
8 Reviews
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Not bad, not good, simple and brainless
14 January 2024
There is no reason to watch a dubbed or subbed version. I didn't and got it after about a year of online language classes. The dialogues are as complex as the plot, characters are flat and it is better not to think for too long about any of it.

Technically and visually, it is on par with "scientifically" comparable movies like "Moonfall". Some of the effects are hard to ignore -(how can anyone get light sources and perspectives wrong in 2019?

By the way, please don't call it sci-fi, there's no "sci" in here. It's a fantasy drama.

China is capable of making really enjoyable and good movies, this just isn't one of them.

Sound was OK, music wasn't, acting was mediocre but not disturbingly bad. The sterile cinematography didn't help.
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It's a love letter to Cesare Fiorio
13 January 2024
First and foremost, this is a movie about Cesare Fiorio and how he spent 1983. It just happens to be the Rally Championship, but don't expect to see a lot of rally driving.

If you always wanted to see the driver's faces and blurry forests instead of their cars on a road, the cinematography is for you.

Old footage did get used in some places, but not even properly upscaled, sharpened or graded to fit the rest. Some racing movies show more actual car scenes in the credits than this one has as a whole.

On a positive note, it's less dramatized than the average American documentary. Although, some of their changes are out of character. When Rohrl didn't want to win a race, he didn't show up.
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Started out of boredom, stayed for the mystery
8 December 2023
Fortunately, I didn't read any reviews before going into this; Too many spoilers, too many misunderstandings.

Don't watch this if you're immune to allegories or ignorant of religious symbolism, otherwise you'll search for answers that aren't there and won't see what it's meant to be about.

Maybe, "comedy" isn't the best term to describe some of the dark satirical aspects of this show, I'd rather describe it as a mystery thriller throwing some punches on modern workplace ethics.

As always, Christoph Waltz has an immense screen presence. Playing the menacingly calm antagonist is where he's good at. Most actors are convincing, set design includes some playful allusions. Regus could celebrate himself a bit more.

On the downside, the camera doesn't tell a story, there is no noteworthy cinematography. Same goes for the score (besides ending credits). Given the topic of this show, being bland is a missed opportunity. Some of the points it makes are redundant, unnecessarily slowing it down.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Where is Poochie?
20 October 2023
1. Poochie needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine.

2. Whenever Poochie is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking: "Where is Poochie?"

The Simpsons S08E14 predicted how shows like this are written now. Replace Poochie by Sylvie and you're almost there.

Compared to other Phase 4 entries, it's still surprisingly enjoyable. Loki, as the Marvel character we got to know over the years, isn't really present in the whole series - Alligator Loki might be a honorable exception. His sudden humanity is more like a soft reboot.

Tom Hiddleston at least seems to know what kind of show he is in, hamming up every scene while being the butt of most jokes.

... and then, there's the thing about Poochie.
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Surprisingly true story about the "Club 45"
28 July 2022
Rudi Waltz = Udo Proksch Hans Strasser = Hans Pretterebner (and Gerald Freihofner) Minister Klaus Weidenfeld = Karl Lütgendorf Minister Kurt Bach = Karl Blecha Minister Robert Falk = Leopold Gratz TAV = Wiener Städtische Versicherung

Some scenes seem to be pure fiction, until you read old newspapers and interviews with Pretterebner.
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They don't make such movies any more
2 February 2022
Most parts leave their (ambivalent) conclusions to the viewer, it might seem too slow if you don't take your time to do so.

Like the book, it demands some understanding of cold war dynamics, if you didn't experience it first hand. Same goes for the UdSSR in its last days. The more you remember, the better it gets.

There is no personified villain, don't expect field agents jumping around in action scenes, no gun fire, no explosion. Talking, sitting, walking, drinking, professionalism and respect on all sides, it's closer to the real deal.

Outstanding performances, beautiful pictures and a remarkable Jazz soundtrack (symbolizing anarchy and deconstruction) complete the package.
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Moon (2009)
A chamber play
7 August 2020
"Moon" is closer to an evening at a small stage than to the average science fiction movie experience. If Sam Rockwell wasn't on your radar before, he certainly is after watching this movie.
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Feels like fan fiction. Why?
2 April 2019
To make it short: There is no "Wizarding Universe". J. K. Rowling became a fan of herself and started to write fan fiction.

The story of Harry Potter has been told, the world around him was a vehicle for the narrative. Looks like world building, but isn't, at least not more than fables or fairy tales do. It's deus ex machina around any corner, the more it is drawn out, the lack of creativity shows. Weak spots become holes, stereotypes start to become obvious.

Besides such a weak foundation, this movie failed to draw enough attention and interest by itself to suspend disbelief. What's left is fan service, like a background story for Nagini and a glimpse at young Dumbledore.
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