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Black Mirror: Loch Henry (2023)
Season 6, Episode 2
Give it time to unfold...truly remarkable
29 August 2023
This is stellar storytelling. It takes time to unravel, but boy when things are revealed, the calm build-up makes it more shocking. Booker truly has done it again with this. The acting is also on point. Wasn't expecting where this went.

And for those saying it's not tech based, it's definitely technology related and how it's desensitized our society to so much.

Surprised with the multiple Netflix callouts this season, and whether they liked it or not, they feel necessary. Our world has changed because of these companies & often in ways that are not for the better.

Truly a captivating climax, my head is still reeling.
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Loved this and everything it is
16 March 2023
As someone with CPTSD that constantly has flashbacks and nightmares... + is estranged from my abusive mother who I've envisioned what it'd be like and what I'd be like if I didn't grow up with her as she is, and envisioned all the possibilities she could've well as the possibilities of not recreating those traumas in relationships...this movie really touched me to my core.

I don't think I've been so impacted by something and this is truly a masterpiece.

I don't understand any of the reviews who were bored, what movie were they watching?! I was constantly entertained and there was something new to look at almost every moment, I liked the pacing and I'm sure that was hard to pull all these many many many pieces together, I'm truly in awe of what they did. Whoever edited this is a master.

The Dad was also the sweetest person and some of his lines will be stuck with me forever.

The performances are stellar, the direction must've been a feat but they pulled it off flawlessly, and everyone deserved awards for this.

Maybe it isn't for everyone, but it very much is for me and I look forward to seeing it again and again.
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Do people who don't like this movie hate everything?
26 February 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed this!

I had so much fun watching, it had me laughing out loud many many times.

I think the haters must either live horrifically miserable lives or not realize it's making fun of itself and Gen Z culture.

I'm a Millennial and I thought this was a blast to watch. I can't think of another movie I've had more fun watching recently.

Soundtrack is perfect for it.

Also loved how they're basically uncovering things in the dark with their phone lights at times, a super clever way to light and add suspense.

No it's not a slaughter horror, that's not my cup of tea anyway, but it's scary in it's own ways while in general being a comedy and a fun way to tell a story.

The timing was also perfect for me, so many movies these days pad and pad and this really didn't waste the viewers time which I appreciate.

I'm actually looking forward to watching it again and I just saw it.
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Not Okay (2022)
Liars, Narcissists & Sociopaths will hate this...
8 January 2023
This holds up a mirror to the worst of our society, what is prioritized and the desperation many have to achieve it.

Zoey does a great job at playing someone self-serving who clearly lacks empathy. Even her mannerisms & sometimes emptiness behind the eyes is spot on.

Dylan had me cackling. Had no idea he had these kinds of comedy chops & he personified this role so perfectly down to the characters laugh. I've known someone just like this and it's so accurate.

The gal who plays Rowan has such great range, can't wait to see her in more.

You can decipher/feel Nadia aka Harper's every glance, and I cheered her on with glee.

Well-directed. Liked the pacing. I enjoyed this a lot. I was hoping for something not too heavy but topical and it does a great job at making fun while calling out.

I realize this may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's mine, and I'd take a second cup!
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Realistic, grounded, & creative
3 January 2023
I saw this a few days ago, and despite going on a major movie binge this has stayed with me.

It feels insightful to dating and relationships in our current culture, plus the tendency for so many to sabotage or consistently seek out something that could be better, even when they have something rare.

There are also some really clever, unique moments and ways of storytelling that seem like a perfect representation of the feelings and narrow focus of the lead.

They paint an interesting and accurate picture and don't entirely demonize a person for their poor choices, but allow the viewer to see that they are flawed.

I think it's a beautiful, touching & worthwhile watch.
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Feel inhumane
30 October 2022
As if these poor unsuspecting women already working in a field that's looked down on and disgraced by many, who are risking their mental and physical health every time they work don't already have enough to deal with!

These filmmakers had to attempt to showcase their own savior complex and own limited perspective, while treating the viewer like we all want to collectively look down on them as a group. Feels like the bully in class gathering friends to team up against the most vulnerable.

This is their work. Period.

The more trash like this that attempts to therapize or teach a lesson to unsuspecting grown women for others' entertainment, the more dangerous it gets for them.
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Bros (I) (2022)
I enjoyed it!!
9 October 2022
As someone in the community, I thought it was sweet and heartfelt. Seeing various forms of dating in their friends made it feel representative while still focusing on the one story they were telling.

It's not perfect, but few romcoms are.

And we should be able to have stories about us that are imperfect or aren't exactly how every person in the community lives. This is just a segment, as every movie is.

The LGBTQI people all up in arms and discrediting what they did here seem to mostly be upset that this is not how they live. It's not how I live, but it's how a lot of my friends live, it's how a lot in the community live, they're only telling one story between two people here, I think people are forgetting that.

Can't we just accept something for what it is and celebrate the good in it without finding something to be OUTRAGED about constantly? The culture we live in is exhausting.

The movie has me thinking over a week later. I enjoyed it and will watch it again.
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American Hostage (2022 Podcast Series)
24 February 2022
A fantastic listen!

In depth interviews that are interesting and enjoyable to listen to. A must listen for any person who is a true crime fanatic or even a casual listener.

I hope to hear more from the people that produced this as this is A++++
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The Rental (2020)
Marries a good thriller with a good indie, I liked it a lot!
14 April 2021
This isn't your perfect cookie cutter Hollywood movie that follows the exact precision of how so many Hollywood movies play out. It has a lot of character and an interesting way to close the movie that leaves people wondering more. It could also easily have a sequel.

It made me feel like I was watching one of the Friday the 13th movies I grew up on mixed with some of the great indies like maybe a Duplass Bros film. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The main gripes I see in the comments I personally view differently...I liked the pacing & the ending. I like films that are slightly different, take risks, etc. Haven't we seen the basic Hollywood ish enough already anyway?!

And I loved that by the end the dog was just as much as a character with personality & wasn't just a prop.

Making a feature for a directorial debut is a huge feat, no matter who it is, and I think Dave did a great job. As a filmmaker myself I greatly appreciate what he did.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Like it so much & I really didn't think I would
1 March 2021
I normally don't give a second glance at anything sports related, but damn this show has heart. The casting is perfect & the characters are so developed and multi-dimensional that I cared about how they related to each other. Such a great show and entire season! I wish we all had someone in our lives like Ted.
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