
23 Reviews
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A flawed but an enjoyable movie to watch.
23 July 2021
Sonic the Hedgehog was an enjoyable movie to watch. The movie does has problems and the cgi can be noticeable at times, but the movie is still fun to watch with your family and it's a great movie for kids to watch. The cast are also great in this movie, especially James Marsden, Jim Carrey, and Ben Schwartz. The directing is also very good. This movie is a great watch if your a fan of the cast and if your a fan of the video game character, and if your are that, I recommend this movie to you.
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Dark Crimes (2016)
A disturbing movie that is worth watching only once.
11 July 2021
Dark Crimes is a very disturbing movie with a lot of disturbing imagery. It's to the point where it's uncomfortable to watch at times. Jim Carrey gives a great performance as Tadek. Once again Jim Carrey proves to us he can be amazing in dramatic movies. The movie has great direction and there are some impressive creepy imagery scenes, but it's still not the best movie to watch. I say it's worth watching once, but only once.
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Not as good as the original but still a funny movie!
11 July 2021
Dumb and Dumber To had so much to give us. Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels still have great chemistry with each other, and they still can make this movie funny. Even though this movie is not as good or as funny as the original movie, it's still an enjoyable, entertaining, and funny movie to watch with your friends, family, and if your a fan of the original Dumb and Dumber. Don't skip it, watch it.
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I found this movie to be hilarious and entertaining!
12 June 2021
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone had me laughing when I watched it. This is a great comedy that has many laughs and great performances from the cast all around. The script is also really well written. This is a very underrated movie that I recommend anyone to check out. If you haven't seen it, it's worth watching!
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I really like this movie!
12 June 2021
Mr. Popper's Penguins has a lot to give. This is a great movie to watch with your family and if your a fan of the cast and penguins. This movie also has great comedy, especially when Jim Carrey does his thing to make us laugh. The penguins are also adorable, funny, and entertaining to watch. Mark Waters' direction fits well with the movie, as well with the script, which is also really well written. I found this movie to be a great watch if you are looking for a film that is chill, funny, and enjoyable.
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The best Christmas Carol movie!
10 June 2021
Disney's A Christmas Carol takes the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and turns it into a visually and interesting movie. Jim Carrey was a great choice for the role of Scrooge and all the Christmas ghosts. Robert Zemeckis' direction is on point with this movie, and his script was amazingly written. The visuals are probably the best things about this movie. Even though the dark tone in the movie can be too much at times, the visuals are amazing and impressive. Disney's A Christmas Carol is a great take on the great Scrooge Christmas tale. The dark tone can be too much, and there are some disturbing moments in the movie for sure, but this is still a good and visually impressive movie that I recommend to watch for the cast, crew, and visuals.
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A great movie!
9 June 2021
I Love You Philip Morris is a great movie to watch if your a fan of Jim Carrey's dramatic work! Jim Carrey gives a great performance in this and he has great chemistry with Ewan McGregor, who also gives a great performance in the movie! The movie also has great writing, directing, and keeps you hooked throughout the movie. The movie does have a few problems, but this is still a great movie to watch, and I recommend this movie to anyone who are fans of Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor.
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Yes Man (2008)
A very underrated Jim Carrey comedy movie.
8 March 2021
Yes Man is a great movie with great performances from the cast. The movie has a good message, it has funny moments, it's a very fun movie, and the cast all around are amazing. I do understand why many people compare this movie to Jim Carrey's comedy movie Liar Liar, but that doesn't bother me because the movie is still very entertaining and enviable. Jim Carrey gives a great and funny performance in this movie, as he usually does, which is amazing. My only problem with the movie is the pacing can be too fast at times. The movie jumps into stuff real quick and it doesn't take time to develop characters or subplots. Besides that, Yes Man is a great movie that is also very funny and entertaining. I recommend Yes Man if you haven't seen it.
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A great animated movie!
27 February 2021
Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who! is a great animated movie. It features great performances from Jim Carrey and Steve Carell, a really good script that I really admire, and amazing animation from Blue Sky Studios. There are some flaws with this movie though. The execution of the plot doesn't payoff that well, a lot of jokes don't really land and are not that funny, and what I also didn't really like is that the filmmakers relied heavily on the actors to carry the movie, which distracts me and loses potential on being a better movie. Besides that, Horton Hears a Who! is an entertaining movie that is really good for kids and families.
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The Number 23 (2007)
An alright Jim Carrey movie.
12 February 2021
The Number 23 is not the best movie, but it's not the worst movie, either. My positives for this movie is I really like the cast. Everyone from Jim Carrey to Virginia Madsen did a great job. There were a lot of interesting aspects and creative ideas in this movie, and the concept alone is very interesting and cool. My negatives with this movie are the script is really messy and all over the place. The script tries to add and connect everything up and sometimes it doesn't do it in a smart way. The movie at times does drag due to some boring scenes the movie has. Overall, The Number 23 is an alright movie. There were a parts of the movie that I liked and parts that I didn't like. I would say to check out this movie if you are interested in watching a movie where Jim Carrey does something different, but if your not a fan of movies where you have to really think about, I wouldn't recommend you see this movie.
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An underrated Jim Carrey movie.
7 February 2021
Fun with Dick and Jane is a great comedy with great performances by Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni. The movie has a lot of great comedic moments, moments where I start cracking up from the funny scenes. Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni have great chemistry with each other and they both play off of each other really well. I also really enjoy the cast in the movie as well. The directing is really good and the script is very underrated. My only problem with the movie is the narrative. The narrative is not perfect, which drags the movie a bit in my opinion. Overall, Fun with Dick and Jane is a funny and great comedy movie with great performances, great directing, and a great script. If you haven't seen Fun with Dick and Jane, I recommend you go watch it.
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A great movie based off of Lemony Snicket's books.
25 January 2021
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events gives us a great turn of adapting the books into a movie. The sets are great, the makeup is spot on, the script is well written, and the movie also has some creepy imagery, which was a cool thing to see. Jim Carrey as Count Olaf is very funny and entertaining. The cast all around give very good performances. My only flaws with the movie are the pacing can get a little off sometimes, and some of the CGI does look weird, but other than that, I find this movie to be a funny and entertaining movie. If you haven't watched Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, you should go and watch it.
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One of Jim Carrey's best movies!
17 January 2021
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of Jim Carrey's best movies. The cast is great all around, from Jim Carrey to Tom Wilkinson, everyone gives a great performance. The movie is also beautifully shot by Michel Gondry. His work in this movie is amazing. The script, which was amazingly written by Charlie Kaufman, is super emotional and has a great tone to it. This movie has everything going for it. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a great movie that I don't even have any issues with this movie. If you haven't seen this movie, I recommend you see it.
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Another really good Jim Carrey movie!
10 January 2021
Bruce Almighty is another great Jim Carrey comedy movie that I always enjoy while watching. Jim Carrey as the title character is really funny. Jim Carrey gives a really good performance in this movie. Morgan Freeman does a really good job as God in the movie. The movie also has a lot of funny moments. The film does a really good job on pace. The movie always goes on a good pace and never feels like it is going too fast or too slow. Jim Carrey and Jennifer Aniston also have really good chemistry with each other. Bruce Almighty is a great comedy that gives us great funny moments with a good performance by Jim Carrey and a really good script. My only problems with the movie are there are a lot of plot holes in the movie that bother me, and the ending is honestly cheesy, but this is still a great movie that I recommend.
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A great and funny movie.
31 December 2020
Me, Myself and Irene has a lot of great moments in it. Jim Carrey gives a really good performance in this movie. This movie always has me entertained. This movie barely gets boring. Some problems I had with the movie are there were a couple jokes that didn't work for me. My other problem is the romantic aspect of the movie didn't really interest me that much. Me, Myself and Irene is a great and funny movie. Even though I do think Dumb and Dumber is a better movie than this movie, Me, Myself and Irene is still an enjoyable movie.
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A great movie that's based on a true story.
23 December 2020
Man on the Moon gives us a great movie based on Andy Kaufman's life. I think the movie does a great job on focusing on Andy Kaufman. Jim Carrey embodies this role as Andy Kaufman. His performance is so good in this movie. The direction and the script are also so good. The movie always keeps me entertained. The movie never doesn't really get boring or uninteresting. It always has something to entertain us. My only problems with the movie are one of them is the movie does follow the biopic cliches we see in other biopics. My other problem is once when it gets to the last 30 minutes of the movie, it does start to lose its momentum because the movie didn't really build up to the last part of the movie. Those are my only problems with the movie. I think Man on the Moon is a great movie with so many good things about. If you haven't seen Man on the Moon, I recommend you go and watch it.
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Jim Carrey's best dramatic movie!
22 December 2020
The Truman Show is an amazing movie! Jim Carrey gives an incredible performance as Truman Burbank. I really love the script! It's so well written with a dramatic heft to it. The movie does a great job keeping us rooting for Truman to find out how his life really is. Every single time I watch this movie, I always have a great time watching it. I love The Truman Show! It's easily my favorite dramatic movie of Jim Carrey. It's an amazing movie, and I recommend everyone to see this movie if you haven't seen it yet.
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Liar Liar (1997)
Jim Carrey's physical comedy is on point.
15 December 2020
Liar Liar is super funny! Jim Carrey gives an amazing and really funny performance. Everything about this movie is funny. The script is really well written, the cast give good performances, and Tom Shadyac does a good job directing. This is the second collaboration of Jim Carrey and Tom Shadyac, and it's easily my favorite Jim Carrey and Tom Shadyac movie. This movie always makes me laugh. It has non-stop laughs throughout, and every joke hits every time. Liar Liar is a really funny movie, so I recommend this movie to anyone that hasn't seen it.
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The Cable Guy (1996)
A really good dark comedy!
13 December 2020
The Cable Guy is a really good movie. This movie has a lot of funny moments and has a lot of dark moments that work because of the talent involve with this movie. Everyone does a really good job in this movie. The script is also really well written. Everyone shines in this movie, and that's also why I like this movie because I am a fan of everyone involved with this movie. A great comedy movie. I find this movie underrated so if you have not seen The Cable Guy, go out and watch it.
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Not that good
10 December 2020
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls is not that good. The jokes don't really land, a lot of boring moments, and unlikeable characters. Jim Carrey is one of the only good things about this movie. He is really funny in some scenes. I really like the animals as well. I like watching scenes of him interacting with animals. I also really liked his side character Fulton Greenwall. I really liked Fulton interacting with Ace. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls is not as good as the first, and I'm pretty sure most people can agree the first film is way better. There are some good things about this movie, but overall, the movie is not really good.
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Possibly Jim Carrey's best movie
5 December 2020
Dumb and Dumber is such a funny movie. I love everything about this movie, from the performances to the directing. This movie always makes me laugh every time I watch it. Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels play off of each other amazingly. Their comedic moments shine so bright of every minute of the movie. The writing is also very good. The Farrelly Brothers did a very good job making their first movie, and it's one of their only good movies if I'm being honest. Dumb and Dumber is a great movie. There's not a single problem I have with this movie. I love this movie, so if you haven't seen Dumb and Dumber, go and watch it.
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The Mask (1994)
One crazy movie with a lot of funny moments!
22 October 2020
The Mask is a 1994 comedy and slapstick movie starring Jim Carrey. It is about Stanley Ipkiss (Jim Carrey), a bank clerk, who lets people push him around and never stands up for himself. One night he finds a mask, and whenever he puts it on he becomes a crazy wild man. The Mask is a great movie that has so many good things about it. Jim Carrey gives a great performance as both Stanley Ipkiss and The Mask. Him as Stanley Ipkiss was pretty funny because he makes everything weird and awkward, which is funny, and when he becomes The Mask, it's one of the craziest and funniest scenes you will see. Jim Carrey has really good chemistry with Cameron Diaz as well. Cameron Diaz gives a really good performance in this movie considering the fact that this was her first movie ever. I really like all the characters in this movie and everyone gives a really good performance as well. Chuck Russell did a really good job directing this movie, and the screenplay written by Mike Werb was also very good. The special effects, in my opinion, still hold up to this day. They are still really good and really cool to look at. The comedy and slapstick is utilized very well in the movie, and that's mostly from Jim Carrey, and it's hard to think that Jim Carrey wasn't even the first choice for Stanley Ipkiss and The Mask. The studio's first choice for the role of Stanley Ipkiss and The Mask was Matthew Broderick, so they were considering him for the role. There were other actors considered for the role, but Jim Carrey was the best choice for the role. My only issue with the movie is the tone. It doesn't know what kind of movie it wants to be. The movie can't decide if it wants to be a comedy or a darker kind of movie. I know the movie is based on comic books, and the comic books are very dark and brutal, but they did decide to change that for the movie and go a more friendly way, so I can't really give the movie a pass for that, but that's my only issue with the movie. The Mask is an awesome movie with great performances, great special effects, a really funny screenplay, and the movie is just very entertaining. It may not have a consistent tone, but the movie is still very good. If you haven't seen The Mask yet, go and watch it, it's really good.
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A really good movie!
26 September 2020
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is a comedy and mystery movie starring Jim Carrey as the title character who goes on a specializing mission to look for the Miami Dolphins' missing mascot. This is a really funny movie in which Jim Carrey gives a really good performance. His mannerisms, the way he speaks, and the way he acts in general is so funny that it never gets old every time I watch it. Everyone in this movie gives a really good performance and all have good characters. Jim Carrey and Courteney Cox have really good chemistry with each other, and he also plays off well with Sean Young. Tom Shadyac did a really good job directing this movie considering the fact this was his directorial debut. I also really like the script, which was written by Jack Bernstein, Tom Shadyac, and Jim Carrey. These guys knew how to make this funny, and they succeeded with the script. This movie is just fun in general, and a good spoof movie of detective movies. There are so many good things about this movie, and that mainly is from the talent of Jim Carrey, and it's crazy to think that Jim Carrey wasn't even the first choice for Ace Ventura. The filmmakers of the movie wanted Rick Moranis to play Ace Ventura, but Rick Moranis turned down the role. There were many other actors considered for Ace Ventura, but I think we can agree that Jim Carrey was the right choice for this role. My only problem with this movie is although Jim Carrey does give a good performance and is very funny, there are times where he can get annoying. Jim Carrey doesn't get super annoying, but there were times where I was kind of getting annoyed from him, but don't get me wrong, he is still so funny here. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is a good and funny movie with great performances, great characters, good directing, a funny script, and multiple scenes where I just die laughing. I know this movie mostly got bad reviews, but if you have not seen Ace Ventura: Pet Detective yet, I recommend you go and watch it.
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