
13 Reviews
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There was crying in baseball, and it was me.
8 January 2019
This movie has probably become one of my favorites. When I was younger, I got really into baseball, so I was way excited to learn that there was an actual women's baseball league and a movie about it. This movie follows how the women's league came about and two sisters that came up together, but one feels that she lives in the shadow of the other. This is a really heartwarming film and empowering to women. During this time, women were expected to stay at home while the men were at work, but the men got called off to war and the women had to provide. At this point in history, baseball players were being sent to war, so there was no more baseball. Because owners still wanted money to be made, they decided to try out a women's baseball league. It was really cool to see all these characters do what they loved despite all the criticism they received from others. I really liked how they were able to actually film at Wrigley Field and it was cool that the actresses actually learned how to play for the scenes. It was also fun to see well-known actors and actresses when they were younger like Geena Davis, Lori Petty, and Madonna. There was lots of great humor and it was just overall a great film.
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Buster Scruggs deserves hugs
14 December 2018
I had no idea what this movie was about before I'd watched it. I'd heard positive things about it and kept seeing it popping up on Netflix, but never really gave it much thought. I decided to watch it out of curiosity one night and I was incredibly surprised. The film is an anthology of six short stories that follow different people in the post-Civil War era and the irony of death in their lives as they encounter death, along with a little bit of history here and there. We see people traveling along the Oregon Trail, the aftermath of the gold rush, etc. It mixes humor with great imagery and metaphors that make the storytelling more intriguing and keeps you interested. I was excited to learn that the Coen Brothers directed this because I'd recently watched another film of theirs, Inside Llewyn Davis, which became one of my favorite movies. There were lots of big names in Buster Scruggs, like Liam Neeson, James Franco, Tom Waits, etc. that made the film for fun to watch for me. I especially enjoyed how the last story was shot, where the story basically happened all in the space of the carriage, but you could tell what was really happening from the dialogue and visuals around them. This film had amazing sequences and I liked how detail oriented they were. It was fun to catch stuff in the background that helped you better understand the underlying meanings of the stories being told. Overall, I think this movie definitely deserved all the praise it got and derserves much more recognition.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Amazon icon
13 December 2018
I really enjoyed this movie and thought Patty Jenkins did an amazing job. DCEU movies in my opinion haven't been that great, but I think this one is a lot better than the others. It was cool to finally see a good female superhero movie. Even though Gal Gadot's acting isn't stellar in my opinion, I think she's really charming and fit the roll nicely. I watched this in a history through film class for WWI, so we looked at comparisons during the battle scenes with gases, trenches, etc. Although their isn't a magical pill you break open to give you super-human strength in real life, some of the other stuff was pretty accurate. I haven't seen other work directed by Patty Jenkins, but I'm hoping the next Wonder Woman installment will be just as good.
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Iron Jawed Angels (2004 TV Movie)
Soundtrack? Wack.
4 December 2018
I think this film did a good job at portraying historical figures like Aiice Paul and the events that happened during Women's Suffrage. It's important that people nowadays are able to see events like this depicted. You are able to see the struggle and all the trials women went through rather than just reading about it in a history book. However, the way the story was told in this movie was not my favorite. The soundtrack felt like a R&B album that didn't fit what was happening in the story at all. I feel that it took away from parts of the story and made it so I didn't take it as seriously. Overall, I think it's an important movie to see despite it's flaws.
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Russell Crowe snapped
4 December 2018
I hadn't heard of this movie until I watched it, but I really ended up enjoying it. The beginning was kind of slow and I feel it took a while to pick up. Once the story started progressing, it became really interesting. Despite the slow parts, I think the acting made up for it. Russell Crowe and Renee Zellweger's performance was great. We also get to see a look inside how some people lived during The Great Depression and how people had to get by to survive. I'd never heard of James Braddock before so it was really interesting to learn his story. I've seen a lot of Ron Howard's films and this is probably one of my favorites.
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Newsies (1992)
Christian Bale PERIOD
5 November 2018
I'd heard about this musical before but I had no idea what it was about. I thought it was a weird event to make a musical out of, but I actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I didn't know that Christian Bale ever did any type of musical stuff in his career so it was cool to see him in something different. We also love a good soundtrack. The legend himself, the man who brought us High School Musical, Kenny Ortega, directed this which was pretty neat. I also LOVED Joe Pulitzer's Italian mob accent. I'm also learning about the industrial revolution/child laborers in history so it was nice seeing a depiction of that on screen.
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Stream South American Getaway
2 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie much more than I thought I would. I don't usually like western-type movies, but this one actually did. This movie was released in 1969, so I was expecting parts of it to be boring, there weren't any parts where I lost interest. I thought it was shot really well and the intense zoom-ins made it even more amusing. I especially liked the witty dialogue between the two which added to the characters. It' s cool to see actors I know now when they were younger. The montages throughout the film were also great along with the soundtrack (which is full of bops). The only thing I would question is the ending because I've heard many different things about how the two died.
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Far and Away (1992)
Don't move the bowl
15 October 2018
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We watched this film in my History Through Film class to cover the late 1800's and immigration. This is about two Irish people, Joseph and Shannon, that travel to America to claim some land and start a new life. They first arrive in Boston where Joseph was able to make lots of money, but then lost it all. At some point they're separated, but find themselves reunited in Oklahoma. They fall in love at some point in the story and are able to start their new life together by the end. In my U.S History class, we're going over this period in history, so it was nice to see it depicted even if it was fictional. I actually really enjoyed this film and thought it was really entertaining. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were great and I thought they worked really well together, even if they're accents were a little questionable. It was also nice seeing Thomas Gibson in something other than Criminal Minds. I have a seen a lot of Ron Howard's films and I've really enjoyed them so I will probably watch more of his work in the future.
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The Alamo (2004)
Stream Deguello De Crockett
15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie for my History Through Film class. This movie is about the Battle of the Alamo and the defeat of Santa Anna's army. The Battle of the Alamo was lost, but those with Sam Houston were able to gain independence from Mexico in honor of those who died at the Alamo. I'd watched this movie a couple years ago in my Texas History class so I was able to have some background knowledge on the actual history while watching. I think that I enjoyed it much more the second time around. The movie was historically accurate and I was surprised at the detail that was put into it. I also thought the actors, for the most part, were really good and portrayed the historical figures well. I wish there was more character development in the movie because if you're not familiar with the historical figures, you don't really know much about the main character in the film. However, I do see why they wouldn't feel the need to as this movie is a retelling of a well-known event. Originally, I thought this movie was going to be boring, but I actually enjoyed it the whole way through. I have seen a couple of John Lee Hancock's films that he directed and I did enjoy them, but I don't think I will seek out to watch any others.
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The Crossing (2000 TV Movie)
Not that entertaining
25 September 2018
I watched this film for my History Through Film class at school. It tells the story of how George Washington crossed the Delaware River and attacked the Hessian Mercenaries. At first, nobody wanted to cross. They were low on men and it was in the middle of winter. Washington pushed the decision forward and they were able to succeed in the attack at Trenton. There was nothing that made me question the historical accuracy. I think the movie was well-made for it's time, considering there wasn't many special effects needed being that the movie takes place in the 1700s. Overall, I didn't really enjoy the movie. There were quite a few parts where I completely lost interest and was bored. I felt that things didn't get interesting until the end during the attack. I also felt that the acting wasn't that great. To me, George Washington's character wasn't portrayed as the strong leader that he was. I'm not familiar with this director or any of the other stuff he's worked on so I don't think I'll watch anything else from him. I haven't seen any other movies that portray these events, so I don't have much to compare this film to. Maybe if I watch other films related to this event, I will have a different opinion on this movie.
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Thor and the Whale
25 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film tells the story of the ship Essex that inspired the well-known novel "Moby- Dick". A group of men go out to sea and their ship gets attacked by a giant whale while they were hunting other whales. The movie goes on to show their survival out on sea with little to no supplies and what they had to do to eventually get back home. I thought there were some great performances and overall, the acting was good. There was also some good visuals here and there throughout the film. Sometimes the green/blue tint seemed a little harsh, but other than that it was good. This was the first movie I've seen that depicts these events so I didn't have a lot to compare it to. I know that there some parts that weren't historically accurate, but it is a Hollywood movie and I'd imagine they spice it up for entertainment value. I didn't really like the time jumping element. Throughout the story, it would cut to an older Thomas recounting the events to Herman Melville. I felt that it took away from the suspense of the main story. It would make you lose interest when you're so invested in the main story line, and it suddenly cuts off to something else for a couple minutes of people just talking. Overall, I enjoyed this movie. There were very few parts that I disliked and I found it very interesting. I've seen others movies and shows directed by Ron Howard and I've enjoyed those as well. I'm sure I will see other things done by him later on.
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14 September 2018
My History Through Film class watched this movie for a brief introduction of the American Revolution. This movie follows the main character Johnny and his journey with the Sons of Liberty. At first, he was an apprentice, but ended burning his hand which left him out of work. Nobody else will take him in because of the work he cannot do with one hand. After being accused of thievery and lying after trying to reach out to his wealthy uncle, he finally finds where he can help. He finds out that his good friend is apart of the Sons of Liberty, which he then joins and does small tasks for them. He sends secret messages to the other members throughout the town and helps when they have meetings. The movie displays historical events such as the Boston Tea Party and Paul Revere's Ride. I think the film covered these events as accurately as I remember them aside from the fictional aspect of it. I was able to follow what was going on pretty well. It was made in the 50's, so the acting and everything else overall is quite cheesy, but I think that's what made it a little more enjoyable. This was the first movie I've ever seen that was about the American Revolution. I will probably look up more movies about this part of history so I can see other ways filmmakers have told the story. There were some parts that I found a little boring and I almost lost interest. But, there were also some parts that I really enjoyed. I think it was a good movie overall. I don't think I'll watch other movies by this director, but only because it's difficult to find ways to watch movies from this long ago. It's a fun film that covers a part of history in an entertaining way. You get to learn about the American Revolution in an educational way as well as follow a fun fictional character on his journey.
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The New World (2005)
Well executed
4 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am taking a History through Film class at school and this was the first film we watched. Terrence Malick tells the story of Pocahontas that people may be more familiar with. Although not historically accurate, it's a well-known take on the story. This film tells the story of the journey of John Smith in Jamestown and all the trials that came with it, along with Pocahontas. We get to see both sides, from the settlers with John Smith to the Natives with Pocahontas. This enabled us to see the background in the two groups interactions and how the relationship between John Smith and Pocahontas intertwined in it all. Other than Disney's 'Pocahontas' (1995), this was the only other movie I'd seen that depicts this story of Pocahontas and I did end up enjoying it. I thought the film was beautifully shot, especially the nature visuals throughout the movie. I also thought the soundtrack was great and fit the film well. It was well casted and I thoroughly enjoyed all the actors performances, especially Q'orianka Kilcher. I liked how the story extended past Jamestown and we were able to see Pocahontas' arrival with John Rolfe back to England. We got to see her in a new environment with a completely different culture and I thought Kilcher did an excellent job at showing those emotions she was feeling. One part that was probably my favorite was the final sequence. It shows the moment of Pocahontas running through the courtyard with her son with a brief narration from her, which then cut to John Rolfe's voice-over of a letter to their son stating her sudden death. Malick was able to stunningly piece together the final moments in her bed, to the moments where she was running around outside and enjoying the world around her. The score by Richard Wagner, I think, is what ties it all together. The music builds as we see the final shots before it abruptly stops and we finish with shots of nature and it's surrounding sounds. This ending reminds me of the way the more recent film 'Arrival' (2016). Both movies ended in a similar way, with an assortment of different shots and a complementary musical score of a bittersweet moment that bring the whole thing together. Although I can see how some people may not like this film, I really did enjoy it. I probably with look more into Terrence Malick's other work.
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