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Incredibly Disappointing.
27 May 2024
I was really looking forward to watching this show as it had very good preview reviews and I'm fascinated by that period of recent history. I kept hoping beyond hope it would get better but if anything it got worse.

It's like an attempt at black comedy gone wrong. It doesn't seem to know what it wants to be.

Critics appear to be delirious over Robert Downey Jr playing multiple roles yet in every one of them he overacted. I must be missing something as I seriously don't know how anyone could give this positive reviews.

Some of the cast give excellent performances but it's the entire concept and script that are the limit. The final episode was completely underwhelming.

For me this is the most disappointing show of the year and seven hours of my life I won't get back. It could have been excellent if only the director had decided what he was doing.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Why the brilliant reviews?
30 March 2024
I cannot understand why this show has such a high IMDB rating. It is ponderously slow with not a lot happening. I loved this book but this version isn't a patch on the book or the previous version. It's beautifully filmed with stunning scenery and amazing set design and settings but that's about its only positive.

One of the major problems is that the actor playing the main character can't act. He delivers his lines in a tedious monotone showing little expression. This has had a huge impact on the entire production. His name is Cosmo Jarvis, they would have been better off with Cosmo Kramer.

I have watched 6 episodes hoping it would get better but I won't be persisting any more. There is too much good stuff around.

This is ridiculously overrated and isn't in the same class as numerous other shows with similar scores.
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Coma (2024)
A Total Disappointment.
25 March 2024
I was really looking forward to this drama because of the excellent cast. Jason Watkins has been consistently excellent in everything I've seen him in. The problem with this is the fanciful script. It's too silly for words. The characters aren't that likeable. Jason Watkins' character is a complete "Wally". It's hard to believe his wife would be in a relationship with him as he's so helpless.

The story became more unbelievable with each episode. I was at the stage where I was expecting them to discover Lord Lucan hiding in their garden. It could have been a really dripping story but was let down by the weak script. I love British drama but this was a big let down.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Tediously predictable.
20 February 2024
This movie feels like the script was written by AI. The dialogue is beyond banal. The choreographed action scenes are so absurd they're almost comical. I'm Wondering why we just don't send Statham to Ukraine. He'd finish the war in a day. The acting is hammy and amateurish.

The basic idea of seeking vengeance against scammers could have been good but this is like a poor mans Equalizer movie. The characters aren't likeable.

I love honey but by the end of this movie I hated bees and will never touch the stuff again.

How much longer will they keep rehashing repetitive D grade action movies like this? There is nothing original, clever or interesting about it whatsoever.
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Expats (2023–2024)
A Cure for Insomnia
27 January 2024
I've spent quite a bit of time in Hong Kong over the years and was really looking forward to this. It was extraordinarily disappointing. The characters are uninteresting and hard to like. The pace is positively glacial.

I've never been a Nicole Kidman fan but in this she runs through the full gamut of emotions from A to B. She acts like she has just woken up and remembers she's appearing in a TV show.

I have family members who lived in Hong Kong as ex pats. I'm pretty sure life was never that dull. It could have been really good. There have been some wonderful shows set in Hong Kong.

I believe the book was popular. This was incredibly disappointing and dull.
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Silent Night (2023)
Tedious Shlock
22 December 2023
After reading some positive reviews I made the mistake of wasting almost two hours of my life on this unoriginal, tedious, manipulative drivel. It's a revenge film in the style of the Equalizer or Nobody films minus the humour, charm, dialogue and everything else. It was beyond predictable. What are the people who reviewed this film favourably thinking?

It was a relief there was no dialogue as at least it offered the possibility of a nap at any stage during the film. There were intermittent scenes of sentamentality which appeared insincere and forced.

Violence as in John Wick can be entertaining but none of the violence was entertaining. The over the top violence surrounding where he lived was almost like a parody. This film has no redeeming features whatsoever. It's a waste of time. Don't bother.
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A Beautiful Way to End
2 July 2023
I completely disagree with the lukewarm reviews for this film and thought it was a terrific romp and a great return to form. I don't know what you have to do to please some people. It keeps you engaged the entire time and takes you back to the good old days when Raiders first came out. It's a definite return to form after some very average films in the series.

The technology is clever and used superbly. It's wonderful to see some of the old cast members again plus a few new stars. Phoebe Waller-Bridge is wonderful with the right mix of comedy and drama. There was a great rapport between the two lead characters.

They wrapped up the series beautifully. It's fascinating that the storyline has an element of truth in that the focus of the movie actually exists and is one of the great mysteries.

People can be overly critical but I went along for the ride and loved it. It made me remember how much I loved the first in the series. The entire cast did a great job. It's not Citizen Kane but it's a highly entertaining, rewarding final episode.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Disappointing Season 6
28 June 2023
Black Mirror has always been one of my favourite shows. It is completely different from everything else. It has been fresh, quirky and gripping in every respect. Every episode has been different and has transfixed me. It is now described as a Netflix original. It was on U. K TV years before it got to Netflix.

I have been anxiously awaiting the release of season 6 which I've just binge watched over a couple of days.

I was quite disappointed in Season 6 with some episodes having a familiar ring to them where I've seen very similar themes before, even in previous episodes.

The best episode of season 6 from my perspective was episode 2 Loch Henry which was scary, original and brilliantly acted. Overall I found season 6 patchy and disappointing.
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Shock, a decent Guy Ritchie movie.
18 May 2023
I normally avoid Guy Ritchie movies like the plague. Some argue he has made the same movie over and over again. King Arthur Legend of the Sword is the worst film I've seen in a long time, overblown tripe. He's the Phil Spector of directors desperately wanting to put his stamp on his films.

I find it bizarre that he has insisted this film be called Guy Ritchies the Covenant. Even the greatest directors in history don't place their name above the film title.

That being said he has actually proven with this film that he can direct. It's gripping from the start with great performances and likeable characters. It also shows how badly many of the Afghani translators were ultimately treated.

This film maintains a high level of excitement throughout and is definitely worth two hours of your time.
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Sisu (2022)
Highly Entertaining Nonsense.
17 May 2023
I didn't think it was possible for anyone to out Tarantino Tarantino but Jalmari Helander definitely has here. It's an incredibly entertaining story for which you have to suspend rational thinking.

It's so Tarantino influenced it's not funny. From the graphics used in the chapter headings to the music to the comic book yet graphic violence it reminded me of numerous Tarantino films.

Revenge movies like this prompt the feeling that the good guy can win. Jorma Tommil Is indestructible in the lead role. There's not much that doesn't happen to him. It's also fun watching the supporting but integral roles of the women. The Nazis are appropriately evil. Don't expect All Quiet On The Western Front. If you're after 90 minutes of ridiculous, entertaining butt kicking this is the film. I wouldn't want to meet the lead character in a dark alley or anywhere.
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Ten Pound Poms (2023– )
Not the Ten Pound Poms I Know
16 May 2023
I was really looking forward to this show as I was a "Ten Pound Pom". I came out to Australia as a member of a large family who emigrated from North Wales. I was hoping it would be a semi accurate reflection of how life was at that time. It's not.

It's a cliched, overblown, melodramatic soap. It's entertaining but completely over the top. I've only watched two episodes and I'll persist but so far we've had a robbery, a break in to steal documents, an aboriginal child killed in a hit and run. Etc.

What next, a bomb scare or a terrorist attack?

I really like the cast, especially Warren Brown who is good in everything but they needed to limit the number of things happening in each episode and rely on character development. It's as if it was a competition to see how many things can happen in each episode. We saw nothing of the journey out here, one of my most vivid memories.

Anyone hoping for anything like an accurate portrayal of life as a Ten Pound Pom will be disappointed. This is more like a series of Coronation Street episodes with better production values. I hope it gets better.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Don't bother with season 3
14 May 2023
If I had written a review of Barry after Season 1 or 2 I would have given it 8/10. It was funny, quirky, original and a wonderful example of black comedy. It had great performances and was genuinely unique.

It's a pity they didn't end after season 2 as I doubt I've ever been so disappointed in a series 3 of a show ever. It is worse than season 3 of Handmaids Tale and season 3 of Killing Eve. It has become so ridiculously over the top it's tiresome. Half the time it's a guessing game as to know what's going on. It has lost its originality and sense of fun.

Sometimes they don't know when to quit. I wish they had after season 2.
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Marriage (2022)
An Acting Masterclass.
22 August 2022
I can understand the initial negative reviews for this show. I've never seen a show like it. Nothing happens and there are long periods where there's no dialogue. Anyone expecting car chases will be disappointed.

It's the most realistic portrayal of marriage Ive ever seen.

Sean Bean and Nicola Walker are absolutely stunning, the best in their field. I join others in hating the theme. I thought it was appalling. You grow to like the characters and their flaws. Sean Bean plays a somewhat pathetic character.

This show deserves kudos for the brilliant acting and the fact that it's so different. For those who wanted action it was like watching paint dry. For those who appreciate brilliant acting it was a Masterclass.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
British drama at its best.
7 August 2022
I was in the U. K for a significant proportion of Thatchers time as PM. This series brought the toxicity and divisiveness brilliantly. Her government destroyed entire communities and slashed and burned so Britain became unrecognisable. The strength of feeling is captured beautifully. It has a quality cast, some only appear for a cameo and Keeps you guessing at all times. It's hard to believe people still hold grudges after all this time but they do.

I thought this was exceptional quality drama.,
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James May: Our Man in... (2020–2024)
Disappointing after his series on Japan
7 August 2022
I really Liked James May's series on Japan and started off enjoying this. I found it less interesting with every episode. There were some funny moments and I enjoyed his local guides but I learnt nothing from this series. He kept protesting about being forced to do stuff and sought out quirky pastimes etc. I'd rather not see James May pursue another stupid task, whether it was his idea or the directors. I was very disappointed after enjoying his series on Japan.
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A Refreshing Change
7 August 2022
This is not just your average travel show. Richard E Grant could make reading the telephone book seem interesting. He's incredibly enthusiastic. The literature links are also fascinating. He's great with people and you can tell he genuinely loves the books and what he's doing. I am tired of numerous travel shows but this is one of the best of the bunch. Too many focus on trying to find something quirky and are more interested in entertaining themselves than the public.

I found this show different and rewarding.
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Not Oscar Standard!
17 March 2022
I must be missing something. I cannot believe this film is favourite to win the Best Movie Academy Award. It's a very average film. It is beautifully shot but tediously slow and of minimal interest. I know a few people who have walked out of this and numerous people who haven't made it past the first 15 minute mark while streaming it. Belfast is infinitely better film than this. This has to be the thinnest year for films on record.

This is the most overrated film since the Shape of Water.
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An Excellent, thought provoking film.
15 March 2022
The highlight of this film were the wonderful acting performances, especially from the children. Bertram Bisgaard As Henry was astounding. Fanny Bornedal was stunning as Sister Teresa. It's a very sad story. It makes you wonder how many people have been killed by "friendly fire" throughout history.

I did shed a tear a couple of times as it's quite moving. Overall a powerful, well made movie.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Going Downhill Quickly.
8 March 2022
Killing Eve was my favourite show. It was quirky with brilliant acting, cleverly written scripts, interesting characters and great music. I looked forward every week to a new episode.

Now we have season 4. It really is bloody awful and an example of a show not knowing when to quit while it's ahead. The scripts are ridiculous and the characters aren't likeable any more. I doubt I've ever been more disappointed in a final series although the last series of The Good Fight comes close.

The first three seasons of Killing Eve deserved all the kudos and awards. It deserved an 8 or 9 out of ten. I'll be generous and give series 4 a 6. It doesn't deserve it. Please. No more.
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Trigger Point (2022– )
Eminently watchable.
14 February 2022
I can't believe the appalling and unfair reviews written here, some people have an agenda. It's no Line of Duty but is better than average with an excellent cast and scripts which build tension. There are some scenes which stretch credulity but it was engaging throughout. Reviews are in the eye of the beholder. How can people give this 1/10 and score Reacher10/10 when the Jack Reacher actor displays the acting ability of a mannequin.

Ignore the bad reviews and give it a go. It obviously makes some people feel good to trash a show when it doesn't deserve to be trashed.
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Reacher (2022– )
Reacher Fails to Reach.
13 February 2022
I cannot understand why this has positive reviews. I thought it was hammy and unprofessional. I've read some of the books. In the films and TV show they've gone from an actor unsuited to the role in Tom Cruise to a guy suited to the role who can't act.

He has the full range of emotions from A to B.

I'd describe it as comic book television. The only thing missing are the kapow speech bubbles.

If you're an officionado of butt kicking you'll probably like it but I was left very underwhelmed and disappointed.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Excellent drama
18 January 2022
This is drama at its best with great performances from the cast. Sam Elliott is wonderful. It brings to life what an incredibly tough life the pioneers had. It was dog eat dog. It's beautifully filmed and always keeps you engaged.

I do think the narration is overdone and Isabel May's voice doesn't carry it off all that well. Apart from that I've enjoyed all episodes so far. I actually much prefer it to Yellowstone which is well made soap.
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Tunna blå linjen (2021– )
Absolutely Perfect.
9 October 2021
This is one of the best television dramas I've seen in a long time. It has a stunning ensemble cast who you instantly like and care for deeply. Gizem Erdogan as Leah is a stand out with a performance which moved me deeply. Per Larson as Jesse is excellent. All the cast are wonderful.

It makes you realise what an impossible task police have being placed in incredibly difficult situations. I agree with some of the comparisons with Hill Street Blues where Jesse tells them to be careful prior to them heading out for the mission for the day.

It shows difficult problems such as right wing extremism and successfully integrating refugees into Swedish society.

They use some novel techniques such as when police are called out to a situation social media messages come up on screen with some very anti police and a few supporting them.

The show takes you inside the difficult personal and family relationships of the police and shows what a difficult job it must be for maintaining family life.

I was glued to every episode and highly recommend it. I am really hoping a second series will arrive at some stage.
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CODA (2021)
A rare commodity, an excellent remake.
22 August 2021
I normally avoid remakes like the plague and was dubious about watching this as the film it's based on, The Bélier Family is one of my favourite films. It's beautifully cast with great performances and tugs the heart strings like the original.

The lead, Emilia Jones is wonderful and has a stunning voice. No wonder with her father Aled Jones.

There are many scenes which have effectively been copied from the original but some aspects have been changed.

I went along for the emotional ride in the end and loved it as much as the original. It's exactly what a film should be. You grow to love and care about the characters. It's so nice to see a film like this being made amongst all the Superhero franchise movies. Highly recommended.
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The Good Fight (2017–2022)
End it now
22 August 2021
It's sad to see one of your favourite shows die. This has gone from being one of the best shows on TV to being a shadow of its former self. It used to be beautifully written and was biting in its criticism of U. S politics. The clever introduction of occasional cartoon style songs was a feature.

It has lost some wonderful cast members, Rose Leslie and Cush Jumbo amongst them.

The show managed to maintain a very high standard through to the end of season 4. Season 5 is appalling. The entire story line is amateurish, unfunny and tedious. I feel for the cast having to work with the scripts they've been given.

I don't know whether they've changed the writers or they decided they'd hand Season 5 over to a computer so it could be written by AI. I've kept watching through loyalty to the show in the desperate hope things would get better but as the great Peter Finch once said, "I'm as Mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more.". I lasted to episode 8, season 5. I really can't take any more.

Maybe they'll have a series 6 Dallas style where season 5 has all been a dream. Should I say nightmare.

Seasons 1-4 deserve a 9/10. Season 5 I'd give a 1/10.

It's a tragedy when a great show dies.
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