
13 Reviews
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Guy Pierce at his best
26 September 2022
I feel sorry for the reviewers who didn't enjoy this.

Guy Pearce is like a wine that just gets better with age. Right now, I'd watch anything with him in it.

I enjoyed the cinematography, the music and - heaven forbid - the story. Yes this is a slow burn and if you have the attention of a meerkat, give it a miss. But, if like me, you like it slow, it's worth the wait for the reveal at the end. For those who figured it out half way through, well done. Someone called the rest 'silliness' - well it wasn't in my book.

I enjoyed not overthinking the who and why and liked how the story played out.
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2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Far too long. Far too predictable. Far too jingoistic - America saves the world again. The plot was unbelievable - trying to kill aliens in the future with machine guns from 20 years ago. Really?!!

It didn't look like Chris Pratt broke a sweat the whole movie. The aliens were terrible. The CGI of his daughter falling into 100's of them was awful - high school stuff.

Chris should stick to acting - not executive producing. I cannot understand the high scores.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
6 June 2021
I cannot understand the high scores. The script was diabolical. It was obvious in the first 10 minutes 'who dunnit'. No amount of shoot ups can make up for such a predictable and shallow plot.

Guy Richie (and Jason Statham) were definitely bored during lockdown to come up with this pile of poo.

Sreiously, don't bother!
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Dear oh dear!
9 March 2021
Dear oh dear! Dear oh dear! Dear oh dear! Dear oh dear!

From the first annoying American accent on the main character we managed 15 minutes before turning it off. Old memes ad nothing new. Really? Come on Disney!
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You cannot be serious!
11 March 2019
I have stopped writing reviews on IMDB due to the sheer quantity of films we watch.

"Can you get a vampire movie/" my wife asked. As there hadn't been any vampire movies for a long tie I decided to get this. Huge mistake.

This movie is a disaster in every way. The acting, the directing, the dialogue, the 'special' effects, the actors themselves - what a mess. How anyone could have come up with the money for this piece of garbage is a wonder.

Please - spare yourself a waste of 96 minutes and watch paint dry - it will be more interesting.
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Gone Girl (2014)
A waste of two and a half hours.
12 December 2014
I was looking forward to watching this having heard good things. I tend to enjoy most films Ben Stiller appears in so why would this be any different?

The story gets going slowly but surely with little hints of what is going on. Rosamund Pyke looks her normal gorgeous self when we see her. About half way through I suddenly realised, "I'm only half way through! - This had better get better!" Despite a few twists and turns I was constantly thinking there are so many holes in the plot that you could make up your own ending. In fact, that's what it felt like at the end. The director couldn't decide on the best ending and just pulled an idea out the hat.

At the end, I looked at my wife and we both commented that we couldn't understand how on earth this is rated at 8.4. I've given it 2 to flag to those who want to hear, give it a miss!
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Really enjoyable film - especially if you love the development of technology
14 November 2014
I guess I enjoyed this film because of its theme - RADAR - rather than the cinematic dimensions. I worked in the BBC's engineering department many years ago and could identify the challenges of inventing something new with limited resources.

Having said that I thought Eddie Izzard did a really good job despite other people's criticism or his wobbly accent. His acting was believable and carried the passion that Robert Watson-Watt must have had to press through to an operational system. I liked the themes of teamwork, toxic relationships, camaraderie, not giving up, working to deadlines.

As another reviewer mentioned, there was good use of symbolism if you were open to see it. The weakest part for me was the relationship between Robert and his wife played by Laura Fraser. Seeing her again made me want to watch the wonderful 'A Knight's Tale' with Heath Ledger.

I guess the technology challenges added to the score for this. If you like that kind of thing this is a good film to watch.
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I think some reviewers watched another film.
5 November 2014
The last film I saw Brosnan in - Love Punch - was almost as bad as Mama Mia. What was he thinking? Apart from Daniel Craig, I like him as the best 007. So, having read some of the reviews on IMDb I had very low expectations.

However, this is a good film if you like Brosnan as the secret agent. I don't understand why some reviewers don't get the story. It's pretty simple to follow even though the end is half expected. He is gritty enough (just) with the couple of scenes of him drinking not quite making the cut. The action scenes were quite good and Olga Kurylenko added the eye candy.

So, I disagree with the haters. This is definitely worth a watch.
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Groundhog Day meets The Matrix with Mission Impossible
10 September 2014
Oh dear! Another Tom Cruise w*nk.

I had hoped for more but all you can say is the writers got stuck between Groundhog Day and The Matrix and then threw Mission Impossible into the mix. With very little imagination and a lot of special effects we are led to believe that Tom Cruise saves the world - yet again - with a little help from Emily Blunt. Of course, the special effects are OK but when you have seen one in this film you have seen them all.

Save this for a rainy Sunday and it won't be so bad. Whatever you do, don't save it for a special night like we did. It is predictable. It is not funny unless you have had a few pints. It is not satisfying.

Don't bother to buy the Blu-ray. 'How they made it' may be worse than the film itself.
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Jack Reacher (2012)
Complete rubbish
22 April 2013
What a pile of rubbish! This could have been so much better. It just seemed like a Tom Cruise mickey-take. Rubbish script writing, rubbish acting, rubbish directing. The script was out of a daytime TV show! Tom Cruise must be desperate! Rosamund Pike's American accent was embarrassing. I normally just score films on IMDb. This time I had to write to protest! I just don't understand how a film like this gets such a high score on IMDb.

The only bright spot was Robert Duvall - the rest was awful. Just to be clear - this was one of the worst films I have seen in the last 12 months.
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15 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry to pop the balloon of all the reviewers who thought this film was great. It was poor. Rachel Weisz (whom I normally like) was wooden and hammy - which was probably a reflection on the director rather than the actor. Converting a play to a film is tough. Carnage just about managed it - but this does not. The audience really never gets to understand the reasons for the affair or why Hester did not return to her husband. There is no 'electricity' in the relationship between her and Freddie.

The story was - well - not a story really. I was bored after the first 10 minutes and only kept watching as I thought it must get better. It didn't.

I was thoroughly disappointed.
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1 April 2011
I'm glad I am not the only one that thought this was the most boring - and worst of the Harry Potter franchise. That is dragged out over two hours made it worse. The three main characters had lost their spark and almost looked bored and tired themselves. There were some very dark undertones about death and had this been around when my kids were young, I would have hesitated to let them see this. Mind you I think they would have given up after the first half hour.

I guess there must have been budget constraints as there only fleeting appearances of the usual characters other than Harry and his friends and very little 'magic' and absolutely no fun.

The only redeeming element for me was seeing some scenery that I had been to in real life.

Very disappointing.
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Pistol Whipped (2008 Video)
26 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I must have watched a different film to everyone else who reviewed this. This film was a bore from start to finish. This was Steven Seagal indulging himself. How on earth anyone put up the money for this is a mystery!

The plot was poor, the acting pathetic, the music (if that was what it was supposed to be be) annoying, the action scenes like something out of Bugs Bunny, the slo-mo shots were just killing time - they should have killed the movie. How many shots of cars reversing do we need to see in one movie? I reckon the priest would have slashed his wrists if he watched the film. The final shoot-out was dreadful.

I kept waiting for the film to get better, but it didn't.

I have always enjoyed Steven Seagal's films but this was awful. Please - don't waste your time watching it. Sorry to everyone who thought it was good.

I feel like the little boy who called out, "The King hasn't got any clothes on!"
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