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I like it for the reasons you may not find compelling.
13 May 2024
Once again - it's too damn short! I know it's zero budget and etc, but I was spoiled by classic masterful B-movies and sydicated long running TV shows.

  • Some scenes are beautiful (riding through landscapes, knife fight and shootoot with mexicans),
  • The continuation of story and lore (I like when characters remember what they said earlier),
  • Cynthia and Don had nice little roles,
  • It's kind of campy (sometimes, it's a plus for me),
  • I can't deny that Joe Cornet gets better with directing and acting.

  • /Place your Ad here/
Have I told you it was too short? In my perfect world of dreams these characters (Ivan Turchin and Co.) have a TV show of 3 seasons 22 episodes each. I give it 10 out of 10 because Alexander Nevsky is controversial figure and amount of professional haters is pretty large. For me Alexander is a man who tought me through his books to avoid any steroids in sports. Looking forward for more sequels.
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Hook (1991)
I still love it. I remember many my russian school friends cried in 1992, even hardcore bullies.
15 April 2024
Yes. This and "Best of the Best" (martial arts) were the movies that made russian school boys cry. "Batman Returns", "Far and Away" (Tom Cruise), "Terminator 2", "Rambo" and etc made us sentimental as well. Hook has so many sentimental moments: retrospective of fading Wendy (Like all children we didn't want to see our mothers getting old), fantastic soul burning music, mermaids, Peter's catharsis, Tinker Bell's secret feelings, fate of Rufio, melacholy of captain Hook obsessed with Crocodile/Clock metaphysic dualism. And don't forget bright colours. There were not much bright colours in my school, but plenty of Red communist flags, white Lenin statues and rusty german weapon on dusty school yard (yes, 45 years later). You see, I have no idea how this movie was like in USA, but in my home during the Epic collapsing of USSR it was Magic. It was surreal to witness russian everyday life in 1991-1992 and watch these Hollywood action fairy tales at home on VHS. I still can't beleive it was real. But it was. So I'm biased)) 11 out of 10.
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I dreamed of Season 2 and more crossovers (Mars, Venus, Pellucidar)
26 January 2024
God bless Joe Lara, he was the best Tarzan for me. As a big Edgar Rice Burroughs fan in my school days, I still admire the Universe of Tarzan, John Carter, Carson Napier and David Innes. This show has good production level overall, but I'm sure, someone can improve the CGI in the pilot episodes (if it hurts your eyes). Stories are close to the books, but rearanged in Hercules/Xena manner (no campy humour and musical burlesque numbers though). All episodes have classic "two layers of meaning" or two parallel stories which serve as a metaphor to each other. Frankly speaking, I was expecting something weaker and cheaper, so I prepared all my positive vibes and states of mind before watching the show. But it turned out quite good without any strain of imagination. I would go further and say that some episodes are fantastic. It proves that nice stuff can be created with limited budget. I wouldn't mind if the crew moved to New Zeland (Hercules sets) or Canada (almost all sci-fi sets) and did a few seasons more! Of course, now it's too late. But what about Korak aka John Clayton III? He can fill the dady's shoes and give us the crossovers the world needs. With all respect to Godzilla vs Kong's Hollow Earth adventures, I find Korak of the Jungle vs John Carter of Mars far more exciting. In this day and age I give The Epic adventures of Joe Lara 10 out of 10 without doubt.
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Sliders (1995–2000)
All Seasons are good sci-fi. Season 5 is very good too. In my personal opinion.
25 December 2023
Since no one (almost) argues about the cultural significance and entertaining values of the first seasons of Sliders, let's start from the main debate: "Season 5 is so bad and etc." Was Season 5 well filmed, passionately played, professionally written? Yes, it was.

Did Season 5 follow the canon material? Yes. It did. With love and respect .

Did it unchain my imagination, feed my curiosity and keep me interested? Yes, it did. Not to mention that my favorite episode is from Season 5 ("Dust"). This episode is genial, it correlates with Fake chronology theory (Newton, Nosovsky/Fomenko) and Ancient aliens theory in comical, but heartwarming manner.

The only problem for me is: {Spoiler alert} The story is not finished. Far from finish.

I don't want to convince anyone or to force everyone to start loving Season 5. But few (?) people who love it, should know that they are not alone. We exist. Live long and prosper, guys! 10/10 as usual.
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Sliders: The Breeder (1997)
Season 3, Episode 19
Good episode. It's more parasite medical/social analogy than Alien or Species revisiting.
26 November 2023
I was afraid that series will become too formulatic after the death of "second" professor. But no, it is very cinematic and has that classic dual meaning perspective: literal animal parasite vs social parasites (important citizens who needs organs of other people). As a researcher of parasitic organisms, I think it's very good interpretation. 99% of people on our planet have parasites in their bodies (liver, intestines, lungs, brain) and 99% of people are serving social parasites (government, aristocrats). Not to mention this episode is fun. Kari Wuhrer really shines in comedic situations. I mean, she has charisma. I think she could be as famous as Elisabeth Hurley (if she was born in higher family clan).
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Earth: Final Conflict (1997–2002)
I like all 5 seasons - not so much to complain about, if you are fan of that genre and format.
6 November 2023
Very cozy sci-fi show in TV theater fashion with solid multilayer symbolic meaning, campy action, bold plot twists and simple moral messages. I call this sub genre "Second Wave Invasion" (Aliens don't hide themselves). Many viewers say that Season 2, 3 and 4 don't have the same intellectual level as Season 1. I disagree. First of all, it's TV fiction - my imagination is strong enough to fix any plot hole, and my political background is big enough to understand what was hidden from the casual viewer. Plus, I always assume that I don't have the full data about fictional situation. Second, there are pretty witty and smart episodes in Season 3. For example. Episode 2, when Liam framed Sandoval's blond girl agent. It was great to see stone cold Sandoval being hit with his own weapon. Final episode of Season 3 is pretty interesting too. As a russian I'm glad that our secret "Free Republic of Rostok" owns the Antarctica at last!)) Of course the style of the show makes some things look unrealistic, but political kitchen is well done. I start to get used to budget limitations and primitivism (in a good way), but then goes unexpected episode that shines with very "true to life" modern day conspiracy and tasty special effects. Some people even tried to convince me that Seasons 2-3-4 are not worthy of my "precious" time. Well, they were wrong in my case. I wasted my time on way way more useless things like Elections, Goverment serving, Casino playing and etc. I don't see any point of watching Season 1 without following the Taelon's mistery till the end. The story goes on giving the fuel for my endless curiosity. Season 4 was great in my opinion. Absolute majority of viewers say: "Whatever you think of Seasons 2-4, you should Fear the Season 5! It's not Earth-Final-Conflict anymore, but Buffy-The-Vampire-Slayer!" I will wait and see. I have nothing against Buffy, so I may like it. Let it be Buffy The Vampire Slayer then! Based on my current experience (Season 1-4), I give it 10 out of 10 (as I always do with watchable sci-fi movies and series). This litle medium budget sci-fi show has fantastic smooth designs, beautiful music, topical conspiracy themes about corruption, Invasion, LGBT, religion and etc. I'm hetero sexual earthling and I find nothing bad in Aliens being hermaphrodites, Aliens being good, bad and ugly. It's not SG-1, not enough humour and scale. It's not DS9/Voyager, not so epic and dramatic. It's in the field of Alien Nation, original V, Sliders and Seaquest. Watch it only when you finish the big shows.

P. S. Many people say Earth Final Conflict needs remake. I disagree once more. This show is Perfect in it's pleasant averageness. You can't reproduce it. It was done before 9/11 during the last golden era. It breathes 90s cable sci-fi aesthetic. And don't forget unique girls who played Taelons! Leni Parker and Anita La Selva - they did phenomenal job. Other actors were very good too. How can you "remake" them? I am strongly against remake in this case. Continuation is what I like in most cases.

UPD. At last, I have watched Season 5. I understand the confusion of many viewrs. It was like a shadow of the previous seasons filled with melancholia and withering. I believe - it was the point. It is the Final Conflict. When you are alone, and you struggle with yourself refusing to face your fate. Aside from philosophy there were some couple fun episodes, for example, I enjoyed the time travel and erotic romantic themes. I will borrow all 5 seasons on DVDs, it is nice peace of TV sci-fi history, in my opinion, and worthy of saving. No doubt, it would be censored or taken down for political reasons in the future.
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In the 90's we were Masters of Cyberspace, in 2020's we are Slaves of AI apps)
27 October 2023
First of all, the movie is solid, I give it 10, because the raiting is too low. Reminder: nice and cool, but hair above average movie "Dark Knight Rises" has 8.4. In my opinion, Jeff Fahey is more diverse and terrifying than Heath Ledger and Christian Bale combined.

Let's talk about "outdated CGI". People forgot that CGI is not just imitation of reality, in the 90's CGI was considered as Art. We all heard it many times: "Stone age sculptures and ancient mosaics are not outdated". And it's true. This kind of cgi was pure magic in 1992. No less - Magic. Imagine people with 486 comps drawing these moving pictures with "bare hands" without libraries and frameworks. It was like stone age art revisited. Little bit of history repeating. It was an explosion, that early 3D cyberspace Summer of 1989-1999. We tasted it from 80486 to Pentium II. I'm sorry, kids, you will never understand it or feel it in the full scale of emotional spectrum. Even the digger/nostalgic/nerd types of you will get 30-40% of it. Just like I will never know how it really was during the psychedelic Summer of 69 or the new wave Spring of 79, or D&D Heavy Metal autumn of 1983. Only the Core is the same: Love, friendship and joy.
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So this is a pattern! All my favorite 80-90s comedies have low raitings.
3 October 2023
This movie was a big hit on Russian TV and German TV in the 2001. Surprise! It bombed at the US box office. Big media Critics didn't like it (they are paid well for their "honest" reviews). I believe, fans of the original sitcom didn't like it - fair enough, old fans are the harshest critics, I respect that. Conservative protestants could be scared of nudity and hungry cartoon alien. As for me, I liked this movie to the bits. Stellar cast, bright colours, some histerical funny scenes. "Pre code" Disney at their best! Why people think that there are scary scenes? It's not scarier than "The Mask" with Jim Carrey. Well, if children were indeed scared, maybe it was rated and labeled wrong as "family friendly". Maybe, for US market it should have been PG-13. Anyway, the movie is great, don't hide from it, comrades.
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SeaQuest 2032 (1993–1996)
I believe that whsitleblower episode "Good Soldiers" (e9 s3) was the reason why this great show had been closed
24 September 2023
As Commander Jonathan Ford said at the end of that episode: "I am not afraid of you anymore." Respect to showrunners and producers considering the year it was published (1996). Now let's talk about the show itself. Season 1 and 2 are more or less Star Trek underwater. Very nice crew, good stories, big star guests, but most episodes are "monster of the week". Season 3 feels like Stargate SG-1 and it finally returned to the main story ark (Underwater colonial wars). It's sad that Season 3 was so short, because I think Michael Ironside was born to play the Captain of futuristic submarine. He is fantastic. I also think that "science kid" Lucas played by Jonathan Brandis was better than Wesley Crusher from Star Trek TNG. Lucas maybe had more femine look in the first season, but the kid meant business. It's also sad that glorious Stacy Haiduk blessed our eyes for only one season. If you are bored with soft "goody two-shoes" goverment propaganda in the first two seasons, you will be entertained in controversial Season 3. Anyway, the show is good from start to finish and it's "must have" for the fans of Star Trek/Stargate/Babylon/Sliders and etc.
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Yesterday's Target (1996 TV Movie)
Only for the fans of 1994-2001 " new cable sci-fi TV era"
12 August 2023
I always try to find something positive in anything, and here are my thoughts. The movie is weak, but It was pretty well shot for TV (straight to VHS). It could be good series. I disagree with people about cast: all actors are watchable pros. But I disagree even more about X-Men parallels. Old school sci-fi played with these themes many years before Terminator and X-Men. Read some "The Weapon Shops of Isher" by A. E. van Vogt (1951) or early novels by Frederik Pohl. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't recommend this movie to mainstream watchers. But if you have soft spot for TV/VHS low budget sci-fi from 1994-2001, it can be worth checking. It's too short by the way. I give 10/10 for the atmosphere of the dark late 90s.
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Fast X (2023)
As a Conspiracy theorist I aprove this hidden message from mighty Vatican!
23 June 2023
I am not a fan of car races (on the screen). I never took Fast & Furious seriously, it was a fun entertainment nothing more. "Guilty pleasure" they say. But not this time. Mark Sinclair (Vin Diesel) is clearly playing his Roman Catholic card. It is interesting example of religious agenda in big silly blockbuster. As for movie itself: it's not very good. The main character is overshadowed by the charismatic vilian (Momoa). Feminist agenda is too much even for such ultra tolerant hetero male like me. C'mon, girls, you are out of style (out of touch). But it's not totally wasted movie, there are couple fun moments. I give 10 for The Holly Cross and secret masonic codes! P. S. Dear Vin Diesel, take your money and bring Riddick back.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
Season 1-4 Sensational, Season 5 Good, Season 6 not so bad, 7-8 I've seen worse, Season 9 It's complicated
31 May 2023
I am judging from a "fan/geek" point of view, because I've watched most parts of The Arrowverse in chronological order including: All of Arrow, all of Flash, 1-3 seasons Legends of Tomorrow, little bit of Supergirl and Constantine. Of course I am familiar with original Flash and Smallville. If we talk about the whole Arrowverse, I have nothing but respect to the creators, though they broke the canon of original material many times. But the structure, the longevity, the subsequence, the crossovers - I love this stuff. It's like good old sci-fi TV crossovers - Star Trek TNG crosses DS9, X-Files scrosses The Lone Gunmen, Stargate SG-1 crosses SG Atlantis. If we talk about Flash, I absolutely love the first 4 seasons. There are exciting events in season 5 and 6 - and crossovers help a lot to stay interested. Seasons 7 and 8 were quite boring for me, but I went through it for the opportunity of seeing my old friends once again. There were very high expectations for Season 9. It didn't work so well. There were some great scenes, few nostalgia moments - nothing above average. It could have been much bigger Finale with glorious drama and intellectual puzzles, but that's life. You can't always get what you want. Long live Barry Allen, Harrison Wells, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Jow West, Jay Garrick, Iris and others. It was a great ride.
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Double Dragon (1994)
I give 10, because real fans of the Video game will not judge me!
22 April 2023
It was a major disappointment just like Street Fighter. Super Mario Brothers'93 was exception - I really loved antiutopia fairy tales with grotesque humor. I didn't care about Super Mario game, so I was satisfied with the movie. But Street Fighter and Double Dragon, man. It was arcade room cult. It could have been like Ninja Turtles 1-2-3 movies: great fight scenes, some soft horror mistery, comedy and easy sci-fi. It could have been like Ninja Surfers'93. But it was not that funny (Rob Schneider and Leslie Nielsen stole the show). Double Dragon had all the right ingridients: story, mystery, good cast, interesting futuristic sets, colourful exotic costumes. But, but, but... where are the fights? I mean, Crazy Brawls with chains and baseball bats. Bruce Lee - Chuck Norris - Jackie Chan way. They had Van Damme for the Sreet Fighter, but he didn't fight 5 minutes. They had Mark Dacascos for DD and guess what. Yes, the movie looks cool and beautiful like a bubble gum sticker from the 90s. But on the metaphysical level the paradigm of Beat'Em'Up games is missing. I would give 5, but I changed my decision after seeing the budget numbers. The budget was 7 millions. We can argue that Bloodsport'88 had less than 1 million and, nevertheless, it was real fighting masterpiece. But we must agree that 7 millions is not enough for major Video game Movie. Street Fighter'94 had 35 millions! Ninja Turtles'90 had 13 millions. I guess, they did not so bad after all, considering it was the cheapest video game adaptation. But then again Surf Ninjas'93 had 6 millions and did better in my opinion. Let it be 10 anyway: 5 is for Billy and 5 is for Jimmy.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Season 3 is interesting and watchable - I will add it to my Full Star Trek collection
21 April 2023
I am still not a fan of Kurtzman's Dark Mirrorverse, I have in my collection every Star Trek show and movie till 2009 reboot. Star Trek by JJ Abrams, Discovery, Strange New Worlds can be nice, but it's not my cup of tea. Well, even the Expanse is not for me. I found Picard Season 1 to be nothing special, so I didn't watch Season 2. I watched Season 3 only to say farewell and was very surprised. This season had some great ideas (which ended too soon), few really beautiful scenes and many many pieces of Star Trek history (including Ships tech details) and lots of "easter eggs". It was more than enough to pass my personal sci-fi collection filter. I'm not a purist or snob, but It's getting hard for me to follow new space sc-fi shows, because in my opinion the quality is declining since StarGate:Universe and Dark Matter (which I generally like). I caught myself thinking that many episodes of campy Legends of Tomorrow and Flash (Arrowverse) had more Sci-fi feeling than new space sci-fi shows. Speaking of quality. It was hip to laugh at cheap sets from 60-80s era and to mock ugly CGI from 90s, but what do you say now? Yes, those sets were cheap, but it were Sets. You could feel it through the screen. Yes, CGI from 90s was simple and ugly sometimes, but the pictures were bold and imaginative. And not forget Lighting. As an artist I could talk about poor lighting these days all day. Nevertheless, I like Picard Season 3. You should (must) watch it if you are fan of TNG, DS9 and Voyager.
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Cover-Up (1991)
Some people should be honest - they don't like this movie for unnamed reasons.
10 April 2023
Early Dolph's movies are magical. He is not acting - he is convincing enough. "Cover Up" is a political thriller not suitable for Dolph at all, but it works in mysterious ways! I like it, believe it or not. It is one of those simple movies that can't be remade - too much wind of time, to many signs of an era. Just imagine: a guy from Sweden, chemistry student, Karate champion, friend of Andy Warhol. Lover of Grace Jones, Studio 54 party man, Russian Red Machine and etc - plays in a movie about government conspiracy and terror attacks in Israel. How can you beat that? No wonder Soviet Union collapsed the same year.
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Thrill Seekers (1999 TV Movie)
Good TV time travel movie - Not as good as "Timescape" (1991) though
9 April 2023
Yes, this is basically "Timescape", but from a different angle. Once again I wish it were TV series, because Casper van Dien and Catherine Bell have very smooth chemistry together - it is vital for long TV shows. I would put it into my Top TV sci-fi movies list along with "Wedlock", MacGyver:Trail to Doomsday", "Frankenstein (1992)", "The Triangle", "Stargate:Continuum" and etc. Nothing special, really, but considering running time and budget it is quality product. Funny thing is: another time travel movie "Timeline"(2003) had big cinema budget - 80millions(!!) and relatively long runnning time -116 mins. But was it much better than this TV movie? Not much. I would say equal, at least.
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Moscow Heat (2004)
Are you kidding 2.5??? It's a solid 5/10 B-movie with great cast and unique locations..
7 March 2023
Finally, I watched it. I know that Alex Nevsky is a king of C-movies, but this one is B no less. The oppening duel is a nice throwback to the classic heroes played by Adrian and Michael - Highlander vs D'Artagnan. There are many things to look at. Pre-Hipster Moscow as I remember it: strange shadows under the orange sun (I even feel the aroma of cheap cigarettes, waffles ice-cream with Real milk and shashlik-kebabs mixed with the smell of gasoline through the screen), old cars, fantastic vintage dusty buildings, soviet era ships on the river, leather jackets and women on high heels. Actress Maria Golubkina is a true russian mob woman of late 90s early 2000s - dangerous and beautiful. Some action scenes here and there. Nevsky even did little bit of martial arts fighting - I would love to see more boxing from him. I mean, he was amateur boxing and kickboxing fighter in famous Moscow boxing gym, I know he can fight, I saw some footage, so why does he have so few fighting scenes in his movies, c'mon? As an action movie it's somewhere 5/10, but as a video document it's 10.
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MacGyver predicted the year 2023!
5 March 2023
It's a small TV movie for Macgyver's fans with pretty cool Guerrilla filmmaking on the crowded streets of London. It's very simple and formulatic, Buut! This film predicted 2023. Take a look:
  • The Battle of Bakhmut in Ukraine. Huge underground tunnels and tombs with ancient artifacts right under the battlefield during the war for Soviet legacy (Yugoslavia), Ark of Atlantis in Yugoslavia and Thor's hammer under Bakhmut (according to famous Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer T. Heyerdahl east Ukraine is ancient Asgard),
  • Venus Jupiter conjunction 2023,
  • Seismic instability due to the gravity disturbances.

Ok. Enough of that.

There were some nice MacGyverisms (An ingeniously improvised solution to a problem) too. My favorite is a "trick" with tin fence inside the enemy base. It's primitive, but highly logical.
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The Invaders (1995)
David Vincent as narrator and mentor is great concept.
3 March 2023
Too bad the alien invaders killed this show from the beginning. I wish Scott Bakula guided by the guardian voice of veteran Roy Thinnes fought the secret enemy for two or even three seasons. Roy was in great shape in 1995 and he could do small or big guest appearences in every episode. I would watch it. Well, this is life. I guess, X-Files and their "Alien ark episodes" were more viable on the field of the 90s. Pilot episode of the X-Fles was part of the Alien Ark and it was more tasty than pilot of the new Invaders. But, c'mon, it had the mighty David Vincent! It could have been good TV show even without David Vincent. As a big fan of Alien Invasion stories and original Invaders in particular I mourn the sudden death of this show. I would recommend it for the fans of tv sci-fi only.
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Another Feel-Good summer movie that was dumped by critics (casino owners and members of The Rockefeller family clan, I guess!))
9 February 2023
As an old Flintstones fan I was impressed by the first film adaptation in 1994, but this one works even better for me. This time the cast is not as expensive, but the actors are likeable and effective. The sets, the costumes and stuff are fantastic. And even CGI is good (I don't care about good CGI though, bad CGI has more heart in my opinion). The original Flintstones series were a TV product and it (Viva Las Vegas) has TV program rhythm and dynamics. I don't know how it would look on the big screen, but it looks and feels great on the cozy coach with my wife, cat and some fried chicken. I wish there were more series with this cast. I rate it 10, and I mean it. Maybe I would rate it 5/10 in the year 2000, but today it's 10. You know what I mean: look out the window and then watch this.
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Andromeda (2000–2005)
All 5 seasons have different vibe and it's great! Huge respect for finishing the story without canceling.
13 January 2023
It is what it seems: Star Trek meets Hercules/Xena. I like both, so I'm satisfied. Seasons 1-3 are pure Star Trek poetry. Season 4 is dynamic fun and great visuals. Season 5 is logical conclusion for the fans (only?). I would not listen to critics who despise Season 4 and 5 or you will miss the heavenly glory of some rare episode gems. Plus, I deeply respect the work the team has done in season 5 since it had almost Zero budget. It takes guts to balance on the edge of Abyss. So many Sci-fi TV shows were caught in the middle, of life and fantasy without finale. I'm glad Andromeda made it to the End somehow. By todays thin sci-fi standarts it 10 out of 10 overall.
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Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001)
Neelix is the Best! The Show is as big and deep as TNG, but little bit smaller than DS9.
7 January 2023
Neelix is the Man. I'm not a fan of "character development", but in this case I am impressed. From silly background comic alien to the tragic figure and most reliable member of the crew. Many people complain about his "abusive" relations filled with jealousy, but I like his passion on the field of love. He is a true european)) He is as much abusive and jealous as my cat. The deeper the love, the stronger the emotions. If you ain't bad, you ain't nothing.

The whole crew is fantastic. Everybody had their big moment. I believe, Doctor is the main star of the show, his hologram story ark is a game changer. Don't be fooled by female lead and general light tone of the show - it will get darker after the second half. There are at least two episodes that are Trully Epic! I mean, these episodes are more epic than some big theatrical movies. Keep in mind thart Voyager is more sequel to TNG than to DS9. The second half of the show digs the Borg theme extremely deep. 10 out of 10 without doubt.
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Re watched after 25 years and fell in love with a story - it's a tragedy that the Snake Trilogy was not completed
18 December 2022
First of all, the new Snake's music Theme with fat blues guitar is hot and spicy. This guitar riff alone is worthy 10/10.

I like the futuristic military style, the base, the tv translations, the submarine, the hologram etc. It starts so serious and cool, and then flows into art house satire - I couldn't swallow it in 1997. Now I understand. It was the best way to describe the Californication for the mass viewer. I never was in LA during the 90's, so I didn't get it. Well, I was wrong. This is a good B+ movie with a twist. There are some very nice scenes here and there, but the thing I like the most is consistent development of the Snake's story. I am hooked on the Lore about Snake turning full anarchist. I am very excited for the third movie "Escape from planet Earth", but I guess it will remain in my dreams only.
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Another anti utopian masterpiece (just like Super Mario Bros 1993) that didn't meet the fan's expectations
13 December 2022
Absolutely different from the Highlander'86 which I deeply adore. Since our main hero was done with the past, it was time to for him to explore future, and the future was pure trash (now in 2022 we can see why).

There are many symbols and poetry in this movie, but it's really dark and kind of unhealthy, or maybe the word "Feverish" is the closest. It's even reminds me of original Dune books by Frank Herbert and David's Lynch adaptation (version by Denis Villeneuve is great, but too Pop for me). Funny thing is: Virginia Madsen plays princess Irulan in Dune and she play's eco terrorist in Highlander. It has a little bit of Total Recall 90' brilliant madness. And yes! Michael Ironside is here to be the bad guy for us once again. I think this movie shouldn't be forgotten no matter how "bad" it is and how low the ratings are. When the Government will close the sky for us with energy shield, we will remember the Highlander 2 as prophetic and it will warm our hearts with happy ending. 10 out of 10, no doubt, for this fever-anti utopia-classic.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
I just want to defend Season 4 from harsh criticism
8 October 2022
It's 2022, October. I'm still in Russia. Nuclear war is closer than ever. Our crazy president Putin uses black magic - it's a well known fact here. He invited the order of black witches to Kremlin in 2017. Their evil mesa was televised and shown on the central TV. Looks familiar? Arrow even mentions my home city of Kaliningrad!)) Well, I can understand critics, maybe Season 4 is not a masterpiece by any means, but it's prophetic as hell.

People are divided into two types: 1. The ones who give priority to "How" (How smooth and beautiful it was done), 2. The ones who only care about "What" (What was done).

I place myself into second category. Arrow is not the deepest sci-fi on the shelf, but it has some bold ideas worthy of 10 mark.
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