
3 Reviews
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11 January 2006
This movie was unbelievably bad... It's gory but the violence is just too much to the point where it looks extremely fake and predictable. Since Everything is shown to you there is nothing left to the imagination. And the plot... what plot? There really isn't any! The pacing is unbelievably slow (despite the random acts of violence) and the screenplay must have been written by a deranged 12 year old kid who kills kittens for fun. So this movie was banned in 31 countries? I could see why... not because of the gore (boring and trite) but because it was a terrible movie. It should have been BANNED from existence. Avoid this one like the plague. 1 out of 10
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Westender (2003)
not a bad first attempt
11 January 2006
Now... before people start comparing this film to the likes of Ridley Scott's Gladiator or Peter Jackson's LOTR, let's all remember that this is a movie created by a film student fresh out out of film school with a bunch of his friends and NO budget (in fact, according to the documentary on the DVD, all the extras for the army and battle scenes brought their own armor to the set). There are many many things wrong with the plot, dialogue, character development and pacing (this is especially bad) of the film... but I truly see potential in this director once he gets a decent budget and PAID actors. The musical score was quite good and the cinematography was top notch. If you see this movie in the $5 bin, I would recommend grabbing it for about 70 out of 105 minutes of decent fantasy entertainment. Based on first movie attempt... 7 out of 10
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11 January 2006
For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would label this abomination a "good" film. Now, I love Big Trouble in Little China (not for the movie quality since it's cheesy as heck but for the entertainment value) so Carpenter does have a few hits... but this is FAAAAR from a hit. The acting is atrocious. Never have I seen such flat delivery and cliché'd dialogue. And the musical score... More like an acid trip gone terribly wrong. It sounds like someone scratching a blackboard with their nails in dissonance with a deep beat and some nonsensical electric guitar power chords. The worst part of the movie is the plot. It's filled with many holes and ridiculously predictable plot devices that a two year old could spot. The action sequences are DULL... DULL... and did I mention DULL? And they are completely unbelievable. There is no suspense, no coherent dramatic sequence, no nothing. I highly recommend a lobotomy instead of watching this film. Your brain is better off. 1 out of 10
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