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Black Widow (2021)
And they say MCU doesn't make bad movies
21 July 2021
This movie is just all over the place.

Well, first of all the movie didn't feel like Black Widow, more like a Family of Widow's. When watching a movie you can sometimes tell how it's going to play out, the MCU trope is definitely the one you can see in a mile away, but it works when they have a good story and Black Widow doesn't have one. Especially when the characters they give you, you don't care about. There's so many flaws in the movie, and it's surprising that they still greenlit this one. It's more of a fan service but other than that the film is whatever. The villain is surprisingly bad and the way they tried to make the character connect within the story is just lazy writing. There goes a villain, Taskmaster, that I was anticipating to see just turn to a lame sheet paper written character right next to other villains that MCU didn't do justice.

Throughout the film you get a bit of both, which some might call it story and action, but it's layered with bad pacing and editing to which you don't care much of what is happening. There's a point in the movie that the filmmakers try to give you a glimpse of the "family reunion" by doing a catch up, and making you understand more so of WHO these characters are. Trying to give you emotional feeling but it sure does go on for a little too long which makes the scene overwhelming.

Finally, some of the action sequences are too wonky, which is mainly the editing that makes it feel out of place. Although, there's a specific scene that I enjoyed was when Black Widow and Taskmaster first fought, which is surprisingly baffling that they gave you these other action sequences that are too crappy.

The "best" part is the after credits, which showcase what's going to happen in the following MCU story giving it a full circle. Other than that the movie falls flat becoming abysmal.
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Finally! A closure
18 July 2021
Fear Street ends with an interesting twist, and it made me appreciate the first film a little more. The thing is that in part 3 takes place in 1666, puts us in an era of which I'm not a fan of, salem witch trial'esque.

The story falls into a combination of two films, that aren't much my cup of tea, The Crucible and The Witch. Although, it doesn't evolve from it besides having to hit some homage to other films which are done better, but it sure tells you more of what is happening in the curse town, Shadyside.

The side characters didn't bring much to the table, they were just there. At least this time, the lead to the first film wasn't much of annoyance. What is sad is that her character evolved much towards the third film, but it doesn't save the first, 1994. It may take me some time to see the Fear Street Part 1, again.

Its good to hear some original music, and not having every scene filled with songs of the 90s back to back. Obviously, they still have some songs play in certain scenes. Good thing they learned to not overwhelm the nostalgia music. They tone it down. Although, towards the end they sure were bringing the 90s music hits back, but it work this time around.

It's funny to mention 90s music which the title says its 1666, but the film has two parts which is a bit confusing, especially when the first half takes place at another time: witch trials. Then the second half of the film you're taken back to 1994. This is where the movie falls under. It's hard to get involved, put into the movie when everything is all over the place. The title is definitely misleading. You'll notice this yourself if you ever get the chance to see 1666.

Furthermore, it didn't add much layer, but it did it's part. The whole trilogy just revolves around a love lesbian story which got a little tiresome towards Part 3. Good thing the twist helped me get more intrigued through out. And still didn't feel much of the chemistry between the two leads. Not convincing. Oh well, it was FUN even for being a tad long in it's running time.
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This one is a dud
12 July 2021
OMG!! Like seriously, who's idea was for them to name this movie "Werewolves Within" because it doesn't have anything to do with what the title is. Yes there is a werewolf but the delivery isn't a payoff. They tried to pull something but it just didn't work. The movie, itself, has the tone of "who done it!?" a la Murder on the Orient Express or Knives Out with a twist. The characters are good but it isn't enough to hold you to a lackluster movie, by the end you will feel burned out and hoping that it ends. I was crossing my fingers that it was going to be good, because I'm a fan of skin walkers/lycans/werewolves; specifically there isn't much werewolf based movies. Lately it is what's lacking.

Before any one says anything. Yes, I know the writer and director intentions were, they wanted to make an all artsy movie but it didn't work for me. And that's because I enjoy few slow burners. They had a good idea, but I guess the filmmakers lost their way. I continue to cross my fingers in the hopes that there WILL be a good werewolf movie. They need to take us back to when there was monster movies like Howling and An American Werewolf in London.
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This one was better
12 July 2021
I'm glad that I gave this one a chance. I was a bit afraid not liking it, especially when the 1994 wasn't good.

The premise to 1978 is about the same as the first: teenagers trying to figure out what's going on this town, instead it takes place in Camp Nightwing. What made it interesting is that they didn't give you boring characters, still they had their annoying moments but it was an improvement compared the two leads that kept bickering at each other in part 1. Obviously, the director/writer enjoys adding some homage, especially the resemblance towards The Burning, Sleepaway Camp, and you can't forget, Friday the 13th. It's fun seeing kills, but it wasn't as creative to the first. They definitely held back, but it was fun nonetheless. What they still lack in is trying to build some intensity to their scenes. Friday the 13th franchise is known for the crazy kills, dumb dialogue, nudity, gore; although, they knew how to build suspense. Maybe, the director should start learning how to play with the audience, try, you know, scare the audience. Its possible to terrify the audience even though horror fanatics become desensitized. Because the "I gotcha" feeling can be pulled off. Another thing, they need to avoid adding nostalgia music. It's fine to add music here and there, but it becomes tiring when it's one after another. Becomes unnecessary to add a song that doesn't mesh well with the scene. It's understandable that they're being nostalgic, and letting audiences know that they're in a certain decade, but it's annoying and they need to stop. Please.

Well, it was fun watching the movie, it totally surprised me. I am self aware that there's another chapter/part, and I can't wait. Crossing my fingers that it will surpass part 2 or it's at least enjoyable.
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Well...that's all folks!!
4 July 2021
Fear Street, a book which is known for many 90 teens. It's one of the most fun books that have been done by the creator R. L. Stone, which who's primarily known for Goosebumps. Well, I was so anticipated when I heard that Netflix were making three tales from Fear Street into movies. Yadda...yadda...yadda.

Now about the movie. Going to lay it down simple. It had it's fun moments, but seriously whose idea was to have a main character that no one cares (well, I didn't)? I'm not going to lie, it seems that they didn't think much about it. Definitely the director and writer needed more time to fix the script, especially when the whole story is all over the place. Obviously, the way it seems, the movies are going to connect. And maybe that's the reason the movie didn't make sense. Who knows? Hopefully the other tales, movies, are better. Other thing that grinds my gears is the overplayed nostalgia music. I get it. It's the 90s, but c'mon! Is it necessary to have a song after song from the 90s, even when it didn't transition well with the scene? I guess they're trying their best to let the audience know that there in the 90s. The good parts were mainly the kills, but other than that, its pretty much forgettable. And they didn't know how to build up the tense. Don't get me wrong. I love horror movies but I also care about the story, especially the characters. Unless, if it's a dumb slasher movie like one of the Friday the 13th. You know what? That's probably what they were going for. But let me go back. Certainly the first movie before their sequels like Scream, ANOES, Halloween, Jeepers Creepers stories are the BEST. Why couldn't this one be like those!? Yet, I can't forget that its Netflix. They tend to make B grade level movies. Oh, well, I digress. Just leaving my two cents. Maybe, you guys will like it more than I did.
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Just wow!!...
19 March 2021
Omg!! Like. Just wow!! This movie is beyond good. And I am beyond happy that the fans (like me) finally had the chance to see the true vision of Zack Snyder's JL. This is how you do a superhero movie, and everything that the movie has is just pure awesomeness! I can't fathom why they just didn't release this from the very start, and I'm talking to you WB. Like this movie is 10 times...hold on. Let me rephrase that, 100 times better than that horrendous 2017, JL. But I digress. Cant hold any grudges because WE finally got the movie we wanted. The movie has everything from character development, story, action, and especially heart. I'm definitely going to keep watching it, and surely will get this movie when it hits in DVD by June. I really hope to see more of this story, but who knows what will happen. So to whomever is interested in watching it or hasn't made up their mind, just give it a go, you'll enjoy it. Leaving it off with one of my favorite quotes from the movie. "Make your own future. Make your own past. It's all right now." -- Flash
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20 January 2021
Finally had the chance to see Run Hide Fight, and I actually enjoyed it. The movie has been under my radar for the past week, and I'm happy that I took the chance to see it today. I loved almost every character from the movie, especially the protagonist. The story is decent, nothing crazy, but it wasn't boring to see it play out through it's 1hr 45min. It has its intense moments which I enjoyed, obviously some parts are questionable, but it isnt quite bad. Not all films are perfect, especially this one, but it sure was fun and interesting. If you ever have the chance, y'all should give it a try.
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5/10 wasn't as good.
26 October 2020
Look I'm a big fan of horror, especially when it has to do with the history for horror. And I also enjoy documentaries that dive into the behind of making such a film, and how it came to be whatnot. And "Horror Noire" does that properly, describing the history moments what the predominant black people went through. Although, there's few of these interviewees that sounded so sour, like a someone yapping, complaining. I mean I guess some film directors didn't want black people to come out in films or I guess these "monsters" were interpreted as blacks. Why not just think of those creatures, just creatures. All these subtext and metaphors that they're trying to dive in too deeply. How come when it comes to black movies, why's it all the time it revolves around racism, slavery, gang, absent of parent?? Just like what Jordan Peele said about not being stuck in a bubble anymore, okay, then use that analogy of talking about something else besides slavery, racism. There's other things that are as important to dive in like sexual abuse, child trafficking, sicknesses etc.
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Swamp Thing (2019)
A Dark-Amazing-Written Show
28 June 2020
Well it sucks to know that the show only had 10 episodes because oh my...It's amazing and too short!! It's also hard to learn that it got cancelled. An amazing show like this deserves more and it also deserves to be renewed for more seasons.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Such an AWESOME movie...
17 October 2018
Such an AWESOME movie!!! I can't believe this movie gets so much hate.

In a time when Paul WS Anderson made awesome movies. This is by far one of his best works. The cast and crew did a phenomenal job in bringing that gut wrenching horror, and its ominous tone.

Love the story. Pretty much straight forward. Nothing complex. It has a working crew ship that are out to secure and bring back Event Horizon; a ship that has been lost for years. What they don't know is Event Horizon brought something malevolent that is out to them doom all to hell. It is a simple movie, but it is the outcome and horror elements that make this movie a fun ride. I'm pretty sure that plenty of people won't admire this movie because of its context and all the gruesome elements. Maybe that's the reason it gets so much hate. But if y'all are looking forward to this movie then by all means go for it because I highly enjoyed it. Sam Neill is a badass as well Laurence Fishburne.
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Hush (V) (2008)
Enjoyed it for what its worth...
7 October 2018
Such a good movie. Didn't expect much on this cat-and-mouse/thriller "Hush".

A movie that takes many inspirations in the likes of "Duel", "The Hitcher", and especially that AWESOME movie of Paul Walker and Steve Zhan's in "Joy Ride".

As usual in a horror/thriller films kind of pick up quickly, but fall flat in their story and characters. Although, in "Hush" you get a good story, great thrills, and enough character development within a short film. The story revolves around a couple struggling with their life, especially a job that doesn't quite do much for their financial needs. It's like a every other night for them, until in a unexpected turn the night suddenly shifts when they encounter a man who is out to make their life a living hell. Not knowing why he's doing this, only that he is taking a fond of the chase and their fear.

Didn't want to spoil it. I just gave the synopsis again, but I just wanted to let y'all know that you should definitely check this thriller out. I gave the film an 7/10 because like it did have moments where it was gut-wrenching, but they are certain scenes that make you cringe at the dumb acts that the characters try to get out of the situation. The movie did enough for a short film. This isn't much of a new thriller you see here, which much of it takes inspiration in other thrillers, but it is a definitely fun ride for a night.
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