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Waste of a Great Cast
20 April 2024
Take some truly funny and talented actors from some of the best Australian television programs from the last couple of decades (Packed to the Rafters, Offspring, Doctor Doctor), rework a great comedy premise until it's a slow moving, stilted, awkward sort of drama that attempts some contrived version of female empowerment, cut out anything interesting and character development for the most part...and you have this mess of a movie. It made me feel uncomfortable and icky and sorry for the actors who got roped into doing it. Sally Phillips who proved her comedy chops in the British series Miranda and lots of great rom-coms, looked as miserable as I felt. I highly recommend you give this a miss. 3 stars for the cast only.
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Fargo: Linda (2023)
Season 5, Episode 7
Waste of time episode
27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My biggest issue with this current series of Fargo is one of pacing and unnecessary plot points. A previous episode had a whole long part which went back to England like a thousand years ago was just plain weird, gross, and unnecessary, as is the character of Ole Munch IMO. This episode with Dor driving long distances ( where was she going and why?) and the whole Camp Euphoria part, uggg, the ridiculous puppet show we have to sit through and then we find out none of it really happened. Wtf? The whole season needs to be tightened up, edited, and generally move quicker. One episode per week that just barely progresses the story is ridiculous in the age of streaming and binge watching and, to me, this season could have been easily paired down to 6 episodes.
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Unless I missed the point...
29 October 2023
. and I do not think I did- the entire premise of this "comedy", much like that of most of the offerings from Sasha Baron Cohen, is a very thinly disguised effort to push the idea that Americans are simple-minded, redneck morons. It works in much the same manner as Borat: get kind, trusting, honest people to sign a waiver to be involved in a "documentary" that seems, on the surface, to make fun of a funny dumb dude from a Stan country, then send him around to talk to "everyday Americans" doing what we do, but in fact showing people who are oddballs and slightly off center Americans-or politicians -who are easy targets for subtly evil questions designed to make them look stupid, and in turn make us the laughing stock of the show, instead of the inane dope in the starring role. It's clever, but extraordinary cringy and hateful at its core and I have never seen the draw for anyone but people who hate Americans in watching this.
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The Bear: Forks (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
"I wear suits now"
12 August 2023
This may be one of the most satisfying and well written and acted episodes of television I have ever watched. Richie's transformation was such a a beautiful journey and I don't know how it could have been handled better.

As meticulously crafted as one of Marcus's gourmet pastry creations it was sublime in every way. The icing on the cake, Olivia Coleman in a short, quietly powerful and surprisingly touching scene as a notorious chef. Each one of the season two episodes have been little jewels (except for the Christmas Dinner episode that was longer, and a truly uncomfortable to watch absolute master class in acting, directing and editing).

Overall, the best thing on television in many years.
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Heartland: Vigil (2022)
Season 16, Episode 7
This season is a bummer
13 July 2023
I'm not sure what the deal is with this newest season of Heartland. Either none of the actors are into it any longer -and who could blame them after so many years- or they need new writers. Every episode seems to drag on and everyone seems.....glum. It's honestly not very fun to watch lately.

Another thing that doesn't work is the Lu as the mayor thing. First off, the actress who plays Lu seems to only want to appear in about half the episodes lately and there is always a convenient storyline that takes her away somewhere so her being mayor of that tiny podunk town...and it's such a big deal she needs an executive assistant?..... the extraordinarily grating Rick, who I would definitely be happy never seeing again.... that storyline never made sense.

Also why can't all of these super successful people not build their own homes on the grounds of that huge ranch?? Tim and his wife living in the barn loft like vagrants? The other 3 families all have to run over each other in that little old cabin? WTH?

And why is Peter back? Worst character in the entire history of the program. Never belonged on the show.

I know that the actor that played Finn died tragically in real life right after the season wrapped, or maybe before? Terrible, but it's such a downer of a season it's like they were expecting something bad to happen? Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

All this aside- the show has never been as good since they killed off Ty. He definitely added something to the show and its just not the same now.
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3 July 2023
I wanted to like this so badly. Love Jamie Bamber, beautiful scenery on the French Riviera, heists, capers... what could go wrong? Well..... apparently a lot. Start with a lead actress with zero charisma and acting ability, then take yourself too seriously and remove all of the fun and romance and intrigue and make it weird and dark with everyone pissed off all the time. Whoever was in charge here missed the boat completely and should really have taken a cue from shows like The Mallorca Files or Candace Renoir. It's a shame really to waste so much potential. Get a different lead actress and revamp.
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Grey's Anatomy: Gunpowder and Lead (2023)
Season 19, Episode 16
Amelia Shepherd is an emotionally stunted 5 year old.
5 June 2023
The most petulant, stupid, selfish, adolescent-minded disaster of a character on television is Amelia Shepherd-played by Caterina Scorsone. She has the opposite of the Midas touch. Every episode where she has a plotline turns the show to liquid crap. I can't think of a single fictional character in a book or movie that I despise more than that woman.

If I had a brain tumor and Amelia was the only surgeon available, I would call the priest to deliver my Last Rites. I wouldn't risk having a single follicle of her crazy fall into my system. Or I would plant some explosive device so that my brain would explode when she opened my skull. Then covered in my brain matter and blood with my eyeballs blown out of my sockets would hopefully and finally cause her to have a complete mental breakdown having her carted off to the psych ward where she would spend the rest of her days slumped over in the corner of a white walled room covered in her own drool.

I would die happy.

Don't tell me that she's the necessary antagonist in the show; I'm a writer, and I understand the roles required for a story to work. The show has plenty of antagonists. It's a hospital show. There are last-minute life-saving operations, kids dying, characters falling out of the sky in plane crashes, explosions, war heroes dealing with PTSD, and on and on.

Unfortunately, the only disease in the hospital drama is Amelia Shepherd- she's a cancer.

Rant complete.
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Win one for the casting?
21 October 2022
So, as far as I could make out...a 60 year old college student who talked like James Cagney played football really well, and then graduated from college and became a coach of the same team until he was 75 years old, at which time he died in a plane crash. And Ronald Reagan was there too! Except the real Knute Rockne had a Norwegian accent, was 21 when he started playing college football and was killed in a plane crash at 41. What the casting people were thinking is beyond me. Acting was terrible. Story was sappy. Another example of an old movie that just doesn't hold up today. It's just not good on any level.
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Such a Disappointment
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know why any of the original cast agreed to be in this. I don't understand why the Palladinos would bring this back and ruin it. It had NOTHING. No good ideas about where the characters should go, no snappy fun dialogue, none of the charm of the original series. It had long boring episodes that were filled in with a lot of time wasting musical numbers because they didn't have any good ideas. Nobody was happy, plotlines made no sense, and apparently they hate Rory so decided to turn her into a adulterous loser, who is broke (don't get me started). Just a time suck. Avoid or be sad you didn't.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Some good cinematography...that's it
6 August 2022
Can we finally be honest and stop listening to the "film experts" who love this movie because their film professors told them to 50 years ago? This movie SUCKS. It's so boring that I have tried watching it at least six times and have never made it through without falling asleep. Terrible acting, worse than terrible makeup, long boring story thinly disguising Orson Welles hatred of William Randolph Hearst because he was jealous of his money and power, blah, blah, blah. Innovative camera angles for it's time look silly now. No morality tale.. Who cares. I hate this movie.
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The answer to the question "Why is Netflix losing money and Subscribers?"
11 May 2022
I have enjoyed many of Mike Myers characters in Saturday Night Live, I also liked the Wayne's World movie a lot, and yes, Shrek was great. This is a steaming dumpster fire that looks like it was made in 1993 and has nothing going for it, including comedy. Don't waste your time.

Update... to all the people who didn't agree with my review. You were wrong. Try finding this piece of crap on Netflix now.
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Putney Swope (1969)
Poorly executed
7 May 2022
So outdated, so poorly made, so badly dubbed. Terrible acting and a meandering script that tries very hard to be cool and edgy but fails on every front. The one takeaway is seeing this movie in today's environment in which we have taken an ethnic minority that makes up thirteen percent of the with minor buying power, and overrepresented them in advertising campaigns to such an extraordinary extent that one would think they make up 90 percent of the population and completely control the economy.
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I'm Being Generous
22 December 2021
Four stars for the set design, wardrobe and music departments. As for the movie itself; I have to admit that I could not make it through the whole thing. It was..boring choppy, depressing, and just generally everything that I Love Lucy was not: unfunny and ugly. Ugly in the mood and subject matter. Also, I would actually enjoy never seeing Nicole Kidman or Javier Bardem in anything again..ever. But I felt that way before this blah-fest came out. As a child of the 70"s, reruns of Lucy and Bewitched were pretty much played on a constant loop in my house. Nicole Kidman has now ruined both of them for me. Please, Hollywood, for the love of all that's holy and my pleasant childhood memories, stop the madness before someone casts her as Ginger in the Gilligan's Island expose movie.
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One Winter Wedding (2021 TV Movie)
Kind of Ruined the trilogy for me
4 April 2021
Why is Cara so suspicious of Ben after all this time?

Why is Ben bald with no explanation?

Why is the log cabin/chalet now magically a completely different luxury hotel room?

No answers to any of these questions and a very weak story lead to this poor rating.
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The Crew (II) (2021)
The Laugh Track
3 March 2021
Ok, Hollywood idiots- please pay attention: IF YOUR SHOW IS FUNNY THE AUDIENCE AT HOME WILL LAUGH. Today's audience is too sophisticated to be told when to laugh so STOP USING THE RIDICULOUS LAUGH TRACK. That being said, this show is abysmally unfunny, forced, badly written, and just plain dreadful. Kevin James is likeable enough for me to give it 2 stars, otherwise it would be no stars.
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Reunions (2020– )
Well written and Fun
26 January 2021
Loup-Denis Elion almost ruins it for me because he is a terrible actor, unattractive and horribly miscast here, but the rest of the cast shines, the writing is great- realistic but quick and funny. It has some complicated relationship issues, but is generally upbeat and the scenery is gorgeous.
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So, so,... zzzzz, sorry I fell asleep...BORING!!
26 December 2020
One of the most pointless, poorly developed, badly written, poorly thought-out, mind-numbingly boring movies in the history of movies.

Production design and effects are why it got 2 stars instead of zero stars.
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Enjoyable Light Entertainment
14 November 2020
If you are looking for Masterpiece theater level stodgy drama, this ain't for you. It is light easy fun endearing and a pleasure to watch. Binged it all in one day on Acorn.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Time to wrap it up
14 November 2020
I have watched this show from the beginning. Faithfully hanging in there through all of the ridiculous plot shenanigans and bad acting by Megan Boone, but the first episode of the new season just showed how tired it's gotten and how stale the storyline is. They are STILL keeping Keen's past a secret from her?? Seriously? Who cares anymore?? Is Reddington Ilya? Is he her father? I DONT CARE ANYMORE. Boone looked like she wanted to be a thousand miles away from there. It was like they all forgot how to act over the break. It was confusing and just terrible. Take my advice; do 2 more episodes to wrap up this dog of a storyline and end production. It just doesn't work anymore.
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Hold the Sunset (2018–2019)
Festering putrid open wound of a show
10 August 2020
Unless the tagline doesn't clue you in, I will expound; this show is the opposite of good, it is the antithesis of funny, the polar opposite of entertaining. It is the biggest pile of televised feces to air on BBC since Horne and Corden. Do not waste one second of your life on this dumpster fire.
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The Masked Singer (2019–2024)
Can a television show make you stupid?
2 October 2019
I believe it can. You know how listening to Beethoven is supposed to make babies smarter when played to them before they are born? This is the exact opposite. You will lose brain cells and literally become dumber every second that you watch this. The fact that it is so highly rated makes me terrified about the future.
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Lifetime Movie Level Quality
8 July 2019
This movie, along with every performance, especially that of Ramy Malek, is barely above TV movie level if any. It felt rushed, choppy, incomplete and slightly cheesy. Maleks overly mannered performance was irritating and made worse by the huge appliance in his mouth to make the Freddy overbite.
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Executive Stress (1986–1988)
Very Clever, well written and well acted.
12 June 2019
I never really get the reasoning behind any sitcom replacing main characters with different actors midstream with no explanation, but this one is quite good in both iterations. Geoffrey Palmer is completely different than Peter Bowles acting wise, but they are both masterful. Penelope Keith is always flawless in her perfectly crisp comedic delivery. Very very well done and enjoyable. Now available streaming on Acorn.
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Blood & Treasure (2019–2022)
Great Summer Entertainment
22 May 2019
Really fun, high production values, treasure, bad guys, good looking leads, real historic locations, and John Larroquette! What more do you need in a summer series. Really enjoyable.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Holy Crap! So Good
6 May 2019
Could not stop watching. So layered with surprises and twists. The writing is amazing and the acting performances were awe inspiring. Linda Cardellini and Christina Applegate at the top of their game. I cannot recommend enough.
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