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Race (I) (2016)
The Race Was On.
14 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Race is a retelling about the story of famous athlete Jesse Owens who is trying to become the best athlete so he can support his family and make a new one with his soon to be wife, and trying to figure if or not he should take place in the Olympics with all the discrimination with the Nazi regime.

As this movie portrays how Jesse is natural and outstanding and how he proved regardless of race that people can get along and still stride in the achievements together. As I myself don´t watch many movie so i can´t say if or what are the best movies to describe that time period but i fell that this movie has Good representation of Jesse Owens story.

As Stephen Hopkins did a good representation of this story as i haven´t seen any of his other movie but it is getting me interested in the other movie that he has made. But the actors did a fantastic job portraying the characters in the story as Stephan James(Jesse Owens) did a great job showing the emotions and thought that Jesse Would of thought of that time but The best part of acting Is that of Jason Sudeikis and Stephan James in scenes together as it show the confection that those have in student teacher relationship and showing how they went from complete Strangers to being Friends.

Overall i would recommend this movie who want to know more about the Olympics during 1936 and the extreme prejudice that people had because of their race or ethnicity and it a good solid recreation of Jesse Owens Story.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Give live to wonder woman character
15 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As you know this is a movie about how wonder woman goes and beats Germans as that is true it does have action but it shows how she progresses from being a child to understanding that humans will cause conflict on their own and how the person allow here to understand that as at the end Steve saves everyone by exploding the plane away from everyone it and then wonder woman learns how bad the humans can be but how good that they can be and how that incorporated into her character as how she has grown as a character as the ending quote shows that how much she has grown as i will leave off there.

¨I used to want to save the world. To end war and bring peace to mankind. But then, I glimpsed the darkness that lives within their light. I learned that inside every one of them, there will always be both. The choice each must make for themselves - something no hero will ever defeat. I've touched the darkness that lives in between the light. Seen the worst of this world, and the best. Seen the terrible things men do to each other in the name of hatred, and the lengths they'll go to for love. Now I know. Only love can save this world. So I stay. I fight, and I give... for the world I know can be. This is my mission, now. Forever.¨ (Diana Prince) Wonder woman 2017.
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Iron Jawed Angels (2004 TV Movie)
Good Woman suffrage Movie.
9 November 2018
Is movie follow the the movement for the right for women to vote with man leader of the NAWSA of Susan B Anthony and NWP with Alice Paul as it follow the story and the thing that they did to be able to get the 19th amendment through their displays and the acts that were committed to them.
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One of the best wild west moives
23 October 2018
This is one of the best wild west movies that I have seen as they out many witty and funny lines into this movie portrayed perfectly by Paul Newman and Robert Redford their performances were very well performed and they many thing in this movie that were very unexpected back in the seventy's and made me and others that watch the movie have a good experience as the only part i have i gripe with is with how loosely the story is tied together but i work perfectly fine when the movie is about the characters and not the story.

This is very good wild west movie that if your a fan of wild west movies you should see this movie.
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The Alamo (2004)
Solid Alamo Telling
22 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Alamo is a story that has been told many of time throughout film as This Film "The Alamo 2004" is a solid recreation of the story as it tells the story about how the independence war for taxes was started.

the preference of the character captured some certain charm of the characters and their personality as the Leader of the Spanish army suffers his defeat and how that defeat led the independence of Texas.

In this recreation is shows how committed some of the men were towards the cause of making Texas independent as the men where fighting a losing battle and at the end where Davy Crockett is killed and how he Portrays the character as he killed by the Spanish leader Antonio Lopez Miguel De Santa Anna and how his pride led to his defeat and the independence of the Texas state

In all This is a solid telling of the Alamo Story and shouldn't be called a bad movie as the characters was captivating and did its job of entertaining this viewer.
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Outside of the sea
15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The heart of the sea is a movie about the creation of the book of Moby dick as it´s the telling about how the sailor survived and how and who V him and led to the creation of Moby dick.

As this movie focus on water and the environment of being in the middle of the ocean as how they had to do anteing to survive in the middle of the ocean after have the whale sink the ship as they take the row boat to be in for the next 2 months as this movie does going into what they had to do to survive but it is not that entertaining.
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10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Johnny Tremain is a patriotic move made in the height of the cold war. It is a short live action movie, That take place near the american revolution. The movie follows the actions and live of a teen that who name is Johnny Tremain as he is a apprentice of a silversmith before he burns his hand on molten silver and how he becomes a patriotic over the revolution as he become a scout for the sons of liberty and how he become a major part of the revolution when having a small part in the revolution as the story is about how the people who assist in the revolution are nobody fighting for the right for our country,
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The New World (2005)
It is a solid movie
30 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The New World is a 2005 directed by Terrence Malick. It is a romance, action, movie about the colonization of Jamestown in Virginian in 1607. This movie depicts the story of Pocahontas and john smith with other historical figures and how Pocahontas save his life and how the nature of the new world and its peacefulness of the native Indians having their traditions and how they lived their lives.

The movie is very slow but not unwatchable like other people will like to make a review on this movie as this movie is very artistically based on the nature of the new world and it has different camera shots depending where the base location as the shooting of the camera is different in the colony and England than it is in the forest of the native Indians hamlet as they live and survive in the nature.

The movie is a nice relaxing movie but it is not for everyone the movie is very slow and run on for some part but that hardly makes it a bad movie it is a solid movie in every regard And the relationship between Pocahontas and john smith make it a romance movie but it is a solid movie but it's not for everyone.
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Creation Of The love Of films
22 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A Trip to the Moon Or Le voyage dans la lune. Is a Short move about how Scientist go to the Moon And return after Running from Native Moon People.

A Trip to the Moon Start with these scientist talking about how the Moon should be their aspiration then they discuss how they are going to get to the Moon After the discuss how they get to the Moon they Start building a bullet like container that is Later Shot to the Moon when they arrive the stars start watching them as they sleep as When they are found by native moon People they are Grouped up and they escape by fighting them and Killing their king before retiring to the earth.

this is one of the first movies to use techniques that were not used at that time and that now define special effect before the rise of computer base special effects Like CGI as this early movie is a classic as it is a defining moment in film history.

This is a review of a student in a film class do not take this review to seriously.
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