
24 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Watched on Amazon
25 May 2024
I watched on Amazon and best part was the end and the one with Jesse Plemons. Fast forwarded through about 30 minutes of the movie for it was really slow. TX and CA would not be on the same side of a CW so this was a miss. Sides of a CW would be TX, FL, the South and Midwest vs. NY, CA and the Northeast. Glad I did not waste my time or money going to see this on a big screen like iMax but to be fair it is better than about 75% of the movie that have come out in the past 3 years. I watched on Amazon and best part was the end and the one with Jesse Plemons. Fast forwarded through about 30 minutes of the movie for it was really slow. TX and CA would not be on the same side of a CW so this was a miss. Sides of a CW would be TX, FL, the South and Midwest vs. NY, CA and the Northeast. Glad I did not waste my time or money going to see this on a big screen like iMax but to be fair it is better than about 75% of the movie that have come out in the past 3 years. I watched on Amazon and best part was the end and the one with Jesse Plemons. Fast forwarded through about 30 minutes of the movie for it was really slow. TX and CA would not be on the same side of a CW so this was a miss. Sides of a CW would be TX, FL, the South and Midwest vs. NY, CA and the Northeast. Glad I did not waste my time or money going to see this on a big screen like iMax but to be fair it is better than about 75% of the movie that have come out in the past 3 years.
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Not as good as season One
27 October 2023
So far not as good as season One but still a solid 7. Bosch was a solid 10 up until the last season. The Theme song is so bad I need to fast forward. I hope things rebound if they shoot a season 3. So far not as good as season One but still a solid 7. Bosch was a solid 10 up until the last season. The Theme song is so bad I need to fast forward. I hope things rebound if they shoot a season 3. So far not as good as season One but still a solid 7. Bosch was a solid 10 up until the last season. The Theme song is so bad I need to fast forward. I hope things rebound if they shoot a season 3. One of the better TV show considering the 2020 shift.
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Done after 2 episodes
27 July 2023
I am a big Justified fan so may have been expecting more. The daughter is a bore, and story line unbelievable. The court room scene in the pilot was PC on steroids. IF Walton Goggins as Boyd Crowder escaped from prison and Givens had to hunt him down, it may save this mess. However, I assume Goggins took a hard pass on this remake. One would do better to just go back and re-watch Justified like I am. I am a big Justified fan so may have been expecting more. The daughter is a bore, and story line unbelievable. The court room scene in the pilot was PC on steroids. IF Walton Goggins as Boyd Crowder escaped from prison and Givens had to hunt him down, it may save this mess. However, I assume Goggins took a hard pass on this remake. One would do better to just go back and re-watch Justified like I am.
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Fast X (2023)
About average for the series.
15 June 2023
About average for The Fast an Furious series. However, it was difficult to believe a White and Hispanic couple, Dominic and Letty had a African-American child. How did this happen? Did Letty have an affair with the milkman when Dominic was away. I wonder how many Hispanic and White child actors got passes over so Hollywood could fill their new diversity rules. Sadly, this will not get people back out to the movies. About average for The Fast an Furious series. However, it was difficult to believe a White and Hispanic couple, Dominic and Letty had a African-American child. How did this happen? Did Letty have an affair with the milkman when Dominic was away. I wonder how many Hispanic and White child actors got passes over so Hollywood could fill their new diversity rules. Sadly, this will not get people back out to the movies. About average for The Fast an Furious series. However, it was difficult to believe a White and Hispanic couple, Dominic and Letty had a African-American child. How did this happen? Did Letty have an affair with the milkman when Dominic was away. I wonder how many Hispanic and White child actors got passes over so Hollywood could fill their new diversity rules. Sadly, this will not get people back out to the movies. About average for The Fast an Furious series. However, it was difficult to believe a White and Hispanic couple, Dominic and Letty had a African-American child. How did this happen? Did Letty have an affair with the milkman when Dominic was away. I wonder how many Hispanic and White child actors got passes over so Hollywood could fill their new diversity rules. Sadly, this will not get people back out to the movies.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
A bit slow.
12 June 2023
Above average British drama so worth a watch. The Asian race in London, England is currently double that of Black. But you will find 4 times more Black main characters (actors) in the show than Asian. It a sad state of affairs we have found our self's in 2023. Above average British drama so worth a watch. The Asian race in London, England is currently double that of Black. But you will find 4 times more Black main characters (actors) in the show than Asian. It a sad state of affairs we have found our self's in 2023. Above average British drama so worth a watch. The Asian race in London, England is currently double that of Black. But you will find 4 times more Black main characters (actors) in the show than Asian. It a sad state of affairs we have found our self's in 2023.
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Silo (2023– )
Bad acting and writing.
18 May 2023
The acting was poor and writing even worse. Just a boring 1 hour pilot that I had to fast forward through some part. Apple can do better than this with the budget they have. Sorry this is a miss. The acting was poor and writing even worse. Just a boring 1 hour pilot that I had to fast forward through some part. Apple can do better than this with the budget they have. Sorry this is a miss. The acting was poor and writing even worse. Just a boring 1 hour pilot that I had to fast forward through some part. Apple can do better than this with the budget they have. Sorry this is a miss. The acting was poor and writing even worse. Just a boring 1 hour pilot that I had to fast forward through some part. Apple can do better than this with the budget they have. Sorry this is a miss.
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Dune (2021)
10 stars comaired to trast released this year
23 October 2021
Sorry compared to the trash that came out this year, this was a 10. I hope part 2 will come out next year. This could go on for quite sometime like Star Wars or Star Trek. Love that it was not Woke or SJ BS stuff.
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Not a 10 but good.
19 September 2021
I grew up and worked in that area of Boston until I had enough money to move out to another state, so was a must see for me. I Enjoyed the movie for felt like going back home. I do not believe this is for everyone.
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Not as good as past project of Martin or Short
2 September 2021
I love Martin and Short but the reviewers giving this a 10 need to go back and look at what these great comics have done in the past. This is not close to their best work. It is a solid 6 so I will continue to watch and hope it gets better.
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Summertime (I) (2020)
Not that Good
28 August 2021
I love time frame movie like this but this was really bad. It was full of old cliches. There is a reason this film only grossed $72,000 US & Canada with opening weekend at $21,490. It took a while for someone like Netflix to even decide to show it.
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Glad I did not pay to see this trash
18 August 2021
Could not get past the 20 minute mark of this 2:20 minute movie. No story at all but just a lot of shooting and cars racing around. If they do a 10, I will not been watching.
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Here Today (2021)
Who is giving this a 10?
7 July 2021
Not fun, funny or entertaining. I was bored 10 minutes in but stay with it with another 30 minutes but it is a dull boring movie. Lucky I bailed out at the 40 minute mark.
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Season 1-6 are 10 stars
2 July 2021
Season seven was based on the book The Burning Room. Not really for I read the book and it was great but not anything like season 7. It is a shame to see this great show go out on such...
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Season 1 and 2 was 10 stars
18 June 2021
Season 1 and 2 was the best TV show on the planet. Season 3 started to get political but was still good. Season 4 was a big waste of time and I fast forwarded the boring parts. I will not be watching season 5 if there is one.
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The Mosquito Coast (2021–2023)
Another bad TV show by Apple
2 May 2021
Apple is the king a bad programing and this show is no different. I could not make it past episode 1. I have tried to watch everything that Apple has put out these past 2 years and can say, I have not liked one. Even the 200 million they spent on The Morning Show was a bore. Please stick to making phones and iPad's for this is were you shine.
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The Nevers (2021–2023)
15 April 2021
The Nevers is more like a bad NBC drama than a good science fiction show. I critic compared this to Game of Thrones. Not even close. Done after 1 episode.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
I am glad season 2 came fast.
3 April 2021
With only 10 episodes per season I was glad to see season 2 started 6 month after season 1 ended. If season 3 comes in 6 month from now I am in. If I have to wait an entire year just to view another 10 episodes to see what happens I am out. The show is a solid 7 but not as good as what on the pay channel like Game of Thrones.
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Debris (2021)
Badly made X-Files copycat.
25 March 2021
I was hoping for another X-File but got another bad NBC drama. The back ground music was so loud that one needed to turn the volume down making it difficult to hear the actors lines. Bad writing and directing so hoping another can recreate another X-Files in the future. The funniest reviewer of this said: " Imagine the fate of the world depended on agent cry baby."
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Not good.
21 March 2021
Some of the scenes in the pilot were very good. Unfortunately, Disney could not help to insert several woke and PC scenes with an Asian internment camp survivor and naturally the oppress black family who are discriminated over getting a bank loan and job by the white banker and government. Fake woke and PC stories lines do not make very good programming so hope the low rating of these shows will force Disney to correct their mistakes. I can see the future of this mini series so will not be tuning in to the second episode.
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Mayans M.C. (2018–2023)
Spin Off not as good as SOA
18 March 2021
This spin off of SOA was a solid 6.5 the first 2 seasons but season 3 started out with the PC political BS no one wants to see on TV. Christ, Obama's wife is now recommending this show so what does that tell you. Season 2 average a million viewers but only a .39 in the prime demo so this show is just hanging on be its finger nails. With the new PC theme, I have bailed and started watching SOA again.
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The first one was great but Eddie has lost his funnybone
5 March 2021
I have Amazon Prime so started to watch today but did not laugh once in the first 1/2 hour so just gave up. Sadly Amazon paid 125 million for this dude.
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Watchmen (2019)
Not even close to Watchmen comic.
2 November 2019
I was hoping for a show about the Watchmen comic but this is a race bating, anti white, liberal political TV show that should be on MSNBC. After the second episode I canceled HBO. I assume other also canceled HBO for Watchman was canceled just after 9 episodes. Naturally Hollywood gave this show just about every award under the sun.
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Good way to end out the series
12 October 2019
This should have been made and shown back in Sept 2013 as the last episode. It was funny seeing how fat the character Todd got in the last 6 years. I guess he is no longer an actor.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Boring with poor actors.
11 October 2019
Honestly they would have been better casting William Shatner as the captain and digging up Nimoy to play Spock. A dead Nimoy would have a better personality than the woman cast as a Spock type for the show. Lucky The Mandalorian blows this away so have been watching that and Star Trek: Picard which is great.
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