13 Reviews
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I enjoyed it .
28 May 2018
My biggest issue with the film, was viewing it via pay per view television. No subtitle option was available, and hearing the voice of Plummer and others was none too easy. As for the work itself, I enjoyed it, and am glad it was not sensationalized with fantasy story telling. The main characters were odd people to say the least, so to get a true grip of this tale Ridley needed to tell us viewers, the truth rather than made up nonsense, for the crisps and coke watchers. Worth a look and with decent performances from all, with Plummer excellent as usual, the film did not disappoint .
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Innocent (2018–2021)
Worth a binge view.
28 May 2018
Ticked all my boxes, a decent script, well directed, good performances from all. From start to finish it kept me hooked, and the story was plausable, unlike some dramas. Well worth viewing, and I liked the four consecutive night scheduling, as waiting for a month to find the truth, is frustrating for some of us.
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Crooked House (2017)
A big bore yawnnnnnn....zzzzzzz
28 May 2018
Such a waste of talent, excluding max irons , who was miscast as the lead in this production. He was average in just about every scene he appeared in !!!!!!!! I could not wait until the end of this wooden production. A dreadful script, poor direction, no tension, nor anything like the charisma ,one would expect from even one of the cast members. Avoid this like the plague, as there is so much better to enjoy , out there.
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Worst Spider-Man film ever made
4 April 2018
This film was terrible , with the lead actor a total bore, even worse a whimp!!!! Thank God for Michael keaton, as he is the only character worth looking at. Why i wasted my time watching this garbage , needs explaining, as the men in white coats need to take me away, away, away ....for ever. How does a director make a supposedly fun film, that makes the viewer plead for the nonsense to end, as boredom spreads like a cancer inside their brain. Enough said¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Babylon Berlin (2017–2025)
Brilliant !!!!!!!
24 March 2018
I loved this original complex drama, it ticks all the boxes. First class script , acting, and charismatic characters, who are believable to boot. I watched season one over a day, and cannot praise it highly enough The viewer almost feels they are in Berlin in 1929. Excellent photography, attention to detail, supported by a great soundtrack. Don't miss this wonderful series. Season two here we come !!!!!!!!!!
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Sorry the taxi driver claim is a fraud !!!!
16 March 2018
This film is an over hyped mess, and any references to the 1970's classic taxi driver, are false. I felt cheated by the poster's claim in the cinema, as it is best described as a blatant lie. The story here is a muddle, and as the story unfolds, the viewer risks losing interest. I found myself falling asleep during the film, and struggled to understand what on earth was going on. Phoenix was excellent , but a good performance by an actor won't save a film! Enough said !!!!!!!!
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Such a disappointment
19 February 2018
I so badly wanted this to be good, but the first episode , is a warning that even makes Cassandra redundant. I found the acting wooden, the storyline a mess, the script dreadful. The two main characters Helen and Paris, devoid of any charisma, thus the very idea of a 1000 ships sailing to rescue her laughable. The least of my worries based on this first episode, is the casting of Achilles , and others . How on earth can this second rate production, hit our T V screens , when one recalls TROY from a decade ago, perhaps using George Martin for advice might have saved time and money !!!!
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How to hate heathcliff 1992 version
6 December 2017
This film should be banned, as the maker might as well have butchered heathcliff, with a set of knives in a slasher film. The casting is dreadful, the chemistry between the leads is non existent, and the result is a dull drab ugly drama. The story is so bastardised, that any resemblance of a romantic tragedy is destroyed, by the viewers increasing hatred of heathcliff as the film unwinds. The 1939 film is a classic romantic tragedy, offering sympathy for all the characters in varied ways, but this blames it all on the wretched heathcliff, and the extended version cut from the book, prolongs the agony for lovers of oliver and oberon's masterpiece. I would love to hang the maker of this depressing garbage.
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The Victors (1963)
6 December 2017
I decided to see this film again, and now know why I forgot it was ever made. Cheap explosions, chunks of history ignored, and more women than every other 60s war films put together for what !!?? How on earth it gets such a high rating beggars belief, as it is presented in the most wooden way possible. A dreadful mess of a so called war drama, that looks so dated now. Better to watch paint dry, as this is one of the worst war films I have ever seen. Believe the other reviews at your peril......be afraid very afraid of wasting your time !!..!!!!!!!!!
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One of my favourites.
31 October 2017
David lean would be my choice for a desert island film theatre. His films can be seen time and time again, yet they last and will do so forever. He is a heck of a story teller, and this piece of cinema , may have its critics, well to hell with them. I have seen this masterpiece 5 times, and will never tire of it. Rather than write a lengthy tell all, this work is best enjoyed, by simply watching , and not knowing anything adds to the enjoyment. Ireland in the first world war years, was a very interesting place historically. Lean captures this superbly in this epic.
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Norskov (2015–2017)
Walter presents succeeds again !!!
13 October 2017
I am now into episode 5, and enjoying this series very much. Checking with catch up t v I noted this series, episode 1. The day was wet and windy, so I checked this unknown series out, so am binge watching big time !! So far it is highly enjoyable, with it's simple to understand script yet the story has its complexities, which add suspense , and keeps you hooked. Fine acting, good visuals, and an excellent soundtrack, makes this a great watch. Just about every Walter presents series I have seen, is darned good, and this one is keeping up the trend.
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Great visuals but ...............
11 October 2017
Plenty of raving reviews, but I do not agree with the masterpiece verdict by many reviewers. The original was complex, but yet simple to understand, and as the plot unfolds, the story engages you through the film. This sequel looks fantastic , and the performances are great, yet something is missing. A straight forward plot, with a flowing script would have a made a huge difference. Sitting through 150 minutes of drama, yet struggling to make sense of it, seems to me that the maker failed in the business of screen story telling. I was disappointed and found the first film so much better than this big budget fare. Dalton trumbo please help us as today's science fiction big budget films are in the main failing to be anything like as entertaining as they should be. Better script writers & screen story tellers are so important,yet it seems that simplicity is being substituted by muddled messy big budget effects, all for the sake of being so much cleverer than the dumb audience. Alfred Hitchcock knew how to make a film, a pity a few of these over hyped directors, don't have a rethink on what it takes to entertain an audience . I am more than ever mistrusting so called master reviewers !!!!
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Hoped for so much more.
15 June 2017
I found this film frustrating as I expected a lot more. Had Hitchcock directed it, then in my opinion it would have been a great watch. The chemistry between the main leading actors was poor, and the script offered little, except to confuse the viewer. Unlike the classic Rebecca film, this was dull, slow, and complex, all because the longer it went on the less you cared.

Beautiful photography and quality actors are not enough to entertain , and in my opinion this film was such a disappointment. The director might have checked out other films on books by the author, and then no doubt made a far better job of this story.
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