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Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
Give it a chance!
27 November 2023
Honestly, 10 minutes in I was all ready to skip to the next episode-before I did I thought I'd check the reviews first to see what the episode was actually about because not only was I not enjoying it, I also couldn't work out what was going on.

I'm glad I did! I read one review in particular where the reviewer felt the same as me, ready to skip, but they gave it a chance and ended up being glad they did.

Now I probably should have prefaced this with saying how much I HATE Star Trek, which is one of the reasons I was going to skip-but if you give it 15-20 mins the Star Trek feel fades away and you get caught up in the actual story.

Seriously, just get through the first 15-20 mins (it might feel like a hard slog but I promise the story will come together)
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Black Mirror: San Junipero (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
Bit of light in the darkness of series 3
8 August 2023
10 might seem a high rating, but I honestly can't find anything negative to say about this episode. I was completely clueless throughout most of it, absolutely no idea what was going on (which I think is clearly the point) then when it was all revealed, it became such a beautiful story. After the first three very dark episodes of series 3, this episode was a welcome ray of light.

I may have shed a tear or two at the poignancy of it-it's very hard to give a good review without giving away spoilers-but I will say I'm horrified at the amount of reviews I've read that have marked this down simply for the fact that there's a same sex pairing, and an interracial one. I find it very hard to believe there are still people out there with those ridiculously archaic views in the 21st century

If you're a normal, well rounded human being, you'll very much enjoy this episode. It is, quite simply, beautiful.
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Basically here for Pedro
26 March 2023
As the title says, I've watched anything with Pedro in since he first appeared in GOT. But this was an unexpected little gem. Nicholas Cage sent himself up brilliantly, who doesn't love it when an actor can take the mickey out of themselves!

The story is a bit bizarre, yes, and much of it makes little sense (the weirdest past was Tiffany Hadish, I've never seen her play such a 'normal' and vanilla role before, and it didn't sit right with me, I kept expecting her to break out the sass)

If, like me, you're here for Pedro, you won't be disappointed. He's adorable in it. He's also an excellent actor, but we already knew that.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
A new twist on the zombie genre
5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This review is for those of us that have never played the game.

First of all, thank you IMDb for finally moderating and removing all those hate filled reviews about episode 3.

So far I love it, with just two caveats. The first being Bella Ramsey. No. Just no. She doesn't fit the part, she plays a character we're clearly supposed to root for, absolutely terribly. Every episode I find myself wishing Ellie would just run away or fall off a cliff. She's so unlikeable and irritating that it's insane she was even considered for the part-she's also far too old. She's 20!

The second being that Tess was killed off too soon. I loved her character. It may well be true to the game that she was killed off, I don't know, but I still think it's a shame we didn't see her develop more.

Pedro Pascal however, wow!! That is some of the best casting I've seen in a long time!

The story is a new (and far too plausible) take on the zombie them-it's something you can actually believe could happen-as opposed to the reanimated corpse stories that have flooded the genre for decades. This is what also makes it far more terrifying in my opinion.

Now for the 'controversial' episode 3. It horrifies me how many people have attempted to post reviews lambasting it for being 'woke' or 'disgusting'. It's 2023. The world woke up a long time ago to love being love. Episode 3 is a heart achingly beautiful and bittersweet tale, that also provides some backstory for Joel and Tess. If you can pull your head out of 1960 and see it for what it is, you won't miss all the important parts that push the story forward.
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The Rig (2023– )
Started off strong..... then it just made no sense
21 January 2023
Honestly, I really don't know where to start.

Or finish...

First episode drew me in well, it was a bit creepy, dark and intriguing.

Then it just got..... weird. And not in a particularly good way. I genuinely don't understand any of the rest of it.

It appeared to making some moralistic point about global warming-that much I understood. But the way it went about it was so bizarre, and nonsensical, that after episode number 3 I was basically just watching it in order to get to the end.

If Amazon commissions another series, I will watch it-but only to find out where the helicopters were actually going to. Because the looks everyone gave each other made me curious. But I honestly don't care what this weird, 'more ancient than time itself' organism is.
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The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace (2022)
Season 11, Episode 24
Didn't quite hit the mark, but still satisfying.
22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rather than wax lyrical about what they got wrong, I'm going to talk about the parts I loved.

I actually thought I'd become desensitised to the zombies by now, given that all the drama since series 5 or 6 has been from human antagonists.

But this episode brought the suspense back, ok so there were some stupid parts, like Rosita falling into a zombie pit, and the jumping from a truck to a drainpipe with her baby strapped to her chest, but the baby didn't get injured remotely even though she slammed into the wall. But... I guess we have to allow a certain degree of farce.

They also pulled at the heartstrings rather beautifully, I've had a love/hate relationship with Rosita since her introduction-she can be way too cocky at times, but this episode had me silently sobbing in the corner as everyone said their goodbyes.

I enjoyed all the nostalgia too, all the clips of characters from seasons past, makes you realise how much the show has changed since the first season (and not often for the better)

On reflection, I am going to mention a few things I didn't like: Mercer-not enough of him in this episode-nowhere near enough in fact. His character was the only decent thing to come from the commonwealth.

The failure to kill Pamela's. Why!? What's the purpose in keeping that vile specimen alive?

Rick and Michonne, left far more questions than we had already, and just served to further infuriate me that he wasn't back in the final season.

ALL the spin offs... sure I want to see what happened to Rick (not too bothered about michonne, their 'love stoty' alwsy seemed forced, there was absolutely zero chemistry between them). But Darryl going odd on his own? We were promised a Darryl and Carol spin off! And Dead City?? From the cast, it looks like it's Vacaville just the walking dead, with a different name...
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The old Tom Cruise is still in there somewhere!
27 August 2022
I have nothing clever or insightful to say. But...

I loved it!

From the opening credits I had shivers, and throughout I was constantly wavering from happy nostalgic tears, to nostalgic laughter.

It was a risk doing a sequel to such a hugely loved film, but they hit all the right spots-and Rooster! What incredible casting, it was almost like having Goose back.

And it was truly awesome to see Cruise back at his best. He hasn't been this good in a film since before he got weird

We missed you Maverick!!

The only thing I didn't like was the song at the closing credits. Gaga just isn't right for Top Gun. Not a huge fail admittedly, but a fail nonetheless.
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Lost for words
18 July 2022
I don't have an awesome header to sum my review up-but I'm broken. The season finale was an epic, 2 hour and 20 minutes long emotional rollercoaster that I just was NOT prepared for.

I laughed, I sobbed, I hid behind a cushion, my heart rate frequently jumped to disturbing levels, and now I feel bereft.

I am honestly heartbroken, it's been a long time since I've cried so hard at a tv show.
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
Absolute gold!
10 July 2022
I'm WAY behind the times with this series, admittedly on purpose. Being British, I spent the 80s and 90s watching Hugh Laurie in 'A bit of Fry and Laurie' and 'Jeeves and Wooster', so it seemed completely impossible to me to watch this slightly off the wall, geeky British guy playing a charismatic, Ill tempered and seemingly sexy, gruff American Doctor.

How wrong was I!

House M. D is absolute gold! It's intriguing, hilarious, intelligent-and a very different take on a medical drama. I'm a huge fan of medical dramas from all over the world, but House may just be my most favourite character in a hospital setting, ever.
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Yes, I'm really giving it a 10
17 April 2022
Hands up, I admit I'm giving this a 10 for the pure nostalgia value.

I've been a huge ghostbusters fan since the very first film, and I've waited over 30 years for a sequel. It's not perfect, no, and the Ghostbusters aren't in it for as much as I'd like.

But in my humble opinion, they did it! They found the perfect way to bring it back without ruining it. Not an easy task-especially when the originals have such a huge fan base.

I won't spoil it for anyone, but have tissues handy. I may have cried, a lot!
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And just like that.... The magic is gone
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
SATC without Samantha was always going to be difficult to pull off, but it was possible-especially with the addition of Sassy Seema to the cast (probably the only bright light in this dim sequel)

So what did they get right?

Well, Carries shoes and clothes are as fabulous as ever...

And as for where they got it wrong?

Trying far, far too hard to be 'woke' in the modern world. There's far too much emphasis put on being LGBTQIA+ Or any race other than Caucasian, if they want to truly be inclusive then the storylines should flow as freely as Samanthas latest conquests did in the original.

Cases in point being firstly, Miranda's sexual awakening at the literal hands of Che. Why, is a Middle Ages woman breaking the heart of the man she's been married to for over 20 years being celebrated so heavily? If anyone cares to recall, in the last season of SATC, Steve had a girlfriend called Debbie, who he appeared very happy with-until Miranda blew it apart by declaring she wanted him for herself-only now it turns out she didn't.

Secondly, Charlottes mortifying attempts to invite another black person to her dinner party so she didn't appear to be the R word. This particular episode left a really nasty taste in my mouth and only served to remind the rest of the world how much it's still an issue in America.

Also, killing off Big?? And in the first episode? We invested all that time waiting to see Carrie and Big end up together, only for them to kill him off before we got to learn more about them as a couple. To say I felt cheated would be a massive understatement.

All in all, they should have left this with the last film.

It. Just. Doesn't. Work.
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Grey's Anatomy: Here Comes the Sun (2021)
Season 18, Episode 1
20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I don't know why this gets over 7 stars. I spent the entire episode going "what!?" So many random things happened without any backstory AT ALL! It's like there's several episodes that never made it to tv. Meredith is randomly in Minnesota for the opening of a research library dedicated to her mother... what links did Ellis Grey have to Minnesota?? None. She worked in Seattle then she worked in Boston.

Through a brief one line sentence from Meredith we discover that she and Hayes had a relationship-none of which was shown on tv and came straight out of the blue, and this happens whilst she's randomly sitting opposite kidney transplant doc from who appeared in ONE episode a couple of seasons ago, and they're sitting there chatting like they've been in contact this whole time, only the viewer was literally never aware of this so it just comes across as weird on screen that Meredith keeps repeating "I'm not going to sleep with you" I've been faithful to 'Greys' for the last 17 seasons, but this episode tells me it's time to give it up.
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Chicago Fire: What Will Define You (2018)
Season 7, Episode 7
Baffled by the lack of reviews
29 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I rewatched this last night and felt compelled to leave a review. I'm still crying so please excuse any errors you may see.

Whilst there's mini storylines going on in this episode, it's a mostly a build up to Benny Severides funeral. If you get through the last 2 minutes without sobbing, then quite frankly you're not human.

I was worried that he wouldn't get the send off we hoped with the end of the episode drawing in so fast, but the writers did not disappoint.

From the very first honk of a truck horn, I was in pieces. Just beautiful, and a very fitting last call for the legend that was Benny.
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Samantha Who? (2007–2009)
Simple, easy to watch bit of fun
28 July 2021
Recently rewatched this as I remembered quite liking it the first time around. The whole cast compliments each other well, but in my opinion Jennifer Esposito steals the show in every scene she's in. Her portrayal of Andrea is hilarious. Why this show didn't last beyond two seasons is beyond me.
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It's a Sin (2021)
Easy 10
31 January 2021
Believe it or not, this missed out much of the horror that gay people and AIDS patients faced in the 80s, but it was still incredibly raw and painful to watch. Beautifully acted, beautifully written and both achingly funny and desperately heartbreaking at the same time. Whether you were around at the time or were born many years after, you need to watch this.

And just as an aside, Keeley Hawes turns out yet another incredible performance. The woman can do no wrong
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Loved it. Plain and simple
8 November 2020
For anyone that was in their teens when the first film came out, this is a fun bit of nostalgic escapism. Although, it's rather disheartening to see that, whilst I have indeed aged since the first film, Keanu and Alex barely look any different to the fresh faced kids from 30 years ago.

I have to admit to being concerned that I wouldn't like the daughters, I'd seen clips of them essentially being female versions of Bill and Ted-but it actually works, and they're pretty likeable once you give them a chance.

Overall, I don't really understand the negative reviews-they seem to be either from people wanting an exact carbon copy of the first film, or people wanting to see Bill and Ted acting like responsible adults (they wouldn't be Bill and Ted then, and the whole point of the film would be ruined-you can't save the world by selling printer ink over the phone) Remember, take reviews with a pinch of salt. I loved it. And I may or may not have got a bit emotional at the end
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The Sister (2020)
In a word.... Awful
5 November 2020
Starts off disjointed and confusing, doesn't remotely draw you in, the only reason I kept watching was to try and understand what on earth was going on. Badly written, badly acted, badly directed, not an ounce of suspense or drama.... need I go on? The production looks cheap and shoddy, more fitting to the syfy channel. It doesn't even deserve a properly written review
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Last Vegas (2013)
Genuinely funny
29 June 2020
Ok, so I know 10 stars might seem a little high, because it's not an incredibly amazing film-it is however, a very funny film, and I couldn't find any reason to knock stars off. It's a concept we've all seen before (The Hangover) however, their ages make it so much funnier. It's worth watching the film just to see a drunk Morgan Freeman.
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Open Water (2003)
Baffled by the stream of recent reviews
28 June 2020
I have to confess I haven't recently watched this, I watched it 17 years ago when it was first released. But I'm baffled by the slew of recent reviews, why are people suddenly watching this in 2020? They have the benefit of other people's hindsight of the fact that this is a truly terrible way to spend a couple of hours. If watching two Uninteresting people bobbing around in the middle of the ocean, having mundane discussions and peeing on each other for warmth is your idea of a fun time, then go right ahead. If, however, You need a little more mental or visual stimulation from a film, then try literally anything else
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Perfect follow on from the film-not the book.
2 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Deviates from the book plot to a huge degree, but it follows on from Kubricks adaptation perfectly.

I was not expecting the film to be as grim as it was, there was about five minutes where I literally had to turn away from the screen. Anyone familiar with the book might be wondering if 'baseball boy' will feature in the film-he does. Not the whole storyline, but his own demise. In the book it's only touched upon and no real description of his death is mentioned. In the film they show the young boy being cut apart and tortured, which was too much for me. His screams were horrific and I just didn't need to see a child being torn to pieces-this is the one part of the film I think they got horribly wrong. Rebecca Ferguson as Rose the Hat was perfect casting, she played the part beautifully. Rose is supposed to be an incredibly beautiful woman, which Rebecca is-but she also plays sinister so well that it's quite unnerving. I can't say anymore without revealing more spoilers, but I will say, aside from IT, this is probably one of my favourite King adaptations. It's different enough from the book to leave King fans wondering what's going to happen next, but it's got enough of the important points to keep the story essentially the same
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More layers than you think
19 October 2019
Just rewatched this after 20 years, and how refreshing!! So beautifully un-PC in a world where certain jokes are now practically illegal. Jack Nicholson's character had me genuinely laughing out loud on many occasions. Yes it's a romcom, yes the ending is predictable, but the journey there is unconventional, beautiful, funny and full of sentences that you just couldn't get away with in today's society.
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Exceeded my expectations!
13 September 2019
For all the naysayers, you seem to come in two categories-those who are fans of the book, and those who have never read a Stephen King story in their life. To the fans, of course the films are not 100% true to the books-that would be impossible without making the film a week long in duration. Every adaptation has huge chunks taken out and new, dramatic scenes placed in. To those that have never read any of Kings work, this is NOT a sequel. It's the second part of 1 story. The novel is written as a back and forth between childhood and adulthood, this would be impossible to play out on screen so it was written in two chapters instead. IT is a beast of a novel, so it would also be impossible to condense the story into one 2.5 hour film. Now for my review... Wow. Just wow! I went into this with extremely high hopes for two reasons. 1, I'm a huge fan of the book-it might be my favourite novel of all time, and 2, the first chapter was outstanding! I was not disappointed! Any adaptation of a much loved story is always a little nerve wracking, in case they fail spectacularly in their vision-but as far as I'm concerned they hit all the right notes this time! I loved the original adaptation, it was terrifying at the time, but much of the humour from the book was missing. This time around it's all there. Of course some of my favourite parts were missing, but they included most of the important ones. The casting is outstanding, they managed to find children and adults who do actually bear strong resemblances to each other. Bill Hader as adult Ritchie is absolutely genius, the funniest lines in the film all belong to him and his younger counterpart Finn Wolfhard. It's hard to say any more without rambling on for days, but I will say this: Never in my life have I laughed so hard whilst also hiding behind my hands out of terror. That, and spot the cameo!
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31 July 2019
Had this on my planner since it came out, only just got around to watching it and binge watched the entire thing over two days. Episode to episode it didn't go at all how I was expecting. It really does keep you guessing right until the very end. At the very beginning I was, admittedly, deeply uncomfortable with the premise. Middle aged man falls for a 15 year old girl. I was so uncomfortable during the first few episodes that I very nearly gave up altogether. But I'm so glad I didn't! It doesn't pan out the way I expected, there's a very beautiful innocence to the emotions and feelings between the two leads. I won't spoil it for anyone yet to watch it, but whilst there are some very uncomfortable moments in the series, they aren't what you expect. I can't really say a lot more without giving some of the plot away, so I'll just end my review with, go into it with an open mind (I don't mean about her age) don't try to second guess the plot.
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Mind numbingly dull
27 May 2019
If you're going into this expecting it to be remotely like the few, brief clips you may have seen, then don't bother. Those few brief clips are the only parts with the actual cast in it. The rest of the 1 hr 40 minutes consist of the crew, whining and moaning about how much hard work the last season is. The special effects woman in particular is as dull as ditch water-why we need to see her face timing her kid for a good 5 minutes, then whining about how hard it is being away from home, I'm not really sure. Very little of this has actually got anything to do with game of thrones.
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I honestly feel embarrassed for everyone involved in this!
22 April 2019
I know all the purge films have a semi political agenda, what with it being led by the NFFA, but this prequel to the series is racially political. Apparently, nearly all impoverished black Americans are willing to resort to extreme crime to solve their money issues, not only that, but there are no poor white people in the Staten Island community. This film not only plays far too much into the hands of stereotypes, it's also badly written, badly executed-and with the exception of a few cast members-really badly acted. I only made it half way through before my constant eye rolling became so painful I had to turn it off
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