
42 Reviews
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The List (II) (2023)
If you gave this a 10, you're a loser
15 September 2023
A movie centering on infidelity and the whole premise being " if you can cheat, I can cheat" explains everything wrong with our current society.

How you can give something like this a 10/10 explains the absolute morale bankruptcy of your ability think and make grownup decisions.

This is not cool, trendy or remotely acceptable for mature adults; this is trash, pure and simple.

And please get off you high horse and start accusing me of being a religious zealot. You could t be further from the truth.

This movie is hedonistic garbage and these two "actors" should never work again. Hollywood needs to stop cramming this garbage down people's throats as "normalized" behavior. It's not, is what monkeys and dogs do. If you think it's ok, then which one are you?
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Whew this is painful
31 July 2023
First of all, Andy Bustamante is a hack. He was on the Shawn Ryan show and spent three hours talking about nothing. He was introduced as retired Air Force which he is Not retired! He got out without fulfilling qualifications for retirement. Retirement=pension, at least get that part right, Paul.

Paul Beban is frankly a terrible host, he really adds no value to the show what so ever. He's in the background like a mushroom, staring blankly at the camera.

Their equipment always seems to fail and the key moments and sorry, dude, you're in a fricken desert, there's a lot of heat! The use the gamma cam, and genius Paul says "where there's Radon, there's probably Uranium". Geez, Paul, you are officially an idiot. There is ZERO correlation between the presence of Radon and the presence of Uranium. Radon frequently travels through the ground water, so smoke doesn't necessarily mean fire.

The whole thing is so obviously staged, it's painful to watch and takes so much away from the original show.

Hard pass. It's another Oak Island, endless drama about nonsense.
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Lioness (2023– )
An unrealistic dose of feminist fantasy
31 July 2023
I really wanted to like this but how much of this fantasy feminism is Hollywood going to cram down our throats?

Female Navy Seal Team Chief? Female joins the Marines and is as strong as her Male counterparts? Female Operators?

A great idea in the delusional mind of the cast of the View, but sorry, reality says not today, not any day. Halfway through the first episode and I'm done.

You should have made the cast Trans, then maybe it would be 20% believable, instead of 0%.

Why the hate? No hate, just tired of stupid writers with stupid concepts.

For a story to be interesting, there has to be Some shred of believability. This one fails miserably.
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Find the most annoying people, check!
29 July 2023
Season 2 - Way better than season 1, but still, super annoying judges that offer nothing of value to the show.

Never seen grown-ass men and women constantly talk so much senseless trash. The over the top facial expressions and reactions, make some parts painful to watch. Big T, the most nonsense talking, idiot of the bunch. If you have to call yourself a badass, Cindy...yeah. She shouldn't have been on the show for simple health reasons, and it was hard to watch someone struggle like that on a professional competition. The first elimination was BS. You had a guy serve raw food!! That alone should have been enough to get you voted off the island, but it's hard being a white guy in 2023 (enough said) Seems like the judges were not only rude, but extremely biased. Some mediocre food was put out, and let's say, certain people got a pass. After a couple episodes of that, I honestly could care less who won, so much I didn't watch the finale. It's funny how in the modern age, we take competitions and turn them into circus shows of cartoon-like reactions, clowning and unprofessional.
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Really bad acting
18 May 2023
Don't be dazzeled by the third review, the first review was pretty accurate.

Terrible, amateurish acting. , one of the leads, acts like a 16 year old instead of a grown adult. Her facial expressions are so over dramatic, I feel like I'm watching an episode of Saved by the Bell murder mystery.

Walks past an old man with blood all over himself and doesn't think to ask if he's OK. WTF? One of many scenes that make no sense to sensible people.

The Police ask Bo to contact Isabel's family. Yeah, that's not gonna happen, especially when she could be a suspect.

Later Police show everyone the murder scene picture. How stupid and unprofessional, is the writer on drugs?

The storyline writing is so poor and rushed, plus the dialog between characters is wooden and lacking in any type of emotion you'd associate with people who are supposed to be friends.

They talk to each other more like work colleagues that only talk at work and can't be bothered with one another otherwise.

I'm guessing the writer doesn't have a lot of friends or is socially inept. So many things that don't make sense, make the story disjointed and frankly, barely watchable.

I slugged through it and honestly I don't know why. It clearly wasn't worth it.
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Holy TBI, batman
29 January 2023
This is a guaranteed trip to the ER. Most of these guys will be vegetables in the next 5 years. Sorry, but if you go first, you're almost sure to win, by causing the most damage first.

Whoever thinks this is a sport... Dana is in it strictly for the money, which is quite sad considering the amount of long term trauma these guys are going to suffer for a measly buck.

The WB has sunk to a new low, which isn't really saying much considering their other programs. Honestly, this is worse than supporting cock fighting, it's that bad. When Dana said "this is going to be a life changing experience", he wasn't kidding.
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Difficult to finish and certainly regretful
12 November 2022
CGI was great, let's get that out of the way. Beyond that, this was a huge disappointment.

I know Russians are pretty emotionless as a whole, but damn, this was not only the most wooden acting I've ever seen, but whoever wrote the script belongs in Siberia. None of these characters would be allowed to work on a slave ship, let alone a multibillion dollar space ship that the fate of the world depends on.

Stupid decision making abilities, extremely poor leadership, and not enough common sense between the collective group to make a 14 year-old.

It was truly frustrating to watch and I surprised even myself, they I made it to the ending credits.

Do yourself a favor and don't do what I this movie. You'll probably regret it as well.
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No thought put into tactics=Amateur hour
8 November 2022
So the first part of the movie gave me a bad taste that continued throughout.

Terrible tactics from the beginning result in unnecessary casualties that pretty much lay the ground work for Amateur hour.

If there's any shred of truth to this, you'll know why the UN is referred to as Useless Neighbors.

Nonsensical plot simply made in the essence of the current political backdrop to point to more Russian Collusion.

We all know how that worked out in the US.

I can't recommend such garbage knowing there's an underlying agenda here. Gone are the days of movies simply being entertaining without the constant attempts at brainwashing our naive youth. Sad but true, hard pass on this one.
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Paint drying is more interesting
9 October 2022
When the world falls apart, be thankful you aren't in the UK. Harry is quite possibly the worst survivalist in all of Europe. He's weaponless the entire film, and bloody useless. He screws over the only decent guy that previously helped him. Way to go Harry, you're a dick.

His little sister pretty much whines the whole time and contributes nothing to their survival. She wanders off constantly and is about as useful as a football bat.

If anyone deserves to get killed and eaten, it's these two sods. They wander around with such lackadaisical attitudes, it's like they are begging to killed.

You're injured, stop make your wound open up

Some of the scenes honestly make no logical sense at all. Middle of the night, some girl tries to get in their tent.

Apparently, European tents are impossible to breach, because Harry pushes her out, closes the zipper, and that's, that! She disappears, and later some Zombie tries to get in, but I guess, he can't break the forcefield.

The whole story is dull and interesting, save the beautiful countryside.

Hard pass.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
A slow, uncomfortable burn
19 September 2022
This was a very interesting film and it had a truly creepy ending, The whole story was this uncomfortable display of social awkwardness. The husband was so weak, I wanted to slap him at least a half a dozen times.

He just couldn't stand up for himself, and this I believe, is what made him such an easy target. Predators smell blood in the water, and this guy had it coming out of every pore.

The ending was disturbing. Why people when faced with certain death, simply walk into the flames without fighting back is beyond reason.

You might kill me, but I'm going to get a piece of you before I go, not just turn away and wait for the axe.

I guess Danish people are kind of pacifist like that. That ending kind of ruined it for me., hence the 5/10.
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I Am a Killer (2018–2022)
Season 3, bring in the nut jobs!
31 August 2022
Season 3 rolls out the red carpet for the nuts, and it's not just the criminals.

First episode, the sister tries to prove the killer's innocence despite overwhelming evidence, then convinced her to clam up.

Number 2. Nutty convict correspondent befriends death row inmate probably so she can see another execution. First sentence out of her mouth "I was the first Italian woman to witness an execution". Yeah, riiiightttt... All the prisoners have the typical M. O. blame drugs, abuse, blackouts. They all are right where they are supposed to be.

Feel no sympathy for them, they are pathological, violent, and blame everyone but themselves. This show does one thing well; it cements my belief in the death penalty and why we need to make the process more efficient.
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Amazingly bad
26 August 2022
Honestly, I think you have to try to make a show this bad. Let's use "actors" who are pretty, but talent is optional. Story line, optional as well. Add in a couple LGBTQ+$#%* "actors" to satisfy the woke crowd and the 40+ white females living in gated communities, and there you go.

A perfect recipe for a crappy series.

AHS, where horror goes to die.
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Below average horror with dumb people
23 August 2022
I wanted to like this as I enjoyed the original Orphan. The first part of the film was decent, the last half became ridiculous.

Very, very stupid decisions made by several individual (I don't want to spoil the curious). When I mean stupid, I mean decisions that defy normal logic. This, frankly ruined it for me. Julia Stiles was actually pretty good. The guy that played her son, not so much. And Dad, was a freaking idiot and a terrible artist to boot. Isabelle Fuhrman, who played Esther, I'd rate right up there with Dad, mediocre acting at best.

Sorry, but a swing and a miss.
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Day Shift (2022)
Fun, but a bit ridiculous.
14 August 2022
This reminded me of the Dusk til Dawn movies. Fun, campy, but a bit silly. The action scenes IMO, were a bit overdone. I mean, how many times can one person be kicked 20ft across a room before they don't get up. The dude's not Superman. I liked Jamie Fox's character, but James Franco needed a punch I. The face and a shot of testosterone. What a snowflake! I was really hoping he'd die.

Megan Good is was great, plus she's super hot, and his daughter was a peach. (Or pickle, rather)
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How to guarantee a mistrial
16 July 2022
So, the guy hasn't even been to trial and this show is created to do what exactly?

I guess so much for letting the justice system work.

Congrats idiots, you've just guaranteed this guy a mistrial. So if by chance he is guilty, he's going free thanks to you clowns.

Great job.
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Moonhaven (2022)
I'm giving it a ten to offset the trolls
16 July 2022
Probably the dumbest reason to rate. Show as a 10/10.

Why so many 1/10 ratings? Because the show is honestly terribly written with half baked actors thrown in to boot.

The story honestly makes no sense, although cliché of the typical "world is ending because humans ruined it" premise.

The writers decided to throw basic physics and scientific knowledge to the wind and make a story line that is childish, and uneducated.

I honestly fell asleep halfway through the first episode and had to watch it again. Second time was not a charm, it was still garbage.

Who cares if it's "filled with diversity". It honestly makes no difference when the writing is crap.

Swing and a miss...big time.
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Interesting, but painfully slow
13 June 2022
I found this documentary interesting and infuriating, but it was painfully slow.

Media narcissism and police incompetence was amok. Crazy how reporters were allowed to interview these criminals while they were committing the crime. Sadly our media has become worse. Hopefully this story will serve as a warning, but unfortunately, people are more stupid than before.
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Bling Empire (2021–2022)
19 May 2022
First of all, if you gave this higher than an 8, you are shallow and stupid.

This is gluttony and narcissism at its worst. So obnoxious, spoiled rotten women and their little emperor children. It's gross to watch.

When one of them complains about Chanel week being so stressful, "we have to dress up and go to this show and change and go to this show and put on our best fake personalities".

What a vomitorium of selfishness.
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Big Bug (2022)
Bizarre French
2 April 2022
I was hoping for something's little interesting, but it wasn't funny, or entertaining.

The acting was quite bizarre and really overdone. I never understood why the French do that wide-eyed, over expressionistic acting. It's honestly creepy and that pretty much sums up the entire show.

All these people that gave this a 10, must have exceptionally low standards along with their IQs.

A seven year-old may find it good, but if you are an actual adult, hard pass.
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Sad millennial garbage
27 February 2022
So we've got the stereotypical woke dopes. PTSD kid that was involved in a shooting, now anti-gun and anti common sense. Pulls the trigger on an empty AR-15 and jumps at the hammer click like she got electrocuted. (Oh, brother) Femi-nazi tough girl accuses guy who open carry's of having a small dick, then proceeds to act self righteous and stupid throughout the whole movie. Thankfully she does spectacularly .

Cue in the black guy and the blonde white girl relationship, and you've got a Netflix show people.

The story is nothing new, just a cookie cutter slasher movie. Hard pass.
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Watchable if you ignore logic
27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's a Korean show, so I was already expecting a lot of emotional baggage and cheesy acting.

Well, you get that and more. Some serious plot holes that defy logic, Here are a couple:

1. If you go into a lab without knowing why people died, you can take your helmet off. Really?!

2. Let me reach over this dead body to pick something up.

3. Duct tape fixes everything including holes in space suits.

4. As soon as you leave a contaminated area, it's perfectly safe to remove your mask, because viruses know to stay in the contaminated area.

5. Wait until the last second to do everything because it's cool.

6. Space shuttles all have these handy trap doors just below the crew area.

7. Space base's ventilation ducts are big enough to walk in standing up.

I managed to get through the whole season, but the last couple episodes got really unrealistic, so, watcher beware.

I am praying there will be No season 2.
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Trash-can feminists ruined it, oh and the crappy story line didn't help
1 December 2021
I was hoping this was going to be a decent B movie. Well, swing and a miss, big time.

The story didn't seems to make much sense, nor did it even flow. Random events, even more random dialogue, and the lead character, Lauren McKnight was a walking trash can.

She came off as one of those macho lesbians that tries waaaayyy to hard to be manly. If she would have chewed tobacco, her persona would have been complete.

Her acting is right up there with Ralph Machio from the original Karate Kid.

Paper bags have more personality.

Overall, a dull story on a shoe string budget.

Hard pass.
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If you gave it a 10, you have low standards
4 October 2021
Giving a show a 10 to "offset the bad reviews" is not only disingenuous, but then, frankly ruins the whole point of the true process.

This series actually started out pretty good, but after episode 2, it nose dived quick. The main character is a complete idiot, but then, that's they way so many men have been portrayed lately in movies and film.

It's like, in order to establish more "equality" we have to tip the scales in the other direction. Waaaayyy in the other direction. Sorry Holyweird, but this doesn't help, it makes your perceived "problem" worse.

Forcing equality of outcome instead of simply supporting equality of opportunity creates an unhealthy environment for everyone.

This show does a great job of that and makes everyone want to watch it less. Hence, all the 3 star and lower ratings.

Giving it a 9-10 doesn't help, and If you make it to episode 6, you will see how far gone the series has gone from halfway decent, to garbage like a fricken lawn dart.

Just watch ultra femi-nazi, bi-polar, lesbian, psycho, geneticist.

Anti men, religion, conservative, common sense.
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Lots of assumption and drama
16 September 2021
So, a lot of "experts" weigh in on serial killers based in the UK. "This is what the killer was thinking", "This is what they felt"... Nothing based on interviews with the killers or any type of reputable analysis. But, lots of overly dramatic video shots of these so-called experts.

One thing I found quite silly. "Serial killers seek and audience of people they can control and exert power over to show off what they've done" Uh OK, maybe stupid serial killers. Those are the ones that get caught rather easily; except in the UK, apparently. Poorly shot video, drama, drama, drama, bad photography, more drama; it was difficult to watch without quickly becoming annoyed.
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Debris (2021)
Started good, but kept going downhill
23 June 2021
I kind of liked the first episode. It was X-files-ish, and had an interesting start.

Sadly it went down hill quick. The stories got more unrealistic, and the lead character, Fiona got more and more annoying.

First of all, she never should have made it through the MI6 training, let alone on this case.

Father disappears, due to events related to this event. She is obviously too emotional and not stable. Her acting is wooden at best. Zero chemistry between her and her partner, Both betray their countries for personal gain, both need to be waiting tables at Denny's.

As the season went on the story line made less and less sense. I honestly, barely made it to the season finale.

Guess what? It's cancelled. Surprise, surprise.
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