
12 Reviews
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Race (I) (2016)
Owens with a world record of four gold metals
14 December 2018
Owens was an independent gold digger. He worked hard and managed to get more gold than any of the other racers. The filmmaker is telling the story of JC Owens. How he broke through barriers and made it to the Olympics in Germany. Yes the history part is interesting to me. It shows how even when the odds are against Owens he still tries his hardest despite being discriminated against. Something that made me question the accuracy is how friendly people were to JC and his friend. I think there would've been more hatred than there already was. The director was Stephen Hopkins. Some of the main actors in Race were Stephan James and Jason Sudeikis. While i haven't seen James in any other movie i have seen Sudeiks and I do consider him to be a good actor. I also enjoy the movies he's in. I liked when I noticed the Nazi propaganda lady from Game of Thrones. I probably wouldn't have watched this alone unless it was the only decent movie on. This is a good movie but i don't think it's good enough to recommend. Overall the movie was good and showed how Ownes broke records and barriers but it was a bit boring at some parts.
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bop bop bang
4 December 2018
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I watched this movie because it was next on the list. The filmmaker is telling the story of James Braddock's come back. He got old and many thought he'd stop fighting. James came was the underdog in many fights but manage to surprise everyone. The special effects and make up are very well done. They aren't excessive at all. This can be used to determine it was a pretty recent movie. I don't know anything about boxing legends so i can't say anything there. As for the great depression portion of the movie; there's nothing that makes me question the accuracy. I haven't seen any other boxing movies and i don't remember any movies that showed how bad the depression was. The lady literally stole a steak from a fancy place because they couldn't afford any food. I liked the comeback story. How even with a broken hand he kept working and fighting. I also like how a steak was stolen. I didn't like how the earlier scenes seemed to cut to different things instead of flowing. All in all it was a great movie. I don't care about seeing more movies with the actors but i would like to see more from the director.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Amazonian Fighter Lady Movie
15 November 2018
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I watched this movie for my history through film class. I was the next one on the list. The filmmaker is telling the story of Wonder Woman and when she was introduced. This is done through WW1 even though she was made in WW2. The filmmaker took their own spin on the character but didn't do it right at all. The special effects are so well done that this movie couldn't have been made pre 2010. The actors are also like alive and have only aged a year so that helps too. Yes, the only accurate thing in the movie is the German general's name. Nothing else was accurate. I've see Wonder Woman in another movie. I liked the pretty much everything in the movie. The one thing i didn't like was how Ares was portrayed. Oh and he said he wanted to show the other gods how Man are naturally evil.
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Iron Jawed Angels (2004 TV Movie)
Just another movie bout some stuffs
9 November 2018
I watched this movie because my teacher put it in the DVD player. Also, to get some info on what happened in the early 1900s. The filmmaker is telling the story of women fighting for rights. How they behaved, what they wanted. Even strategies they had to get something to happen. For example throwing a banner down in front of the President or hunger strikes. How well the the props were made pretty much gives away the time period. The clothes, phones, cars and even the prison windows are well made. The movie also has a pretty clear picture. I liked how the movie showed how persistent the women were. How it showed that even when everyone is against them they still pushed forward. I also liked how it showed the women sticking together. I didn't like how it was boring and slow at some points. Overall Iron Jawed Angels is a good movie. I don´t care if I see more movies by the same people. It wasn´t a OH MY GOD THAT WAS AN AMAZING MOVIE it was just... good.
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Newsies (1992)
Great movie based on actual events
5 November 2018
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I watched this movie for my history through film class. It was the next one on the list. The filmmaker is telling the story of the Newsies in the 1800s. They're showing a shortened version of the actual events that took place. The filmmaker is showing what tasks the Newsies had to preform in order to get their paper prices back down. This movie looks fairly modern and the screen shows that. The movie has young actors that are well known today. The sound good and the picture isn't grainy. Something that made me question the historical accuracy was the fact that the movies is a musical. I don't think that 100s of street rats got together and sung outside of a dude's building. There aren't any connections i can make with any other movies except for one. Bale was in the news paper as batman too. I like that there was a decent amount of singing. It wasn't too much to handle. I liked that Batman was in the movie. I liked that Batman was a cowboy. I didn't like that it was a musical at all. Over all it was a good movie and shows an event that actually took place. So it's a fun movie and a little educational.Teddy gives cowboy a lift.
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Great western movie to some historical accuracy
23 October 2018
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I watched this movie for my history through film class. It was the next one for the semester. The filmmaker is telling the tale of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The filmmaker is putting their own take on the story. It isn't 100% to the real thing but is close. I recognized one of the actors from a current movie. This could be used to help determine how old the movie is based off of his age. The special effects could also give it away as they weren't the best. The biggest thing i liked about the movie was that it was a very well done western movie. They stayed true to the time period and didn't stray at all. Clothing and props were as close at they could be to the real things. I didn't like the scream the entire Mexican gang did. I would like to see more movies by these actors. Preferably in the old west time period again. I'd also like to see more movies by the same director.
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Far and Away (1992)
Great movie
15 October 2018
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I watched this movie because it's the next one on the list building up to modern movies. This movie could be mistaken for a modern movie. It doesn't really show any special effects. What it does have are scenes that cut away and have the sound of what happened. You'd think it would be bad but it's actually very well done in this film. I also recognize the actors which further deceives. The stereotypes are questionable to the film's historical accuracy. Meaning while yes they did have to get them from somewhere I don't think every Irishmen off the boat was a fighter, Drunk and Christian. No I can't make any connections to any other movies that I've seen. I liked the action scenes they made, Joseph's dad coming back to life just to tell him that he's odd and the tension between Joseph and Shannon. I didn't like that fancy stupid horse rider guy. The one with boots to his knees, yeah he can go die. The movie overall was fun and entertaining. I would love to see more movies from the same actors. Maybe not the director, I don't really care about him.
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The Alamo (2004)
Great Historical Film
9 October 2018
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I watched this movie to gain a better understanding of the Alamo. This was one of the best films to ever capture what it was like even with the limitations of the budget. The filmmaker is telling the story of the Alamo. What it was like to be at siege inside the fort. What it was like to endure constant attacks from the French and Mexican armies. Then to show that the war wasn't lost when the Alamo was. Pretty much everything gave it away that the movie was recently produced. It wasn't grainy at all and had great sound. The acting was really well done; just as the special effects were. Of course there's really know what to know exactly what happen because the winners always write history. However there's small things that may not seem to real. For example how Crockett stopped the Alamo from being fired upon one night because he played his violin in harmony with the French. This movie's time period is pretty far from the historical films I've watched so I can't make any connections. I enjoyed how accurate this was to the actual battle. I loved how it showed and explained that Huston took out Anna's army in 18 min. There wasn't anything i didn't like; you can't dislike something for being accurate. Overall this was an amazing movie with great actors and an awesome director. I found it interesting how they managed to capture it and have it be a good representation of the battle. I would like to see more movies with the same actors and director.
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Moby Dick the movie
25 September 2018
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This is the first good movie I've seen about Moby Dick. I watched this movie because it was next on the list for the year. The filmmaker was telling a story about a crew and a whale. He wanted to show how the Cpt. and 1st man hated each other but managed to get along. He wanted to show what the crew had to go through. Why the whale was attacking them and how if they didn't attack it, it would leave them be. I recognized this was a recent movie because of how well done the special effects were. I also recognized the actors because they're present day people. There wasn't anything that made me question it's accuracy. Although I'm sure there's small things that can be picked out. No, I can't say I can make a connection with superheros killing fish in any other movie. I liked how well the actors preformed. The amount of time that i could tell went into the special effects. And well the locations looked where it was filmed. I didn't like how Thor chose not to stab the fish in the eye. I liked how well the movie was put together. I enjoyed the movie and I liked how it was the first that i saw. Yes i would like to see movies with the same actors and director.
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A decent historical movie
10 September 2018
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I watched this movie to see the progress movies had made throughout history. The was about a young boy who helped distribute knowledge about the British. He had a burned hand and couldn't do much else so he took the job. He was tasked with remembering the names of important people in history and deliver messages to them. The acting was pretty bad and so were the special effects used. The video was grainy and you can tell the set isn't as good as they are today. How Johnny was trained to ride the horse seems inaccurate to me. Along with the the tea party. The stand off with the Brits and how they picked them off so easily seems unlikely. I like how after the court case Johnny showed his dad he didn't need him or the cup. How Johnny knew his grandpa couldn't make a new handle so he tried to. Also how Johnny's impairment didn't stop him from trying to help. I didn't like how much of the og story was taken out. overall it was an ok movie. It did have historical accuracy. But it should not be looked at as something that'll teach you a lot. It was interesting to see how they made preformed everything in such an old film. It wouldn't be the end of the world if i never saw anything with the same people ever again.
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The New World (2005)
Beautiful but boring at parts
30 August 2018
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For an assignment is a history through film class. So we can be introduced to Terrence Malick. Malick is telling a story about Jamestown and its settlers. Specifically the natives, Pocahontas, John Smith and John Rolfe. He tried to capture what life was like with the natives and settlers. He also showed the difficulties Pocahontas had with loving Smith and trying to balance him and her people. Something that gave away the time period was definitely the way of life. It was very primitive and uncivilized. Very dirty and lack of technology. The clothing was another thing because like no body where's dresses that stop you from breathing properly. I don't really know anything about the history of Jamestown so there wasn't anything i caught until i was told. Things like Pocahontas meeting Smith back in England Also the exaggeration of her saving Smith's life. I haven't seen any movies based in this period of time. Therefore I can't make any connections. How it showed the natives as friendly and playful until provoked. The expressions of the actors. It wasn't all serious, there was light heartedness. They didnt show what happened to the settlers, yeah we know they got sick and starved but what was it like? It was a good movie overall. It was the closest ive seen to it being the real story even with the added junk. I do want to see more movies by Malick and movies with the same actors.
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Jus a review man
22 August 2018
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I watched this movie for a history through film class. So that I can learn how to review movies. The plot is about wizard dudes going to the moon. They sleep under the stars and earth. The wake up to a creature and kill it and others then return home. It is in black and white. For a movie it was very short. I didn't have any sound other than a fer instruments the entire time. It had poor special effects. I liked their beards. I liked how the creatures attacked the wizards. I also liked how they fell off the moon to get back to Earth. I didn't like that the creature that hitched a ride back to Earth didn't kill anyone. It was a good movie but the longer it went on for it lost more and more of its touch. For it being as old as it was I liked it. It was interesting how they showed the deaths of the creatures by using smoke.Yes i would like more movies by the same director. Yes by the same actors as well.
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