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Lucky (I) (2017)
Finding meaning in old age, in a world where everyone dies
13 December 2023
This thoughtful, slow-paced film follows the daily experiences of a single elderly man who is living his life on "automatic", where every day is basically the same as the one before. Despite heavily smoking for years, he's told by this doctor that he's in perfect health. Despite this seemingly good news, he doesn't appear to have any sources of meaning in his life, such as animals or family. Still being alive and healthy after so long, but with seemingly no reason to exist, he's faced with the rhetorical question of "what's the point in living"?

This movie gives suggestions, but not answers, which is one of the main aspects I enjoyed. It doesn't force you into a "this is the right choice" or "this is a good life, while that is a wasted life" sort of thinking. Instead, it leaves the thinking up to you, while still showing us this one man's progress in finding unspoken answers for himself. More than anything, the conversation and pacing give you food for thought about the eventuality we all will face one day, once we reach an age where we've done most of the things we will ever do and we have to live with our memories, both good and painful.

I recommend this for anyone who likes meaningful movies which are mainly focused on a single character, and which are open to interpretation.
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You Will Not Find A More Haunting Portrayal of Abraham Lincoln
26 September 2023
If you want to be reminded of the spirit of America which may seem lost to time, watch this movie. If you're looking for a portrayal of Abe Lincoln which is at the same time both subtle and profound, one which channels the very spirit of equality and self sacrifice this country was founded on, watch this movie. And if you're wanting to see some of the best historical political speech performances portrayed on the silver screen, look no further. This movie has a depth and warmth that encapsulates and immortalizes the core of American conviction and passion for life and humanity, and gives me hope that our country can endure even through such times as these.
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Abandoned (1949)
Better than the 2 1/2 stars the movie review book gave it
24 September 2023
I discovered this gem in Leonard Maltin's Turner Classic Movies guide. He'd only given it 2 1/2 stars, but I'm so glad I gave it the chance to prove itself. As others have already detailed, the cinematography, script and performances all make this relatively short film highly enjoyable, and suspenseful. Give it a try if you're looking for a serious topic dramatized in a slightly noir styling with a crime ring at the center of it.

(Here are a few more words to satisfy the IMDB requirement for a 600 character review. I'm keeping mine short and simple since others have already provided many fascinating facts, descriptions and details.)
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Superpower (2023)
Sean Penn Takes an Emotional Dive into Ukraine's Fight for Freedom
19 September 2023
This documentary started out with the goal of covering Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky. It had already begun production as Russia inched closer to invading Ukraine, during a time when nobody really knew what would happen next. Because of this, it first covers the last 20 years of Ukranian political transitions and turmoil, and how the country's desire to become democratic and free has evolved over the last 30 years since becoming independent from the USSR. This is what the first portion covers. Not war, or guns, or explosions, but where Ukraine was during the days before Russia invaded.

After that, it shifts almost immediately to Zelensky, who amazingly still agreed to meet for a planned interview the day after the invasion had begun. From that moment on, Sean's perspective and perception of the man whose story he had set out to cover suddenly took a dramatic turn with the country now being at war.

Throughout the rest of the film, Sean tries to raise awareness in every way possible about the situation and the courage and strength he's seen first hand in Ukraine. He does interviews on various news channels and gives various talks. He holds a couple of additional calls with Zelensky as he finds out the sort of messages he'd like to get out there regarding need for equipment. He visits sites where Russia has only days or hours before bombed apartment buildings, destroying poeple's homes and property, and yet they still refuse to leave their cities. He visits playgrounds destroyed by missiles, he even visits the frontline in the trenches, 150 meters away from a Russian position, leaving most of his crew behind.

While the documentary began in a slightly fact-based manner, the longer it went on, the more emotionally invested Sean became in the spirit, determination and courage of the Ukrainian people -- both on the frontline and off. It culminates with a poignant interview outdoors with Zelensky and closes with a slightly dramatized but nonetheless deeply emotional scene with his son.

By the time the credits rolled, I was surprised at the feeling it left me with. One of the future, looking back on these times, and hopefully being able to say that democracy and freedom were victorious, and peace was lasting.
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Kochira Amiko (2022)
Brilliant performance by newcomer Kana Osawa
7 July 2023
This heavy slice-of-life drama tells the story of Amiko, a girl who comes from a home where nothing is in its place. Throughout the film we witness life around her falling further into disarray and neglect as she strives just to live through each day. What made this movie stand out for me was the main actress honest performance as well as the cinematography. Nothing is embellished here, a few scenes might even be disturbing to some viewers. I dare say only in Japan could this film be made in this way, with such careful attention for the camera not to play a part in the lives of the characters, but only to stand as a witness to this difficult but somehow beautiful story.

This film deserves a lot more attention than it has so far received, and I'm humbled to be the first reviewer.
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The Clock (1945)
Excellent performances in this wartime love story
28 May 2023
This movie captures the very essence of what time and war mean when two people have a life changing encounter at Grand Central Station. This is not a musical, but Judy Garland gives arguably one of her best acting performances. It's a film which isn't afraid to slow down and let feelings which can only exist between the words, which hide in the shadows and in the stars of a budding romance, speak for themselves. I recommend this movie for anyone who enjoys films which capture what it means to be in love during a time when the future is uncertain in the most extreme sense of the word; someone who wishes to feel the tug and pull of the heart when each tick of the clock is made most palpable.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Intriguing buildup, confusing payoff
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie follows a writer and his woman (a.k.a. Source of money) on an island vacation. The guy's got writer's block, or something, and he's looking for inspiration. They meet a few interesting characters who convince them to go on a joy ride. While returning to their "compound", their vehicle strikes and kills a man. From there, things get weird.

The island has a policy that those who kill must be killed. But they've got a trick up their sleeve as well: they clone people. If they're paid enough, they're willing to clone the perpetrator and put the clone to death rather than kill the real person. The question that arises though is of course, when it's all said and done, has the original person survived, or has the clone?

Through an increasingly silly and unexplainable turn of events, the main character (man) winds up with a total of three urns, indicating that he'd been cloned not once but three times. My guess is that they intend the original who is cloned is the one who gets killed afterword each time. But in the end the answer to that question / assumption apparently makes no difference, because the movie just ends.

Overall I would say the movie deserves credit for creating a sense of creepy and unsettling atmosphere throughout, but it comes at the expense of a sensible plot. I'm all for art, but if you put a big fat F at the beginning it becomes something else entirely.
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Fixed (I) (2017)
Should be titled "Guys Are Worthless"
21 January 2023
I honestly can't tell anymore whether movies these days portray women as condescending b*tches just to make a point, or if that's the modern example of how women should treat their husbands. This movie doesn't make this any clearer, but it sure does give plenty of good examples:

Guy is dumb, can't find the room. Woman finds it no problem.

Guy is annoying, tapping on arms of chair.

Guy is called an idiot for noticing a play on words.

Guy only wants sex, woman only wants "communication".

Guy daydreams instead of listening to wife (who can blame him).

Guy cannot do basic math (300 x 12... honestly 3x12=36 and add two zeros, so 3600.)

Guy cannot handle school feedback about his kids.

Guy can't start car.

Guy never says anything which isn't contradicted by wife.

Guy is not allowed to speak his mind, must follow wife's orders.

"Stepping up to be a man" in a relationship is "just a bad idea."

... and that's just the first 9 minutes of the movie. I could not bring myself to watch anymore, but you get the point.
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Snow Falls (2023)
Where's the snow?
21 January 2023
For a movie about snow, there sure isn't much of it. As many other reviews have already pointed out quite well, this movie fails on so many levels while still attempting to convince you it's succeeding. The radio announcement at the beginning preshadowed the quality of the remainder of the film. Not sure if it was just my copy, but the entire movie seemed oversaturated which pretty much killed any sort of creepy vibe they were attempting to go for. There were some good moments of atmosphere (not the weather kind) for which I gave it 2 stars rather than one. But seriously, next time someone comes up with a plot full of this many holes, maybe they should think again before trying to turn it into a movie. Snow falls, more like snow fails.
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House Party 3 (1994)
Slow start, gets better, but not as good as the first two.
21 January 2023
I've just watched the first two House Party movies, after the specactular HP2 this movie had a rough start. Almost gave up after the first 10 minutes, but it really did get better. It's more serious than the first two, less house party, more "adulty" drama. So I wouldn't say it's as fun as either of the first two, but it's still got the edge that makes it a part of the franchise.

Personally HP2 is my favorite, followed very close by HP1 and then HP3. If you're a Kid & Play fan then you'll enjoy more of the same humor as the first two had, it's just that the movie had much more of a "made for TV" feel with awkward cinematography at least during the first third. But by the end I didn't regret watching it. It's definitely not the 1 star movie some people have given it.
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House Party (I) (2023)
90s Humor, Almost
18 January 2023
This movie is better than the 1 and 2 star reviews make it out to be, but only if you know the movie you're about to watch. It's not seirous, in fact it's intentionally goofy with a subtle and ironic sense of humor that's not for everyone. But that said, the movie has fine enough acting given the script they had to work with. It gets better toward the middle and then weird toward the end, but overall I didn't regret watching it. If you've seen the originals, this one won't have the same grit or 90s vibe obviously, but it's close enough of an approximation without needing to pander to the PC crowd which it thankfully avoided doing, for the most part.
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Sick (2022)
Scream Meets COVID
14 January 2023
This was one of the best American slasher films in recent years! Set in the height of "COVID masking" times, it's full of intensity and plenty of blood. It's definitely worth watching if you enjoy Scream type movies. The only part I found awkward was how some of the COVID discussion seemed to stick out as lacking the sort of "punch" it was probably intended to have. Villan(s) don't always need to explain every last detail about their motivations or backgrounds, but this seems to be a trend which this movie also followed. Nonetheless, a great experience overall! Enjoyed the haunting soundtrack as well.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Seasons 1 & 2 were brilliant, Seaons 4 is too political
11 December 2022
"The Sinner" is a series I was originally captivated by in seasons 1 and 2. They both had compelling stories, great suspsnece, red herrings, etc. Really well done!

Fast-forward to 2021 when, within the first 5 minutes of the very first episode, you've got an intentionally heavyset black woman complaining that white people think the Chinese takeover of a small fishing town in rural America deserves calling the locals "provential little sh**s". And within the following 30 seconds she has to also announce herself as a "broke lesbian painter".

Too many political boxes checked to continue watching this series.
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Feel Good Movie with Great Opera
29 November 2022
If you're looking for a feel good movie with a simple story, plenty of opera singing, and step above the typical "Hallmark" movie, then you'll enjoy this one! A woman who is fed up with the business world, despite her great success, quits to become an opera singer. Along the way she meets another man who has struggled for over five years under the same teacher who takes her on, and through various ups and downs they grow closer both as singers and as people.

By the end of the movie, you feel as if evereyone's effort has paid off, and all of the characters have moved closer to who they want to be, and who they want to be with.
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An absolutely perfect film!!
7 October 2022
"A Raisin in the Sun" is one of those movies you will never forget. A story about a family struggling to survive, a husband with dreams, a woman with child, a sister with boyfriends pulling her in different directions and the loose goal of becoming a doctor. Money, where should it go... where does it eventually go. Is it right, or wrong, who is to blame? Family, roots, the meaning and struggles which come from generations of poverty and slavery and servitude, rising up in society. None of this is easy, or simple, or clean. And that is what makes this the perfect film, all of these topics wrapped up into what feels like one long sequence of events. Powerful and fully emotional performances. Just watch and see, you won't regret it!
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Monster (2022– )
Good luck not binge watching this...
26 September 2022
Dahmer is one of those shows which, once you start, you're hard pressed to stop until the end. I watched it in two 5-episode sessions over two days, and everything about it was excellent! The atmosphere of dread and filth, the haunting theme song, and the continued unpredictability carries the story from start to finish. The crimes themselves aren't even the "star" of the show as much as the acting, writing, and constant tension wondering what will happen next. Have I mentioned the acting is top notch?

Having never heard the Jeffrey Dahmer story, everything was new to me. But after looking up some details and interviews afterwords, the facts seem to be accurately portrayed here.

Not for the faint of heart, I highly recommend this show to anyone interested in a worthy telling of the Jeffrey Dahmer story.
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I should have known better.
29 July 2022
With a title like this, one would expect a humorous movie like the originals, right? Right...?

As much as the word "misogynist" is thrown around these days, I'd like to know what the word is which reverses the genders is. Because this is that movie. Like honestly, according to this movie women are arrogant b*tches, and men are just idiots no matter what they say or do. What a useless waste of time.
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Just Awful
21 July 2022
This has got to be one of the worst horror movies I've ever seen! The acting is as stiff, lifeless and emotionless as the script. There are scenes of domestic abuse against children which in the end make no difference to the plot whatsoever. The amount and range of profanity is to the point of being ridiculous. None of this adds up to fear or suspense, just a typical "kidnapped and stuck in a basement" plot. Do yourself a favor and skip this cardboard cutout of a horror film.
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A heartfelt look at love, loss and finding where you belong
18 June 2022
This movie is the story of a young boy who doesn't fit into the place he is born and dreams of a far off land. His parents are suffering the loss of a child, which puts an understandable strain on the situation. The rest of the film follows the journey of healing and fulfillment. It's slow-paced, but has genuinely touching moments of hurt and hope, and the feeling that the future is wide open, for all of us.
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Mesmerizing documentary about language and culture
14 June 2022
Journey around the world and experience the effect The Little Prince has had on people who come from cultures whose languages are in danger of extinction. Through various stories from each person's life, the encounters The Little Prince has connects with each person in a different way, either in the present or in the past; this is mainly due to the book having been translated into little known or spoken languages native to those interviewed.

The cinematography and pacing is slow and contemplative. The story meanders, as each person has a completely different life experience to share. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys allowing their mind to wander and flow along with other people's stories. The soundtrack helps transport you into both the world of The Little Prince, as well as the worlds visited in the film.
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Thoughtful, reflective contemplation on dreams and death as a child
4 June 2022
This movie tells the story of two boys who met due to their shared illness -- lukemia. The story is presented through the recordings and writings of the thoughts and experiences of one boy as he contemplates life and what it means to die, and pursues his dreams before the time comes.

It's a simple story, but the reason for the high rating is the honest presentation and creative form of storytelling. There are no true highs or lows throughout, but it demonstrates the real effect that the death of friends, family members or the dying can have on each other.

I recommend this if you're looking for a movie which covers a serious topic in a thoughtful way.
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Life: Present Tense
3 June 2022
Bill Murray defines the difference between a minute, and a moment.

This documentary pursues Bill Murray's "legendary" real life stories of showing up at random places, crashing parties or weddings or bathrooms. Wherever you don't expect him. But it's more than just a superficial re-telling of stories.

From this film, I learned that Bill Murray's movies have a lot of elements which reflect his real life personality. Spontenaity; unabashedness; presence. He has reached so many people in so many ways, and unlike many celebrities, a lot of his influence is actually in real life with people he's never met. Not to be the center of attention, but to attend to others' needs in some way.

In summary, this documentary is worth the viewing time if you're looking for a based story about a "celebrity" who knows how to inspire the people around him wherever he goes.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Season 2 Update: Still Brilliant!
20 May 2022
Season 2 Review When Season 1 came out, this was a show I could not stop watching (see below). I've just binged watched season 2, and could probably watch another hundred episodes easily. This season focuses a little less on fields, and more on livestock and the various political struggles Jeremy has faced by being a celebrity who genuinely enjoys farming. Throughout the 8 whirlwind episodes, most of the same lovely real-life characters are featured, and the same chemistry and wholesome struggle farmers have against "the system" is explored and exposed.

This season teaches so much about farming, and somehow manages to find the perfect balance between struggle and humor, reality and storytelling. I just can't get enough. Hopefully Amazon will continue this for as long as Jeremy does. I believe Caleb could potentially take over the show at some point should Jeremy depart. He's a solid leader thorughout. 100% recommended (Be aware there is profanity throughout and as well as several adult conversations which are not appropriate for children.)

Original Season 1 Review Farming might not sound like the most exciting topic for a reality series, but this story about a year of farming by a complete novice is one of the best shows I've seen! Jeremy isn't the only star of the show either, his supporting farmer Caleb, his accountant "Cheerful Charlie", and a host of other real people who each play a part in the many ventures and adventures all fit together so well and make this series work!

Really hoping Season 2 is a thing! [Edit: here's to season 3 and beyond!]
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Mully (2015)
15 May 2022
This documentary has such heart and warmth and hope for Africa. The story is about a man who came from abusive poverty, made it rich, then gave it all up to trust God to provide and direct his path while rescuing orphans from the streets. You won't make it through this one with dry eyes -- not because of sentamentalism, but because of the palpable love you'll find here.
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Uncle Tom (2020)
Everything you already know, but want to hear other people say
14 May 2022
Great documentary, worth the time, see other reviews for more. Candid truth about being an American. Skin color is irrelevant. Enough said.

(I'm forced by IMDB to add more characters in order to reach 150 for some arbitrary reason, so here's a useless sentence.)
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