
74 Reviews
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The Creator (2023)
Beautiful movie with a decent story
4 October 2023
The movie started off pretty strong. It shows a quick recap of the last 50 years (in the movie's timeline) and also the backstory of our main character. Now looking back it might not the most original opening but together with the great visuals I have to admit I was quite engrossed at the start. But I noticed this interest got less and less throughout the movie. But don't get me wrong, I was still enjoying it by the end.

One of the main themes of this movie is the argument to which extent AI can have consciousness and feelings. This is an interesting theme, but I have to say I was somewhat disappointed, since I feel like the movie didn't delve deep enough into this theme. For example (small spoiler) the change of the main character's believe happens too fast in my opinion. But it was still interesting to see I guess.

And then of course the visuals, everyone who saw the movie is talking about them. This movie looks amazing. And that with a relatively low budget! Not only does the cgi look good, the movie also has an aesthetically pleasing colour scheme and a really good production design. (My girlfriend especially appreciated the latter :) ).

So yeah, pretty good movie, but I can't help but feel like it could have been much more.
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A subtle look inside this girl's life
2 October 2023
This movie is about a girl with a mentally disabled mother and the problems that arise because of that. Things start happening (relating to her mom and her grandfather) and we get a glimpse inside of this girl's head. The movie takes its time with this and so does it rather nicely. I might add the movie takes a bit too much time, though. Since halfway through I was wondering if anything was actually going to happen. Eventually the movie picked up some steam, but I have to admit the story did not really impress me.

What did impress me was how well shot the movie was and I also quite liked the color scheme, it was rather subtle but it worked. Also, the music was pretty sweet.

From here minor spoilers...

Near the end things finally started happening but it ended rather abruptly. My girlfriend put it nicely saying: "It ends when things finally start happening." And, before I forget, this movie is difficult. Especially since it kinda portrayed the mom in a negative light, which is a bit awkward since she is mentally disabled and basically just a child.

I read somewhere that I would have been nice if we got to see a bit of the mom's point of view. I mostly agree, since this would've shown her struggles as well instead of, like I said, portraying her as the 'villain' of this story. But I also understand why they didn't do this, since this movie is about the daughter.

All in all, this was an interesting watch, but I am still left wondering what message/feeling the filmmakers wanted me to leave with.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Such an original movie
30 July 2023
This movie is no action flick. It's a thought provoking, carefully woven together piece of cinema, from 'beginning' to 'end'. From the start and all throughout the movie it shows glimpses for what later turns out to be the biggest plot point. And those glimpses aren't just simple teases because it actually connects to said plot point. That's brilliant.

Also, this movie looks amazing. The alien spacecrafts have such a unique design, and don't get me started on the aliens themselves! They look so mysterious, so alien, yet very much like something realistic. It wouldn't surprise me if we discover something looking like that in our own ocean in the years to come. (In fact I reckon we already did, octopuses are our very own aliens man!)

This is now the second time I have watched this movie, the first being many years ago. I remember really appreciating this movie. Now, when I got to the last 30 minutes or so I was confused, because I didn't remember them at all! I'm still confused as to why I don't remember. My theory is that I never finished the movie, which is quite odd of me to do back then, but I digress.

I highly recommend this movie. But remember, this movie is no action flick.
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Great movie but could have sticked the landing more
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a memorable movie. It carefully and elegantly handles many topics while not feeling too crowded. Sexual orientated topics like new sexual experiences, stigma around sex workers and stigmatisation of sex in general comes to mind, but there were also topics I didn't expect the movie to hone into. Through the two leads things like accepting ones body is discussed and also the strongest topic for me, judgement from parents (or from all people in general).

This is also where my problem with the movie comes into play. Throughout the movie, we see Nancy (main character) judge other people constantly. She thinks her son is too boring, her daughter too wild and she also has prejudices about Leo (other main character) because he's a sex worker. Through the dialogue, the movie constantly reminds us that her constant judging isn't right. I really like this and found the movie really stood out because of this. The dialogue in this movie is rather clever actually.

We also get glimpses of the real person behind the Leo persona, when Nancy keeps prying about information of Leo and his mother. The judgements from Nancy also got to him sometimes and eventually this back and forth between them builds up to a heated argument. I really thought/expected/hoped this would be a turning point for the movie. For Nancy to realise how much of a hypocrite she actually has been, because this judging comes from a place of insecurity (the fear of being boring, among other things I believe). This part was extra powerful because we now also learn a bit about why Leo didn't want Nancy to ask about his mother, because to his mother he is dead. For me all things came together here. At one point I thought the movie was gonna end here.

Now we go to their fourth meeting (the fight happened in their third) and to my surprise we still see Nancy as judgemental as ever (with the waitress for example). This really disappointed me because for me this kinda undermines the whole fight in their third meeting. It would have been really satisfying for her to learn of her ways then and there. Instead she only changes her ways after Leo tells exactly what happened between him and his mom. For me this was too late in the movie and made it all less impactful. When Nancy finally orgasmes for the first time (because that has been a thing in the movie) it's not really a beautiful moment or anything, because in the back of my mind at that point I'm kinda like: you're not that good of a person actually.

Maybe I'm being too harsh on Nancy but hey it was my viewing experience and I'm just explaining what I think holds the movie down for me. Maybe after a re-watch down the road this doesn't bother me anymore, but as of right now it does. Don't let this last part fool you though, I still think it's pretty impactful movie with great acting.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Intense horror movie with arguably bad ending
16 October 2022
When I first heard the premise I thoughout it would be a sequel to Truth Or Dare movie or something. Then when it came out I saw some lofty reviews, so I decided to check it out.

First up, I'm not the biggest horror movie fan, since most just use loud noises to jumpscare you, instead of actually being creepy and scary. This movie (un)fortunately is both. The start and later the build up is really scary, intense and intriguing and I found myself looking for smiling people in the back- and foreground. That's when movies are the most creepy you know. When you're seeing things in the background and you wonder whether you're looking at the 'monster' or not. This movie has those moments which I really enjoying. But this movie also has jumpscares, lots of them. While some were actually pretty good and creative, there were also a lot unnecessary ones which just bring the movie down in my opinion.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Bonkers, but fun
16 October 2022
This movie is if The Gentlemen or Snatch took place on a bullet train. It ranges from pretty crazy to absolute bonkers and the latter was a bit too much for me at times.

Though the movie was pretty fun I did notice jokes didn't land for me. For example there is this running Thomas The Train Engine joke throughout the movie. It's witty at the start but does run its course fairly quickly. I could also add the dialogue in general sometimes tried a bit too much.

There's also a theme of faith and luck throughtout the movie which I did like. This theme makes the craziness a bit more digestible, but like I said it's still a bit too much for me at times.

Action movies aren't my go-to, but the most of the fights in this were very well-executed. So if you just wanna see great action, this is your movie for sure.
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Us (II) (2019)
Style and substance over logic
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The title says it all on how I feel about this movie. The premise is great, the movie is pretty unique and there's an interesting meaning/message. Where the movie fails though, is the logic. The explanation the movie gives for the clones creates so many plotholes that it almost just ruins the movie for me. Like I (and a lot of others) have so many questions:

How did the clones survive underground?

How do they know how to mimic their originals?

Why do they even do that?

What if the original travel by car, train or plane?

Why did the government just leave the clones underground?

I could go on.

Aside from that though the movie is still enjoyable.
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
A hard way to go indeed...
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No consequences for the actions of Wendy and Marty? Especially Wendy...

And why kill Ruth? One of the only characters in this whole show that deserved some form of redemption.

I get it, they subverted expectations and let the bad guys win, because that's 'realistic'. Sure, but I personally just don't find it satisfying.
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An epic, but flawed movie
18 April 2022
First let me say that the Extented Cut is the way to go. It's superb compared to the Theatrical Cut.

When I watched this movie back in 2016 I enjoyed it, but nothing more than that. Now that I have watched the movie again 5 years later (now as the extended) I have to say that I love this movie. The way it handles the terror and dread that's felt when a god roams the earth is really cool. "False god" on Superman's statue, anti-Superman protesters outside the City Hall, it's all really intriguing.

The fight between Batman and Superman is marvelously done and goddamn does Batman's Mech Suit look amazing!!! Hell, this whole movies looks fantastic.

Though as said in the title, this movie is also flawed.
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
Great game, just misunderstood
22 March 2022
Yes this game has flawes. I think the game is too long and because of that the pacing suffers sometimes. I also disagree with some minor decisions that were made.

But you cannot deny how beautiful and engaging this game actually is. This game did something most games before have never actually touched upon and used its medium in a clever way. Trust me when I say in 5 to 10 years time, people will look back and say this game was severely misunderstood.

Most people get what this game was going for, they just don't want to except it (yet)....
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Okay hear me out.
27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This ending is spectacular. I saw people commenting on the fact that it is disrespectful to bring back a new season of Dexter for then to kill Dexter. In my opinion, it isn't disrespectful. This show was basically a do-over for Dexter's series finale, so it's not strange that could Dexter get killed.

Now about the ending; it's a really fitting one. Dexter ran away from Hannah and Harrison to protect his kid from him. (Which was an understandable decision). But by abandoning Harrison, his kid became filled with hatred. So by shooting his dad Harrison could let go of this anger and finally have a chance at a normal life.

Now for Dexter; he tried to kill himself once before, so when Harrison pointed that gun at him he saw this as a way to finish what he tried to do before. This is a great ending for Dexter because he knows this is the best for his son.

The first reason being the one I stated before about Harrison being able to let go of his anger. And the second reason being that he knows people around him die or get hurt.

So this ending was a great way to conclude everything.
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Dexter: The Big One (2010)
Season 5, Episode 12
I figured out why Dexter season finales kinda disappoint me
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What I don't like about this season finale (and this goes for the previous four season finales as well) is that it wraps everything up, for the next season to go back to square one. There's almost no real progression in the story. Every season starts with Dexter not really knowing what to do with himself, he then finds someone he hunts down and after offing that person he gets in some sort of trouble and the season goes on from there. Then he finds the one, main killer/villain of that season and at the end of the season this killer ends up on his table.

Now ofcourse, the seasons have much more to bring to the table than this, but this is pretty much how all seasons go. In my opinion this is what keeps this show from being one of the best. Because shows like Breaking Bad, Dark, and Better Call Saul evolve every season and that (ofcourse among other things) is what makes them really great. There's well thought-out story being told there. Dexter is starting to feel like a typical show, where every season has the same structure.

The only big thing this show has going for it are the characters, because they are all really well-written and entertaining.
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Dexter: The Getaway (2009)
Season 4, Episode 12
I feel conflicted // season rating: 8
27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really tense season finale. I vaguely remembered what was gonna happen to Rita (because my dad watched this show a while ago). So that made the episode even more intense.

That being said though; I didn't like the final twist that much. Yes, I was shocked and emotional, but the problem was, I probably felt more than Dexter did in that moment! I wished for Dexter to finally just lose it and cry for once, because that would have made the scene feel much more impactful. Now the ending feels a bit rushed and empty.

I could be saying that for every season so far, though. With every season the ending have felt empty. Like there was potential for something greater. Every season so far has started with a new character being introduced to us (friend or foe) in the first episodes, for the season to then end with said person ending up on Dexter's killing table. It happened with Lila, Miguel and now Arthur. (Not mentioning Ice Truck Killer because that was the first season and thus an exception).

Don't get me wrong though, Dexter is an amazing show with unique and interesting characters, it just always manages to fall a little flat during the season finales.
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You: What Is Love? (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
Season 3 review: 8/10
2 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This season was weaker than the first two in my opinion. This season had the same vibe as the others but it was just less interesting because the story feels dragged out over 10 episodes. This season could have been 6 episodes and that would have been better paced I think.

About this last episode, it was good but the fact that Joe played that he was paralysed was only there to shock the audience. Why would he still play paralysed if Marienne was literally in danger when she came over to his house? A bit stupid, but overall good finale.
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You: Missing White Woman Syndrome (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
This is a good show but wtf is this anti-vaxx stuff
30 October 2021
Good episode but the script is really bad sometimes. They shove "the anti-vaxx people are bad" down our throats too much man. One comment would've been enough but no they have to go all in. And then the title as well... I mean I guess it's a thing? But it's just forced as well.
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Squid Game: Ji-ok (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Underrated and essential episode
11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yes the fact they quit the game to then go back at the end of the episode, might be a bit devious. But I'd say it's really worth it. We get insight into the lives of our main characters and I'm pretty sure the future episodes will have a lot more stakes because of this. Excited to see what's next!
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Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Fortuneteller (2005)
Season 1, Episode 14
The funniest episode so far
29 September 2021
My girlfriend and I really enjoyed the humor in this one. I also loved the interactions between Katara and Aang. There's something brewing between those two and my girlfriend and I are here for it!
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A funny, gory and surprisingly emotional rollercoaster
20 August 2021
Ever since I saw the first set photos I knew we were gonna be in for a treat with this one. The customes, the set designs, the acting, the social commentary and the jokes, they're all iconic and I can already tell this movie is gonna be a classic. I can't wait to watch it again in cinemas.
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Invincible: Where I Really Come From (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
Crazy episode!
8 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When Omni-man showed his true colours he became one of the scariest villains I've ever seen across any medium. The fact that he's as powerful as Superman and sees humanity as even less than ants is super haunting to me. Homelander in The Boys is scary, but Omni-man even more so!

Season one review: 9 The first and the last two episodes were amazing. Episode 2 to 6 varied from quality and felt like filler sometimes. Luckily it all came together by the end. Great first season in my opinion.
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Dark: Enden und Anfänge (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
Season rating: 9
6 June 2021
I don't think this season has been as amazing as the first but I still think it's really really good.
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Dark: Alpha und Omega (2017)
Season 1, Episode 10
This season has been mindbending
31 May 2021
Season one of Dark is one of the most well-crafted thing I've ever seen! It's so complex and I can feel the passion behind this show. Everything is worked out into the utmost details and it's mindblowing to watch it all.
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The Walking Dead: Beside the Dying Fire (2012)
Season 2, Episode 13
Season 2 rating: 9
6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This season finale is good, but not a lot more than that for me. It's cool seeing a (rather small) herd tear down the farm and the ending with Rick becoming somewhat of a dictator was really interesting as well.

The first three episodes of season 2 were amazing were really exciting and emotional. Especially epiosode 2. That ending with Shane, damn! (I also love the fact that AMC shows make characters go bald when they become more and more conflicted. I'm looking at you Breaking Bad).

The episode I see more as a season finale was the episode before this one. The best part of this season has been Shane and his growing hatred for Rick. Ultimately that clashes in the penultimate episode.
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The Walking Dead: Pretty Much Dead Already (2011)
Season 2, Episode 7
This season so far has been slow but worth it
30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Man do I love the writing in this season. The growing conflict between Shane and Rick is masterfully done. This episode was a counting time bomb till the very last scene. And what a scene that was. Shane shouting on the top of his lungs and opening the barn like a lunatic, them shooting all the walkers and the cherry on top, the reveal of Sophia. This episode is one of the best in my opinion.
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The Walking Dead: TS-19 (2010)
Season 1, Episode 6
Season rating: 8/10
30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was an interesting one. It's notable how Jenner was created just for this show, since he isn't a character in the comics. I love that we get a deeper insight on how the dead come back to life. It's also good the show didn't give us an explanation on how it all started, it keeps it perfectly vague.

The season overall is a really good first season. Not as character drivven nor spectacular as the next seasons, but still pretty good.
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Good start, great middle, bad ending
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first couple of episodes were good. Nothing amazing, just proper MCU material. Episode 4 and 5 were amazing in my opinion. John Walker slowly growing wilder, the racial undertones with a black Captain America. I loved it all.

But man was that last episode bad. All the hype I had slowly disappeared when the show rushed to one plotpoint to another.

This show is defs worth a watch. I guess you should just skip the last episode and leave some things open.
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