
3 Reviews
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Extinction (2018)
Interresting spin on the alien invasion theme
27 July 2018
Opening Netflix a few hours ago I was bracing myself for yet another horrible sci-cry like many other that come out these days, but not seeing all fake 10/10 reviews I just had to watch it.

Not going to post spoilers, but untill the twist half way I was buying the character development and when we see who the aliens are my heart sank into my shoes and was thinking "attack of the clones...". Shortly after I was actually rooting for the invadors and feel sorry for Michael Peña.

CGI overal was good, it's clear there wasn't a big budget but if you make the characters interresting enough so you can focus on them, you don't have to render a complete burning world but just small parts of it for the actual plot. Some scene's you can roll your eyes but when just enjoying the movie they are hardly noticable. Besides the pin coming out of the window washer's cart that made me wonder "oh no..." :)

Acting was good, the overal story was decent and the twist in the middle was perfectly placed as you would rewind in your mind everything that happend and see it from the other side. If they would have kept it for later in the movie you would feel cheated and earlier it would ruine Michael Peña's character building so you wouldn't care one bit.

Review title from rajat_24 pretty much nailed it, you will either love it or hate it. Considering the junk coming out of hollywood I will give this one a 7, the twist was great, finally some one thinking a bit out of the box as the invasion movies have been done to death (thank you independence day 2...).

I am actually really curious to the estimated production costs as it feels like an indi movie with a tad more money but simple to the point of using CGI where is absolutely needed to save costs and small crew to keep it relatively cheap. Well done and how such movies should actually be made.

I was definitely entertained, thank you.
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How It Ends (2018)
Good attempt but rushed sort of ending, should have had a slightly bigger budget.
15 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this on Netflix while being absolutely bored, I must admit I kinda liked it.

The film misses some what of an introduction to the characters at the beginning, with Samantha out of the picture on the other side of the country I didn't really care one bit if she would die, which is obviously alive or the movie would have been 5 minutes long.

With all the junk being thrown at us these days I must admit they tried to do some character development through too much dialog, when Tom died I had a "ah crap" moment as you know from this moment the interesting part of the story is actually over and be the old damsel in distress stuff with no character building, Tom was actually the most interesting character in the movie who carried it.

He finds her, she's with their old jelous neighbour, he wants her and tries to kill Will. For a guy who never even fired a weapon, he sure had no problem killing people in the end after only a 5 day road trip...? Then he "hears" something and they decide to take off with the jeep driving like crazy while knowing nothing, most people would try to figure out what it is and from where it's coming befor running for your life but must be some spider senses or something. They race down the road with a dust storm, or something, behind them and the movie ends, wtf.

We watch movies to see what the writers intended and not make up our own ending. Rotating compas? did the planet's core stopped? but that would have killed off the entire planet, not just a small part of the coast Citiy in ruins? meteor strike? sure wasn't a vulcano as there was no vulcano, lava or gigantic ash cloud. Solar flare? Good luck trying to explain that one with the above reason for it being a local disaster. Aliens! Nope, no space ships. Damnit!

I'll give it a 6 as even with all the flaws they actually tried and I was actually entertained for once :) Forest Whitaker carries the movie, got to work with what you were given and as the only character I could actually care about, 3 stars for a great job with limited materials. Rest of the cast, meh, wished Tom was the one reaching the end instead of the usual bs as a twist and keep it going. Story wise they did ok on a very thin plot, the character building worked for the most part though some cutting would have been nice as I did skip some dialogs as it felt too dragged out. Story, camera work, effects and overall set designs and mood of the movie I would sum that up as the other 3.

All in all it is an ok movie, but if they would have found a bit more money to actually include an ending with the entire planet going to hell, and a plausable reason why it started local to go global (still don't see how that is possible), not have done that rushed ending from where he found his wifey and end the movie, I might actually given this an 8. There are alot of plot holes, but so does every movie these days with 6 to 8 times the budget *cough* Valerian *cough* and I won't bring up the recent Star Wars films. <- admittingly saying that with a smirk :-)
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5th Passenger (2017)
Skip and save 120 minutes of your life.
10 July 2018
If I could give it a -10, I'd complain I couldn't give it a -11.

Unbelievable bad script and acting (as in none). Homeworld 1 had better graphics, heck, I'm pretty sure Half Life 1 will hold up to this. It may have the tag "sci-fi", but I'm voting for IMDB to add a "sci-cry" tag, though Half Life 3 may be released sooner then that happening...

Edit; Atleast the keyboard warriors are telling the truth, the movie really sucks.
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