
2 Reviews
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The Cowboys (1974)
A Guilty Teen Pleasure
20 September 2007
I saw the movie first, of course, and was excited when it was reincarnated as a TV series. It wasn't the greatest, that's true, but I enjoyed it nevertheless. All those cute guys, just around my age....

I loved the show so much I began writing my own episodes, joining the cast as Annie's orphaned niece, I think. I had a huge crush on Sean Kelly at the time, so most of my episodes centered around his character and were written as innocent teen vignettes: holding hands, riding into the sunset together, the first kiss.....

I was really angry when the series was canceled, but not surprised. In my heart of hearts I knew the series wasn't 'good TV,' but it still held a special place in my heart.
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Lancer (1968–1970)
A happy childhood memory.....
20 September 2007
What about 'Lancer' was not to love, especially for prepubescent elementary school girls? It was a story about a ranch and featured a grumpy patriarch, a cute female 'ward' and two gorgeous, non-threatening young men, one dark, one fair.

Johnny, the son of a Mexican serving-wench, was my favorite.

My friends and I were so crazy about 'Lancer' it was a frequent subject of our conversations for most of the week, and the ONLY topic of conversation on Tuesdays (anticipation of that night's episode) and Wednesdays (the aftermath.) Fancying myself a writer even back then, I would write stories about 'Lancer,' the first of which introduced my pals and I as new 'wards' of the Lancer family. My friend Penny, the artist, illustrated the stories. We made probably the first and only 'Lancer' graphic novel. I'd give anything to have those stories back..... It's nice to visit this page and discover that 'The Lancer-ettes' and I were not the show's only fans.
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