
28 Reviews
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David Gordon Green is the new Uwe Boll
21 March 2024
How does David Gordon Green continue to get the opportunities to direct the most famous and beloved horror films? All he does is ruin them, completely ignoring the base material for what made them so good and popular in the first place, instead putting his own ridiculous, boring and nonsensical ideas over the source, totally destroying them and leaving the entire audience dissatisfied.

Not content with having just destroyed the halloween franchise with Halloween Ends, DGG delivers this excruciatingly boring exorcist sequel with not a single scary or shocking or entertaining moment.

The terrible directing aside, the acting is also off from a few of the leads most notably the main father who, despite what happens to him and his loved ones, has one blank facial expression throughout the whole movie. The girls were alright but nothing like Linda Blair, both of them came across as little girls having a tantrum as opposed to fully being possessed by a demon.

Just thoroughly disappointing. Hope if they do a sequel they get someone else than DGG and actually make a scary, entertaining movie. Whatever he makes now, I and many others will avoid like the plague.
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His House (2020)
Boring, predictable, dumb and not scary at all
19 March 2024
Truly one of the worst films of recent years. Everything about this film is poor and predictable, its nothing more than a dumb, clichéd attempt at horror/drama, but fails miserably in all aspects.

2 very unlikeable leads get handed a house which they keep seeing visions of silly people pulling funny faces.

Terrible acting, awful directing, script is laughable, no suspense or scares and a story that doesn't make any sense, full of plot holes.

Not one memorable moment or anything I could recommend, it's dire and deserves to be on a scrapheap of bad and forgettable movies.

A complete waste of time.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Would give 0 stars if I could
21 November 2022
Truly abysmal. The only thing worse than the cgi is the acting. Idris seemed bored half the time (don't blame him) and his daughters are simply awful, either completely wooden or looks like they'll burst into laughter at any moment.

Usually love these kind of man Vs nature films, this however is nothing like those. The camera work is also very shoddy and messy, half the time actually quite nauseating. Doesn't help that the cgi is so bad.

Zero thrills, zero memorable moments, zero rewatchability. Just don't bother, they're are a ton of much, much better films of this genre than this boring trash.
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8 July 2022
Love slasher flicks so much but this one is just so boring. Doesn't help that the best characters die and the dull annoying ones live.

Only like 4 kill scenes and none worth seeing, very unimaginative. Killer is painfully obvious from the start and there are barely any chase scenes.

Not a single actor in this can act, ALL ARE TERRIBLE. And is way too pro liberal, like enough with the politics in horror already.
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Death Ranch (2020)
Boring and tame
1 July 2022
Plays it way too safe, this film. Something like this needs to be over the top and extreme to be enjoyable and everything seems so watered down with most of the good bits off screen or obscured. And that's not down to the very low budget, they easily could have shown alot more than what's on offer but seeing the past movies the director has made, it was inevitable this was going to turn out a dud.

Nothing worth seeing it for at all.
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Fresh (2022)
Predictable feminist rubbish
1 July 2022
Yet another movie of recent times where every woman and minority are innocent and good and all the evil, bad people are.. you guessed it.. white men. Why is this allowed? If it were the other way around there'd be boycotts and riots.

All that aside, this is a thoroughly predictable (unless you're simple) and excruciatingly boring mess.

Miserable woman gets abducted, blah blah turns tables, end. Been done all before and better. You can tell the type of moron this 'film' aimed for.

Cue the downvotes to this review, won't stop this being a terrible movie.
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The Mummy (2017)
Not as good as 1999 film but still decent
27 June 2022
Just an enjoyable action blockbuster, much better than most would think and completely undeserving of the hate it's received.

Cast are all great especially Cruise, graphics and action are excellent and generally a good take on the sub genre.

As far as action adventure movies go, this is light years better than the recent Uncharted movie abomination.
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P.T. (2014 Video Game)
Scariest thing I've ever experienced
4 June 2022
This game/demo is on a whole other level of terrifying, easily puts most horror films to shame.

Even just without the ghost, the atmosphere is so undeniably creepy and the fact it's so simple - 2 corridors and a bathroom - is a testament to the quality and effort that went into this.

I'm lucky enough to still have this installed on my PS4 and everyone I show it too, even people so hardened by horror they never get scared, would wince and jump in terror by this, quite a few asked me to stop playing due to the dread this causes.

This is just an absolutely unforgettable experience, one that has earned every bit of admiration since it's release. No other game has made me feel sickened with fear like this, and for that alone, I applaud the makers.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
One of the worst 'sitcoms'
11 May 2022
Incredibly unfunny and boring show that really is just flogging a dead horse. Cringy throughout any episode and none are worth your time.

Cast have no chemistry, no charisma either like HIMYM. Feels like a completely unrelated show, one that is a reject that should never have been made.

Will be forgotten as soon as it comes to its inevitable cancellation. Avoid at all costs.
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More cringy than scary
11 May 2022
Boring and tedious flick for children. Nothing scary or entertaining about it.

Cast who can't act, effects that are below average, stunted pacing that makes it feel like a 5 hour movie.. Just drags on and on.

Forgettable to say the least. Stick with the Goosebumps movie, far more entertaining.
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A big letdown
24 April 2022
One of those films that could have been alot better than the result, I think the main flaw in this film is the casting. The main modern day girl isn't the best actress and comes across annoying half the time. As is the 60s counterpart. Matt Smith is an ok actor but wrong for this part. The effeminate black man with huge teeth obviously just got the role to push an agenda. Why is it always black boy, white woman? It's so boring and overused, why not Asian or Latino, or what's wrong with a white guy? Oh yes, this is the media so all white men must be portrayed as evil.
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Magnificent Old School Slasher
13 April 2022
Keyword there - SLASHER. This is a slasher film. If you have no appreciation for the genre, move along. If your tastes and intellect are based more for drama, romance, superhero films, whatever; move along. This film is so undeserving of the hate other reviewers have given it.

This is practically a perfect slasher film. Legendary villain, awesome backstory, fantastic pacing, intense chase scenes, dreaded tension, AMAZING gore, brilliant setting, great cast.. Honestly this is what slasher fans have been waiting for.

Not one dull moment. And thank you to the makers for making a straightforward slasher film, that is rare nowadays without some stupid biased political message or steeped in irony and comedy. This really should have a much higher rating.

Definitely the best of the Texas sequels. I'm sure idiots who don't appreciate this genre will downvote this review but for those who love the genre, you can't miss this. Hoping they get the same director for a sequel, I'll be checking out his future work for sure.
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Candyman (2021)
Laughably bad - One of the worst films
11 April 2022
Opening with the most old fashioned stereotypically camp gay characters, this unnecessary remake/sequel just doesn't stop there with being one of the most cringeworthy, annoying and laughably bad films I've seen in recent times.

The pacing, flow, story, characters, directing, editing.. Everything is off and amateur. The script is just horrendous, most lines the cast comes out with either makes no sense or is just ridiculous. It tries so hard to be scary and thrilling but is neither, the average Goosebumps episode has more scares.

There really is nothing I could recommend about it, I watch movies all the time (especially horror) and this ranks as one of the worst undoubtedly.

Only suitable for those lacking in brain cells.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Worst Scream by far - Future writers take note
3 April 2022
Let me preface this by stating I am an ENORMOUS fan of the Scream series, and would love to see more movies but hopefully nothing like this utter letdown.

What starts out ok then quickly takes a nosedive is the weakest, most boring and predictable entry in the Scream franchise. It's blatantly obvious who the killer(s) will be within the first 10 minutes.

Gone is the clever, funny satire replaced with unfunny, straightforward deconstruction. The cast, although talented actors, are just wasted including the returning 3.

The various twists and revelations are just so predictable and what was with the whole Billy Loomis in the mirror element? Is this a supernatural film now?

The kills are all very weak and uncreative, I know ghostfaces weapon is just a knife but there's a lot you can do with it. The film also is far too heavy on the drama, this was just overused and downright depressing in scenes. Felt like a soap opera most of the time.

Love how the film includes all this woke box ticking but God forbid a person of color is the killer. Now that would be surprising and a twist but doubt you'd see it anytime soon.

There's several stupid decisions of almost every character constantly as well, like why would you answer your phone after being stabbed?

Urgh I do hope to see more films in the future but please fix this abomination with the next - ramp up everything and actually make some good twists. And good kills too.
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
If you're an idiot, you'll love it
3 April 2022
Mind numbingly dumb 'thriller' for tweens, essentially Saw without the blood, creativity or entertainment.

Cast full of unlikeable bores. The fact they have to verbally describe everything they're doing whilst doing it just shows this film was aimed at those who are intellectually challenged.

Predictable, boring and forgettable. I'm sure a brainless 11 year old will say otherwise.
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Shortcut (II) (2020)
One of the worst movies ever..
25 March 2022
Simply terrible. I usually love monster flicks and horror but this is just one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Script, editing, directing, effects.. Worst of all though is the absolutely atrocious acting of the entire cast, every single actor lack any acting skills and are all just horrifically cringeworthy. Especially the one with the nose ring, surely better actors auditioned? But then again this film would do their resume no favors.

Impossible to recommend, to anyone. Throw it in the trash where it and the cast belong.
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Near perfect, one of the best in the franchise
23 December 2021
Absolutely adore the Halloween franchise, never found anything to be as frightening as Michael Myers.

In regards to the sequels some are amazing, others alright and a couple terrible ones but this latest entry is undoubtedly one of the best, easily top 3 and generally one of the best slasher films I've ever seen.

It improves upon the 2018 reboot in almost every way. It is never boring, constantly had me on the edge of my seat and delivers gut wrenching brutality to really drive the evil of Michael home.

The cast are all flawless, some familiar faces of which are so good to see again (Nancy Stephens and Kyle Richards to name a few). The directing, editing, cinematography just everything I cannot fault, it is practically perfect. Even loved the side plot of the destructive nature of mob mentality and the repurcussions in may inflict, very appropriate for this day and age.

Just really appreciate the fact this is a straight forward and serious slasher, so if you're looking for that I cannot recommend this enough. Also loved the fact the cast weren't stupid teens rather intelligent adults. And this is genuinely frightening too, I don't get scared easy but this made me feel terrified in parts. The violence again is so disturbing at times but is so perfectly used.

Please don't bother rating this if you can't appreciate a good slasher film. For everyone else, this is definitely a must see.
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Spiral (2021)
Not just the worst Saw, one of the worst horrors ever
16 December 2021
This is such a garbage film, everything about it is just wrong on so many levels -

Casting: the most horrific thing about this Story: Boring, predictable and cringy Script and Music: More painful than the traps Directing and Editing: All over the place Gore and Traps: Utterly dull and uncreative

There really is no reason to watch this, I love the Saw franchise and this is just so terribly bad rather than say it's the worst one in the series, I'm just going to go on as if it was never made (as it should). And Chris Rock couldn't act his way out of a paper bag.

Completely, utterly atrocious. Avoid like the plague.
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Skyscraper (2018)
Steaming Pile Of Garbage
26 August 2021
This film is bad. Really bad. So bad I wish I could have the time back I wasted on this.

The visuals and effects were ok, not great but ok. That is all I have to say about what's good with this film. Everything else is an abomination.

The movie takes itself way too seriously while sporting an abundance of plotholes and things that make no sense.

Absolutely every single actor is horrifically miscast, apart from Neve Campbell (who seemed bored and must have needed a paycheck). The Rock is not an actor. He is a performer, he cannot deliver a dramatic role whatsoever. The children are horrendous evoking no emotion at all. The rest are walking clichés.

The script and dialogue is absolutely cringe worthy and ridiculous as is the story. The direction and editing is terrible.

Just awful. No wonder this bombed at the box office. To compare this to Die Hard is like comparing a pile of rotten poo to gold. Avoid at all costs.
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Boring and overrated
23 August 2021
Usually love Tarantino but my god this is one of the most boring films I've ever seen. Just scene after scene of long, drawn out and pointless dialogue intercut with action violence.

Has to be one of the most overrated films of the decade, if not for Tarantinos name this would have had no audience.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
Once decent, now an unfunny woke mess
12 August 2021
Enjoyed the first few seasons where the storylines and characters were decent enough to keep interest. But now has devolved into a blatantly political, cringe worthy mess ruled by wokeness. Seriously, almost every episode of the last few seasons are utterly ridiculous and depressing.

I tune in for a laugh, not to get a lefties ideology crammed down my throat every 2 minutes. They might as well retitled this 'Straight White Men Are Evil', and let me be clear I'm gay and mixed race myself. I think any show with blatant political propaganda should be banned.

The characters all become repugnant in their own way, maybe apart from Sandra. Especially Amy, Jonah and Mateo all become the intolerant fascists they claim to despise, and I doubt that was done for ironic purposes.

Once decent, now unbearable, soon to be forgotten and rightfully so.
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Family Reunion (2019–2022)
One of the worst sitcoms ever made
1 July 2021
Boring, clichéd, cringy and unbelievably unfunny. Truly one of the worst shows ever made, you only have to see 5 seconds of it to know exactly what you're getting yourself in for.

Dialogue endlessly obsessed with race, canned laughter whooping and clapping after a character says one word, terrible jokes that never land. It all feels like a sitcom from the 60s but even those are better than this, this is just torture to watch.

Made by and for severely imbecilic individuals who consider themselves 'woke'. It's actually quite astonishing how bad this is and how it got made. Deserves to be gone and forgotten.
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Let's Be Cops (2014)
Could have been so much better
1 July 2021
Truly a terrible movie. Not a single joke landed nor did it make me laugh once, and I usually have a good sense of humour. Johnson is good as usual but Wayans is one of the worst actors I've seen, he's so unconvincing in this role apart perhaps from the scene when he's drugged. None of the other actors are either funny or likeable.

What's sad is that this could have been so much better, the idea is good but this film injects too much depressing matter into it and dramatic scenes, not to mention being infuriatingly predictable and stupid. It should have gone further in a lot of scenes, added more adult humour instead of the juvenile humour present. Not that any of it is funny anyway. The film goes stale almost off the bat and this is simply so disappointing as a whole. The ending is awful too. And clearly written by someone with no imagination.

Avoid. Not a single memorable moment.
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23 April 2021
Simply not funny at all unless you lack brain cells. Terrible film, avoid at all costs. Not one thing I could recommend about it.
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Table 19 (2017)
Very Charming And Cozy Dramedy
9 April 2021
Really enjoyed this film, not perfect but an incredibly charming and bittersweet ensemble piece set at a wedding.

The cast all play their parts well. Loved Anna, Lisa and Craig before the film but fell in love with Nanny Jo, the quintessential and wonderful grandma.

Not really a laugh out loud movie so if you're looking for a joke a minute riot look elsewhere but if you want a drama with some chuckles and just generally an entertaining movie give this a chance.

Very heartwarming, cozy and endearing. Very good atmosphere, makes you feel like you're there at the wedding too. Deserves more love and attention than it's getting.
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