
8 Reviews
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Grandma's Boy (2006)
A really funny and quite enjoyable film
8 May 2012
This is a must see movie it has all the elements of a great comedy, the casting is excellent, the story is about a video game tester that is forced to live with his grandmother.

We are introduced to the crazy world that he lives in with a bunch of colorful characters, making fun of the video game industry, some incredibly funny moments involving weed etc etc.

This is movie is probably suited for the people (like me) who are a part of the gaming culture and believe me there is a lot of references.

But a friend of mine who is not into to gaming at all enjoyed it as well.

All in all I highly recommend it especially if you are a gamer.

Just a feel good movie :)
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Not as good as the Swedish movie
6 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really was hyped too see this as David Fincher is one of my favorite directors, but this movie seemed pretty unnecessary to me.

The movie is pretty much a re-thread of the Swedish movie same plot, except that the ending dragged on more than the Swedish movie.

Rooney Mara is good as Lisbeth and so is Craig as Blomkvist but they don't have the chemistry that the actors in the Swedish movie have.

The dialog seems pretty forced at times and I think this movie might have been better if it have been set in the UK or in the US, instead of having mostly British/American actors speak with awful accents.

My biggest question is why does this movie even exist it is completely unnecessary.

This movie falls in the same trap as many Hollywood adapted movies, it builds up a more hype and falls flat.

My verdict if you have not seen it go see the Swedish version, it's way more stronger as a whole.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Went into this movie with no expectations and was pleaseantly surprised
27 November 2011
I have to say that I was really sceptical going in to this since Carpenters the thing is one of my favourite movies of all time.

But this movie is not bad I really enjoyed watching it there are of course some flaws.

I have to point out is that they should have used more time setting up the different characters unlike the Carpenter version this movie does not take its time introducing us to the characters.

This movies also goes a little more for action than for suspense which I will agree probably was not the best idea.

When a character died in the Carpenter version you knew the character but when someone dies here it's basically random bearded guy nr 3 get's it.

If the movie had taken a little more time on building suspense and character development I might have rated it higher.

All in all I expected worse WAY WORSE and when the credits rolled I realised that I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
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Terra Nova (I) (2011)
Terra Nova
30 October 2011
OK I am writing this review based on the three first episodes and so far I am not impressed. The story starts of OK, with people going back in time to start over.

But once they reach their destination it slowly descends into another family drama and frankly I started to get a little bored, we have seen many shows like this.

And this tries to be different by adding dinosaurs and sadly the effects looks typical television budget bad.

I am not sure why anybody would want to invest time in this it's pretty boring and bland with no interesting characters.
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Interesting documentary about why we both love and hate George Lucas
30 October 2011
First of all I am a fan of Star Wars and I think you need to be to appreciate this documentary.

It talks about the decisions George made to the Star Wars franchise and for many fans slowly killing it.

We get an interesting discussion about the whole franchise and what it means to people and how hurt a lot of people were (including me) when George started to make one unnecessary change after another.

It also deals with the disappointment of the prequels and the backlash that those movies got.

It also question his intentions and shows just how little he actually cares about the fans and their opinions, and how he is making the original movies more kid friendly.

And the part that really made me a little mad was when he basically gave fans the finger concerning the original cuts of Star Wars.

It's and interesting story about a filmmaker that wanted to dazzle his audience but ultimately fell to power of greed.

And to summarize I will quote a fan from this documentary: If I ever met the man I don't know if I would shake his hand or punch him.
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Great productions values but the story had me irritated more than once
28 October 2011
I have been a tintin fan since I was six years old but this movie destroyed the story elements completely.

Steven Spielberg decided to mix and match two different stories into one and for someone who has not seen any Tintin it might work well.

But for me who have seen the animated series and read the comics I was furious.

So much was changed storywise and I could not understand why and way to much slapstick humor that just hurt to watch, some funny elements but mostly it felt forced.

But despite this I have to say the production value was great fantastic animation, that is going to have pixar feeling more than a little shaken.

I just wished they stayed true to Herge's story
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Postal (2007)
Not bad Uwe not bad could be better but still not bad.
23 August 2008
Oki to all the people who got offended by watching the first scene and walked out you missed a lot of fun. The movie is totally insane but in a good way.

It contains a lot of stuff from the games and although most of the game similarities are from Postal 2 not the first Postal I think most fans of the game will be satisfied.

But let me make this clear its not a masterpiece in film-making its an Uwe Boll film after all.

But to anybody who like political satires this movie is a much watch. And I would like to say that I have been bashing Uwe for years but this movie is great and I will definitely buy the unrated DVD when it comes out. So continue like this Uwe and you are on the right track not bad totally crazy but not bad.
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One Piece (1999– )
Watch the Japanese dub if you can
28 December 2007
Well after watching this show for quite a while i noticed one thing. The English dub is horrible and all the scenes of the so called violence are cut out.

I actually watched the first five episodes again in Japanese after seeing the English dub and it so much better. Apparently this show has been cut extensively to suit it for all ages witch does not do this show justice i think its quite friendly to children.

Take my word for it watch one episode of One Piece on English. And then watch the Japanese version you will see the difference. This show is great and deserve so much more.
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