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Are these positive reviews fake?
4 May 2024
The "humor" is so bad that I'm having a hard time believing that all these positive reviews are real. I didn't crack a smile once watching this movie. The jokes are beyond juvenile- really low level toilet humor that I'm surprised anyone past middle school will find funny.

To make matters worse, the characters are really unlikeable. The main two guys are whiny liars who secretly treat their partners/families terribly, and the sidelined Black gay friend is shoved to the side and underutilized. What saves this movie from being a total bomb is the premise and John Cena. Cena really brings his all to the part, and the concept is interesting. They just didn't execute it well.
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Wonka (2023)
Surprisingly fun and heartwarming film
31 March 2024
Like a lot of people, I didn't think we needed a continuation of Willy Wonka. Nothing can beat the original film, after all. But I decided to still give this one a chance.

In case you didn't know, this is a prequel- not a remake. And I didn't know I wanted a Willy wonka prequel until now. It's a surprisingly fun series of events, with a good balance between references to the original and originality. It's humorous yet also deep and heartwarming. And, the songs aren't bad.

If you liked cruella, you might like this one. Although it's a much more whimsical prequel. It could've been fun if it was a bit darker, since the OG Willy wonka is kinda strange, but I liked this more lightbearted take as well.
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Freelance (2023)
Nothing revolutionary, but a fun time nonetheless
25 March 2024
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie! Usually, movies like this are either a painfully bad waste of a time or a forgettable but pleasant time. I was fully expecting this movie to land in category 1 based on the Rotten Tomatoes score; however, that wasn't the case. (Side note- 6% from critics is crazy low. How pretentious are these people?).

Now of course, like most comedic action thrillers, the movie is somewhat corny and ridiculous. But, there's also lots of fun stuff going on. For starters, the plot has good twists. I don't want to give too much away, but it doesn't follow the very stereotypical format. There's definitely a few things you won't see coming, at least at first. I also enjoyed the actors, and I liked that it wasn't really a romcom. You just get to enjoy the characters interacting in a crazy setting.

Is it the best movie out there? No. But it's not trying to be. It's just a fun way to pass the time.
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Poor Things (2023)
Good, but could've been way better
23 March 2024
There's a lot of good stuff happening in this movie. The premise is interesting, the comedy works, and it manages to be both funny and thought provoking at the same time. There's a deeper message behind everything we're seeing, but it's delivered in an entertaining, non-overbearing way.

The only problem is, much of this good gets overshadowed by gratuitous sex scenes. I'm no prude, but at some point it gets to be a bit much. And things are complicated by the fact that technically, you're watching a mentally challenged person do things they arguably cannot consent to. That kind of puts a damper on the "comedy part."

I understand that the sexual liberation was how Bella freed herself from controlling men throughout the film; however, I also think that there are other ways they could've portrayed the feminist messages. I also think this movie would've just been better if it toned down the sex scenes and focused more on Bella's interactions with the human world. My favorite scenes were when she was just out there living- talking to people, witnessing atrocities, experiencing real emotions. That's where the humor and humanity really came out.

Ultimately, it's a relatively entertaining film that leans a little too heavy on the sexual content, which is a shame because the non-sexual content is really quite interesting.
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Better than Oppenheimer... but that's not saying much
13 March 2024
Let's start with the good. The movie has an interesting premise, and it tells a very important story (the murders of indigenous women for their oil/land). Also good acting (especially from Lily Gladstone) and I like how it told the story from the perspective of the insiders. Totally disagree with comments arguing that it should've been from the FBI perspective- we already have so many movies like that, and it would've just taken the story away from indigenous people and made the FBI (who ignored their pleas for help numerous times) look like the heroes.

Now onto the bad. As many have mentioned already, the runtime is wayyy too long. It 100% did not need to be this long. It could maybe work if it was engaging the whole time, but at some points I found myself checking the runtime and wondering when this would end. There were definitely parts that could've been cut out. Also, some of the storytelling was messy- they jumped between characters and things got jumbled up. You'd think with 3.5 hours, they'd be able to iron this out more...

I will say I thought this was a better movie than Oppenheimer. But I also didn't like Oppenheimer all that much.
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Mea Culpa (2024)
Did AI write this?
25 February 2024
I don't even know where to begin with this one. Right off the bat, the dialogue is ridiculous. Like, comically ridiculous. Within the first 15 minutes, I had to double check that this wasn't supposed to be a parody of thrillers. Like, how could someone write this and not intend it to be satirical? There's an evil mother in law that's so over the top, I'm convinced the writers just went to ChatGPT and asked it to write stereotypes. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if this entire script was AI-generated.

The movie is worsened by unnecessary sex scenes and bad acting. Is it supposed to be an erotic thriller or a murder mystery? Pick one and do it well, don't try to do both and fail. The romantic male lead is such a bad actor, I was laughing at some of his line deliveries. Honestly the best thing about this movie was the mystery element, which was painfully predictable and trite. I gave it a two cause I guess it could be worse?
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Miller's Girl (2024)
Boring and concerning "teacher student" romance
24 February 2024
There's no question that the teacher student romance trope has been overdone. However, I thought that maybe this film would bring something new to the table. I was very wrong. There's so much wrong with this film, but here are the highlights:

1) Dialogue: This is some of the cringiest dialogue I've ever heard. I was a teenage girl once, and teenage girls don't talk like this. The graphic descriptions of sex were also cringey. Just so bad, all around.

2) Story: The storyline leaves much to be desired. It was so slow, pretentious, and boring. I kept waiting for something interesting to happen, and was left sorely disappointed.

3) Messaging: Perhaps the most egregious part of this film is the mixed messaging. Instead of making it clear that the ADULT TEACHER is the bad guy, it blurs the lines and implies the student is a villain. I'm tired of movies that present teacher student romances through a lens that's sympathetic to the teacher. They're repulsive, as is this.

Overall, a really bad movie. Not even fun bad. Not worth a watch.
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Freaky (2020)
Pretty much what you expect
19 February 2024
If you've read the plot, then I can guarantee you that you can pretty much guess the entire story already. I mean, it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect from a movie about a serial killer and teen girl that switch bodies (minus maybe a couple of surprise moments).

However, the fact that it's predictable doesn't make this movie any less enjoyable. It's definitely more comedy than horror, but it does have some decent graphic/scary scenes. For the most part though, it's just entertainment. Don't go in expecting some revolutionary cinema- go in looking for a fun way to pass the time.

The only thing I can't get on board is that a pretty blonde girl would be a social outcast in high school. I'm so tired of that trope. But everything else is good- ridiculous, but embrace that and you'll like it.
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Gone Girl (2014)
One of the best thrillers I've seen
19 February 2024
I very rarely give movies a 10/10 rating, but this one deserves it. Nowadays, a lot of thrillers lack originality, compelling characters, or a decent plot. This one delivers on all fronts, and also offers amazing acting and great cinematography. Above all, it has extremely captivating scenes. You think you've seen the craziest part of the movie, and then more craziness happens. It's great.

I've noticed that the people who didn't like it seem to take the plot way too seriously. To which I'd say- it's a movie. Nobody likes people who take movies way too seriously. Just have fun with it and go in with an open mind.

Honestly, I just love this film. One of the only movies I could watch several times and never get tired of!
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M3GAN (2022)
Campy, fun horror comedy
19 February 2024
Looking at all the mediocre reviews here, I think a lot of people came in here expecting a legit horror movie. This is definitely more of a horror comedy. There are some spooky/creepy moments, but there are a lot more laughs. It has a really great, absurd sort of comedy- the kind you would expect from a movie about a murderous girl doll, I guess.

Ultimately, what you get out of this movie depends on how you go into it. If you start expecting the pinnacle of horror, you'll be disappointed. If you go in expecting some laughs and an almost satirical view of horror, you'll enjoy it. I've seen this twice, both with different groups of people, and we all had a great time.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Boring movie that seems more profound than it is
17 February 2024
Every so often, a movie comes along that everyone seems to praises on the surface; and yet deep down, everyone also knows it's boring and pretentious. That's what Oppenheimer is. It's one of those movies you go into knowing you're supposed to like- and then when you inevitably don't like it, you feel like your taste is too juvenile or you're not smart enough. But none of that is true- it really just is a boring, dull, and kind of pretentious movie.

In short, it's really just a bunch of dialogue and stuff for three hours. Nothing particularly emotional, exciting, or eventful. Some interesting stuff, but not enough to justify a three hour runtime. I fully believe this movie only got the recognition and awards it did because of a high budget and famous director/cast. Keep the storylines and dialogue but use unknown (but equally talented) actors, and nobody would care about this.

This is a movie you watch once to say you did it, then never watch again. Thank goodness.
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Bizarre thriller that's sure to disturb you
12 February 2024
Do you like quirky, out-there thrillers that are as disturbing/creepy as they are bizarre? If you're open to movies that subvert the genre and aren't afraid to blur the lines between fantasy and reality, give this a watch.

It starts off like a fairly typical thriller, and then goes in a completely different direction than you might expect. It's one of those movies where, if you don't already know where it's going, you're going to be shocked. Whether you like the shock depends on how open-minded you are to unique movie concepts. Ultimately, it has all the benefits of a classic thriller, with enough creativity and innovation to make it original.
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Fun thriller that's not meant to be taken seriously
12 February 2024
Based on the negative reviews here, I think a lot of people are taking this film too seriously. The thing is, this isn't your standard thriller. It's really more of a satire than a traditional thriller in any sense. If you don't take it too seriously and just look at it as a fun, silly time, you'll like it. (Side-note- it's also creative and has good twists.)

In essence, it's an over the top, stereotypical portrayal of Gen Z in a classic horror set-up. While some of the dialogue is inevitably cringey, it's also pretty funny (at least, if you have a sense of humor). Ultimately, if you're liberal- you need to be able to laugh at yourself. If you're conservative- you need to be able to watch young, liberal characters without triggering your fragile ego and short temper.
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X (II) (2022)
Can't decide if I like this or not
12 February 2024
This is one of those movies where... you just don't know what to think. It's derivative and predictable, but just bizarre and weird enough to make it memorable. It has the creepiness and gore you want from a horror movie, but also retains some of the infamous cliches. It's bad and good at the same time.

Let's start with the positives: great cast (this would be a C list movie without the cast); good creepy factor; enough weirdness to keep it unique

Now the negatives: somewhat predictable plot, gratuitous and unnecessary sex scenes, sometimes kinda cringey and uncomfortable

Ultimately, it's a good horror flick if you don't mind raunchiness. Just don't watch with your parents.
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Pretty predictable, typical rom com
12 February 2024
Based on the trailers, it seemed like the movie was really relying on its star power to stand out. After watching the film, I see that this assessment was true. For the most part, it's a pretty typical rom com with an "enemies to lovers" trope. There's nothing about the plot that makes me say, "wow, you have to see this!" You already know exactly what you're getting.

Highlight: Some good jokes. The side characters are far more entertaining than the main ones.

Low point: Poor character work. The film hinges on the fact that the two man characters hate each other, but they don't do enough to justify this hatred. It makes the whole thing more ludicrous and the characters less likable .

Mixed bag: The acting. Glenn Powell is great in this; Sydney Sweeney is not.

Overall, decent enough comedy but nothing better.
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Argylle (2024)
Lighthearted spy movie that tries a bit too much
12 February 2024
Are you a fan of Kingsman? This movie is basically the Walmart version of that. It's a fun-hearted spy movie, but unlike Kingsman, this movie doesn't seem to know what it is. It has too many flaws:

1) Too many twists: It seems like every good movie has some sort of unexpected twist nowadays. When done well, twists are great. However, you can have too much of a good thing. This movie all over the place, trying a bit too hard to surprise you.

2) Lack of identity: This movie is having an identity crisis. It starts out as a pretty typical spy movie- unrealistic, but grounded in reality. However, by act 3, it becomes something absolutely ridiculous. Which would be fine if it had established itself as a ridiculous, fantastical movie since the start, but it didn't. It should've picked a lane.

Overall, fun enough movie, but nothing special. Something you play in the background or when you can't find anything better to watch.
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A fun take on the book
12 February 2024
I'm surprised by all the average reviews here. I think many people here are comparing this movie to the hunger games, instead of judging it on its own. Yes, the hunger games and catching fire are better- they're hard to beat. But this movie still completely stands on its own.

While the runtime is a bit long, the movie never feels boring. There's always something going on, and it's quite faithful to the book. I do think that original fans will likely appreciate this movie more than most. However, you don't need to be a hunger games lover to enjoy the movie. It has action, romance, a compelling plot, good characters, and heart.
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Saltburn (2023)
Somewhat predictable, pretty enjoyable, totally insane
6 January 2024
If you're here, you've probably heard some of the comments surrounding Saltburn. And, you probably know it's a pretty weird experience. The movie follows a poor college student who goes home with his rich friends, where... Things happen.

I'm not sure where to begin. I'll start by saying this movie has things I've never seen before in a movie. Nothing too graphic, but some very, very weird stuff. It's also artistically beautiful, and very subtle at times (it reminds me of White Lotus; if you liked that, you'll probably like this). The only downside what that I found the plot fairly predictable. However, the movie is still enjoyable and you can't really blame it for being predictable.

If you're down for a weird movie, watch it.
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A bit convoluted but interesting nonetheless
6 January 2024
I'll start by saying I'm surprised that this movie is getting so much hate. I thought it was good! Not amazing or groundbreaking, but entertaining and original (which is enough for a good movie watching experience, in my opinion). Here are some key points:

1) Plot: The plot is weird and you don't always know where it's going. Some people hate these kind of movies; I personally enjoy them. If you don't mind ambiguity and complexity, you won't mind this.

2) Vibe: There are some scenes that are generally spooky (and I don't usually get spooked by movies). The movie does a lot; it's a thriller, it's comedic, and it's social commentary. Some people are complaining about that last part- I'll say if you complain about a movie touching upon race issues, you're probably part of the problem.

3) Ending: Lots of people complaining about the ending. I think it's kind of perfect for this movie. Again, if you don't like ambiguity, don't watch.

Overall it's not perfect, but it's a good thriller and original enough that you'll take something away from the experience.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
"Insidious" Meets High School
6 January 2024
As a horror fan, I was excited to get into Insidious (which I've heard good things about). Fortunately, the movie did not disappoint. The story has similarities to Insidious (one of my favorite modern horror films); there's possession, a demon world, the whole shebang. This spookiness is combined with a stereotypical, somewhat comedic high school environment. You get that teen humor, as well as all the eerieness of a possession movie. The result is a pretty good, scary time.

I will say that this movie doesn't really introduce anything new to the horror genre. It feels like a smorgasbord of various other horror films, and it's far from the spookiest or goriest movie I've seen. However, it doesn't need to be groundbreaking to be good. It has a compelling plot, interesting characters, and some good scares--and that's really all it needs.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Satirical film that makes fun of everyone
6 January 2024
Going into this movie, I thought it was going to be a "Hunger Games" kind of deal. It turned out to be a completely different movie. This is basically a political satire that makes fun of all sides. Whether you're conservative or liberal, this movie will take jabs at you.

While the plot was unexpected, I ended up enjoying the story. The humor is intentionally bizarre, and you just laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Including the parts where they're making fun of you, the audience. The thriller part of the movie gets a bit lost, but is still there. The only thing I'll say is don't watch if you get offended easily.
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The worst of the three adaptations
14 November 2023
As someone who has read lots of Agatha Christie, used to watch the BBC Poirot TV series, and has enjoyed the previous two Poirot adaptations, I was excited to watch this film. Unfortunately, it was pretty disappointing.

While I think all of Kenneth Branaugh's versions have its flaws, this adaptation was definitely the worst yet. The premise is intriguing enough, but the mystery feels a bit simple compared to the others. I guessed the ending pretty early on- even if you don't guess it, you probably won't be that surprised by anything. The characters also feel a bit underdeveloped and boring, and the setting is pretty dismal and dull (especially compared to the last film). Michelle Yeoh's character is probably the best part, but she's hardly in it.

Overall worth a watch if you want to keep up with the series, but don't expect anything great.
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Good on Paper (2021)
Quirky, offbeat, and surprisingly good romcom
2 November 2023
I'll start by saying this isn't your typical "movie." It's not highly produced with a specific narrative. Rather, it feels like a mesh between a scripted film and improv. It integrates real stand-up sets into the movie, and a lot of the humor reads like a casual conversation between friends. So, make sure you're okay with that style before watching.

The movie itself is enjoyable. It's not particularly plot-driven or exciting; you're kind of just watching people navigate a weird situation and go about life. Which is cool in its own way. And, it still has plenty going for it- there's intrigue, there's mystery, and there's comedy. Some moments are very funny.

Some people may complain it gets a bit "preachy" toward the end, and maybe it's a little over-handed; but it's also true and fitting considering the overall plot. Unless you're a creep who relates to the main guy, you shouldn't mind it too much.
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No redeeming qualities whatsoever
1 November 2023
You're probably considering watching this movie because it seems funny. You're probably thinking, "hey, even if I don't like it, I can make fun of it and laugh at the characters!" Well, I'm here to tell you- don't. It's not funny. It's not scary. It's not good. You know how some bad movies are actually kind of entertaining? Yeah, this isn't one. It's just plain bad. Here's a rundown of the worst parts:

1) Terrible makeup/costume. They didn't even try to make the Winnie the Pooh characters look realistic, they just look like guys in masks

2) Ridiculously sexist. You can tell this was written by men who have never interacted with a real women. The characters are extremely stereotypical, while the dialogue is cringe and vapid. Like, I seriously don't think this writer has met a single woman. Also, unnecessary nudity is forced in, which, of course.

3) No character development or plot whatsoever. There's nothing to make you care about these people, at all. Also, four of the main characters look exactly the same. There's no diversity at all, like not a single POC. I've actually never seen that before. Probably for the best though, nobody should want to be attached to this atrocity.

This man is already planning to make sequels. Do not encourage him by watching this!
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The Killer (2023)
Boring movie that's more style over substance
31 October 2023
I'm surprised by all the positive reviews here. If you like movies that are stylistic and pretty in theory, but boring and consulates in practice, I guess you'll like this movie. But if you're someone who actually cares about plot, I'd definitely pass.

For starters, this movie takes forever to get to the point. It starts off with narration that just continues and continues. If you make it past the dull start, you'll discover an unoriginal plot that's just not interesting enough to justify its unnecessary complexity. There are a few stand out moments, but they're strung together poorly. There's also nothing to get you invested in the characters or their well-being. You're just watching a guy do stuff, and sometimes it's interesting, but a lot of the times it's not.
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