
3 Reviews
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Young Adult (2011)
A peek at a train wreck
28 November 2022
Excellent performances by Charlize Theron, Patton Oswalt and Collette Wolfe in this quirky, dark view of slow-motion self-sabotage.

Some reviewers panned the film due to the character's un-likeability - yes, exactly. In a world where people are "good judges of character" how do people who are narcissistic and obtuse get a pass? Looks? Some glib skills that pass for talent? Because it sure seems to be a feature, not a bug. This movie explores that question, and reveals some unflattering truths about life, social status and especially the denial that keeps all the plates spinning.

Flaws? Sure, especially regarding some plot points, but not nearly enough to derail the momentum. If you like a thoughtful movie, you will enjoy the ride, even if you don't like the destination.
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Long Weekend (2021)
14 June 2022
What if you took a plot device, and flipped it? Usually, the audience is in on the "secret", but in this movie, you only see the odd behavior - the back-story isn't known. Are the characters crazy? Hiding something? Or is the truth just hard to believe?

The writers throw in a "feel-good" ending, but at least they bothered to write one.

Hard-to-define movie - is it a rom-com? Sci-fi? A dream sequence? It's some of all of those, and none of any of them. Worth watching if you like off-beat stories with likeable, well-written characters.
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Bowfinger (1999)
Warm-hearted comedy - Eddie Murphy is "Awesome" in his dual role
2 November 2017
A wonderful movie - way better than the latest Fast 'n Funny franchise Chrysler ad or puking-in-the-cheerleader's-face gross-out teen "comedy". As talented as Eddie Murphy is known to be, his gifts shine here as he presents a brand new character (Jiff) who is quietly hilarious, in a goofy, somehow believable way. Steve Martin writes a gently knowing send-up of La-La Land that you don't have to be an insider to enjoy. No fart jokes, no gratuitits nudity, just steady, humorous situations occasionally punctuated by giant laughs, all leading to a feel-good ending; where even the evil cult-leader dude is allowed to show signs of humanity. While not Schindler's List, it's a sneaky classic that happens sometimes when top talents are allowed to go "off script" in a low-risk (read: low-budget) "hard-to-pigeonhole" script, and find an top-notch story. It gets better every time I see it.
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