
18 Reviews
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Marshall (2017)
To Kill A Mockingbird?
17 May 2019
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This movie is very similar to the book To Kill A Mockingbird. One of the main differences is that the Atticus Finch of this movie is black and that causes many problems. Chadwick Boseman plays Thurgood Marshall and like his other acting jobs, Chadwick Boseman does a spectacular job. I really liked the way Marshall and Josh Gad's character, Sam Friedman, played off each other. It was fun to watch them bicker and fight but get the job done. I felt the story was a little long and tiring at some points but in the end I think Marshall is a great movie.
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Miracle (2004)
Are You Sure This Is Disney?
16 May 2019
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This is a surprisingly good hockey movie, especially for Disney. If you showed me this movie, I don't think I could have guessed that it was made by Disney. The movie tells the story of the 1980 Winter Olympics and the group of brand-new hockey player's versus the seasoned Soviet Union team. Kurt Russel plays Herbert Brooks who is not a coach who gets along with his players. However he is a good coach and leads them to victory against the Soviets. I like that this movie starts with a recap of the times told through old footage and newsreels. This helps the modern-day viewer grasp the times. It feels like a lot of work went into making this movie accurate. I think the relationship between the coach and his team is well directed. This movie is great if you like hockey and not so great if you don't.
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Modern Day Pirate Attacks
16 May 2019
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This movie looks simple but has many layers. This movie seems like Pirates = Bad Guys and American Sailors = Good Guys. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. This is a thriller that keeps your focus without big explosions or aliens. This movie is human versus human. I like that this is not a cliche action flick with a clear Hero and Villain. This movie shows the Somali Pirates have no other realistic and available option but to work as pirates. You feel bad for them but you do not root for them. Tom Hanks does an amazing job as Captain Phillips and makes you think he is in real danger. Captain Phillips is not your typical action-thriller. This movie is amazing and is like no other movie I have seen.
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Apollo 13 (I) (1995)
Space. Space. Wanna Go To Space.
13 May 2019
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My dad and I are fans of any kind of space movie and this film is no exception. I think this is the best movie about Americans and the moon. This is also one of my favorite Tom Hanks performances. I think the characters of this movie are realistically portrayed and was genuinely worried for them when things went south. Some might think this movie is boring because of the slow buildup but I like it. There is not a lot of action for a disaster movie. If you like Micheal Bay explosions and death, this is not the disaster movie for you. If you like more realistic movies, this is a great one.
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At Least We Got Star Wars Out Of This Trash Heap
21 March 2019
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This movie is so bad its not even funny. George Lucas is a great storyteller but this movie is a pleasure cruise if you are A) a masochist or B) someone who grew up in the 60s. I am neither of these things so this movie was godawful. George Lucas made a movie of everything he likes and this is it. One thing I didn't like was that it jumped from character to character and was hard to follow. Another thing that ruined the whole experience was the end with the anticlimactic car crash and the obituaries of the characters before the credits. I think the movie is unrealistic, boring and dull. The best part of the movie was the end. 1/10. Good Day Sir!
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42 (2013)
Baseball's Sacred Number
20 March 2019
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This is my favorite baseball and historical movie. My dad took me to see this when I was 12 years old and it showed me the horrors of racism. Chadwick Boseman who plays Jackie Robinson does an amazing job portraying one of my heroes. Branch Rickey, played by Harrison Ford, is funny and the acting is very well done. It is crazy that one man started to change the entire sport of baseball for the better. I liked the baseball parts when it showed Jackie Robinson's skill and I think as long as someone is good at something it doesn't matter what they look like. Obviously the racism was awful but I am glad they empathized it to show how horrible it was (and still is in some places). I didn't like the part when the white child was yelling the n-word because everyone else was but I guess the directors and writers meant for that to hurt. I think the movie was historically accurate but I don't know a lot about what it was like back then. I think this movie is really good and would recommend it to anyone.
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One of the Greats
19 March 2019
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Back to the Future. What a great movie. Shame that I have to write a review for it for my History Through Film class. So this movie is really good and while I sit in 2019 and get to look at the 1980s and the 1960s which I think is pretty cool. The movie has one of the best stories in all of cinema. The movie is funny and makes you feel good. The music by Alan Slyvestri is fitting and the acting is really good. Christopher Lloyd's Doc Brown was funny and was perfect for the part. I have never been in the 80s or the 60s but I think they were accurately portrayed in this movie. This movie has a lot of quotable lines which I enjoy. I would recommend that everyone should see this movie at least once.
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Walk the Line (2005)
Johnny Cash is a Jerk
1 March 2019
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I was first introduced to Johnny Cash when I heard Ring of Fire in a YouTube video and I thought the song was pretty good. This movie is also pretty good. Johnny Cash however is not pretty good. If the movie is true to life, Johnny Cash was not a good person. He got married and then cheated on his wife and got addicted to drugs. The movie is good though. I liked that they used Johnny Cash´s music and showed Johnny Cash´s childhood. I didn´t like that the movie felt rushed and tried to make you support Johnny Cash when I felt like he was both the protagonist and the antagonist. This movie is alright but not a must-see.
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Race (I) (2016)
Race Has Two Meanings
8 January 2019
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Race can mean a person´s ethnicity or a sport. This movie employs both meanings as the movie tells the story of Jesse Owens who wins multiple Gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games. The movie stars Stephan James as Jesse Owens. The movie is both a sport movie and a history movie. The movie is really good and seems historically accurate. The conflict of the movie is that the Nazis are in power so the U.S. is hesitant to send athletes to Berlin. Many people agree that the 1936 Olympics should be called off. After some talking with one of the Nazi Leaders, the Olympics are held. Then much to the embarressment of the Nazis, Jesse Owens wins Gold in many of the track and field competitions. This movie is one of my favorites but i wish they had shown more of the other competing athletes. All in all this is an amazing movie and is one of the best movies about the Olympics.
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Finish Him!
8 January 2019
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While I was watching this for my History Through Film class I realized that this movie is really about a man who just wants to protect and supply his family. The movie is a boxing movie and reminds me of the Rocky series but has some good messages about Jim Braddock trying to support his family. That said this is an amazing action-packed film and had many in my class cheering the Cinderella Man on. The movie starts with Braddock (played by Russell Crowe) being at the top of his game and beating many opponents in boxing matches. Then the Great Depression hits and Braddock breaks his hand leaving him jobless with a family to support. Then he gets back into the game and wins and becomes champion! This movie is not a rags to riches it is riches to rags and back to riches. The movie´s historic scenes seem accurate enough for me to believe that this was an awful time for many people and that Jim Braddock brought hope to the downtrodden masses. This is a fine film and is still a great watch today.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Story Stinks
1 January 2019
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Woman Woman was cast very well and the scenes are well done but the story line was complete and utter garbage. In my opinion, story is the most important thing a movie can have and in this movie the story was no good. Most of the story is easy to understand but there are a few times where the story makes no sense. For example, the villain: I get that the god of war likes war but why is he just playing politician and enjoying the bloodshed from the sidelines. If I were a nigh invulnerable god of war, I would be out fighting and reveling in the destruction instead of helping the war end. The historic moments of the film are good but few. In fact the movie could have been set in WWII or another war and not much would change. The actors of this movie are great and Gal Gadot does a spectacular job playing Wonder Woman. The directing was also good and the scenery was beautiful but the writers did not do a great job. I am worried for the next Wonder Woman movie and for the future of superhero movies.
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Iron Jawed Angels (2004 TV Movie)
What the heck is the icon for this movie?
24 December 2018
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I have a personal problem with this poster for the movie. It just seems weird to me... 'Iron Jawed Angels' is a pretty good retelling of the Women's Rights Movement. Hilary Swank plays Alice Paul who was an important leader in the Women's Rights Movement and does a great job. The movie tells the story of Alice Paul and her comrades fight for the rights of women. The women peacefully protest in front of the White House even after WW1 begins and eventually get thrown in jail and almost starve to make their point known throughout the nation. I don't know a lot about this topic but this movie helped me understand and learn a lot more about this part of history. The women who fought gave up many things and were willing to die for their cause. I think it is disturbing that the jailers force fed the imprisoned women because the women refused to eat and were willing to die for their cause. This movie is pretty crazy but from what I can tell is mostly historic fact. I just wish that when the Constitution was written it didn't just include white men but every American.
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Newsies (1992)
This Musical Makes The Great Depression Seem Fun
24 December 2018
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I think this movie takes the Great Depression and makes it seem like a fun, happy time. This is a problem because the Great Depression was in no way a good time. Newsies takes place during 1899 when Joseph Pulitzer raises the price of newspapers, which angers the boys who have to sell the papers and causes them to rebel against Pulitzer. The movie stars Christian Bale as a leader of a group of Newsboys or 'Newsies.' He does a good job portraying a fearless leader with a difficult past. The theme of this movie is that together, people can do great things as is seen when the boys finally get there way and the newspaper's price goes back to normal.

I think this movie is good because it keeps the story rolling without a lot of unneeded singing and extra storyline. The writers keep the story simple and easy for everyone to understand. "Newsies" is good fun for everyone and should have better reviews than it has.
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A Spaghetti Western Must Watch
14 December 2018
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This movie is like cilantro: to some it is great, to others it is like eating soap. For fans of spaghetti westerns, this movie is amazing. To others the movie is too long and boring The story is that Butch Cassidy (Paul Newman) and the Sundance Kid (Robert Redford) are infamous bandits who rob banks, trains, and people and get away with it every time. Until a heist goes wrong and a posse chases them to South America. The movie shows that in the early 1900s, it was incredibly easy to rob anything. To me it seemed like if you were hurting for money, all you had to do was hold up a train and steal from it. This is one of the better westerns I have seen but I have only seen a few. Also I have never seen another movie with the stars of this movie so I cannot accurately judge their performance. I don´t like the scenes that are long with no dialogue such as the waterfall scene. Since I watched this for film class, I am not sure I would have watched this otherwise. Overall, this was a pretty darn good movie.
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The Alamo (2004)
Great Movie But Would Like More Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie
23 October 2018
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While watching this movie, I was hoping for more of the two most famous Alamo Heroes and we did get very much of them but we also got lots of other less interesting people. I for one think we could have less Santa Anna and more stories from Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett's past. Instead of Davy Crockett being executed, I would have liked to see him die fighting like some accounts say. This movie is well made and entertaining. Near the end of the movie I thought it would end with Santa Anna winning and never getting his comeuppance, so I enjoyed the victory of the Texans at the end of the movie. The comparison made between Napoleon and Santa Anna was very fun to watch. Billy Bob Thornton and Jason Patric did great jobs portraying great American Heroes. This movie is accurate and good fun to watch. I would reccomend it to anyone who likes war movies.
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Spider-Man and Thor Fight a Giant Whale
23 October 2018
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So my title is misleading but this is a great movie. This movie is a retelling of the origin of the book Moby Dick. The Essex was a whaling ship that was sunk by a giant whale and one of the survivors told a writer a story that became Moby Dick. The story was well told and very believable. I do not know that much about the Essex but the actor stayed true to the feel of the movie. Compared to actual Moby Dick adaptations this movie is better. Tom Holland plays the kid who does not know what he is doing while Chris Hemsworth plays an experienced whaling sailor. Both do a great job. This movie is really good and I recommend it to any who have even heard of Moby Dick.
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Better Than I Expected
10 September 2018
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So I started this movie expecting to be an outdated and not entertaining film. Surprisingly and thankfully, I was wrong. Johnny Tremain is a decent film. If you have a basic understanding of United States history it is even better than if you don't. Johnny Tremain states at the beginning of the film he doesn't want to be a troublemaker like the New England rebels but after many trials fights the British even without a gun. Walt Disney said that even the heroes that don't make it into the history books need to be respected and remembered. I wholeheartedly agree. The main song was catchy and the Disney feel shone through. The movie was not historically accurate in some places and the action seemed rushed and exaggerated. All in all, Johnny Tremain was a decent movie.
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The New World (2005)
Is it over yet?
30 August 2018
The camera's showed the beauty of nature and that's about it. I can see why people liked this but for the average moviegoer, this was long and boring with good nature shots. I don't even know what the point of the story was. I mean, I see that you are trying to tell the story of Pocahontas but the movie told her story for 30% and 70% of the movie was no dialogue and views of the natural world. I did like that the feel changed between the Native Americans and the Jamestown colonists. This movie is almost as long the Lord of the Rings movies and infinitely more boring. This movie can separate the film fanatic from the film fan. Many will say that this movie is a masterpiece but many others will say the opposite. I encourage you to watch the movie if you feel bored and need to waste 2+ hours or if you need something to help you sleep.
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