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NCIS: Lifeline (2024)
Season 21, Episode 3
I don't know...
27 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
McGee is working under a car, getting covered in oil after turning a wrench the wrong way.

Kasey getting called when she was a volunteer, she just answered a general phone call Suddenly she's in charge?

Torres an accountant, apparently he is good at it?

Knight changing light bulbs?

Then we have Jimmy, a doctor who should know better, suffering hearing damage that may not correct on its own. It seems stupid to not use hearing protection everyone knows is important and should be required even in a practice range.

As usual, the CIA are incompetent; ditto for FBI when even Parker was a previous agent.

Then, the good guy seems to be the bad guy. Okay, I know this is a frequent situation; but then Webb confiscates Kasey to help him make things right.

Turns out it's all a big frame up!

Oh how we need Gibbs back! He seemed to always keep things on an even keel..
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Magnum P.I.: Run with the Devil (2023)
Season 5, Episode 16
To Be or Not to Be?
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
By now we all know the end is near for the re-pop of the Magnum franchise. Many viewers, my wife and I included, started with the original format, similar to this except with a male Higgins. For all we know, the same guy plays Robin.

When I first heard from a friend about the new version, we were already nearly finished with season one. I told him it was ludicrous to have a woman playing Higgins. Can't be, I told him; some things are sacred and don't mess with my past. Well, I asked my wife if she would like to watch the show and she, while having the same resistance as I did, said maybe we should give it a try.

So, I added the series to our TiVo OTA DVR and started recording with season two. Well, it wasn't bad. Not spectacular, except for the scenery (sometimes in the flesh), but it was entertaining. We missed season one, but when reruns were available, we recorded and viewed them to catch up.

Tonight we had an episode with a young Amish fellow who is missing his sister. The plot is not new; it's been done before, and our recently recovered helicopter pilot, TC needs a date to the ball, with ever helpful barkeep Rick offering to help fix the problem.

The kid and his sister are reunited, the Marines go to the ball, with Rick reunited with his wife and TC gets the hot chick surfer. All in all, some fine entertainment. Only a few episodes left of season five and it will be the end of the new Magnum... or will it?
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Nova: Ancient Earth: Inferno (2023)
Season 50, Episode 14
Interesting series
8 November 2023
Yes indeed, these new Nova programs on earth are very interesting. I love this show because I love learning about what might have happened in our past. As an "old guy" who shamefully disliked history way back when during my nearly 18 years of schooling I didn't see the need for studying history. I mean real history, not the history some wish it to be. I am making up for that digression now and spend hours every week researching the past.

These recent episodes have been quite informative. Of course most of what we see is speculation, but I firmly believe it is based on good science. Unfortunately, nobody was around 253 million years ago to record what happened.

Very good science indeed. Now for what I didn't enjoy. I said I was an old guy and I can't change that. What I wish I could change is the continuous lecturing on all the bad things humans did to create the climate issues we have today. I am tired of some twenty some year old telling me we have to change our habits if we are to save the planet! Excuse me, but most of what changed our planet happened without the influence of humans. Are we contributing? Sure we are, but there are way larger contributing factors at work here.

So Nova, show me the science and stop the lectures!
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NCIS: Los Angeles: The Other Shoe (2023)
Season 14, Episode 15
Fourteen seasons is a good run
25 March 2023
A few years ago I found a way to go back is time and watch the origins of NCIS Los Angeles, and it was refreshing to see how the original cast was presented. Anyone who watched from the beginning or near the beginning knows there are some faces gone as well as faces new over the years. It's bound to happen, sometimes because actors tire of the routine, or tragically die and must be written out of the show.

Viewers don't necessarily like it, but it happens. Life goes on and NCIS L A is no exception. Right now, Callan is missing. Where is Callan? One of the two originals from the beginning and he is missing in action with not a lot of explanation. Hetty is also gone.

Anyway here we are with the most recent episode. I thought it was fairly well done in spite of Callan's absence. I know I am maybe the exception with the critics, but I enjoyed the show. Was the Admiral in error about boxing in a Marine match? Maybe, but I don't care. The show had a lot of character involvement and a lot of action.

Still a pretty good show and I will miss it when it is gone...
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Fire Country: My Kinda Leader (2023)
Season 1, Episode 16
Pretty good show, but...
12 March 2023
When this srries was first announced, my wife and I were excited to see what it would be. After all, we are huge fans of Chicago Fire and had high expectations. Not that CF is perfect; after all it is written by folks who likely never met a real fireman. One thing is evident, the writers knpw more about social issues than fighting fires. Maybe because we are part pf a family of real firemen do we have a different outlook on reality, and let's be honest here, a fireman's life is not all that exciting most of the time.

So here we have convicts helping California fire fighters save the world. I like the idea, and seeing these guys and gals out in the woods should be fun, right?

So why oh why is there always so much bickering? I mean there is never an episode where everyone works together to get the job done. It's worse than just pleasant rivalries, here we have fist fights and only God knows what else. I would like to see a little more humor between the team; you know what I mean?
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FBI: Most Wanted: Transaction (2023)
Season 4, Episode 13
From a Minnesota native
22 February 2023
Interesting to see an episode where the characters actually "travel" to a municipality instead of just referencing it in the dialog. Also interesting to hear actual Minnesota locations used instead of fake cities as you often see in TV series episodes.

Platte Lake Minnesota is in Crow Wing County and is the source of the Platte River which drains into the Mississippi River. Although the reference to Phillips Minnesota is a bit of a stretch, as Phillips is a Minneapolis neighborhood and not really a city. It is about 75% people of color, so the usage in the show is reasonably accurate.

That being said, in spite of the outcome, it was an interesting episode to watch for a 70 plus year Minnesota native.
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Fire Country: You Know Your Dragon Best (2023)
Season 1, Episode 13
There was hope
5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When this show first appeared last fall, I had hopes. Coming from a family of fire fighters; my father in law was fire chief for a nearby community for several years, and one of my sons-in-law is a Battalion Chief for another community nearby, not to mention he is the Captain for fire control at a local refinery.

Not every time, but frequently I see glaring errors during the show. On this episode, we have a car setting fire to the brush, likely because of a hot catalytic converter. Pretty easy to arrest; but no, we need to bs with all kinds of social issues before we grab a fire extinguisher and stop the inferno.

So, it escalates and now we have some dumbbell protester chained to a tree! It's pretty obvious to the viewer extracting this woman from her trap requires only a few steps with a bolt cutter; but no, we need to delay this until we have cinders barreling down from the sky!

Who writes this drivel?
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Best Seller (2023)
Season 14, Episode 11
I get what loyal NCIS LA fans are saying
17 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I understand the frustration with not seeing the "regular" characters in every scene, or any scene for that matter, of the episode. My wife and I have been loyal followers of every NCIS show included in the franchise since day one. That being said, we also recognize things change over time. Gibbs is gone, Ziva is gone (maybe?), Abby is gone, and for this series Hetty is gone (again maybe?).

This particular episode was okay even without the key characters. After all, we had Deeks' (Eric Christian Olson) real brother David Paul Olson (Tom Olson), who in real life is married to Daniela Ruah (Kensi Blye). Confused yet?

In addition we saw (again) Bill Goldberg (Lance Hamilton) helping out the crew capture the bad guys. Do I miss the key players? Of course, but I also understand in some cases variety is helpful.

Now that I have that behind me, how do we get Hetty and Gibbs back?
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I don't generally comment on editing
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, this episode screams for better sound editing. The scenes in the mountains with the helicopter and Paul Drake are virtually unintelligible. Not sure what the production crew was thinking when they put two characters in the cockpit of a helicopter and have them conversing on a variety of subjects while the sounds of the helicopter are screaming in the background and foreground! Any comprehension of their dialog is completely lost and without a script in hand, viewers have absolutely zero idea of what they were saying!

To make things worse, background music was added only to make things worse!

Then, the characters land and get out of the copter all the while the racket continues.
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NCIS: The Good Fighter (2022)
Season 20, Episode 6
Scratching my head
25 October 2022
Ordinarily, I find NCIS entertaining and occasionally humorous. Not going to get into any specifics to give away the synopsis, but this is one of the screwiest episodes yet. Maybe the producers felt it was time to give Casey a major role, but the interrogation room scenes were way off the chart. Perhaps the writers were on vacation?

The episode a while back where Casey and Jimmy were stick in the cafe was interesting, cleverly written, and even fun at times, but this one just didn't cut it as far as I am concerned.

The fall break is around the corner and hopefully the writers will get some new ideas. I am one who is waiting to see.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Game of Drones (2022)
Season 14, Episode 1
A good start
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There will be a reveal here, so if you didn't watch the episode, better stop now.

That being said, it starts with Sam and Dad. There seems to be just a tiny bit of trust lacking, but there will be more on it at the end of the episode. As a Dad and a Son, it brought a smile and a little chuckle to me.

Back to the primary episode, we are provided some evidence Hetti is in trouble in Syria. Well, it might be more than trouble and we will find the truth later. After a fair amount of search and a bit of humor we find the bad guy and of course, he gives up readily. Body count is minimal thanks to a clean shot provided by trustworthy sniper Kensi.

At the ending McRaney offers Callen a scotch, which is not s gracefully declined. Thankfully the scotch is not wasted c/o the Admiral.

An above average episode and I can't wait for next week.
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NCIS: A Family Matter (2022)
Season 20, Episode 1
Yes, we are Gibbs fans
20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Glad to get this out of the way! So, we are at the turn of a new NCIS, and everyone should be excited, correct? Mark Harmon will certainly be missed, much like when we lost other primary characters. I won't list them here, because if you are long term fans like my wife and me, you know who they are.

Today, we are hunting for Agent Parker, who left under suspicious circumstances at the end of season 19. A cliffhanger, not as powerful as when who shot JR, but it is what it is. What disturbs us is why did we need to import a couple key players from the new NCIS Hawaii? Unless, this new series is on thin ice?

Stay tuned folks, there is still more to come from the old standby NCIS. Just don't hold your breath for Gibbs.
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Magnum P.I.: I Saw the Sun Rise (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Never saw the 1st season
19 September 2022
Right off the bat, I need to confess my wife and I didn't start watching this series until late in the second season. "Why," you might ask, and I would need to explain both of us are long time fans of the original series with you know, that other guy!

When we first read about the return of Magnum with a female Higgens we both turned up our noses at the concept. "How could they do that?", we asked ourselves. It's almost heresy!

Anyway, move forward about a year and a half, and I am having lunch with some old friends. Not sure how we got on the subject, but one of the guys mentioned how good the new Magnum series was. I looked at him and told him we aren't watching for the reasons I already expressed. He made some comment about our missing some good entertainment and that was the end of the discussion.

Back at home now, I mentioned to my wife about our Magnum conversation and she says, "I've been thinking the same thing." Huh?

So, we started tuning in, and discovered a pretty well done show. We were hooked from that point on! Oh, there were some lame episodes, but overall, it kept us entertained to the point we were disappointed to see it end.
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CSI: NY: Grand Master (2004)
Season 1, Episode 4
Generally a good show
18 September 2022
Unfortunately, the background music is so loud it is almost impossible to make out what the actors are saying in many scenes. This is interesting, because for the first three episodes, noisy background "jazz" was mostly absent, making it it fairly easy to understand dialog. Maybe it was because the premise was some DJ was involved at the beginning? Anyway, regardless of how I set my audio, and I tried several different settings, it was still very difficult to make out the dialog in most scenes.

We started watching CSI:NY late in the game, when it started appearing on CHARGE! TV, so we didn't start at season 1, episode 1, and most of the shows so far were good to listen to. Not sure what happened with this episode, but unless it improves, we just might drop it from our viewing lineup!

I am giving this episode a 4, primarily because of the audio.
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Nature: Undercover in the Jungle (2019)
Season 38, Episode 3
Different but not really new
11 September 2022
A small team of naturalists in the jungle is not a new venture. This has been done in the past, so really nothing revealing was presented. That said, it was interesting to watch and fairly well narrated. One must keep in mind, while you see three or four teammates doing all the work, there is likely a much larger group of individuals helping in the background. I actually found the series with cameras disguised as animals a bit more entertaining. This concept with a variety of creatures disguising hidden cameras was revealing and funny at times. In contrast, this program was too deadpan serious. The only humor, if you can call it that, was the bit about the insect pests. At least this was true to fact; after all, bugs are the oldest continuous life on our planet, and will be here long after humans are just dust. Too see the team swatting the tiny beasts was delightful?

I suspect we will see more of this series. I was tempted to give it a seven, but felt generous today, on the 21st anniversary of the 911 attacks.
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CSI: NY: Turbulence (2008)
Season 5, Episode 3
He was a rocket scientist
2 August 2022
In the early scenes of this episode, a passenger says to Mac, "What are you, a rocket scientist?" Well, in the film Apollo 13 Gary Sinese played Ken Mattingly, one of the original Apollo 13 pilots. Prevented from flying to the Moon because he contracted a virus, Mattingly played a large role in helping the crew solve the problem of power conservation during re-entry, so indeed he was a rocket scientist.
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The A-Team (1983–1987)
All I can say is...
23 July 2022
It's too bad George Peppard smoked so much. He might have lived a bit longer. Although he was never an A class actor, I always enjoyed watching him in action films as well as his many visits with Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show.

Peppard died way too young...
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The A-Team: Harder Than It Looks (1984)
Season 2, Episode 20
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
But amazing it was so easy to break into Hoover Dam. I have been there and on pretty much any given day, especially a bright sunny afternoon, there are hundreds of visitors, not to mention dozens of support personnel. Of course, this is just fantasy, isn't it?
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Highway Patrol: Hot Dust (1957)
Season 3, Episode 8
I watched when first aired
3 June 2022
Yes, I am an old fart, and watched the episode when it first aired back in 1957. I was 8 years old then, and found this a particularly scary program. If yiu don't remember, we were in the "duck and cover" era with recent knowledge Russia now had "the bomb".

Nuclear power was still in its infancy, but the general public was excited about all the "clean" energy this new fuel could provide.

Anyway, at the end, Matthews risks his life and saves the day. Interesting anomaly because Nimoy, as Spock, goes on to save the day and the Enterprise while giving his life after nuclear exposure so others could live in Star Trek Ii, The Wrath of Kahn.
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Nova: Dinosaur Apocalypse: The Last Day (2022)
Season 49, Episode 7
A good show
30 May 2022
But I was disappointed when at the end David Attenborough took the opportunity to wag his finger in a warning statement regarding potential human destruction of our planet.

While I believe we are contributing to the potential destruction of our planet, I also believe we are not alone. Over the course of recorded history there had been many climatic events that inflicted change to the earth, and while many events occurred after the destruction of the dinosaurs most of those events occurred long before the appearance of humans. So, can we change the inevitable outcome? Well, although we might have some influence on how fast these events occur, we will be unable to stop them.
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The Blacklist: The Bear Mask (2022)
Season 9, Episode 19
Well that was interesting
26 May 2022
Maybe a combination of last season Person of Interest with Groundhog Day? An interesting episode bringing back a few old characters from the dead. I know some viewers will hate this episode, and I understand why; but you must admit, it was entertaining, at least for a while.

Personally, I do not like psychoanalysts, but that is just me.
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The Rookie: Day in the Hole (2022)
Season 4, Episode 22
Kind'a fun
16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see, Nolan's step brother appears out of nowhere, and I mean nowhere! Then we have a doppelgänger for Bradford which is unusual in any situation; and low and behold, another twin shows up for Chen!

So by any chance was Stephen King involved in the writing... or maybe Rod Serling?

Anyway, it was an entertaining episode for a change. My wife and I enjoyed it, we hope you did too.
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Pawn Stars: Seven Barreled Pawn (2017)
Season 13, Episode 26
Only because Chum
14 May 2022
I'm sorry, but when this show first aired too many years ago, it was fun and interesting. Chumly was entertaining and even a little funny at times. Unfortunately, those days are past. Oh the show is still entertaining and informative, but Chumly is now mostly an arrogant jerk. A little bit of him goes a long way, and the show would be much more fun to watch if his face just hung on the wall, smiled and said nothing.
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Hawaiian Eye: Cut of Ice (1960)
Season 1, Episode 20
A lot of fun
11 May 2022
I first watched this show as a 10 year old kid, when my parents would allow. I remember the beautiful background in so many scenes and of course, unlike many subsequent Hawaii based programs where the background was really Hawaii, this show was fully based in Los Angeles.

Not the end of the world for viewers because many who watched the show when it originated in 1959 only remember scenes of destruction at the beginning of WWII.

That being said, I like the cars. In this episode we had Fords, Edsels, Mercurys in all their glory! If you believe the episode, you will believe everyone drove a FoMoCo product from 1959.

What fun...
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Jeopardy!: Episode #38.171 (2022)
Season 38, Episode 171
Tired of MB!
10 May 2022
I'm sure I don't speak for everyone, but I am really fed up with the ex member of the Big Bang Theory! I didn't care for the show so I can't speak for how good she was, but I can speak for how bad she is on Jeopardy! If you know the sound chalk can make on a blackboard, you get a pretty good idea! Go away and let Ken Jennings take the show to the next level. Ken is not Alex Trebek, but he is vastly better than MB (fill in the rest of the letters, you know who I am referring to)!
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