
23 Reviews
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Total Genius
8 January 2023
The Banshees of Inisherin is the best film I've seen in years. Most unusually, there is not one point that the captivation lapses, even for a minute.

Starting off as a relatively gentle, humorous plot, it takes a turn into dark, macabre territory. Personal relationships and tensions pushed to the limit.

The scenery throughout is breathtakingly beautiful and astonishing, colour & content. It must have been a joy to make this movie. Not least interacting with some lovely animals, an added bonus.

The performances are top class, not one character lets the story down.

It's funny, sad and thought provoking, and clearly the actors (all of them) have such chemistry between them that the viewer is treated to 2 hours of magic: time that passes all too quickly.
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Explorer (2022)
Fascinating Man - Shame About The Production
17 December 2022
I would have loved to have seen more. What a life this man has had and continues to have! I'm going to look for more information because sadly the production/direction of Explorer is poor. Really does not do him justice at all - badly explained, and the annoying interviews of friends and relations (none in person) that all appear to be recorded from a 1920's-sounding telephone are a bizarre decision. You get the feeling so much of interest is rushed through, or just plain left out. It slaps of a budget production, but even so could have been infinitely better. Really does not do him justice which is such a shame because he seems like such a pleasant, dynamic and utterly tenacious man. They broke the mould when they made Ranulph Fiennes.
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
Everything To Like
23 October 2022
Rare - a series that you can't fault. Excellent storyline and cast, clever, tantalising whodunnit. Keeps you guessing right to the end. Brilliantly acted, not one person was unbelievable in their role. So many little details that you look back on and realise they were an important red flag to the navigation of the plot. The villain of the piece is truly hateful and becomes more so as the story unfolds. The characters of the 5 sisters are miles apart from one another yet they all gel together to become one creature in a most pleasing manner. I enjoyed every minute of this. Difficult not to binge watch. And I'm quite critical :-)
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Surge (I) (2020)
Disturbing, Brilliantly Acted
21 May 2022
An excellent film, definitely not for the feint hearted. Disturbing journey of a man on the edge, filmed over a 24 hour period. Ben Wishaw and the rest of the cast can't be faulted. Had hitting, and hard to watch, will stay with you.
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Spencer (2021)
13 April 2022
If you watch this tripe expecting it to be a comedy spoof, you might actually enjoy some of it. Extraordinarily silly, the one minute saving grace is that Jack Farthing isn't bad as Charles. Full stop. Good job it was free!
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Very Funny - Excellent Cast
6 April 2022
Stick with this - because it's not immediately apparent how clever and entertaining it quickly becomes (which explains a few negative reviews, I think). The characters are excellent, the cast is top-class and the writing is so clever. It's kind of 'layered', needs watching more than once to appreciate the comedy. This is laugh out loud stuff, and the filming locations (Weald & Downland plus others) are an added bonus.
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Excellent Historical Drama
10 March 2022
This film makes you appreciate the astonishing lengths explorers like these men went to, in truly inhospitable conditions, to obtain their objectives.

Very well acted, scripted and directed, it's on the lines of The Terror but without the mythical element.

Exposes the savage reality of Arctic exploration in the early 1900s - very little comfort here and requirement for a gut wrenching quantity of endurance and determination.

Plus, taught me lots of interesting historical facts, so gets a big thumbs up from me.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
Sharp, Entertaining & Amusing
9 November 2021
Very enjoyable, easy-to-watch comedy.

Typical Stephen Merchant, witty and pleasant but at the same time quite deep with some serious thought-provoking stuff in the melting pot.

Excellent cast, and interesting, moreish characters. All very different - which is kind of the point.

Sucks you in, you want to follow everyone's story.

No weak links here. Looking forward to watching the rest.
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Ma (I) (2019)
Slow, Boring & Stooopid
1 November 2021
Can't understand how films that are this bad receive OK ratings.

Presumably the people leaving those must have been subjected to some truly dreadful movies if they find nonsense like this entertaining.

As I mentioned, it's slow. Not much happens for a verrrrrrry loooooonnnggg time, and when it does start happening (after a fashion), it's still pretty boring.

Juliette Lewis sounded like someone else was using the family brain-cell throughout the film, bad casting and worse-er acting.

Towards to end it did at least become fairly funny - only because it was so silly it reverted to a bit of a comedy.

There-in lies it's only fair point. A Dopey Nonsense-Fest, if ever I've seen one.
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Harpoon (2019)
Bad, Boring, Silly & Just More Bad
21 August 2021
The trouble with so many movies being flung out these days is that quite a lot of them are just rubbish.

Like this one. Low budget utter drivel. Boring plot, (what plot???), I can't really understand why they bothered to make this.

Don't waste your time on it desperately thinking it might get better or suddenly take off - it doesn't.
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13 August 2021
I was looking forward to watching this film, had been saving it up. Finally we've seen it. I don't understand the rave reviews. Found it slow, pretty lacklustre and bereft of meaningful plot. The caste were all good, the direction was ok, but it was uninspiring and dank. Thumbs down from me, I'm afraid.
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Utter Nonsense
5 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If this movie had been made by Trey Parker & Matt Stone as a comedy there would be some point to it.

The endless silly flashbacks where sports coaches tell Eric "DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!" and "WINNNNN!!!" are twerp-worthy and cheesy, and if these are really the non-decisions he made to extract himself from his predicament - yes folks, it's a 'true story' (apparently...) then I'm surprised he got rescued.

The script is poor, the acting is meh, it's like watching an episode of Baywatch (The Snowy Mountain Version) created by Cartman & Stan for a school project.
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Marionette (I) (2020)
Promising Start, All Downhill After That
25 October 2020
This is a disappointing film, which is a shame because the cast is strong. At the beginning it looks like an interesting plot, but as the film progresses it becomes dull, repetitive and rather silly, and just doesn't hold the attention. We considered turning it off at one point but stuck with it until the end. Lots of unexplained details and woolly events. Anyone unfamiliar with Schrödinger's Cat will struggle even more with this - the concept should have been explained at the beginning but in the great scheme of things would make little difference to this reaching movie.
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Creed II (2018)
As Predictable As Titanic :-)
22 August 2020
I'm surprised this gets such a high rating. Predictable and pretty dull. Nice to see Dolph Lundgren again who did a good job in his role, and Florian Munteanu was a refreshing addition, but Michael Jordan was just annoying. If you're really stuck for something to watch give it a go but it's definitely no great shakes.
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Rather Silly & Nauseating
8 August 2020
This starts off ok, looks interesting. Sadly it turns out to be a load of implausible nonsense. The plot is ridiculous, the performances are obnoxious. It's basically a lemon. Soz....
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Underwater (2020)
Utter Nonsense
2 August 2020
Please don't waste your time watching this, it's unbelievably bad. The story is disjointed and woolly. The editing is so dreadful you can't tell what's going on - worst I've seen in ages. Normally I'd write more info in a review but I simply can't be bothered. 'Nuff said.
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Bridgend (2015)
Strong Performances - Ridiculous Storyline
4 July 2020
This is one of those movies that you quite enjoy watching because the acting is good and you want to find out what's going on vis a vis the compelling and suicide-packed plot. Sadly you never do. It becomes increasingly ludicrous without respite. Shame. I thought it was going somewhere...
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About As Enjoyable Eating A Fisherman's Friend
6 February 2020
Very weak. A good cast (which is why I watched it) but a predictable, cheesy plot. Mostly filmed in Port Isaac - therefore charming, but the trouble is you expect to see Doc Martin popping up all the time. Frankly that would preferable to this disappointing drivel. I'd give it a miss unless you're incredibly bored.
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Downton Abbey (2019)
Pointless Puerile Plot - Just Silly In Every Way
19 January 2020
If you're considering spending your money on this because you enjoyed the TV series, please don't. The storyline is non existent. The entirety of the film is spent waiting for something substantial to happen. It doesn't. It's just sillyness from start to finish. I'd normally go into more detail, but life is just too short to waste any more time discussing this rubbish, frankly.
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The King (I) (2019)
Excellent Earthy Film. No Frills. Loved it.
2 November 2019
This was one of the best historical films I've seen. Very easy watching, totally believable characters and very well acted and directed. Lovely to see battle scenes fought down and dirty in the mud at ground level. I was hoping it would be pleasing, but it has surpassed my expectations. Thoroughly recommend.
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The Isle (2018)
Very Little To Like. Unrealistic, Slow, Boring & Silly
20 July 2019
I was expecting a gritty, atmospheric, spooky period drama, but right from the first scene I could tell this was going to be pretty disappointing. Opens with three men in a tiny boat which was meant to be lost in the sea in scary weather west of Scotland, but unbelievably there was barely a wave in sight, this could easily have been filmed in the boating lake at Southwold... The costumes of these three 'adrift men', (sole survivors of a ship wreck, evidently): everything clean, sparking and dry, and the "crusty 'ol seadog parchment map" had clearly just been removed from its plastic bag as they boarded the boat. This sanitised, unconvincing theme continued throughout the entire film. The acting was poor to mediocre, although Conleth Hill did a good job. The story was slow and silly. Really nothing to like, apart from Lord Varys appearing to provide some respite in the form of a bloke who could actually act. My advice would be to save your money.
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Truly Dreadful
1 July 2019
A new Simon Pegg & NIck Frost film available to watch: "EXCELLENT!", I thought.

But I was wrong. This is utter nonsense. Astonishing, really, when you consider the quality cast but sadly they can't rescue the utter lemon that is Slaughterhouse Rulz.

It's just not funny. The film contains a spattering of filched St Trinian's elements and a whole lot of nothing-but-dull. The plot is vacuous.

I turned it off about 3/4 of the way through having waited for it to 'get going', assuming there must be something to like coming up on the horizon. There wasn't.
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Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
Disappointing. SLOOOOOOOOW (and increasingly ludicrous plot)
18 September 2018
I read the mixed reviews for this and thought I'd give it a go.

There are way more cons than pros here, so before you wast time watching bear this in mind: the lead character NEVER becomes less irritating, the infuriating repetitive music tracks will have you hitting the ff button as a matter of course, and the plot just gets madder and madder until you're only ploughing on through it to satisfy morbid curiosity.

One pro, though, the children are truly excellent - the only believable performances here.
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