2 Reviews
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Great debut as a director.
29 October 2023
Ill start saying that an applaude rose spontaneously in the theater at the end of the movie. Everyone one was super emotional, I believe each of them for different reasons. Mine is that the movie depicted perfectly the status of women just right after the end of 2WW and the challenges they had to face in everyday life. Something that feels so far way from now, but still not so far away considering all the injustices women nowadays have to live with in every aspect of their life.

Well, the protagonist tries really hard for find a balance dealing with a violent husband, multiple jobs, 3 children and an annoying father in law, but she also surrounds herself with good friends and women with strong personalities.

The pace of the film Is entertaining, great comedy moments, costumes very on point, and the use of the camera very intelligent (at one point, I even recognize an angle that reminded of a famous painting of the Mantegna , the Cristo Morto) Beautiful selection of music as well.

But honestly what really made the film great and emotional, is the finale. It's worth going to the cinema to watch this movie just for this reason.

Obviously I'll not spoiler anything, but be ready to say: wow , what a great debut from Paola Cortellesi.
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Excellent animation series
19 June 2023
This gem represents deeply what's the reality in the suburbs of Rome. What lies in the lives of a generation of people born in the 80', their values, what is worth fighting for, and all the uncertainties and existential questions that life puts in front of you every single day.

His language ( by that i mean the appearance of the characters and the way they speak) represents 100% how people from Rome express themselves, their being so sincere and so warm but at the same so sadly realist and hard-hearted, being used to the injustice of a society so difficult to live in. I felt so close to the main character, and the questions he tries to answer to, his attempt to understand what is right and what is wrong, and i believe that everyone should asks himself the same kind of questions.

Overall, I loved this series, it was very emotional and over all fun and compelling.
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