
22 Reviews
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The Flash (I) (2023)
21 October 2023
It's too bad Ezra Miller is associated with this film because it was pretty fantastic. I initially refused to see the show because of all his erratic, criminal behavior, but once I considered all the other individuals who worked hard on the film, and my own kid's desire to see the film, we opted to give it a chance and I'm really glad we did. The nostalgia alone was worth seeing the film for but the storyline was awesome as well. If you are a big stickler for CGI you might be a little perturbed, but ultimately it was a cool movie. I highly recommend giving it a shot as well. You won't be disappointed (unless the CGI stuff really bothers you).
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Not What I Expected
29 May 2023
I've never played Dungeons & Dragons so I didn't have a huge desire to see this film. However my kids saw it was available so we gave it a go. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've always been a fan of Chris Pine & will never pass up an opportunity to look at Rege Jean Page. I loved Michelle Rodriguez's character & main female villain beautifully evil. The characters were fun & unique. Each one brought something different to the group as I imagine they do in the game. Hugh Grant was also a delight. It was not only funny but the humor itself was clever. I would recommend it to everyone whether they are a fan of the game or not.
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Marie Antoinette (2022– )
3 May 2023
The worst depiction of Marie Antoinette's life I've ever seen. Sure the story is entertaining, the drama is good, the setting is amazing & the costumes are beautiful. Unfortunately they get next to nothing right about her life. If you are going to fictionalize everything about her life why not just write a fictional period piece? Don't butcher her life & the lives of those depicted alongside her. You will only disappoint the people who study & love her & the people who don't know & care for her likely aren't watching. If they are watching they have no idea who M. Antoinette really was. Her life was incredibly sad & fascinating. It was filled with young love, hope, drama, excess, backstabbing, friendship, secrets, style, fun &, in the end, chaos & death. There was no need to change anything & its baffling to me that a historian would sign off on this travesty. I intended to buy a handful of the screenwriter's book but I'll think twice before doing so.
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
A Breath of Fresh Air
18 September 2021
I seriously don't know why people are rating this so low, I absolutely loved it, but I still thoroughly enjoy the classic tale as well. I don't know who needs to hear this, but it's possible to simultaneously enjoy both versions in your lifetime.
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Halston (2021)
A Work of Art
18 May 2021
I've always been interested in human behavior & emotion so, even though I have no sense of fashion (I'm literally wearing yoga pants & a band tee), I'm not at all surprised at how much I enjoyed this mini series. Obviously the fashion was magnificent, but it did an amazing job capturing a brief moment in history when 1 man embodied everything that was glamorous, passionate & even a bit dark during his time in the spotlight. It's difficult to think of another individual who represented the rapidly changing landscape of America at the time better than Halston. I highly recommend searching "Battle of Versailles" on YouTube to better understand the genius of this man.
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Surprised by the Bad Reviews
7 May 2021
Before I write anything I should make it clear that I've never read any of Tom Clancy's books. Perhaps if I had I'd better understand the negative reviews. It certainly wasn't as good as the Bourne movies, but I did enjoy it for the most part. There were some clichés, but if you aren't a die-hard fan of Jack Ryan I'd wager you would be entertained by the film.
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Get on Up (2014)
Worth Seeing
6 May 2021
While this movie only briefly highlights a dew moments in James Brown's life it went far enough to inspire me to learn more about this amazing entertainer. Chadwick Boseman's portrayal was masterful & the music helped make the film a success. I wish I had gotten more from it, but truthfully it would've been impossible to to do the man justice in one sitting.
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Tenet (2020)
Not Worth the Effort
2 May 2021
I really wanted to enjoy this movie, but when you take an INCREDIBLY difficult premise with a forward/backward storyline & combine it with RIDICULOUSLY loud background noise & music, understanding what is going on is almost impossible.
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
15 July 2020
What did I just watch? It literally just ended with no explanation. And things happened that didn't make sense. I'm not even sure there was a storyline. Dumbest show I've ever seen.
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WTH did I just watch?
4 April 2020
I wish I could leave a review, but I'm literally still not sure what I just watched, what the premise of the story was or if there was a point at all???
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Mixed Feelings
9 January 2020
I have to say I'm not 100% sure how to rate this movie. On the one hand there were several things I didn't like. #1 where were the subtitles? For someone well versed in French history it would be easy to deduce what is happening, but someone who isn't would be very confused. Subtitles would've been an easy remedy. #2 the the ages (or appearance of age) was inaccurate. Surprisingly I thought Nick Notle did well, something I didn't expect, but M. Conway was too old, G. Paltrow was too old, Louis XVI & M. Antoinette were too old & Lafayette looked too old though the acting was well done so, despite his age, I was happy with the performance. #3 The historical events were glossed over which was very disappointing. Having said all that, I must say I'm pleasantly surprised that this movie was made, ESPECIALLY considering how little was known at the time (1995) & much of what was portrayed was still considered speculation & rumor. Because of this I've given it a better rating than I initially planned. I think something should be said for a film company that is willing to make a movie that is so controversial, though I don't know that I agree with how it was portrayed.
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Very disappointing
3 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's no storyline, just a quick succession of random events. Big moments in the Revolution's history are misrepresented or left out entirely. The Women's March on Versailles is incorrectly portrayed, Lafayette is played by an overweight man with black hair when in reality he was tall, thin & had reddish/Auburn hair, the September Massacres aren't represented..... I could go on & on. It's clear to me that the writers/directors/producers had an agenda that mirrors the Lost Cause Myth of the Civil War. Conveniently leave out facts & over amplify minor mistakes & weaknesses to create villains out of heros & muddy the waters of history.
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UglyDolls (2019)
Great message, beautiful music & lots of fun!
19 August 2019
I'm not sure why people are giving it a bad review because it's a "rip off of trolls" (which I don't agree with at all), but what's wrong with making a lot of movies for kids that are entertaining & have a wonderful message? I loved it & so did my kids.
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Why change the story?
28 July 2019
I was really disappointed in this movie. I've recently become obsessed with French history & was excited to see a film about a strange period during the reign of Marie Antoinette, but the lack of historical accuracy made for a very bad showing. The basics of the story are there, but they took great liberty in the surrounding details. I won't even comment on the actors performances because they didn't do the characters justice, but the blame should be placed on the shoulders of the screenwriters rather than the actors. The Affair of the Necklace is an incredibly interesting story & should have been portrayed correctly, or not at all.
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Good Movie
18 July 2019
I'm not sure why this movie was torn apart by critics. I read the book the film was based on & felt it did a good job bringing the story to life. There is one scene that is played out as if it actually happened when the author merely said it was a possibility, but not likely. Other than that the basics of the story are all intact. I thoroughly enjoyed this film & am glad it came to fruition.
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Fosse/Verdon (2019)
Very Entertaining
1 June 2019
I've heard if Bob Fosse, & am a fan of his choreography, but am embarrassed to admit I didn't know much about his (or Verdon's) personal lives. I don't know how accurate the series is, but I absolutely enjoyed watching it. Sam Rockwell & Michelle William's are extremely talented & I loved every minute if the show. FX has done some amazing things lately & I can't wait to see what's next.
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Wonder Park (2019)
No Good
1 June 2019
The animation was fine, and the idea had merit, but everything else was really dumb. It was random, not funny, overdone & just weird.
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John Adams (2008)
Well done!
22 May 2019
I enjoyed much of what I saw in the series, but having just read the book "John Adams" by David McCullough I was saddened to see a few changes that don't follow history & am unsure as to why. I rather wish they had followed at least the XYZ Affair more accurately. I also wish they had spent more time on other characters who, although aren't the focus of the film, nevertheless had great impact on the actions played out by Mr. Adams. Because of these regrettable changes to key moments & people in history I only gave 7 stars. Having said that, for the most part they followed the timeline well with regards to John Adam's specifically.
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Wonderful glimpse into the life of most important founding fatger
11 May 2019
A very well put together documentary that highlights some of the most important moments of George Washington's life as well as the key periods of time that gave birth to our nation. I was very impressed with all the information provided & only held back from giving it 10 out of 10 stars because there were a few things I wish had been addressed that weren't.
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Aquaman (2018)
7 May 2019
I'm fine with Aquaman being on the cheesy side considering it was probably marketed to a younger audience, but this movie was terrible. Plenty of comics have been made for kids, but done with a lot more finesse. The plot was dumb & the acting was ridiculous. Had Jason Mamoa & William Dafoe not been in it I would have given it 1/2 ⭐ & still consider that generous.
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It was good, then it wasn't.
8 April 2019
The premise of the show was interesting, but then it went from serious to silly. If the show would've stuck with one or the other (serious or silly) it would've been good. Having said that, it did both well, they just didn't go well together.
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Pleasantly Surprised
3 August 2018
Catcher in the Rye is one of the worst books I've ever read, but learning more about JD Salinger helped me to appreciate it as a piece of American literature. Seeing who Salinger was, & the struggles & triumphs he experienced, I have a newfound respect for the novel.
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