
24 Reviews
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this movie has the green light for me
9 May 2019
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What a great movie. What is there to hate about this movie it truly is amazing. Tom Hanks delivered a great performance in this film which made it so good. This movie did a great job portraying the real events happened. The story behind the film is a group of Somalian pirates board a us cargo ship and take the captain hostage this movie goes to show that you should always keep your head up even in the darkest of times. The navy eventually saves Phillips and kills the bad guys. One thing I didn't like about this movie was how suspicious they sounded when negotiating I dont know if I would really believe what they were saying. Overall this movie is a great watch and you should watch it even if you are tired of seeing tom hanks but then again how could you when he gives performance like this.
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Miracle (2004)
mark whalberg is filming at my school
25 April 2019
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This Movie was very good in certain parts of the movie. It got a little rough when they weren't playing hockey. It made it hard to watch in a way. This movie was a bout a usa hockey team striving for the gold medal. IN the beginning the team has no chemistry but with good coaching they were able to change that. They play the soviets in a friendly match and get smacked 10-3 which is a major setbeck for the team as they had big expectations for the season. They end up faceing the soviets again in the semi finals and all odds are against them and they pull through with a much earned dub. This movie did a really good job showing a team who had little hope win it all. I would recommend this movie to anybody looking for a good sports film.
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hall of fame in my book
11 April 2019
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OK let me just say that this is the best movie of all time. I have seen this movie countless times and it gets better each time. I get goosebumps every time i see this movie. The plot of the movie is a struggling high school football team in the midst of a time period of racial tension. Despite all of these problems they go out and have a perfect season and grow and bond together. The acting is this movie is also very high quality and it was a great cast. It must have been very hard to have to been on a team with that much tension. It is a very heartwarming story and i highly recommend it.
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Booooo *throws tomato*
1 April 2019
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This movie was very hard watch. It was defiantly not for me it didn't do much for me and I didn't enjoy it. I've heard many good things about this movie but when it got down to me seeing it I hated it because it dragged on forever. The acting was also very bad and was hard to watch let alone listen to the singing was very annoying and overused. The plot of the movie is about 2 star crossed lovers who cant be together because they belong to different gangs with a huge feud. They end up having a rumble which is just a fight and a few people died. Overall the movie was not fun to watch I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you like bad musicals.
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figure out whats hidden in your life
7 March 2019
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This movie was very good and inspiring. It shows 3 African american hero and there struggles they have had. They work for nasa in the colored department and eventually they get to prove why they deserve to have the same rights as others.This was very important for African american women in the work place because its shows women and often times better than men and they should be allowed to have same rights. The movie does a great job showing us how it was back then and how they really had a hard time. I would highly recommended this movie to anybody it is a great watch
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Selma (2014)
True american hero
1 March 2019
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This movie takes place in the 1960s and is about the black civil rights movement that was led by Dr. Martin Luther King. His role in this movement was very important as he led to success. He used non violent and peaceful protests to get things done. I think this was the right decision because many people would think African Americans are dangerous and violent if they acted in a violent protest it wouldn't be as successful as it was. This part of history was very important and I am glad it happend back then so we can all be equal today. This movie did a very good job showing the hatred and disrespect that the black people were faced with everyday constantly being told they couldn't do certain things. Overall this movie was really good and is very powerful to see dr king lead a movement with such power and determination.
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21 February 2019
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I am currently a teenager and this movie was kind of like a day in the life as a teen in the 60s. In Today world things have changed a lot and its funny to look back and see what it was like. Im not really sure how the movie really had a plot but it just showed what teens did back then. This part of history was interesting because people were not connected as much as we are today if they wanted to meet up they would have to find them in person now we can just face time them and see them on our phones and communicate. Nothing is really the same as it was back then other than we all like our cars and some of us still race but a lot of the things they did would get us in trouble. I have seen all the other George Lucas films and I am a fan of them. I liked the movie because we got to see what it really was like back then. The actors did a great job of portraying that part of history. Overall it is a good movie but could use some work by adding more character detail and let things play out more.
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Thirteen Days (2000)
Felt like 3 days
13 February 2019
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Thirteen days was a good movie for what it had to work with. The plot was the cuban missle crisis and they did a good job of portraying that. This time period would have been very scary realizing you could be bombed at any second. I am especially scared because after seeing how well JFK handled it makes it scary to see what Trump would or would have done.I have seen many of these actors before. I have seen Kevin Costner the most and does a good job in his movies. I liked the scenes where everybody is working together and it turns out that thats the only way they get things done It was a great time for the US and it really unified them.
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42 (2013)
This movie really hit home
5 February 2019
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This movie was really good and Im kinda mad I haven't seen in before I love baseball movies but this one just never really got around to me. I get the chills when Jackie hit his home run to go to the world series its such a great scene and it makes you feel good. The plot of the movie was about the struggle that Jackie went through to be the first African american professional baseball player and he did it and was one of the best to ever play. This part of history was very brutal for the colored people and its hard to see how much hate and vulgar was used. Robinson had so many threats to his name. Chadwick Boseman did an incredible job and he was defiantly the best actor for that role. I liked the emotion he showed it the movie and it really made his character come alive. I would recommend this movie to anybody it is a very good movie.
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a blast from the past
30 January 2019
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What a great movie I have seen this movie countless times and its better every time. The plot of the movie shows a young Micheal j fox travel back in time and a lot of things go wrong and he has to fix them or else the future will be messed up. This part of history 1985 is very interesting to me it seems like it was really fun to be a teen or kid. Everything was so simple and it made sense. When they travels to th 1950 world the movie did a good job depicting that year and made it seem like that was the year the movie was actually made. I have seen the whole trilogy and i am glad I have because it is a very fun watch. I really like the scene where George Mcfly punches biff and saves the day and gets the girl who he deserves. One thing I didnt like but also like at the same time were the cheesy edits and special effects its kind of funny to see when we look at todays technology. I would deferentially recommend this movie to anybody looking for a good time.
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Walk the Line (2005)
play me some ring of fire because this movie was fire
24 January 2019
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My family really loves country songs and I like some country as well. The music by johnny cash is also pretty catchy and he has many great hits. The plot of the movie was very well thought out and they did a great job portraying Cash's life. I really enjoyed this film I learned many new things. This part in history was a very cool time a lot of people were trying to create something and be the net biggest star and live the american dream Mr. cash had a lot of hard time but he was able to do what he loved the most he was very persistent. I've seen some of the actors before in other films and the cast did a great job. I liked how the movie never really had a dull moment I feel like all the seen were good and accurate. One thing I didnt like was the first wife she was very annoying and johnny clearly could have done better. What cash did to his wife by cheating on her was wrong but I guess it all worked in the end. She wasnt very supportive of Johnny and thats why he liked June because she gave him attention and spent good time with him.
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Had me in a league of my own
8 January 2019
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I have heard of this film before but have never actually seen. I now know where the iconic line comes from, "theirs no crying in baseball". The plot of the movie is about women playing baseball because all of the men are of to war. They go through many struggles and hard times and people mock them and drag them down. This part in history was really important because it showed what women could really do and they can do anything men can do. Penny Marshall the director did a great job with this film it had many great scenes. I liked tom hanks playing jimmy dougan he did a really good job and he made his character come to life. Overall this movie was good and I would see it again down the road. It had a great lesson to be learned from this story and I learned that women deserve same rights as men and they should be treated the same. 😧🙌😌
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Race (I) (2016)
Americans prevail
14 December 2018
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The film was very inspiring and gave me goosebumps when German racer and Jesse Owens played by Stephen James took each others hand and took a victory lap. IT showed two different people from totally different backgrounds join and show the world a new side to racism. I knew that Hitler was not happy about race and didn't like anything race besides hi own. He had many people killed just because of certain beliefs. The movie was set before he took any real actions but everybody knew his intentions. My favorite scene was mentioned earlier and I think it really shaped the movie and it is what I took out of it. I really liked the actors they did a good job portraying these events because it must have been really hard in real life. They showed the emotion that was needed to make the film complete. The movie overall was one of the best historical films I have seen and would love to see again.
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Cinderella is a man???
4 December 2018
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I watched this film in my history class. This movie had me hooked throughout most the movie. This film shows the great depression and all the struggles that went with that. IT showed a boxing world champion fall from the top because of the great depression and showed how hard it was to get it back. The fighting scenes were a little unrealistic but its a movie what can you expect. Some of the shots that went negative when a punch lanced bothered me because it didnt look right. I dont have any questions about the accuracy besides fight scenes. Ive seen many boxing films and they are also really good. I liked how intense the fights were. I liked that it showed the struggles it made me thankful for the things I have today. I also liked how god the movie made you feel after he won the fight. I didnt like the parts were it was slow and could have used more. The movie overall was very god and I would like to see it along with others like it again. The actors also were very good and showed us how hard life was back then.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
not so WONDERful
15 November 2018
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I had to watch this film in my history class it a good experience. This movie is about ww1 and it shows a girl with superpowers. Her goal is to kill ares and to save stop the war. The movie wasn't really good in the special effects area and didnt really look real. One thing that made me question the historical accuracy is the whole movie besides for the fact that ww1 happened. I have seen other superhero movies. I like the actors. I liked how hot wonder women was. I liked how much action it had. The movie overall wasnt the best but it was better than most dc movies. Chris pines quote saying that people cause war is true and it stuck out to me.
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Iron Jawed Angels (2004 TV Movie)
9 November 2018
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I watched this movie in my history through film class. We write reviews on all the movies. The plot of the film is about women's suffrage and the struggles they had to get to where they are now. The strategies they used were starvation in order ti get what they wanted. The thing that made me question the accuracy was the shirt iron did they really have those back then. Ive seen some of the actors in this movie before. There wasnt a whole lot of thing things to be liked about ths movie for me. I did like the ending and being able to see them get what they were going for.. I Liked the acting i felt it was very good. I didnt like the movie as a whole. The movie didnt really interest me. I didnt think it was that good of a movie. I wouldnt like to see movies like this.
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Newsies (1992)
the origin of batman
5 November 2018
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I am watching this film in my history class. The plot of the movie was about the news strike and how people came together to get a common goal achieved. It was very heartwarming and very emotional. I felt a connection and had a great experience watching this magnificent film.The movie was very well directed and was great for its time period . They made it all come together and it turned out well. The only thing that makes me question the history is that all the singing wasnt real. Ive seen some of the actors in other movies and ive sen other Disney movies. I liked how involved the movie was there never was a dull moment and it kept me entertained throughout the movie. I didnt like all the singing it was not necessary. The movie overall was great. I thought it was very interesting and fun to watch. I would see movies like this again.
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Nice ending
23 October 2018
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I had to watch thid film for my amazing history class. The plot of the film shows the life of butch cassidy and the sundance kid. They go on a bank robbing spree and end up getting caught in the end after a life full of adventure and danger. Throughout the whole movie they are being chased. The movie wwas very good for its time period I was very impressed with how well the quality came out. The camera angles were good and the director did good. The only thing that made me question the movie was the ending ive heard other things to how they have died. No connections that i can recall. I liked the whole on the run type thing it made the moive fun to watch. I liked how much action was in this. I didnt like how boring the beginning was. The movie was good overall I thought it was very good. I would see it again after some time I have seen the acotrs in other movies.
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Far and Away (1992)
very emotional ending
15 October 2018
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I had to watch this film for my history class. We watch many movies about history. The plot of th emovie goes through the life of an immigrant who goes to america to live a better life. He faces many struggles and goes through lots of suffering to earn money. There were many differnet settings in this movie we see lots of different biomes and differnet places in the world. The movie was very well directed and the camera crew did good. The technogly used was good for its time. One thing that makes me question historical accuracy was Tom Cruise dying and coming back to life. It doesnt seem realistic. Some conections ive seen in this movie were same actor and same directors. I liked the scenes that were funny it was actually funny. Tom Cruise did a great job as always he made the movie good. I also liked the boxing scene I felt as if I was watching Rocky. I didnt like the scene with the little messenger kid yelling he was quite annoying. I thought the movie overall was very good one of the better ones we have seen. I would like to see movies like this again. Everything went well in the movie.
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In the heart of chris hemsworth
26 September 2018
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I watched this film in my history class. It was a good movie I liked it. The plot of the movie is a crew trying to get blubber from whales for oil lamps. This was there source of lighting. While on the journey they lose many men due to illness. They come across the biggest whale they have seen and it destroys the boat. They then are left adrift and have to survive. They will do anything to survive. I thought the acting was spot on. They did a good job with the special effectsl. It made it seem like I was actually on the boat. The huge whale looked realistic and the technology used was good. The only thing that made me question the accuarcy was the whale size I thought it was bigger than the movie portrayed. And how they could survive off of nothing. The only connection I have to this movie is the actors. Ive seen most of them before. I liked the actors they picked good people. I liked the story it was well told and very exciting. It was also cool to see they made it alive. I didnt like the beginnng of the movie I felt it dragged on. The movie overall was very good. I thought it was interesting and I would reccomend it. I would like to see movies with the same director he did a good job. I would also like to see more of the actors they were really good and made the movie what it is.
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The Crossing (2000 TV Movie)
Its ok
18 September 2018
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I watched this film in my history class. We have seen many historical films. The plot of the movie goes through the story of Washigton and shows the stuggle to cross the delaware. And what they had to go through. It also shows the american revolution. The story goes through what foudning fathers did and how Washigton was a general. I noticeid the film did a good job showing the technoloigy they had at that time. Many handcarts and horses were used for transportation which was accurate for this time. The special effects were pretty good but not quite what we have today. When they were fighting some scenes with blood looked a little unreal but it was they best they could do. I dont have any questions as to why it would be inaccurate it all seemed good to me. The movie made sence and got its point across. The acting was good which made it seem real. The only connection is some of the actors. Ive seen jeff daniels in many movies and espacially dumb and dumber. I liked the acting in this movie daniels did a good job being his character. I liked the fighting scene it brought action to the movie and everybody likes action. I also liked how they still went on after losing men and being somewhat of underdogs. I didnt like some of the scenes I feel like they were dragged on. I thought the movie was ok it had its ups and downs. It was defently intresting to see how they lived and what they had to go through. I would like to see more movies with the same people and I have seen movies with some of them. The film was able to teach about founding fathers and americas struggles.
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what do you want boi
10 September 2018
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I watched this movie in my history class. We have seen many films in this class. The plot of the movie goes through the heroic stages of tremain. He starts out as just a ordinary guy who was always working. He then joins the sons of liberty where he helps takedown the red coats. He is also involved in the bosten tea party. He helped by blowing the whistle to start the protest. The movie was very cheesey. It was kind of funny to see the effects because they didnt look real at all. Although it was good for its time it would not be appreciated today. The acting wasnt great either but i didnt expect much. One thing that may have been incorrect was all the characters some of them didt have a role in real life. Another was the way he burned his hand and the way it healed. Not all of the story was correct. The only movie I can think of that is closest to this movie is the new world. It is similar in the fashion that there is puritism. I lked that the effects were bad because it made it funny. Also that when it showed the burn it didnt look injured at all. I liked that johnny was a hero even though he struggled. I didnt like the acting. I think the movie was good for its time. It wasnt too good for our day. It was interesting to see johnny devolop. I wouldnt want to see moives by the same director. Or the same actors.
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The New World (2005)
Movie Review
30 August 2018
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I watched this movie for my history class. I learning some things I didnt know before hand. The plot of this movie was to show life in the new world and Poachahontis journey. The story starts with Jamestown setting up camp and then they run into problems with the naturals. They eventually fought and lost men. Poachatis tryed to stop from fighting and eventually moved to England. It must have been really hard to live in a time like theres. Today we have it really easy and I think some of us take it for granted. For example they had wooden structures for there houses and I bet it was freezing cold at night. The only question I have is the ages of the characters because in the movie pocahontis is 14 but in real life she was around 10. It really makes you think about that because john was a much older Man. One thing I lked about the movie was the camera angles and sounds. It was very cool to listen to all the sounds. For example listening to the peaceful water running down stream sounds cool. I also liked the fighting scene because I like action. One thing I didnt like was how long the movie was it felt like it dragged on forever. Ithought the movie was pretty good concidering it was about history. I thought it was intersting and I learned some new things i didnt know before. I would like to see movies with the same director because he has good ideas and good camera positioning.
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22 August 2018
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I had to watch this film for my history class. To learn about the history of the first films. The story is of these brave men who travel to the moon. They end up sleeping on the moon and spend the night. When they wake up they are faced with aliens and they fight there way back to the ship. They make it back and have a big party. It was very boring at times because there was no sound or color. It makes it hard to watch because of all the technology we have today. The effects were good at the time but they do not compare today. You can tell they put a lot of effort into it. I liked when they were fighting the aliens. I liked when they stuck the ship right in the moons eye. The escape was cool to see. I didnt like that there was no context or words. I think the movie was god but not for our day. they put lot of work into it and im sure they made lots of people very happy. I would like to see what the director would do with the new technology and if he could make a good re make.
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