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the way of very shallow water
20 June 2023
There is no doubt that the visuals of this movie are amazing.

However, it becomes a problem when the visuals take priority over everything else. Story, plot, acting, pacing all had to make way for Cameron to make his CGI nature documentary. Taking 10-20 minute detours to show pretty CGI, nature, animals, putting (what's left of) the shallow story on hold.

A story that is filled with potholes, inconsistent acting and strange character motivations.

Characters that should be angry at each other; aren't. - Characters that shouldn't be angry at each other; are.. for some reason.

Especially the generic teen drama with forgettable characters.. (not helped with having 100% CGI characters. They all look alike too much to figure out who's who.. ) the children just get into trouble over and over again, they get involved over and over again, at the cost of everyone else, which just got annoying at times.. there is so much inconsistent drama in this, and it's only there so that we can take a detour into the next CGI nature bit to watch a CGI whale swim about for a bit instead of moving the plot forward.

It's a movie filled with cliche's and story points that are just copies from other movies and franchises. *just add blue body-paint*. There is no mystery, there are no surprises, there is nothing new in this very shallow story. Meaning it gets predictable, and boring. And Cameron tries to distract from that with pretty visuals and CGI nature documentaries. But no matter how pretty the visuals might be, it can't fix that..
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Extraction II (2023)
Worth it for camera work, not the story
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty good action movie, but a bit cliche at times.

It's definitely a movie made by and for people that appreciate camera work, stunts and the work that stunt men and women do in this field.

The 20 minute "one-er" was part of that. There are cuts, but they are so well hidden that it feels like you're watching the entire "story" develop. The problem with that though, at times it feels like acting, logic, sense, scale, etc are all being sacrificed in order to make the one-shot happen. And often CGI is used in order to make such shots happen, and it pulls you out of those bits when the CGI isn't the best.

And, what I mean with scale; From walking, to prison, to prison break, to car chase through city, to car chase in the forest, to running, to factory, to massive armoured train (which was completely prepared with massive guns and teams like a mad max battle train???), to helicopter chase, to wherever else.. all in something that (in a one-er) all took place in less than 20 minutes?! - all with big fight scenes and explosions slowing the cast down. It seems scale and some logic has suffered in order to make this happen.

Don't get me wrong, it's very interesting. Especially with the camera work. But then the movie gets to the second half, and it starts feeling more like a cliche boss battle and revenge kind of thing. The first half had a reason for the action to happen. A reason why the action could happen, the second half didn't.. logic and realism fall off when you can have an all out war in a western city and only have 2-3 police show up..

It's still well worth a watch, a masterclass in action camera work in some areas.
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Fan service all the way.
2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A great movie, and so far the best of Phase 4 in the MCU (Not that that is very hard)

Overall this is a movie for the fans of Spider-man. Throwing all the fan service at your feet including the return of Toby and Andrew in their roles. Which... I didn't know when I went to see this movie.. meaning I did crap my pants a little in excitement when that happened!

The movie does suffer a bit of the "don't think about it too much"

It's hard to do multiverse, or time travel, or magic in a way that always makes sense from every angle. This entire thing started because of a messed up spell.. a spell to make the entire world forget that Peter Parker is Spiderman, and gets messed up because he wants a few to keep the knowledge.

It's also mentioned that the spell can be used to eliminate quite specific memories, like a party that Wong had.. So.... why not... instead of making everyone forget who Spider-man is, make everyone forget what Quentin Beck said.. more specific.. it keeps the secret from everyone except of the people who already knew it before Quentin Beck said it.. Or discuss other ways to do the spell.. or.. at least.. spend 2 minutes discussing the spell and its perimeters instead of just going straight into it.

And the whole "fixing villains" plot. Sure, it's in Peters' young and naive nature (helped by Aunt May). But there is no guarantee that it would actually prevent their death when you send them back.. So.. what's the point..

Either way... it happened.

It was great to see the old villains back in action. Great to see Toby and Andrew back in action. And this movie did a lot for them, especially Andrew. Providing a better "closure" to his arc than his own movies every did.. And hopefully setting up more of his movies.. And I also liked that this was a new way of setting up the "New York, broke, friendly neighbourhood, spider-man for Tom Holland. Without the avengers and fancy gizmo's that Tom Hollands' Spider-man had since the beginnen that we know him... perhaps they'll move forward with that Arc too, which could be interesting for sure.

Sometimes plot and story had to make way for some fan service. But for me it didn't really matter for the overall feel.. I had a very enjoyable time watching it. And have rewatched it a few times already.. plot wise, probably 6-7/10.. entertainment 9/10 easy. So averaging 8/10 for me.
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Finally! but don't think too much
2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
About time we got this movie! And what a movie it is.

But honestly.. don't think about it too much.

It is pretty much copy/paste of the last movie, filled with all the cliche's.. Start, training, flying scene, blonde "nemesis", training, flying scene, tom meets girl, motorbike, topless volleyball, love scene, more flying scenes, mission, , kaboom, smiles, end. - filled with a bit cliche's and fan service.

You are really going to tell me that the only.. possible.. way.. of destroying that base, was to fly a jet into the ravine. When they have smart bombs that can pretty much deliver one through your mailbox... from orbit.. or turn that mountain into a parking lot.. perhaps a little too many Star Wars vs Deathstar vibes.. But again, don't think about it too much. It's cool flying scenes and Top gun!

Normally I cringe at the fan service, but here it actually turned out alright.. I mean.. sure.. isn't it a coincidence that the enemy has one F14 parked up for them to steal... yes it is.. did you see it coming as soon as they even mentioned that F14... oh absolutely!.. did it matter? No not really.

And for some reason, none of that mattered. It's just such a great movie.. and you only care about how much fun you had in the cinema watching it.

The flying scenes are amazing, the directing and camera work are amazing. The sound of jets blasting off is amazing.

I actually really liked Miles Teller in this role. So did the rest of the cast.. it had some good acting, some great jokes, great music.

Finally a "sequel" done right, and worth the wait.
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The Gray Man (2022)
it's just "meh" trying to hide in action scenes.
2 August 2022
Certainly not a bad movie, and the action is actually quite enjoyable.. or the movie is at least a lot more enjoyable than the attempts at movies that Netflix has done recently.

It is however a bit of a basic "Jason Bourne" meets "John wick" meets "James Bond" type story - filled with cliche's and the dialogue and acting are a bit bland, and honestly, with the well known names in this movie, it probably should have been a bit better.

It was nice seeing Gosling in this roll - But he probably pulled of the "I don't really care anymore" attitude a bit too much, meaning there isn't any excitement.

Evans was enjoyable. Or at least nice to see a different part of him after seeing him for 10+ years in the Marvel universe.

However, I'm worried that they might be trying to set up a franchise here, which might not be a good thing. James Bond can do that, Jason Bourne did it, John wick certainly did it. But there isn't enough in this movie to set up the franchise.. here it's a "meh" film where the "meh" attempted to hide in a whole heap of action scenes.. granted. Some of those action scenes are pretty good. But it's still surrounded by "meh"
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Annoying parody of itself
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Take the parody acting that matt damon did as loki in the play, stretch it 2 hours. And you've got this movie. A parody of itself and annoyingly so. Way too many attempts at jokes, even serious moments were filled with jokes.

The movie actually sacrifices story, pace, flow in order to get the jokes in. Making it verg exhausting to watch.

A lot of jokes were overused.. we get it, Korg was funny in the last one, that doesn't mean he needs to talk about random things every 2 minutes. We get it, the screaming goat meme was funny 6 years ago. That doesn't mean you need a screaming goat in frame every 5 minutes. The goats, yes, they are a part of the mythos of Thor, but they don't need to scream every few minutes whenever they went a minute without a joke.

The entire sub-plot of Zeus and the other gods was again just a 5 minute detour in order to be silly again.

The whole asgard tourist theme is just a nightmare of horrible jokes. For example; infinity cones. An icecream shop with infinity gauntlet theming. In asgard. That suffered at the hand of that gauntlet.

What's next? Because that's similar to opening "Auschwitz Sauna's" as a tourist destination on the grounds there.

The lgbtq thing.. meh.. again the movie would put everything on hold, just to hammer on the fact that someone is gay, trans, bi, etc... if it fits the character, if it fits the story, then it's absolutely fine to have that in a movie, but it should ruin the flow of the movie in order to tell that.

3-3.5/10 maybe. The fight scenes would have pushed it to a 5 if they were taken serious. Until 20 kids got thor powers and used toy bunnies to kill things. The whole kid plot wasn't needed anyway to lure thor in. Do you think Thor wouldn't have gone to kill Gorr without the kids?

They could have brought back the guardians of the galaxy for that part and probably would have been a lot better for the story.

And, ofcourse, the plot armor and the "nah don't think about it too much"

The entire third act is about "going to a place that no-one has gone before and no-one has reached". So obviously.. Gorr just shows up there, Thor teleports there.. eventhough he didn't have Stormbreaker to summon the bi-frost. And Jane just shows up there too.. how?!? She can't teleport, she can't summon the bifrost with the hammer. - so the place that "can't be reached" can be reached by anyone whenever they want.. i'm surprised the screaming goats didn't show up out of nowhere.

Then they need the key, no-one knows the key, it's impossible to find the key. Because the huge bi-frost logo on the door, the same logo thor leaves behind when traveling with the bifrost, wasn't a huge clue?

They wasted Gorr so much. For a god butcher, he only kills 1 god on screen. One dead one, the size of a small planet, is shown. But seeing the powers he had while fighting thor, i struggle to see how he could have killed that one.. and.. that would have been nice to see, to get a better understanding of Gorr.

So. 3/10... the visuals are good. Some jokes are funny. But overall it was exhausting to watch.
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It's John Carter! No it's Guardians of the Galaxy.. no wait, it's a Thor movie!!
29 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome to my John Carter review. Our main character lands on an alien planet where he gets captured. Forced to fight as a gladiator. To meet a beautiful woman and together start an uprising in order to return to their home planet!... oh.. no.. wait.. is this a thor movie?!

First off, the movie is enjoyable. However, it failed to hold my attention that well. Mainly because the storyline and "serious parts" were outweighed by jokes.. and more jokes.. and forced jokes.. and more jokes..

Don't get me wrong, the marvel movies and universe have room for jokes, when it fits the story, or when it fits the character. In this movie, it doesn't feel right. End of the world, end of Asgard.. aaah.. let's make an out of context joke about it! Thor loses his eye in a "horrible" battle.. Loki; "Haha, you lost you eye brother"... Those aren't jokes that fit the character and aren't always funny because of it.

Ironman/tony stark can make jokes in life threatening moments, as he is a sarcastic kind of character. Spiderman has a lot of humour as he is young. Guardians of the Galaxy has a chaotic humour as it's 5 people trying to work together combined with the silliness of Groot.

Thor however, was quite a serious character in the previous marvel movies, Thor and avengers. Where the largest part of his humour and jokes came from the fact that he "doesn't fit in", that he "not from earth and doesn't understand some things said". The seriousness of the last movies was offset by having Loki in the movie with some darker humour that fits the character and the movie. I was expecting quite a "dark" and serious movie like the previous were. Especially as the subject of the movie is how Asgard is in danger and that destruction is near. But... nope.. it's all colourful, happy, jokes, haha, laugh laugh!

Bruce Banner is also a very serious character. Same as the Hulk. But in this movie the hulk is like an angry todler, walking, talking, and don't forget to add jokes!!! that also doesn't seem to fit his character. Especially when he jumps out of a spaceship as bruce banner, to land all cool like the Hulk. Would be an amazing scene in (finally) a quite action packed and exciting moment, the final battle!!! But no.... they have him flop on the ground as Bruce Banner like a rag doll.. the battle stops where everyone goes "haha, funny, haha, what happened?" To still have him change into the Hulk and start fighting... completely ruining the pace of the end battle.. I'm hoping for a marvel action packed movie, not some slap stick comedy.

Even the start of the movie where Thor is tied up and hanging on a chain. Talking to an evil boss thing that isn't important to the story. He's slowly twisting on that chain and at some point they stop the conversation when he's facing the other way and go "haha, i'm facing the other way HAHA LAUGH!! aren't we awkward hahah".. then he spins back and they continue talking while he keeps spinning.. 10 seconds later "HAHA repeat the joke again!"... It ruins the feel of the movie. That scenario would fit Guardians of the Galaxy, it would fit spiderman, it would possibly fit Iron man. It doesn't seem to fit a Thor movie.

It simply doesn't feel right and doesn't feel like a Thor movie. It's like someone took the script of the next "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie, scratched out everything that has to do with the Guardians and replaced it with "Thor" and "Hulk".. It's spaceships, alien planet, aliens.. It's Thor meets Guardians of the Galaxy meets John Carter meets Wall-E. And i'm not sure that's a good thing.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
I want to like it....
13 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The story is OK and the idea of the setting is good to. But that is where it stops for me. Way too many things don't or shouldn't work. Some examples will be given.. obviously, spoilers..

So the series start quick. Out of nowhere you're already at the part where they get shot to earth. Kids.. rule breaking kids.. that don't all like the people on the arc. The arc is running out of oxygen, so the kids are supposed to help and provide information to the arc so that they can survive.. again.. kids.. rule breaking kids... in their puberty.. that don't all like the people on the arc.. sent to help the people on the arc.... can you see the problem there?

the reason they are being sent is because they are expendable, as they broke the law which in a way is fair enough.. but it's any law no matter how small gives you the death penalty (except for when you're under aged, then they put you in prison until your'e 18 and then most likely get the death penalty) this is all happening on a spaceship which only purpose is to survive multiple generations, A ship where people live, breed and die in order for the generation to keep moving and survive until it's time to go to earth.

So the LAST people you want to think are expendable are the newest generation.... the adults that already had a child are the ones that are expendable.. they have done their duty to the ship and are basically expendable. But for some reason they aren't considered expendable, but 2 episodes later they happily kill 320 people in order to keep more oxygen to survive for the others. All of which are adults, all of which WAY more suitable to be sent to earth and probably do a better job at actually doing something good on earth. Because the 100 kids that are on earth just do things wrong and the things that go wrong during the time on earth are because the kids don't know what they're doing and because of puberty drama, which is just annoying at points.

For example, one (instead of looking for food) jumps into the water for a swim and nearly gets killed by a giant radioactive water snake thing. 2 episodes later they're back in the water swimming again... sorry but haven't you learned???? Only about 4 of the people there are actually trying to find solutions to problems and are thankfully moving the story forward while the rest just do nothing and seem to be completely pointless to the entire story.

And there are other things that just aren't correct. Flaws in logic that take away from the experience of the series. Example; The "grounders" also speak English, however.. for some reason developed their own language that's pretty far from English.. which isn't likely at all on an English speaking continent after 97 years.. there is no logical reason for the main language to die out in less then 2 generations.

I want to like the series, i really do.. but there are too many logical flaws in it that are just frustrating to watch. Hence the lower score.
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