
11 Reviews
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Race (I) (2016)
14 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the movie "Race" there was a scene where Jesse Owens gets hurt trying to show off. I felt that hard because I did that once in my football game. The movie is about inspiriting people to follow their dreams, no matter what type of race you are. The filmmaker is telling us that there will always be people that will love you or hate you but that don't matter because you only need to focus on yourself and do good. The filmmaker is also telling us to not give up on your dream or any goal you are trying to achieve even if you are not the same race because at the end there is only one race and it's the human race. My favorite scene of the movie is when Luz helps out Jesse because it shows that not all the people are the same. It made the film better by showing us that we can come together as one and make something better. I liked how Jesse gets a piece of his daughter's hair and puts it in his necklace for motivation. Because it reminds me of me when I went to Vegas and played but my baby couldn't come so I took a picture of her and took it with me. I don't like how that German commander told the people to not record the race because he knew they was not going to win.
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James J. Braddock
4 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This would probably be the best movie I've seen in the classroom. I liked how James went back into boxing so he can provide food and money for his family. I also liked when he said "I told my kids I would bring the title back but they thought I said I would bring turtles." The thing I liked the most was when Braddock won and how he always had pride. I disliked how Max thought he had it in the bag and the way he was talking smack. That shows to never be cocky and underestimate your opponents. This movie showed that even in the hard times you can make it and do something good for you and your family if you try hard enough.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
15 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I would recommed you should watch this movie because it shows you some of the old war and it has lots of action if you are into action movies. I liked how Diana took down the tower when she jumped off the guys backs. I liked how Diana killed Aries because it was kinda like a laser beam move from dragon ball z. I didn't like how Steve died, I felt like he could of jumped out and shot the plane. I watched this movie so I can get a grade and it's probably the best movie I have watched in this class.
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Newsies (1992)
5 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a good, fun, and enjoyable movie to watch I would recommend to watch this movie. I liked how they did the little musicals in some parts of the movie. Liked how Jack would need David to help him what to say thought that was funny. I also liked how Jack came and helped out David when he was getting beat up. I disliked how they put that crippled guy in the pin because he was just chilling and they kicked his stick when they took him in.
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29 October 2018
I watched this movie to get my grade and because it was from Disney.I liked how they told the story of the years in Boston, Massachusetts , prior to the outbreak of the American Revolution. I would recommend to watch this movie because the actors and the movie is good.
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Far and Away (1992)
Irish Immigrants
29 October 2018
I only watched this movie so I can get my grade and I need to pass so I can graduate. This is a long movie but keeps you hyped with the adventure tale of Irish immigrants back in the 1880s in the U.S. I liked how Tom Cruise played as Joseph. I would not recommend to watch this because its long.
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The Alamo (1960)
29 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was awesome to watch because there was a lot of violence and they was all dressed up cool. The reason I watched this movie was because I was in class and we have to watch it in order to get a good grade. I liked how they put English subtitles when the Mexicans were talking. I disliked when that Mexican didn't took forever to translate it to the head chief.
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3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie to make up my credit and because it looked like a good movie to watch I also like that its in the sea. I liked how they did the records and sound affects and how everything was just filmed. And this movie got me hyped because it was like the other movies we watched in the classroom, this was more action and newer year. I liked how the whale kept attacking them because it just made the movie better. I question how would a whale be that big and if the whales before him were bigger.
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The Gold Rush (1925)
Gold Rush
3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The reason why I watched this movie was because I was in class and I had too so I can get a grade and it was a goof movie. The filmmaker was telling us how comedy was back in and it was silent but funny because we would still understand it. I liked when he was dancing with this girl and he just gave this other dude a look like yeah I know I got that type of look. I also liked when he pulled that dog out from under the table like that makes no sense but its funny. There really wasn't anything that I didn't like about the movie. So I recommend that people should watch this film because its good comedy.
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The Crossing (2000 TV Movie)
3 October 2018
The reason why I watched this movie was so I can make up the credit I missed. The plot is the retreat of the Continental Army across New Jersey during the American Revolutionary War, after repeated losses and defeats during the campaign of 1776. I liked how the men would dress because their outfits looked cool. I liked how everyone would be straight up and had no fear. And I liked how Jeff Daniels played as George Washington. But I didn't how the women were treated like everyone should be treated the same way. I thought the movie was a pretty good movie and it sure was interesting because it shows how life was back then.
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The New World (2005)
School Made Me Do It.
30 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The reason why I watched this movie was because my teacher put it on and I only watched like the last 20 or 30 minutes of the movie. The things I liked about this movie was that if you try something on the captain or the leader the whole squad goes and wrecks you. I liked how that dude John told the dude to say he died in the sea on his way to the UK. I also like how Pocahontas when she was dead she was in her own little world doing cart wheels. One thing I didn't like was that she was just a 10 year old already getting married because that was weird but oh well. The movie was a pretty good movie but I didn't really like it because I'm not into the history topic. The actors were good I guess but maybe they could of gotten someone else to play their role.
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