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Passable because of the special effects
17 October 2019
Based on the 80s game this movie is a disappointment. In all of fantasy literature, there are really only about three basic plots, and Dungeons & Dragons has picked the least promising of them: the quest. This means that for the entire running length of the movie, we accompany a bunch of poorly developed characters as they run from place-to-place in search of the one powerful magic item that will save the kingdom and defeat the evil wizard. Of course, since this is Dungeons & Dragons, a lot of the wandering around takes place in poorly-lit tunnels inhabited by unsavory creatures. And the climax, where most of the special effects budget was expended, features an impressive aerial battle between two races of dragon. Only the climax is worth anything and for that we must endure the tedious journey. The set design, while not approaching that of Conan the Barbarian, is also a plus. Watch it for the special effects and set design only.
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One of Eddie's finest
13 August 2019
Trading places came around the time both Eddie Murphy and John Landis were at the top of their game. The plot is a take on that famous Mark Twain Story The Prince and the Pauper, which has seen many incarnations from Disney to The Simpsons. But none have been as cruel (and funny) and John Landis' Trading Places, which proves just how funny Dan Ackroyd and Eddie Murphy used to be. Trading Places is crammed full of hilarious scenes, great dialogue, and funny cameos. Who cannot resist Eddie Murphy's foreign exchange student disguise or Ackroyd's Lionel Josef. Even the gorilla in the train is a brilliant character. For those of you who love dark, cruel comedies Trading Places is utterly essential. It may be very 80s, but it never gets old. It's a must see and must have movie. The 80s made the most amazing action movies and the most amazing comedy movies and Trading Places is a proof of this fact! Keep such films alive.
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The Fly (1986)
Cronenberg at his best- The Fly is a must watch film
7 February 2019
One of the most hauntingly atmospheric and most mainstream work by Canadian David Cronenberg The Fly is an amazing film that is part horror, part science fiction and perhaps most surprisingly a tragic romance. Jeff Goldblum plays an introverted eccentric scientist who, by accident starts transforming into a housefly. Geena Davies plays a reporter who starts off covering his "case" but slowly falls for him. The special effects are very good, and the slow transformation is repulsive yet heart-wrenching. This film proves that old school puppetry when done right will always trump computer effects. The setting- Cronenberg's Toronto- is not just a backdrop but almost a character in itself. The actors are all very good in the role from Goldblum's quirky(a perfect casting if there ever was one) yet tragic Seth Brundle to Geena Davis as Veronica the love interest/reporter and John Getz who isn't like your typical villain. The Fly's esteem has only increased with each passing day and it will not only be considered as one of Cronenberg's most approachable films but also among the finest horror-scifi films.
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Hard Eight (1996)
PT Anderson's beginning is a fascinating take on life
29 January 2019
PT Anderson is a wunderkind and Hard Eight(also known as Sydney) is a testimonial of the young auteur's immense talents. During the first half, virtually nothing happens -- the characters are stuck in a stasis from which escape seems impossible. Then, during the second half, momentum carries the story to its inescapable conclusion. The dualistic nature of Hard Eight makes it a difficult picture to size up. At times, it's engrossing, but, on other occasions, it's a lesson in frustration. Hard Eight borrows its share of conventions from noir thrillers, but this is more of a character drama than anything else. Sure, there's some violence, gunplay, and a few plot twists, but everything keeps coming back to the relationship between Sydney, an aging man with an opaque past, and John, the damaged and none-too-bright individual he takes under his wing.
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A romantic turn by legend Clint
26 December 2018
This is a great romantic movie and a turn for Clint Eastwood who is anything but soft and genteel in most of his roles. I think The Bridges of Madison County is the best romantic film ever made. However, In Waller's book, Francesca is much more vulnerable and much more delicate, plus she's thoughtful and gentle. But in the film, Meryl Streep's version is so different from the book. Meryl plays a very tough woman and looks like a real farmer's wife,it works beautifully though! This film is definitely your best choice if you are fond of romantic love story. I am not a big romantic but I can understand a great movie when I see one.
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Lack of pacing and direction make this a missed opportunity
8 October 2018
The Astronaut's wife is a bad film- no two ways about it. The plot is basically Rosemary's baby in a science fiction template. Johnny Depp and Charlize Theron play a married couple about to have a baby when Depp, an astronaut is assigned a space mission. Something happens out there and although he returns in one shape something is amiss. The film is slow paced and doesn't really go anywhere, from what I remember. This is a film that should be considered only if nothing else interests you in the science fiction catalogue.
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Fight Club (1999)
Fincher's style was made for Chuck P's novel
21 September 2018
David Fincher's style was made for Fight Club the novel and the outcome of this collaboration is a stylish dark, nihilistic splattered with healthy doses of dark comedy and irony. The film itself is brilliantly paced, reeking of humor and brilliantly shot. The acting is top notch. Ed Norton is relatable as the narrator and Brad Pitt shows why he was so popular back in the 90s- he owns the scenes. Ladies get a strong character in Helena Bonham Carter's Marla Singer, though quirky and psychotic. But then everyone is that way to some extent in this stylish film. One of Fincher's best and that's a tough call to make.
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Fun Carrey film with heart
21 August 2018
Bruce Almighty is a funny movie and some of the parallels of the film seek to propose a lesson to mankind, as absurd as it sounds with a movie starring Jim Carrey. Carrey plays a man who is suddenly bestowed with the power to be a God, directly given the authority by God himself Morgan Freeman. This is a hilarious take on a moral issue and the flow of the film is good with some great laughs along the way. Jennifer Aniston and Steve Carell round off the cast with aplomb. Watch this one to have a hearty laugh and ponder the subject of religion.
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Jerry Maguire (1996)
Cruise proves why he is the numero uno star
3 August 2018
Jerry McGuire is a good film bolstered by a touching screenplay and some great performances. Tom Cruise plays Jerry Mcguire- a sports agent with a conscious. He writes a memo from heart on the ethics of his industry and is booted off his job. He starts an agency on his own, assisted by a single mother and later wife played by Renee Zellwegger. On his rooster is a crazy, unremarkable client, played by Cuba Gooding Jr. The film is filled with quips and a certain warmth which is common in Cameron Crowe films. Gooding Jr. is hilarious as the over the top smartass, yet lovable deep-down Rod Tidwell and Tom Cruise shows yet again why is such a top movie star- he makes himself relatable. This movie is about love and redemption.
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EuroTrip (2004)
For a change the action takes place in Europe- don't miss it
12 July 2018
Like Roadtrip Eurotrip is all about the journey than the actual meeting only here it is cross country. Boy gets dumped by girl, boy has a penpal from Germany- a hot girl who he decides to pursue along with a bunch of friends. His adventures include hanging out with a bunch of Manchester United hooligans, going to a nude beach and a conclusion at the Vatican with the whole world watching. Eurotrip is a good teenage sex comedy though there isn't much in the way of sex. This is a fun movie to see with friends.
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Cop Out (2010)
Avoid this film like the plague
26 June 2018
Copout is a massive disappointment. Maybe the expectations were too high but the film lacks a coherent story, its pacing is atrocious and even the chemistry between Willis and Morgan is pretty much nonexistent. There were high hopes because Kevin Smith is a good filmmaker especially in the comedy genre and both Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan are good at comedy (Check out Willis in Death becomes her). This was a stab at the buddy cop genre and a play on Willis's iconic Die Hard role but the film fails miserably.
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