood Myth. The story builds towards a great twist (don't watch the trailers - it will spoil it) and I was very satisfied with the payoff. Like all great mysteries, it doesn't give you all the answers and leaves you wanting to know more.
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Crepitus (2018)
Creepy & Unsettling!
18 October 2019
I was lucky enough to see this at Spooky Empire 2018 where the film won 'Best Feature'. Crepitus is well scripted with a steady pace which slowly unfolds its sinister tale that I won't spoil here. There is an eldritch, Loveraftian element at play with the titular villain of the film that is executed very well through the scenes he's in, played by horror legend Bill Moseley (Devil's Rejects, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2). The film has a fantastic creepy atmosphere that will delight fans of slow burn horror and is an impressive example of what can be achieved in a contained location.
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Gripping from start to finish - A high speed horror
11 July 2019
The remake is already on the way so you know this is an excellent film. Action packed and full of truly interesting characters that you want to see survive till the end, Train to Busan transcends cultures to be nail bitingly tense, no matter where you're from. Watch it with a group of people and some popcorn for maximum effect.
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One of Carpenter's Finest
11 July 2019
Never considered one of the director's best films, In the Mouth of Madness is a severely underrated treasure of a movie. Sam Neil shines in the lead role following a Stephen King-esque author who has gone missing. There is an absolute ton of Lovecraft inspired stuff here which is some of the best we have seen realised on screen. The movie is not just creepy but it's also got a fantastic sense of humour as we see the descent into madness from Neil and the crazy stuff he starts to unravel. There are some truly great sequences in the movie that range from funny to terrifying, all the while entertaining. Don't overlook this film!
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Krampus (I) (2015)
My regular Christmas Movie!
11 July 2019
Alongside Gremlins, this is one of THE christmas horror movies that you should be watching during the holidays. It's shockingly downbeat yet hilarious throughout and is pretty much characters from Christmas Vacation thrown into a horror movie. Great practical monster effects build an interesting mythology around the Krampus and his minions too.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
Lovecraftian Folky Horror Goodness
11 July 2019
This film is certainly not going to be for everyone but it hit all the right notes for me. A fine cast of British actors with a dose of drama and an ancient cult festering in the mountains. The horror here comes from the slow building of dread and unimaginable horror of what is lurking out there in the forest, not blood, guts and gore.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Get In! (had to do it)
11 July 2019
What else is there to say about this film that hasn't been said already? A true modern horror masterpiece that deserves to be watched. Peele masterfully weaves a truly dread inducing plot with a wonderful cast and frightning dose of reality to make this one of the horror films of the decade.
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Superb Concept and Great Execution
11 July 2019
I had no idea what this movie was until I hit play on Amazon Prime and within the first ten minutes I was sucked in. A great Auzzie cast with some delightful bat s**t crazy characters which glued me to the screen. The film is pretty small scale in its setting and story but is extremely engaging throughout. If you're looking for a break from the normal and want something you can really sink your teeth into then I heartily reccomend this film.
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It Follows (2014)
Destined to be a Horror Classic
11 July 2019
Every once in a while, a horror movie comes along that just hits the exact right spot in terms of tone, style and story. It Follows is one of those films and everything about it seemed to work so well. The cast is superb and complimented by the writing and direction which give the film such a unique flavour that's quite hard to describe. It's also genuinely terrifying in its concept and there are some masterfully executed and tense sequences that really put you in the main character's shoes. All in all, this is a must watch for anyone even vaguely interested in getting scared.
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Original and Refreshing Found Footage Horror
11 July 2019
Finally a found footage horror movie that has brains. I'd heard good things about this at Frightfest a few years ago and thankfully it showed up on the UK Shudder streaming service. This was entertaining through the entire runtime and only meandered a bit in the final ten minutes. I chuckled throughout and the acting was very good all round. The script shines through here and direction was executed very well. It's fun, witty and clever in all the right ways. Check it out!
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Great Fun but Stranger Things have happened...
11 July 2019
I was excited to find that McG of The Babysitter has made another film with Netflix and whilst this is much more teen friendly I once again loved it. A film that could have been from the 80s and very clearly riding the Stranger Things wave at the moment, it does it's job well. There is an overuse of CGI which doesn't always look great but I liked the cast, the story and had great fun watching it.
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The Babysitter (I) (2017)
I Enjoyed this more than I should have
11 July 2019
For me, this movie was one of Netflix's best original films of the past few years. It encapsulates the nostalgic feel of Home Alone with bits of Goonies and Evil Dead to somehow make a very entertaining flick. Also bonus points for all the nerd references they put in there. Samar's Weaving is also becoming one of my genre faves. Ultimately, I think I was the target audience for this movie so I might be biased but it gets two thumbs up from me.
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The Ranger (2018)
Great Villain and Great Movie
11 July 2019
Been waiting to see this since I missed it at Frightfest 2018 and was very glad to see it arrive on Shudder UK as I'd heard nothing but good things about it. I was very happy to find that I really enjoyed The Ranger. This movie was well made and had a distinct style that I hope to see the director carry forward. The cast were great in their roles and the only negative was that some of the less likeable characters were REALLY unlikeable, almost cartoonishly so. But that did help me look forward to their demise and when the bloodshed finally happens we get one great villain in the Ranger himself. I thought the actor was perfectly cast in this role and in what became something of a Friday 13th meets Green Room kind of vibe, I was totally onboard for where the story was taking me.

Do watch this movie if you see it available to stream and you won't be disappointed, even if you aren't a horror fan.
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Hollower (2016)
A surprising and chilling horror treat
4 March 2017
I went into this film having already seen the team's prior films Slasher House and Legacy of Thorn and whilst these films are set in the same 'Slasherverse' you don't need to have seen them to enjoy what is an indie horror treat. Hollower is a low budget affair but that in no way detracts from what is a tight script with some truly shocking twists. Nathan is a sympathetic protagonist and we are shown through flashbacks the events that lead him to his encounter with the superb Nicholas Vince (Hellraiser) as seen on the poster. The film builds into a routine and whilst I was initially worried that the story would grow stale, events escalate and take a horrifying turn as you come to realise that something isn't quite right with poor Nathan. The cast are a delight to watch, each putting in a solid performance and results in very likable characters, making the darker turn in the second act even more painful to watch.

As a low budget indie the film uses it's budget wisely, focusing on creating a claustrophobic environment within Nathan's flat and some creative lighting and sound design really pull you into the world. For gore hounds this film isn't for you - this is a film more focused on tension and character building making it more of a psychological horror although there are some gruesome moments. Monster fans will also be satisfied as there is something very sinister lurking in the shadows, the final identity of which is revealed in a well executed and horrifying revelation.

The only negatives I could point out are a few issues with sound levels (a few lines were a bit too quiet) but as a low budget indie the filmmakers did a great job with what they had available to them and the story and characters more than made up for this. Overall, this film earns its five stars for me as I was hooked after the first five minutes and very pleasantly surprised to see such a fiercely independent film punch very high above it's budget in bringing us a story I won't soon forget.
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Egomaniac (2016)
A Hilarious Horror Treat
10 September 2016
Got to see this film at Frightfest in London and it was certainly the best of the fest for me. The story follows a young female filmmaker and the trails she goes through in trying to make a Zombie Love Story movie. She starts the compromise more and more under the pressure of her hapless producer (who lives in the boot of his Vauxhall Corsa) and is slowly driven to madness with deadly results. The cast are all excellent and there was no single element that brought down what is a spectacular film. Filmmakers will get even more out of it as some of the jokes hit a little close to home! I'm not sure when this is getting a DVD/VOD release but I would really recommend picking it up!
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Bait (VI) (2014)
A compelling & visceral ride
6 November 2014
I saw this film at it's premiere at the Leeds International Film Festival 2014 and was delighted to find a gripping story with very interesting characters. Both female leads were fantastic in their roles and I was gripped from start to finish. It is a definite step up for Director Dominic Brunt after his directorial debut with Before Dawn (2012) and both the character building and story have improved dramatically. The story is thrilling and the actions of the film's Loan Shark villain are brutal and visceral, often shockingly so. This only adds to the gritty, real world quality the film presents to us. I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoys a good thriller! 10/10
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