
12 Reviews
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8 January 2019
I really liked this movie. I would watch it again just for fun. It was a really good way to portray what happened during the war. The men couldn't play baseball because they were fighting, so the women got their chance to play. I really liked Dotti and Kit. they were really good actors and did a very good job. all in all this was a really good movie. Sorry this is a really short review, it's the end of the quarter and my brain cells are struggling.
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Race (I) (2016)
18 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was super good. I really liked how it depicted racism in the time of Hitler. They did not like Jesse because of his race. When he competed for college it seemed as if the judges of the race did not want him to win. He then became very popular because of how good of a racer he was and you didn't see as much discrimination as before. The whole ordeal with Hitler ignoring his existence after he won a gold medal was pretty ridiculous. At this time everyone didn't know how bad of a person Hitler was, he was viewed as a great leader and idol. He was invited to the olympics to shake the hands of the gold medal winners. But, when Jesse came up to shake his hand, he wouldn't even look his way. This movie was very interesting and if I hadn't watched it for my history through film class, I might have watched it on my own.
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12 December 2018
I really liked this movie. I watched it for my history through film class and missed the first half of the movie, but from what I saw, it was really good. Russel Crowe was a good choice for this movie. He did a really good job portraying James. Paul Giamatti was also a good actor to choose as well. I think this movie was pretty educational in a way and very entertaining to watch.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Chris Pine, am I right?
10 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie for my history through film class, and it was a really fun movie to watch after watching all the boring, educational movies. I like the way that it portrayed Wonder Woman as someone who didn't really have an idea what the war was really about. She was really innocent, and didn't want people to die who didn't deserve it. She was searching for Aries, and nobody believed her and just thought she was crazy, until the end when they found him and she used her own power to destroy him, because she was the God Killer, not the sword she was carrying around.
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Iron Jawed Angels (2004 TV Movie)
Soundtrack? wack.
10 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While this movie may have given a good message, it was really weird during certain parts. And for the soundtrack, what on earth? The music did not go with the movie at all. I really like how all the women stood up for their rights and kept with them the whole time. I was a little shocked when they all got thrown into jail. I did not like the way that the prison workers forced a raw egg down the throat of the leader. She didn't deserve to be strapped down and have that contraption in her mouth. That was unethical. All in all, the movie gave a good message but it was not the best movie I have ever seen.
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Newsies (1992)
Christian Bale, am I right??
5 November 2018
I watched this movie as a ten year old. When I watched it then, I thought it was really boring. I just watched it for my history through film class and really enjoyed it. It was a really good movie and super entertaining. The music was really good and I added it on my Spotify. The way that Christian Bale acts, is so good. He was a pretty good singer too, but I couldn't tell if he knew how to sing or was just trying too hard. Either way, he's sooooo so so so attractive.
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very entertaining
23 October 2018
I found this movie entertaining. It was very action filled. I was just a little bit confused about some of the events that happened. Such as them trading off with the girl. Like one day she was riding on the handlebars of Butch's bicycle. Then the next, she's sharing a bed with the sundance kid. I think it was a really cool movie, considering how old it is. There were many witty moments.
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Far and Away (1992)
Love the Irish accents.
15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Joseph and Shannon had a different kind of love. They were completely opposite, and at first they hated each other. But once they got to the new land, they were inseparable. People thought they were siblings, which made it awkward because you could tell they had feelings for each other even though neither of them wanted to admit it. Joseph started getting in fights and getting paid for winning, He made a lot of money, and started spending it on buying suits and hats. He sort of became entitled and snobby. Then one night he was at the biggest fight he'd ever been in, and a lot of money was at stake, and Joseph ended up losing defending Shannon's honor. They got kicked out of their room and out of the town and ran away. Then Shannon got shot and Joseph ran away. They later ended up meeting again and fell in love and claimed their land together.
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The Alamo (2004)
this movie was boring.
15 October 2018
We watched this movie for my history through film class and I found it extremely boring. Santa Anna was getting on my nerves and he was portrayed as a very awful person who didn't care who he killed. It didn't make too much sense to me, but I was able to follow along for the most part. I did like the music they played during the movie. I liked the suspense too. My favorite part was when Davy Crockett cranked out his solo on the violin.
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15 October 2018
This was my favorite movie that we have watched in my history through film class. Most because it has Tom Holland and Chris Hemsworth in it and those guys are the loves of my life. I liked how they made everything seem realistic. I did get grossed out by them eating raw meat though, that was pretty disgusting. I liked how Hemsworth portrayed such a good leader and knew what had to be done. This movie was really touching and a good watch. I think the whale was my most favorite part because it was so persistent and kept coming back and finding their ship. I loved the part where Hemsworth didn't attack the whale and the whale decided to swim away.
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The Crossing (2000 TV Movie)
26 September 2018
This movie was extremely boring. I almost fell asleep many times while watching this. The way that they portrayed George Washington, to me, was not the way that I always thought he was. He was portrayed as sort of a stick up the bum. He seemed like he did not care about anyone except defeating the enemy. In many instances, I found myself confused. I would not recommend this movie to anybody looking for a good one to watch. It was also kind of graphic when they were stabbing people with bayonets, and I found that really gross. Probably the only part I liked about this movie, was when Washington did not kill all the Hessians, even though their general was killing all of Washington´s men. Washington had compassion for humanity. But all in all this movie was very boring.
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Fairly boring.
14 September 2018
I am watching this movie for my History Through Film class. It's definitely not the best movie I have ever seen. The filmmaker is telling the story of Johnny Tremain and how he helped with the Boston Tea Party. He started out as an apprentice and wanted to start his own trade. But, after burning his hand, he wasn't much help anymore. So, he set out to find something else he could do for work. The acting really wasn't that good in this movie. The camera quality was also pretty bad as well. Special effects weren't the best either. I didn't question any of the historical accuracy, because I actually do not know what really happened at the Boston Tea Party. I think that this movie connects to many of the other movies that are about the Boston Tea Party. They're a little different, but basically the same story line. I liked the song "sons of liberty", it was really catchy. I honestly didn't like much of the rest of the movie. I didn't like how in some parts of the movie, you couldn't follow the story. I did not like this movie. It was boring and not interesting. It didn't make sense. I don't think I would watch another by the same director or by the starring actors.
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