
4 Reviews
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The Terminal List (2022– )
I don't think I've ever left a movie review
4 September 2022
Not sure why all the critic reviews are bad. I tried to sort it out in my head but I just don't understand where they're coming from.

I love Chris's Pratt so even tho I'm not a huge fan of war/military movies, I thought I would give it a shot. Honestly, after episode 1, I thought, maybe not for me, kinda slow and boring but I told myself to watch until episode 3 before making a decision. Totally off topic but years ago I told a friend to watch Schitt's Creek (waaaay before it was popular) and after one episode she said, no, I don't like it, so I said watch three episodes and if you still don't like it I will never bring it up again. She's now a die hard fan. So, the three episode test does work, lol.

It picked up and I was hooked. It's a military/action/mystery kinda show. Very good! People have said it's, "predictable" and I do agree, to a certain extent. Yes, literally watching episode 1 I had an idea which did pan out BUT not 100%.

As far as the dark thing goes, I don't like shows/movies that are shot, "dark", usually horror movies, but this show was fine. I had no problem with overly dark scenes AT ALL.

I didn't find anything political in this. It was simply a fun ride. I suppose if you watch a movie with a pad and pen in hand and try very, very hard to find something political, you might? I don't know because I honestly saw nothing like that.

Very entertaining and just a fun ride! Give it a shot.
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Dreamkatcher (2020)
ONLY for Lin Shaye
1 May 2020
I will watch Lin Shaye in ANYTHING! She is amazing and always nails the character. That said, even she cannot save this movie.

I think this is the second review I've ever written because I feel like the horror genre is so hard to review! There are so many different types of films and, honestly, horror movie aficionados are kinda snobby, lol, we all feel like critics!

This one started out strong, I was excited, I thought ok, wow, this one is gonna be good... up until just past the halfway point and then I don't know what happened but they lost me and I couldn't be more disappointed.

It's very frustrating because half the story was there and the acting was great (a big deal to me) and, Lin Shaye! Hello! But it fizzled out and I was so irritated I had to come here and write this review.

Maybe I'm missing something but I just didn't get it after about two thirds of the way thru. For reference, to give you an idea of the types of movies I like - because it's so hard to try and find a good horror movie that is in my wheelhouse - I very much enjoyed these disturbing horror films, The Platform, Pet, Ghostland and Midsommar, fun horror movies like Tucker and Dale VS Evil and especially LOVED Final Girls with Taissa Farmiga, I adore AHS, loved Tusk, Hunt, Waxwork, any old school 80's slasher film and, of course, ALL of the Insidious movies and The Conjuring franchise, as well. I could probably go on all night but that gives you a small idea of what I like in order to determine if you might want to trust my judgement and give this movie a pass.

Hope this might help others trying to find something good to watch!
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Darker and way more fun
2 November 2019
Listen, it's a Sabrina the Teenage Witch adaptation...they did a great job! It's a fun ride...yes, there is quite a bit of left political leanings, but so what? It's fun and far more grown up and darker! The acting, for the most part, is good and Sabrina is believable...stop looking for academy awards! Just sit back and enjoy the ride! It's not meant to have some deep meaning, it's fun!
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Ghost Stories (I) (2017)
Great movie
12 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Horror movies come in lots of different shapes and sizes... This movie was great! It was smart, had depth and dealt with some serious issues - overwhelming guilt, suicide, and being traumatized by an intolerant religious upbringing and how those feelings can shape - or warp - you. Most of the bad reviews say the same things, for example: "it's stupid and cheap to make it all a dream". Except, it wasn't a dream, "the three ghost stories were unrelated and had nothing to do with one another". Except, they were all very clearly connected in multiple ways, "boring and not scary at all". Except, the elements in this movie are very scary, the deeper level, the jump scares and the overall creepiness are quite effective. One reviewer stated it was stupid to have had the early scenes showing a religious upbringing because the rest of the movie had nothing to do with religion...huh? As far as the bad reviewers go I think their own misconceptions ruined the movie for them and because they completely missed the point they blamed the writers, director, etc. Not all horror movies are mindless gore-fests and while that type of horror is certainly entertaining I find movies like Ghost Stories can sometimes be scarier. Give it a shot, just don't tune in expecting The Conjuring, because it isn't that type of horror movie.
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