
17 Reviews
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Cocorico (2024)
14 April 2024
A light-hearted commedy that plays a lot with stereotypes.

The movie takes a lot of time to come to the point. Especially the introduction drags on for quite some time. The audience probably knows a couple of minutes in advance what's going to happen. The three couples and their relationships towards each other are interesting, but especially the young couple has no real connection and no chemistry. They are just there and are not given much space to act.

I had a few real laughs, especially when it came to the French/German/English jokes, but then again it was all too stereotyped-up. I'd wished for some more originality.

Maybe a fitting movie for a boring Sunday evening, not so much as a cinematic experience. It's just too shallow for that.
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Perfect Days (2023)
I do like cleaning now
4 February 2024
During the movie it felt too slow and I was in secret hoping that something more would happen. I was not sure where the build-up of the movie would lead me, but after I realised that it's not a build-up, it IS the movie, it felt very relaxing and I eventually stopped wishing for something more, something extraordinary or anything at all. I just watched the movie to its end and accepted anything it threw at me.

The serenity, the simplicity and the awkwardness of everyday life was perfect.

I have lived in Japan for a couple of years and this is a very accurate depiction of life in Tokyo. The only thing I would deduct a point for is the music. It threw me off that the protagonist is listening to western music all the time (but once). I get it, it's targeted at an international audience, but there would have been lots of good options for Japanese music from the 70s. This, and the 'thank you' on the Tic-Tac-Toe note broke the illusion of the film for me. The movie would probably have worked even completely in Japanese with (or even without) subs, since there are few and mostly simple dialouges.

Great movie, loved it - in retrospect.
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Vollidiot (2007)
Meta cringe and meta funny
19 November 2023
I like 'loser meets beauty' stories, and I also like most of Tommy Jaud's books. They often revolve around some kind of looser who finally overcomes his awkwardness after his gf broke up. While the main characters in the books are usually relatable (often because of the many references to pop culture and real events), and you want them to get better and succeed, in the movie this role is played by Oliver Pocher but in such a stubborn and even hateful way that I just wished him the worst.

In the books the social failures of the main character usually happen because he doesn't know better, or out of some slapstick situation, but in the movie the main character is simply very unsympathetic, rude and simply put not a good friend. It's not the poor nerd who falls in love with an unreachable women, it's a rude stalker who just finds some new victim.

Most other characters don't seem to notice what an unsocial person he is. Even stuff that could be deemed cute and funny in the book turn angry and spiteful in Pochers interpretation.

Pocher probably was used for this movie due to his (then) rising popularity, and if this performance ever worked, it has aged terrible.
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The Creator (2023)
Somewhat entertaining but too long and many issues
15 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this yesterday. Initially a very promising movie but it quickly dissolves into too many things it wants to be but is not.

I usually love stand-alone SciFi stories with a mysterious world that wants to be discovered by the audience, but this one just had too much topics thrown into it: The movie starts with an Asimov-ish robot/AI living among humans story, then swaps between war movie (with strong 'Platoon' vibes), action flick, love story, etc. Each single 'chapter' tries to bring up something new, but the solution is always that the bad guys show up and blow everything up so the main characters can flee to some other random place and the same happens again. Kinda reminded me of Tennet, where none of the locations bring anything to the table, just more hints to go to some other location.

Most characters are very stereotypical, mostly with only one function and facial expression. The main character has maybe 2 or 3: angry, sad and confused. The AI-kid in contrast had exactly one facial expression.

The big reveal with the kid being the main characters daughter can be smelled from a mile away and is not really a reveal. I was just waiting for the main character to figure out the obvious.

I was hoping for some creative solution to all this mess, but in the end it was - again - bad guys blowing everything up and finally the good guys blow up the bad guys with none of the underlying conflict being solved, just more explosions.

The movie probably works somewhat if you watch it at home on a Sunday evening, but it simply was not enough for me to wholeheartedly recommend it. For me it's an inbetweener, could have been much worse, but could have been way better too, if it was shorter and had less confusing content that did not bring anything to the table.

I'd give it a merciful 7, but I probably won't watch it again in a long time.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
28 August 2023
I don't know man, was this really necessary? Three different time stages for just a biopic? Sure, it's Nolan and there is no way Nolan would tell a straight story, but overall the movie did not work for me. I mean, come on, just tell the story, spit it out man. From A (development of da bomb) to B (Military exploits it) to C (remorse and political aftermath). Is it necessary to mix this all up?

1. Story Telling: Nolan is just not a good story teller. A nice twist here and there, or some surprise or revelation at the end would be fine, but Nolan just randomly throws us bits of information, it's so hard to follow. And pointing to some scene in the beginning of a 3h movie just to "reveal" that some dialog was not as expected in the end ... it's just not well told. Just tell the story from A to B to C and I would be satisfied.

2. Music: The score was too heavy for the content. I remember a scene with really intense violin noise during a dialogue, as if something of upmost importance was revealed. But if it was I would not know. I found it hard to concentrate through all the noise. It was probably nothing, at least the movie just continued.

3. Too much, much too much information, characters and garbage: I did not know who half of the characters were, their names, their function, their connections or goals. Best and most recognizable was probably Matt Damon. He was the only side character with clear goals to me. But the rest? I am not even sure what the two hearings were about. Revenge of Mr Strauss, but for what exactly? That he did not hear the dialogue between Oppenheimer and Einstein? Did he feel left out? Maybe it was explained, but I must have missed it.

4. The technical side: The start was good, explaining the astronomical side of things, but I already thought to myself that the explanations were not good. If you don't have any knowledge of the matter you won't understand, and if you do you just nod understandingly. This was the first time of many I thought to myself that Nolan just does not care about his audience. He might want to show off some of his knowledge but in a way to constantly tell you how stupid you are not to understand the scientific or political backgrounds. I would have wished to see more 30's and 40's tech stuff, for example how they actually shot neutrons at atoms. Instead all we get is some oszillating waves on a spectrometer and that's it. That's the proof. No further explanation. The Trinity scene is awesome, probably the best part of the film, but even then Nolan had to switch constantly between character shots and the explosion. Man, just show us the explosion in one nice shot. That's what I am here for. To see the bomb get off.

I left cinema like so many Nolan movies: Exhausted, confused and thinking I am too stupid to understand a simple bio pic. This is probably my last Nolan movie for some time. I need a break and a movie with a clear and understandable story line. Maybe something more like Lost Highway or something.
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Did not work like it used to
7 May 2023
I am disappointed. Although Guardians 3 is not a bad movie per se, it is definetly the worst of the three.

All the sillyness and light hearted jokes of the first two installments seemed just forced: The characters used to argue a lot in the previous movies too, but here the arguments seem more serious and sometimes the friendship actually looks damaged. Rocket gets the spotlight, but most of the background story is simply too dark. I wanted to watch the movie with my kids, but this is not a kids movie. The first two were kind of violent too, but not in this grim, dark and desperate way.

Nebula does not seem to fit in the crew, Drax does not do much at all, Groot seems strangely hallow and 'unfinished', only Starlord and Gomorra have a somewhat interesting tension. Both the adult groot and baby groot from 1 and 2 had something going on, young Groot here seems to lack any personality. The writers did not know how to use this character. The actors sometimes played as if it was the last day before summer vacation - just get it done and forget about it.

I always liked the family and friendship aspect of the first two, because it was somewhat ridiculed by the characters themselfs ("5 idiots standing in a circle" from the first, or "that unsaid thing" between Gomorra and Starlord or Drax being gentle to Baby-Groot at the end of part 2), but here it's not embedded in the actions anymore. It has to be said, over and over again.

For a Grand Finale it often feels too complex, too empty and too forced. Was it a bad movie - no, probably not, but it was for sure not up there with the other two. I will probably re-watch it in a couple of years, hopefully I like it more then. ("Endgame" also grew on me, so there is hope.)

It also sucks that there are so many fake ratings on IMDB, some even don't try to hide it.
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The Lost City (2022)
Who cares
27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie does not bring much to the table. I watched it, expecting some mediocre adventure story with some Indy-like stuff going on. You know, an ancient mystery, some sort of hero saving the day and a great background. Instead everything simply felt fake. Especially Bullock can barely hide her disinterest in the movie and there were actually only two scenes where she convinced me: The interview scene, where she did not have to hide her disgust in this job and the short conversation with Trainer.

The movie falls flat on all other aspects:
  • The villains act stupid in all regards. Radcliffe is a terrible villain and his story makes no sense at all. None of their actions are explainable.

  • Tatums character development from dumb to hero is poorly executed - he jumps from plain stupid to a fine-witted, attentive reader from one second to the other (and back again);
  • It's often cringy to watch Bullock and Tatum trying to act out the "we should now fall in love" part. Bullock tries to be the hot chick, but she knows she is too old and too fed up for this job and Tatum knows he's only there because of his body. It's pretty sexist too.

  • The jungle environment feels constantly fake and as a placeholder to make the events possible in the first place.

  • Even the motorbike chases were weird and ridiculous and it all looks similar to the Jurassic Park sequels, just without dinosaurs. I hate action scenes where the viewer does not know who is where and what is going on, and this movie is a good example for this sort of "action". Why is it not possible to make convincing chases with at least some sense of position?

The movie could have worked if the details would have been better fleshed out. If there was actually something to translate (not just 5 Wing-Dings-symbols on a piece of cloth), if the couple would have had something going on between them, if the villain would not simply chase some McGuffin; if the dangers (volcano, the villain, the guns) would have felt more real and if the dialogs would actually lead somewhere.

At least the Trainer was some kind of highlight, but even Pitt could not mask the pure silliness of the movie. Even his death felt like: "Guys, please, I don't want to do this anymore. Could you please kill off my character." I am glad they did. His death was the only real surprise.
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Moonfall (2022)
Glorious pile of poo
13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the Emmerich-Universe it's probably one of the silliest movies. The story is as bad and coked-up as it gets, the 'actors' were just generic blobs of face+profession and the CGI did the rest.

None of the characters were really likeable or relateable, there were too many plot and logic holes to take it serious enough to care. Unfortunately even with the sandbox physics the movie tries to establish, the action scenes do not live up to their potential. In the end it's a simple 'bring the McGuffin to point X' story. There could have been more.

Was it fun? Yeah, sure, I kind of enjoyed it while it lasted.

Was it a good movie? Certainly not, but it's an Emmerich, what do you expect?

At least it was not as much focused on US-glorification as other works by Emmerich, that's a good point in my books.
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Notting Hill (1999)
No chemistry between the leads
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rewatched it yesterday and had it better in mind than it actually is. The story is ok-ish for a rom com, I guess, but there are so many holes in the plot that I lost interest after a while.

There is no chemistry between the leads. Both characters might be somewhat interesting in their own right, but I simply cannot picture them as a couple. Grants constant blinking and stuttering is probably supposed to be cute, but after a while it's just embarrassing and cringy. Roberts on the other hand has not much of a character at all. She is simply good looking and plain and does not seem to have any believable background. She neither has friends, nor interests, nor anything likeable except her looks. She is constantly depressed or on the run and seems to have severe psychological problems. (She wears a couple of nice outfits though.) If she is Grants love interest, I must have missed the flying sparks.

The family sub-plot was one of the better parts, because at least each of them had some interesting theme, but at the same time everything seemed too far from reality for me: Nobody really seemed to work for a living (nor did it matter if they did or not), they simply existed in this parallel universe called Notting Hill. Their relationships also did not matter much. It felt like watching chat bots talk to each other. Even when the characters delivered some plot-turning story (not being able to have children, getting fired, getting engaged) this was just wiped away with laughter or a stupid comment in the next second. Why bring it up then? I often thought throughout the movie, that many scenes might have looked good on paper, but ended up lenghty and stupid when actually filmed.

I assume movies like this have their audience, but although I like rom coms, this one is simply not good or at least I did not feel it.
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Chess Story (2021)
I missed the point of it.
25 October 2021
I was really looking forward to a chess-themed movie, but I was disappointed. Beside not showing any real games (just very short glimpses of the board or random annotations), chess fans don't really get much out of it. The movie is also unnecessarily brutal and sadistic. If the brutality would at least serve any purpose it would be acceptable, but it does not.

The movie has many flaws in my opinion: First and foremost the decision to show the two storylines in prison and on the ship in parallel. It just does not work well and is more than often only confusing. I probably would have enjoyed the movie more if it would have been in the normal sequence.

Chess itself had not enough room to bloom. Sometimes the main character threw annotations around, but most of them were nonsense or too fast to follow. The movie also does not motivate the viewer to play himself.

The main character was just too crazy. He felt out-of-this-world all the time and I could not really make a connection with him. Most of the side characters also were moderately interesting at most. The chess world champion was even comically overdrawn and seemed like a Manga-version of a chess champion, his hair constantly hiding his face, his bulky stature, his stupid grunting. I was not expecting any realism here, but it was just too overdrawn and weird for me to find him interesting or believable.

I guess as a thriller the movie might work for some, but I for one was disappointed for the sloppy execution. I came for the chess, I stayed because I paid but in the end the movie was neither fun nor rewarding.
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Ad Astra (2019)
A Like from me
3 October 2020
I was a bit indifferent when I first saw it in the theatre, but now that I watched it again at home, I have to say I really like it.

It's a slow movie, alright, but that's not a bad thing for me. The story strongly reminded me of Apocalypse Now: Finding (and ending) a high ranked officer gone rouge; the slow descent into madness further down the river; the main character as a soul-searcher who is very good at what he is doing, but not even sure he likes it.

I especially loved the massive impact the darkness of outer space had on me. Lonliness, despair, yet tremendous beauty. I really liked the movie, but I can understand everyone who did not. It's not a movie for the broader audience.
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Tenet (2020)
14 September 2020
I get it: Drugs are a great way to come up with a neat plot for a movie. But please revise your script when you are sober again.

Minor sppoilers ahead!

The film is full of contradictions and I didn't get much out of it. The first half tries to be some kind of espionage story, with random people going to random places to get random hints that do not contribute much to the story. It does not invite you to think along, since all conclusions are pretty much random. Shortly after the time-themed parts begin to unfold nothing makes sense anymore, but at least it all looks great. I honestly had no idea what the film is about, why exactly people are fighting and what they were trying to achieve. In Interstellar, although I might not grasp the physics behind everything, I still understood what was at stake and why the protagonists were acting as they were, but here it's all very random and nothing makes sense: Apparently you can affect a piece of time-inverted item into doing stuff that you will cause in the future, but it doesn't work later on, or it does not matter anymore. In the one second "heat causes stuff to freeze" (just for the cool effect that is), in the next minute it doesn't and it's all back to good, solid shooting and explosions. The idea of forward-time and backward-time were just not convincingly adopted and although I had the feeling, that there would be cool possibilities, none oft the ideas were not really exploited to an understandable or interesting level. I did not like the box-in-a-box-in-a-box theme in Inception, and in this case it is just a cover up

Characters and their relationships were totally random too, and I can't see why anybody thinks this was great acting. It is not. The actors often seemed to struggle to understand their relationships too. Their motives did not matter, nothing really mattered.

The whole thing feels like being written stoned and there was no effort to fix the giant plot holes, instead it gets plastered with lots of action in the end. All in all an exhausting, long and pointless movie. It often feels as if nobody in Nolans team told him about the obvious mistakes the film makes.
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Brutal, evil, honest
23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that knows no good or righteous. Rambo is not the knight in shining armor who stops the villains and saves the princess. When the hero finally springs into action, all the bad things already happened and there is nothing he can do to undo this. All he can do is take revenge and that's what he does.

Rambo has changed so much during the series. In Rambos younger days, he still had some kind of honor or fought for something he thought right. Nothing of this is left here anymore. John Rambo is a paranoid, brutal man, seemingly just waiting to be "allowed" to kill, torture and dismember people. This being said, the movie starts rather slow, building up tension. But when the levy finally breaks and the animal, that hides under the skin of John Rambo, is unleashed, there is no more comfort for anyone - not the bad guys, not Rambo, not the audience. The first kill in the movie was so brutal that the audience suddenly got very quiet.

I celebrate this movie (and the last one), because they do not play games with the audience. Since the 80s "Rambo" is the epitome of violent action movies. If you watch Part III nowadays, it looks kind of cheesy and unwillingly funny sometimes. Rambo IV and V are the answer to this. They draw the audience into this maelstrom of violence and bloodshed, they do not depict war or cruelty as something to laugh about or amusing. You want to watch a violent movie - this one is straight in your face!! That's what made Part IV so astonishingly good, that's what enables Stallone to keep his character interesting. Rambo is different, because he has seen it all. "I know how dark a mans heart can be" he says, but he is not talking about the villains.

Since the 80s Stallone and Schwarzenegger were THE two big action heroes, always competing for the crown. I always felt that Schwarzenegger was ahead of Stallone, because he had not a single really bad movie. Schwarzenegger even managed comedy (Twins for example) and even his not-so-good movies, like Kindergarden Cop are still enjoyable and very well watchable, whereas Stallone had some real bummers. But in comparison to Arnold, Stallone managed to bring all his characters, namely Rocky and Rambo to a satisfying end. Watching Rambo - First Blood now is so much more enjoyable, because you know how this character ends up some four films later. Same goes for Rocky.

Schwarzenegger never finished his characters. True, Schwarzenegger also did not "invent" his iconic characters roles like Conan or the Terminator, but none of these stories really end. The Terminator comes back in several reboots alright, but we don't have the feeling that it's THE Terminator, it's just Arnold, playing this character again, but adding nothing new or interesting to it.

I salute Stallone for his late works. He is one of the few director/actors who still manage to pull a string - and gruesomely so.
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Road to nowhere
26 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have a friend who is very much into Heavy Metal, a topic that I am also interested in, but to a much lesser extend. Everytime I go visit this friend, he pulls out new albums, shows me exciting coverart, small musical easter eggs on certain songs and just keeps on talking. Even after an hour or two, he usually still is into his monolouge of gods and demi gods of Metal. He does not really finish a story he starts, he just jumps from one crazy thing to the next, we don't listen to any full song, just certain riffs and solo. I had the same feeling with this Tarantino movie. Yes, the 60s were awesome, yes Tarantino has probably delved deep into the topic, but everything is so random. Look! There is Bruce Lee, look! The Playboy mansion. Look! Deep Purple on the radio. Look! Girls didn't shave their arm pits. - Interesting, but so what.

Tarantino again fails to deliver an exciting enough story to keep me interested. All the scenes seem random, characters get introduced, then just disappear. There are lots of good ideas introduced then just dropped. Tarantino builds up suspense out of thin air (like when Pitt comes to the Mansion ranch), but what was it all about? No explaination, no real danger, no solution, no nothing.

There are new elements over and over again without following any of them through. A Narrator sets in from time to time but who is he? What for? The dialogues are still tarantino-ish, but often seem to have lost all purpose. Even the cool names Tarantino is famous for (From Fox Force Five to the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad) are now just sad and uninspired.

Tarantino constantly drops names of actors, movies and series, but for what? Am I supposed to know them all? Then there is no real plot and nobody does anything of consequence, no development. Even late in the movie new characters are introduced that bring nothing to the movie. The music seems uninspired and randomly picked, adding nothing to the scenes. Tarantinos movies used to be in sum more than their individual parts, but this time they just don't fit together.

I give it 3 stars because of the acting and the ending, but you cannot deny that this is a bad, lengthy movie that does not care for the audience.

Tarantino urgently needs to reinvent himself, maybe venturing into new genres. I'd be happy to see a Sci-Fi-Tarantino (Alien 5(!)), but Quentin should stay away from nostalgia. He has told all he could about the past.
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Long Shot (2019)
Interesting, even good
1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A good movie that I don't regret watching. I like Seths movies and his approach to romantic comedies. The two leads do a good job in filling their roles, the humor was on point, but yeah, the title is true: It is a very long shot that these two fall for each other. The viewer has to let go of realism more than often and just accept, that the two are in love for whatever reason. Once you stop thinking about this the film is fun. It has the typical story line of Intro, love scene, catastrophy and reunion, but that's ok.

Seth's character can get a bit annoying and exxagerated in times, but I guess that's just part of the comedy part.

The movie strongly reminded me of "Zack and Miri Make a Porno". Seths characters are very identical, tongue-in-mouth and using a lot of f-words, he falls for and eventually gets a girl way above his own weight-class and even wording and flow of the dialoge seems similar, but it's still very enjoyable. Compare the final "we are married now" scenes for example.

Seth is a good actor for Rom-Coms, but I hope he will not make the same identical movie over and over again. He should venture out into other genres, that would be great.
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Some surprises but meh ending
28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, I get it, it's an Avengers movie, so audience it not entitled to a decent story, but guys ... Come on! I found the 50% of living beings die-conclusion of Infinity War refreshing and brave. Rowing back now with some random time machine explanation really sucks. Nothing matters any more at all. Not to speak of the countless plot holes. It reminded me of a presidential speech: I didn't say that and if I did, I didn't mean it, and if I did I can reverse it.

Once Thanos is dead for good (I hope), the movie stretches another 30 mins or so without much happening and I was hoping for some more action, but the movie lets you down here too. The action in general is neither surprising nor good. It's good enough you don't give the movie a rating under 5, but there is nothing new to see here either. There are no remarkable or memorable action scenes really.

I could feel the producers wanted to make a good and somewhat complex story (3 teams in 3 different time periods) but in the end it's utterly stupid. Why would they use the time machine to bring all five Infinity Stones together in a time period and place where Thanos is? What could possibly go wrong? The Avengers might have super powers, but they are not the brightest it seems.

The change in some characters (Thor becomes The Dude, Hulk becomes the village idiot) was somewhat refreshing, but watching the former Hulk smash everything to bits in a very short segment in the beginning was what I was actually had wished for to see. The new Hulk does nothing except for being green. Thor at least finds somewhat back to his former self but yeah, they all disappoint the audience in one way or the other. None of the main characters sparks joy with me, except for Rocket and Nebula maybe, but the rest is just lame and sometimes really boring to watch. Thor joining the Guardians in the end might be a fitting match, but on my way home from the movies I was thinking, that the GOTG party is already large enough. Another fighter in the party? Hm... I don't know, but we'll see.
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Creed II (2018)
Not feeling it
11 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this yesterday and I seriously don't get the hype. The movie is so full of flaws the I don't know where to begin. From all decisions the movie makes, the director mostly chose the worst from all the options.

Why the heavy focus on the family issue? Who cares? Why drag it out for so long all the time? Why the unrealistic portrait of the life of a World Champion? Does he have no trainer staff, no crew, no fans? Creeds life seems so empty. They live in some place without wallpapers, don't seem to have any belongings and all the characters lack depth. I seriously could not describe them beside their appearance. They are just boring people without interests, without friends, without any life.

Why are obvious questions the movie comes up with not even mentioned, like why a more or less unknown boxer from Russia can just challenge the World Champion? Who sanctioned this? Why is Creed carrying his baby daughter to the gym in the middle of the night? Why doesn't momy care?

Then there is this ridiculous training camp in the desert? Who are these people? Just a bunch of hologram boxers beating each other up in the desert? No accomodations, nothing? Why make the training sequence so dumb? If you want to "remaster" the Rocky IV story, why not make an awesome training scene somewhere in Russia again? While there was this topic of high-tech training -vs- lumberjack training in Rocky IV, nothing of the spirit was left in Creed II. Sure, he hits some old tires and gets beaten up by a guy with lots of tats, but all in all the training sequence is boring and hardly convincing. Jordon does not even try to act it out. Yeah, he has muscles, but that's about all there is about this guy, no physical or mental development, nothing. He doesn't even seem to have a particular style. He is just "a boxer". He doesn't look or act like a champion, rather like an amateur boxer who is not sure weather to step up to a pro league or not. He is how some teenagers might dream of a perfect muscled-up version of themselves, but Jordan certainly has no fighter personality and I don't buy it.

The fights itself are boring too and lack any clear line. Even the rematch against Drago has nothing new to offer. Stallone tries to be the Mr Miyagi / Yoda of boxing here, but he just is not. He is just an old man waiting to tell his story. Yeah, he asks "deep" questions, like "What are you fighting for?", but seriously, who cares? Just get to the point. "Just get to the point" should have been the working title for this movie.
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