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Dredd (2012)
23 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by saying I don't ever see action films. They are so awful lately (Transformers-all of them, Battleship...ugh), so I've been hesitant to commit any time to an action film. Thank God I switched gears with this film. I mean, from beginning to end, I couldn't look away. I've never seen the original, so I walked in with zero prior knowledge. The film is set in a futuristic, apocalyptic setting. Police are now combined with judge and jury, and choose on site the fate of any perp. The opening scene is Dredd pursuing three criminals, all of which are engaging in smoking a new type of drug that apparently slows down the users perceptions. Dredd is then paired with a mind reading newbie, and he is clearly not happy about it. Their first call is to a murder scene where three bodies have been thrown from the top of a slum high rise. Once inside, that's when the movie takes off, and I'll stop here. The remainder of the film had me on the edge of my seat. The acting is superb, the action is AMAZING, and the artistic flow is greatly appreciated in a Hollywood full of reality shows (Kartrashians) and terrible remakes (Footloose)....but this remake is a safe bet!
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Laughably terrible.
26 August 2012
I decided to see this "film" simply because I was sincerely trying to see if a biased film could be made with honesty, truth, and facts. Wow....was I wrong. I cannot fathom how uneducated Americans must be to believe the garbage peddled in this film. The fear being fed to these republicans wouldn't be so frightening if they weren't so stupid. They will literally believe anything Fox or hate mongers like OReilly, Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, and Hannity say. This isn't a film, it is a bunch of footage, interloped with horrifying music and deep voices to scare the hell out of people. The problem is, again, the republicans will eat this up because they aren't educated enough to make decisions on their own. Unless someone is telling them to be homophobic, racist, xenophobic, and just downright filthy human beings, I'd like to hope they wouldn't be. Either way, this movie is as reliable as women's rights under a republican Congress. Enough said.
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As close to perfect as any film could be
29 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I must start out by saying that I adore Wes Anderson, he can do no wrong in my opinion. If you do not find his work intriguing, then by all means, do not see this film. The story is simple, it is a story about being young, falling in love, and living by your own rules, and in this case, no rules at all. I must say the two young actors were enchanting. The young lady (Hayward) embodied the disgruntled, angry 13 year old girl that I think all women can relate to. The young boy (Gilman) is alone, an orphan, yearning for love and compassion, which he happily seeks out and finds in Hayward. They run away, learn about each other, explore the world and the limits of their own youth and knowledge. Once caught, they begrudgingly return. The young woman, to a family she hates, wonderfully played by McDormand and Murrray. McDormand is in love with the police chief (Willis), or uses him as an emotional outlet. Willis leads all searches for these two as they run away, and you can see how his loneliness gives him a soft spot for Gilman. Murray is, yet again, the light that shines in all Anderson films. He is the definition of what acting is, he is every role he plays. Once the children are caught, the remaining khaki scouts (cute pun on boy scouts) realize that their hatred for the young Gilman is not the credo of their khaki scouts, they should be supporting him and his choices, which is exactly what they do. They assist him and his future wife to once again escape. They marry in a distant khaki scout camp, married by a hilarious Schwartzmann, who I wish wouldve had a larger role. But alas, they are again caught, where they retreat to the top of a church tower in a terrible storm. Right before they prepare to leap,Willis offers the young man a permanent home, with him. The newlyweds agree and happily return home. The film ends with the young groom leaping from her window secretly, with a promise to "see her tomorrow." I once again cannot say enough about how beautiful this film is. To be young, to be in love, to run away with no intention other than companionship, its simplicity is its brilliance.
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Magic Mike (2012)
Yes Yes Yes
28 June 2012
I really cannot say enough about this film. It is better than a ten, it is perfection. You would assume it was just about the stripping, but Soderbergh nailed the scene. I live in St Pete, where the movie was filmed, and I honestly felt it was just being filmed in all local bars. The people, the drugs, the filth, the hot guys, it's all there!! Channing Tatum is no joke, when he moves, all eyes are on him. The plot surrounding the two main characters was well developed, I honestly think this is one of Soderberghs best yet. Although the film was advertised as a male stripper film, it is so much more, it shows the filthy women. It shows the heavy drug use. It is just so much more than a film, it is cinema!
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
What a sh!t show
9 June 2012
This was awful. Awful on a level I didn't truly think was possible, considering all the advertising and marketing that has been involved with this film. First of all, the only reason I gave it two stars was Michael Fassbender, he's unbelievable in anything he does, and was the only positive thing about this film. The main characters were all so randomly thrown in here, I never felt they played a major role. Charlize Theron is usually fabulous, but was just morose in this film, she never once smiled, and her character really was meaningless. The plot centered around the search for these specific aliens that were apparently the creators of man. With this story line, so much could've been accomplished, but the support roles fell terrible short, and many of the characters motivations were never revealed, so it left you feeling confused and flustered. There were a few scenes that made me jump, but overall, this is not a horror film, barely even action/adventure. This is a Sci-fi channel reject, and I'd be surprised if anyone walks out of this film feeling like anything they just saw made one ounce of sense. Terrible Terrible Terrible.
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Shame (2011)
More than a movie
24 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't find this movie anywhere, it took months to finally get it in my city, and when it finally arrived, I actually went alone, I simply couldn't wait on a friend to join. I have been that excited to see this film since first reading about it, and I was not disappointed. Michael Fassbender was perfection, not nominating him for Best Actor is as big a travesty as not nominating Ryan Gosling for Drive. This film really isn't about much, it's about a brother and sister that are both addicts. He a sex addict, she a cutter. But the plot of the story is never to find their motivations, which I assumed would've been the goal of the director. But their motivations and their pasts aren't important, because addiction doesn't need a definition, it doesn't need a precursor. The movie follows a sex addict, but a sex addict beyond any realm of understanding normal people could comprehend. To do this, I needed to feel his urge. I had to see he wasn't looking to just have sex, the emotion controlled him, and not the other way around. Fassbender shows zero emotion in the movie, but his desire creates so much emotion that I found myself close to tears at some parts. You could see the pain in his eyes after every sexual encounter. He needed it so badly, but ultimately understands he will never be satisfied. Almost like after finishing with one immediately thinking about the next. I cannot describe enough how brilliant, painful, draining, and wonderful this film is. There are a ton of amazing sex scenes, full male frontal is usually so taboo, but if anyone could've pulled it off, it was Fassbender.
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Chronicle (2012)
Very entertaining, but nothing to write home about
6 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Although entertaining, Chronicle has quite a lacking dialogue, attempting to capture the high school lingo fell flat for me from the beginning. But the story itself has amazing potential, three high school boys jump into a hole in the ground and encounter a magical rock/meteor/radioactive stone, not completely sure what the hell it is, and magically attain super human powers. In the beginning, the boys attempt to push the limits of their new found abilities, flying, moving objects, just having fun with it. Then one of the boys starts to combine his newfound abilities with his personal, violent and depressing home life. He starts using his powers to hurt others by fighting, stealing, robbing, and pretty much anything he wants. This is where the story took a turn towards a direction that could've been brilliant, but just made the boy appear silly and downright selfish. Perhaps he went mad, perhaps all the years of bullying finally caught up with him, but killing a bunch of people didn't seem to be the way he should've gone, it just felt so forced to me, and I'm sure to many others. I still recommend the film, it is an entertaining story with plenty of action.
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So bad I don't even know where to begin
9 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When the credits started rolling at the end of this film, half the audience screamed, "I want my money back!" So lets start there, the movie was only 80 minutes long, which isn't any huge surprise with Hollywood these days, but this movie could've used the extra time to develop the story. The plot was clear in the beginning, but still beyond ridiculous. A girl is trying to have her mother brought back to the US from a sanitarium in Rome. Mom was the subject of an exorcism and killed everyone that was attempting to exorcise her. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity and, for some reason, was sent to Rome. This is the beginning of the stupidity. The daughter is trying to visit mom, and bring her back to the US. Because why wouldn't she want to bring her deranged mother, who doesn't remember her, and is a murderer, back to the states. No reason as to why she's trying to pull that off. She meets with her mother and realizes she needs another exorcism, with no other information given, she just knows mommy needs to have another chance to murder a bunch of people. Are you following this? Its so stupid I almost got up and walked out. She finds a few rogue priests that like to perform their own exorcisms, without the consent of the church, to help her with her mother. Just writing this crap makes me want to throw up, which I did after paying $10 for this garbage. The exorcism is real awful, nothing scary whatsoever. Then, one by one, everyone that witnessed her exorcism becomes a new host for Satan. This could've been a great film, but the acting is atrocious, the plot was shaky at best, and the ending is simply a joke. Again, when everyone in the theater yells out they want their money back, your best bet is to go see something else. Awful, awful, awful.
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Drive (I) (2011)
Absolute Perfection!
27 September 2011
Drive is what all other movies should strive to be. A movie like this reminded me that Hollywood still does make good films. This film is about a Driver, simply known and credited as 'The Driver,' that is a stunt driver by day and a getaway driver for hire by night. Ryan Gosling is an amazing actor, but I didn't know he had it in him to be this kind of lover/friend/maniac. That is, what I feel, is the jist of this film, regardless of a plot or a love story, is the overall driven emotion Ryan Gosling has for every person he interacts with. Whether its the friendship he has with his boss, played wonderfully by Bryan Cranston. Or whether its the budding romance developing with his neighbor (Carey Mulligan). Or finally, the violent, maniacal man that interacts and swiftly responds to the perceived threats of danger he or any of his friends or loved ones encounter. The Driver isn't just a driver, he is every emotion that has ever existed to every extreme you could possibly imagine, played PERFECTLY by Ryan Gosling. I hope he isn't ignored again this year by the Academy, because its about time this man receives an award for making every film he stars in shine.
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The Help (2011)
Better than the book!
13 August 2011
This is the first time in my life I have ever liked the movie version better than the book. I finished the book the night before seeing the movie. The book left a lot of unanswered story lines, and it also left Hilly on top, with no one really telling her what a piece of trash she really is. The film does an excellent job of incorporating a majority of the book, while adding two scenes where Hilly finally has someone tell her what an a$$hole she really is. I rank the movie a 9 out of 10 because it really is almost perfect. It has Emma Stone as Skeeter trying to break out as a writer by tackling the hot button topic of segregation from the view point of the help. Both supporting characters-Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer-carry the wisdom and truly make you question how racist morons in the south as high up as the governor were able to reign supreme for so long. Skeeter's mother-Allison Janney-lit up the screen. She is the souther belle that has also been dealt a pretty harsh case of cancer that has left her losing her hair and her speed, but she still pushes for the best for her little girl, and in the end proves to be proud of her daughter for being such a courageous writer and human being. Now we have Hilly Holbrook-Bryce Dallas Howard-the villain of the film. I LOVED her in this role. The very sight of her on screen turned my stomach every time. She is a self proclaimed Christian southern belle, but is in reality an ignorant racist that enjoys controlling all her friends and pretty much everything in her life and everyone else's life. She enjoys treating the help terribly, it appears to genuinely make her happy. This is where the book failed terribly. The book had Hilly come out on top, with no one ever really giving it to her. The movie is redeeming, and I cried numerous times throughout. I see numerous Oscar nominations in its future.
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Faerie Tale Theatre (1982–1987)
This is by far the greatest series, for adults and for children!
6 June 2011
I am 30, and have been watching the Fairie Tale Theatre's as far back as I can remember. I adored them as a child, and as an adult, I found it difficult to relocate them. Now, you can buy the entire box set, with every episode! I cannot stress enough how wonderful these 45 minute stories are. Each episode is filled with big name stars of then and today. I mean, some serious names-Mary Steenburgen, Mick Jagger, Sofia Coppola, Michael Richards, Robin Williams, Susan Sarandon, Jeff Bridges, Eric Idle, Vincent Price, and about a million more big name actors that will surprise you in each episode. Shelley Duvall is behind this masterpiece, and to this day, cannot get enough. From Goldilocks and the Three Bears to my favorite The Boy Who Left Home To Find out About the Shivers-every single one will leave you in awe. The acting is supreme, and the sets are even more unique. I have a serious collection of DVDs and box sets, but this one surpasses all the rest by a long shot. I recommend this set if you just want to enjoy cinematic beauty at its finest.
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How much lazier can Hollywood get?
29 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you loved the original, then you will love this one. The reason being is that part II is the carbon copy of its predecessor, and reinforces the idea that laziness is running rampant throughout Hollywood. Lets rundown the similarities, shall we: 1-Movie starts out with Stu's wedding in Thailand. 2-The men wake up and don't remember a thing. 3-Stu hasn't lost a tooth this time, he has a face tattoo. 4-No baby, but an adorable coke snorting, cigarette smoking monkey. 5-Doug isn't missing, but the bride's younger brother Teddy. 6-No missing tooth this time, but a missing finger, which just so happens to belong to Teddy. 7-Follow a hot lead to find Teddy, but it turns out to be a Buddhist monk (black Doug reference). 8-In order to piece together the previous night, the guys head to a strip club run by the very same guy that ran the Wedding Chapel from part one. 9-It is also at the strip club, like the chapel in part one, that we learn that Stu is cheating on his fiancé-part one was a stripper, this time a stripper with a weiner! 10-Then the return of Teddy lays in the hands of Mr Chow and him transferring money to a Russian mobster who supposedly has custody of Teddy, just as Mr. Chow supposedly had custody of Doug in the original, with neither having custody of their supposed missing friends. 11-The phone call from Phil claiming they had F*&*ed up. 12-Just as in the original, Stu has an epiphany and figures out where Teddy is, stuck in the hotel elevator. 13-The guys make it to the wedding just in time. 14-The guys end the film sitting together when Teddy finds his phone and all the pictures that they are going to all look at once, but then delete. Its funny, sure, but it's really just embarrassing to come to terms with the knowledge that these writers think that the viewers of this movie are so stupid that they won't mind the similarities. I say similarities, but it's just down right the same movie in a different city. My response to the writers and to the director Todd Philips is, How dare you?! Didn't you make a butt load of money? Didn't this movie get nominated for a ton of awards? You couldn't afford some real writers? Or did you just not care enough about your viewers to give us something different?
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I'm not really sure what that was
17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Had there been a way to give this film a zero, I wouldn't have hesitated whatsoever. This movie, from the terrible beginning to the God awful end, shouldn't even be shown under the guise of a "film." First of all, I enjoyed the television show. The comradery is endearing, and all women dream of a perfect life, with perfect friends, lots of money, men that love them, amazing clothes, movie star friends, red carpet premiers, etc etc. SATC has created this dream into a likable series that most women enjoy. Now turning any series into a film is tricky, 30 minute stories every week isn't really in depth story telling. Venturing into this realm the first time was ballsy, but the second time around was simply egotistical. The film contains a various stories, all hoping to appeal to its mostly female audience, #1, Husband and wife fight over the TV, wife wants to go out, husband doesn't. Carrie wants to go to the premier, Big wants to stay in and watch TV, very relatable matter to most women right? #2-Menopause, seen as a chastity belt by someone like Samantha. She is taking any known medical serum hoping to prevent the inevitable. Aiming to guarantee her worn out body the ability to be enjoyed by the other half of Manhattan she hasn't already banged. #3-Not enough time with family, job too time consuming....yes, I are trying to grasp how women with money, maids, and nannies deal with such trying issues, but I haven't told you the final story line...#4-A stay at home, uber wealthy mother with a live in nanny is trying to deal with being a mother!!! Are you on the floor? That one should've put you right over the edge. So, here we are, four extremely wealthy women, dealing with problems that you and I deal with every day. Except they have live in nannies, drivers, extra homes to hang out at when they want to "get away," closets full of couture, and oh yeah, did I mention they're millionaires? So how much crazier can this story get you ask, well here it is, the writers/directors decided to throw these women into a culture that is the total opposite of everything they stand for-THE MIDDLE EAST..(gasp, hand over mouth, tears streaming down your horrified face). So they send these spoiled sluts on over to the Middle East, now this is where the story literally takes a nose dive into the Red Sea. The writers/directors thought it would be humorous to have these women confronted with a culture so unlike their own, and then have them mock it, very ignorantly I might add. If there is ever the stereotypical view that Americans are stupid and ignorant to foreign cultures, that assumption would have been reached upon viewing this film. The SATC sluts dress provocatively, then mock the local women for choosing a life of piousness to one of shallow days filled with shopping. The culminating shot was Samantha's purse being spilled onto the streets of a marketplace and her stack of condoms falling out. She then screams into the crowd that yes, she likes to have sex, all while gyrating her hips and pumping her fists. Are we to assume that the writer/directors were hoping that you would side with Samantha? Hooray for America, for women having sex, wearing whatever they want and being proud of it? Not that there is anything wrong with that, but they are placing the Muslim lifestyle under the DON'T column of this list. Upon picking up her stack of condoms, the women are helped by a group of Muslim women that take them to a back room and pull of there niqab's to reveal they are all dressed to the nines like the SATC ladies!! Hooray, this culture of women dressed so terribly, but underneath, they want to be just like us Americans. Heartwarming right? Well it's not, it is terribly arrogant and embarrassing. I feel there is always something good that comes from most movies, good looking guys/girls, cool clothes (btw-the women were all dressed terribly in SATC2), some humorous dialogue, but this movie has nothing. If there is a God, then this movie will surely end up in hell.
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Arthur (I) (2011)
Russell Brand owns this role.
11 April 2011
I have been reading numerous posts on here, and I am appalled at the level of indifference shown by the users on this site. I will start off by saying that if you don't like Russell Brand, then you will not enjoy this film. Comparing him to Dudley Moore is simply impossible. Dudley Moore's humor was based around his ability to appear intoxicated throughout the entire film. Brand's interpretation was less believable, and you can sense it was an act, where with Moore it appeared he was literally hitting the bottle between each take. Brand does deserve praise for the remainder of his performance though. His personality is hilarious and his delivery was spot on. Now replacing John Gieglud with Helen Mirren was quite a stretch. Gieglud NAILED the role, winning the Academy Award for his performance as Moore's butler/nanny/father figure. His humor at times surpassed Moore's, his dry wit leaving me wanting to see him as much as Moore's character. Helen Mirren was funny, carrying the mother/nanny role with a stern attitude sprinkled with witty one liners. The only thing that was completely wrong with the film was having Greta Gerwig in the role that was completely owned by Liza Minelli. I mean, it's Liza for God's sake, at least put someone I've heard of in the role. Gerwig came off as irritating, and more of a friend to Brand than a serious love interest. I gave the film a 10 to balance the low scores given by many of the other users. Bottom line-the film was hilarious. I laughed constantly and really enjoyed every minute of it. It will always pale in comparison to the original, but was enjoyable nonetheless.
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Great Movie for Everyone!
7 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone that is in this movie is fantastic. Writer/Director Adam McKay brings in a hot topic story line that carries this film right through to the end. The film starts out with Ferrell and Wahlberg being an odd ball duo, with Ferrell happy behind a desk and Wahlberg aching for some action. Wahlberg is able to finally convince Ferrell to jump on a case with him, which leads them to an investigation that is ill advised all along the way. Mendes lights up the film as Ferrells mismatched wife, with Wahlberg immediately noting this and stating it constantly throughout the film. The movie is full of action, as well as great chemistry between Ferrell and Wahlberg, which leads to hilarious interactions between them. I recommend this film for everyone!!!
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Great behind the scenes look at how an election is supposed to run
5 August 2010
Whether you like Obama or not, this film is an excellent documentary following a successful campaign. Axelrod and Gibbs played a crucial role in Obama's election, and this film highlights the brilliant ideas they came up with along the way. The movie doesn't play favorites, and doesn't appear biased against McCain and towards Obama, it is simply a film showing how hard it is and the path this President took to achieve his goals and aspirations. I would recommend this film for anyone interested in the behind the scenes work behind Obama's campaign. As far as history goes, Obama's election is a milestone, whether you like it or not. That being said, his steps to the highest office are wonderfully culminated in this documentary.
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You will think about this movie every day
3 August 2010
This is one of the best Sam Mendes films I can think of. Casting was perfect, and the story was impeccable. The story takes place in the 1950s. Being an American History teacher, I adore films about the 50s. This movie captures the prison in which women may have found themselves being married and attempting to fulfill the stereotypes of what a woman was supposed to be in the 1950s. Kate Winslet captures the hell she is living, and allows the audience into her tormented world, even if only briefly. You feel for DiCaprio's character at times, but realize that both of them are victims of their era, not of each other. The last 15 minutes of this film are burned into my mind, and I think about this movie constantly. The acting is superb, you will not be disappointed in any way with this film.
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A Day in the Life of Pain and Suicidal Thoughts
3 August 2010
Oh my good God! I am a big fan of The Office, and a big fan of Paul Rudd. That being said, they are the worst choices for the roles they attempted to pull off. Paul Rudd was complacent and docile, while Steve Carell was downright unfunny. Zach G and Jemaine Clemente were amazing, they were the best parts of the movie. About half way through, I looked to my friend and asked if we should leave, he said we should stick it out. I attempted to find the highest point in the theater and jump off, but alas, I was stopped by security and forced to finish watching this joke of a film. Do not, under any circumstances, spend a dime on this film. Wait until it being shown in your doctors office, or perhaps on your death bed while your waiting to die.
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