
14 Reviews
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Hardwired (2009)
Decent near-future scifi flick
2 November 2009
I like scifi movies and have a soft spot for near-future stuff that isn't way out there but actually still relates to, and builds on, our contemporary "world". That is the strength of this movie - it is a computergame-influenced action set in a near-future world where corporations are powerful and personal integrity is - well - expendable in exchange for increased profit... The weakness of this movie is the computergame-storyline which is rather "straightforward" (and a bit predictable). Occasionally this movie feels like a computergame-trailer, or a movie launched to promote that game. Somewhat stiff acting from both Val Kilmer and Cuba Gooding Jr - they both seem a bit at unease in this movie somehow - is another drawback, but that's only considering what they can perform when more inspired I suppose. Overall the acting in the movie is quite good.

All and all this was a pretty good action/scifi movie! The scifi in this movie is credible, and as in any good scifi-movie the "world" and the issues/ideas/new technology/whatever are the things driving the story forward. Add good acting, a nice budget and well shot movie and you got yourself 1½ hours of good entertainment.
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Constantine (2005)
Dark and fantastic!
28 April 2008
I actually just saw this movie for the second or third time recently and decided I must come here and give it at least a nine vote. It really hasn't been given the credit it deserves although over time the IMDb scores seem to credit those movies that deserve it. This movie almost came and went without any publicity at all in 2005. I had not heard of it and neither had any of my friends. And yet it is the best movie in this field. It is the best translation of a comic (Sin City and others have nothing on Constantine), and it is the best "battle between heaven and hell on earth"-movie I have seen so far. But make no mistake - it is a very dark movie. Perhaps that is the reason some people don't seem to like it that much. But the darkness is also the strength of this movie, it gives the movie a special atmosphere and air that is an essential part of the plot and the characters in it. It is magnificent.

The acting is quite good and Keanu Reeves acting style fits the role of Constantine very well. There are lots of special effects in this movie and I must say they are very well made most of the time. They also play a role in the plot and aren't just cut in there as show offs... Some of the effects feel somewhat subdued but honestly that was alright by me - I feel it was probably a deliberate choice they made out of artistic reasons. They certainly had a budget for this movie but I think they spent it wisely.

For this is a VERY well made motion picture. The plot is not all that original, but the atmosphere and darkness and characters and motivations all come together to make this movie a very special one.

I can only say that this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Don't miss out on it!
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A lovely and enjoyable movie!!!
28 April 2008
To be honest I usually get bored with dramatic and romantic movies. I often feel them to be, well, pretentious and tacky. And predictable. I'm really more of an action-, scifi- and horror movie kinda guy really! But I figured that with the scores this movie has been given here on the IMDb - it must be at least decent. I can always turn the movie off in disgust and disappointment otherwise - right?

Right... The thought never crossed my mind as I was watching this movie! It is funny in a mellow kind of way, awkward and holocaustic while it still remains true and warm in its presentation of the people inhabiting this afterlife way station. There were no cheap shots, no massive special effects to cover up any lack of intrigue in the plot, no "BS" what-so-ever. The acting is very good most of the time, and the whole movie feels "honest". It's simply a movie built up around the story and characters and it's really well done! It catches you in warm embrace and holds you firmly until the end, leaving a you with a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside. (Now THAT'S tacky! I keep telling people that drama is hazardous to you. See what I mean...? *blushing*)

You really should see this movie though. It truly is lovely and very enjoyable to watch. Just don't tell anybody I said anything about any fuzzy feelings and stuff, will you...
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Day of the Dead (2008 Video)
Not really a remake - a very "pleasant" surprise...
7 April 2008
Well, I read a comment that totally slandered this movie just before I actually saw it and had very low expectations. Fortunately this movie was a very pleasant surprise. First of all - it's not really a remake of one of my absolute favorite zombie movies - Day of the dead (1985?). The only thing these movies have in common are zombies and a military facility that plays a role in these movies. Oh - and decent acting too, especially this movie was very well made and acted in my opinion. I also think the effects in this movie are quit good, and the pace is pretty high. This movie works more in the typical "american horror movie" way with quick scares built up on graphical and sound effects while the old movie had a more "end of the world"-atmosphere to it which made it so strong, and which this movie perhaps falls short on. Needles to say - it IS a little predictable at times. But so what - that goes for a LOT of movies out there today.

I would propably best describe this movie as an action/horror - a classical zombie movies mixed with "Resident evil" and a hint of "28 days later". All things considered - it's a very entertaining and well made zombie-flick for us fans, and a pretty decent horror movie others.
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A really good movie
7 June 2007
I don't know why some people slander this movie. They should get some antidepressants or something - somethings not right with these people anyway.

This movie is well made, has good actors doing a great job, interesting (but somewhat predictable) plot! It has pretty much everything you want from a nice action/comedy movie and I certainly enjoyed the movie a lot.

I almost gave it a seven but I'm a cheap b*stard - and even if it's closer to a seven than six - it falls just short of it... =)

I just made up my mind - why the h*ll not...
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Pulse (I) (2006)
Has a zombie-movie feeling to it...
31 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is in my opinion clearly underrated even if it does have some drawbacks and problems. Thing is however - it's a horror movie! And it does create a scary atmosphere and give you a good scare just like you want it too! So it does deliver the goods so to speak. The effects are quite good and the actors are also unusually good, some of the supporting actors in particular. The plot-idea is interesting but the movie itself is sometimes a bit incoherent as if it was cut too short perhaps.

So why only a five out of ten? This movie is very gloomy and gray - it is shot that way, with very little color in it. That's OK. That's just fine. But after a while you get annoyed at people who's apparently never heard of light-switches! They will walk into any dark apartment, room, tunnel, closet, whatever without ever turning any lights on whatever! After a while it is so obvious it starts to annoy you. They don't just "not turn the lights on" - they'll do anything to avoid doing so! =) Another problem I had with this movie was the the fact that the "things" actually should have been able to catch who-ever they were chasing on numerous occasions and didn't. There are major logical tears in the plot which are hard to ignore. Another - minor - drawback was the main actress or character who's behavior I felt was a little stiff and sometimes even unnatural at some occasions. I don't know if it is the script or the actress who is to blame though.

But all things considered I got a good scare out of this one, and the movie actually built up an atmosphere that strongly resembles some of the better zombie-movies I've seen. Without the logical drawbacks in the plot and with the light allergy taken care of I probably would have given this movie an eight instead! See it.
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Event Horizon (1997)
A really well made and SCARY science fiction movie - a classic in my book!
30 December 2006
This is one of the good ones folks! It has a good plot, some great acting (Sam Neil in particular) and great effects. This movie mixes science fiction with horror. And does it extremely well! It does so without any of the B-movie drawbacks you so often find in both horror movies and science fiction, and I really can't understand why this movie is not more "famous" and doesn't get the credit it deserves. Perhaps some people might have been expecting either a horror or a science fiction-movie and felt cheated somehow because of the mix? Who knows...? Anyway - this is one movie I'm certainly going to buy on DVD (as soon as I find it on some sale). Highly recommended!!!
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Nacho Libre (2006)
Oddly funny
30 November 2006
This movie was funny in a kind of odd, mellow way. It was certainly different from most other comedies that I've seen lately, more down to earth perhaps in some ways. I'm Swedish so I'm not so accustomed to the Mexican culture and thats where the story takes place, possibly that had something to do with it as well. In any case Black is i.m.o. doing his best performance as an actor in this movie - playing the title role. He is kind of overacting but pulls it of thanks to his character (meaning it only in a good way), mixes the funny and comic acting well with the more dramatic aspect of it... I think it might be the unfamiliar environment and the almost surreal mix of comedy/seriousness that makes this movie well above average. Because I did enjoy it - a lot... Go see it.
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Much better than expected - See it !
11 October 2006
I was rather hesitant to actually seeing this movie, but with my options gone slim, desperate for a comedy I hadn't seen yet, I took the time and saw this "remake" of the classical Pink Panther. The reason for my hesitation is the cult status of the previous movies and the actor Peter Sellers. I just didn't see the point with a remake and didn't see how they could develop the movie in any positive direction... But I was WRONG!

You could describe this movie as "a modern version" of the Pink Panther - more serious and up-to-date, but still quite funny with that special "Pink Panther"-humor. I'm not a great fan of Steve Martin as an actor although I usually tend to like his movies and expected him to do a fine job in this one, but in my opinion he was absolutely BRILLIANT as inspector Clouseau. I really can't imagine anyone pulling of a better interpretation of the role. This movie has an impressive cast, is well made and is good enough for me to hope for a sequel - so go see this one.
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Tremors (1990)
This classic monster-movie has everything
25 September 2006
This is my first ever ten-pointer and I've waited some years before I decided to make this vote and comment.

This is a superb movie. It has everything! It is funny - mainly due to the characters - has a lot of action and excitement, and is also still a classic monster-movie.

The actors are amazing and portrait their roles, I would say, perfectly. The special-effects feel very realistic and constitute a natural part of the movie unlike some other movies that are focused almost entirely around special-effects. The plot is actually rather straight-forward which in this case works out really well since the movie evolves highly around the characters and the location - a desolate, isolated valley in the outbacks of Nevada and the people living there.

The strength of this movie is really that is has everything, that all the components of a good movie comes together to make this one of the best ever. It's not "spectacular" in any way, it's just exceptionally well made and balanced in every aspect. Just go and see it... VERY highly recommended!
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Fearless (2006)
Tradional martial art movie with extra everything on the side...
24 September 2006
By saying that I mean that the plot was somewhat average and typical for this kind of movies, but the whole movie was exceptionally well made. The actors were really good, the fight scenes were awesome, and the sceneries in the movie were like something out of some "China is fantastic"-commercial. It was a pretty awesome movie and one that I feel perhaps gave a bit more insight into the history and culture of China as well.

With a stronger plot I would probably have given this movie at least a nine. So you should certainly go see this one as soon as possible or better yet - buy the DVD...
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House of the Dead 2 (2005 TV Movie)
So much better than the first one...
24 September 2006
I'm a zombie-flick fan. =) I'll admit that readily, but it took me several months before I finally saw this movie because I was so utterly disappointed with the first one. In the first movie they had these incredibly annoying, flashing video game-sequences or something cut into the movie - probably to save money since that way they only had to make half a movie.

None of that crap here thank god! This was actually a pretty decent horror movie - with zombies! I say decent but for a zombie movie it was pretty darn good. The special effects were better than average for a zombie movie, so was actually everything about this movie. Even the zombies stagger better in this one than usual! The story has a good pace with plenty of "plot" and action through-out the movie, and the acting was surprisingly good. And with that I mean that some of the actors were actually really good and the others decent!

My verdict is that this movie is in no way a future classic by any means, but it is a decent horror movie and as far as zombie-movies are concerned - definitely a trend-breaker in the sense that it falls into the "decent"-category as a whole. Ususally zombie-flicks are either really good - or quite the opposite. So if you are looking for a decent horror movie or a good zombie-movie - see this one. But avoid the prequel at any cost...
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Enjoyable movie with great actors that really picks up at the end.
7 January 2006
YES! Another "end-of-the world"-movie. Just what a sci-fi fan like me wants. Some people have slated this movie clearly just because it came out after "The Day After Tomorrow". I say give it a chance!

OK - this movie didn't have the same special effects-budget as "The Day After Tomorrow", but it is still quite good. The cast is great and the acting - although perhaps not the best performances of their lives - is still very good. The movie started out a bit slow after the "intro" in my opinion but really picks up as you go, and is a real thriller at the end.

The special effects are of uneven quality. A lot of it is really good, while some of it is so obviously computer generated that you can't help but wonder if they ran out of money half-way through the movie. Not that it's THAT bad - it's just that about half of the effects are so very well made that the other half seems a bit "out of place"...

If it wasn't for the short-comings of the special effects, their failing in going all the way and pulling this movie together, this might have been a classic. As it is - the superb acting pulls this movie through and makes up for any other shortcomings.

All things considered - maybe this movie should be rated a 6. But i really enjoyed it a lot so I gave it a 7...
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Sin City (2005)
Incoherent, weird - and beautiful...
21 November 2005
First of all I must say that the movie was very well made in almost every way. Really. Great shots, even greater actors and a nice "feel" to it. They've managed to capture that "comicbook-world" feeling in the movie which must be very difficult.

So why didn't I like it?

I don't like the way they tell the story - following several main characters and their backgrounds independently in short episodes. They provide a great way of presenting the "world" in which the story takes place (the metropolis) - but why? In my opinion the story is very "character-oriented". It revolves around a small group of people and how their lives interact. The "background-world" itself is pretty much irrelevant for the story, yet still much of the movie is focused on presenting it - on portraying it. In the end it just makes the movie seem somewhat incoherent and weird. But well made... Perhaps like a beautiful melody played in an unfamiliar rhythm, using only the black keys on the piano? =)

You should see it and make your own mind up.
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