
5 Reviews
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A Decent Addition to the Genre
19 November 2006
I read all the reviews here...went into the watching of this film with the knowledge that, yes, it's low budget...yes, the actors are virtually unknown...yes, it's a B Horror Gore Fest. I was expecting the worst. (Great DVD Cover, by the way.) Despite all of that, this film is not a total train wreck. I even enjoyed it. The story line is pretty clear...straight forward. The special effects are very effective, gore, blood-vomiting and gut-eating at all the right spots. If you are a true fan of that sort of thing...this film delivers.

I've watched many badly made films and usually, when they are total train wrecks, you can't get past a certain point in the film. Eventually, you just stop watching or eject the DVD. That never happened with this one. It piqued my interest from beginning to end. I wanted to see what was going to happen next. Yes, the acting wasn't first rate, but it was good enough to move the film along nicely.

My biggest complaint is the lighting. It was too dark, too often. They used a very greenish filter on most of the scenes and sometimes it was distracting. When you notice the lighting effects too can't be good. Also, the warden's young son wasn't as believable as he could have been. When their are limb-ripping, blood-covered, shrieking zombies running in every expect fear in a little kid. Instead, he mostly just stands there, looking like he was waiting for direction from the director.

So, I went in expecting the worst...and came away with an entertaining 80-something minutes. I liked it despite the flaws.

I would also like to say that I rented two films last night: This one...and The Da Vinci Code. I couldn't make it through the Da Vinci Code. This one had me entertained through the entire film. Kudos to the filmmakers. Keep pumping out these gore-fests. The fans are waiting. ;)
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Pet Sematary (1989)
This Should Have Been Buried IN the Pet Semary!
9 November 2006
I find it disheartening that so many of King's masterpieces were treated so badly in their film adaptations...and perhaps it's mostly because his books are too complex to adapt well to film...I'm not sure. Delores Claiborne, Stand By Me, Misery, Carrie, Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, and the Green Mile all did well. Then we are treated to stinkers like IT, Maximum Over-drive, Dreamcatchers, Thinner, The Running Man, Firestarter...and of course, this one.

Did I forget to mention Stephen King's own remake of The Shining? He should have settled for the original.

This film has all the feel of a made-for-TV movie or direct-to-video film...and, in fact, that's what it should have been. The film was terribly fast-paced and left out some of the more necessary plot elements of the book. They jumped into the darker elements way too quickly. There is barely a set up for the horror to come.

That they left out Norma Crandall was very disappointing as she added to Judd's character so much. He's barely even interesting in the film. Fred Gwynn turned him into a goofy, drawling, old man. Over-acted. Not subtle at all, as his character was in the book.

Ellie, the daughter, was a terrible actress. I am sure they could have found a better actress than her. She was whiny and abrasive and her lines were very forced and unnatural.

Even the cinematography was badly done. Everything is way too bright for the plot line. Too many primary colors. It felt like they were on the set of a soap opera. At least it matches the acting of the principal characters.

They tried to sew it all up with gory makeup effects, but set in the backdrop of a badly made film, it just makes the blood and gore goofy and laughable. The only way this film could be considered "scary" is with the cheap haunted-house "BOO!" scare when a hand shoots out of the dark and grabs a shoulder.

Why would they choose Mary Lambert to direct this film? She barely had any experience as a director before this gig and most of the experience she did have was with music videos. And, as expected, beyond this flop, she has barely done anything worth mentioning. Well, except for more music videos and the follow-up stinker sequel to this film.

Let's hope the 2008 re-make is better.
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Say Uncle (2005)
Flawed but Engaging
7 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I might not be a reliable source of critique on this film because I am a big Peter Paige fan, regarding him as a fantastic actor and wonderful person. I also think that this film is a worthy debut from him and shows great potential for his future behind and in front of the camera. Having said that, I must admit the film was flawed in some critical ways.

1. Nobody needs any justification for being overly-cautious with one's children. It's better to be overly cautious...than careless and each parent should decide for him/herself where that line is.

2. Combine these factors: (a) Paul is single, (b) Paul has no children, (c) Paul spends in inordinate amount of time around children, (d) Paul resists romantic advances from a co-worker and seems to have few, if any, adult relationships, (e) He seeks out jobs that place him around children....when you combine these factors, even though it may be wrong, it does follow the profile of what many would consider as a high risk of being a pedophile. NOT PROOF...just suspicion. Honestly, I would be very cautious of him. Let's be honest...these factors almost entirely describe Michael Jackson, whom MANY think is guilty of child molestation, whether acquitted or not.

3. A few actions were not believable. Taking the little girl INTO the bathroom? Come on, where was the mother? Why didn't he LOOK FOR the mother? How could any man in this day and age, who is obviously over 30...NOT know this was a bad thing to do? Just didn't play believably.

4. The film almost seems to be saying that we owe men like this...or any men, when it comes to our children, the benefit of the doubt. We do not. I don't need a reason for never letting my young son be around a grown man alone. It's just a good, safe practice to disallow it. Even avowed heterosexual men. Gay or straight, no man would be with my son alone. There's just no reason to allow it.

Having said all of that, I did enjoy the film...the story was cute in places, the acting was good, and the cinematography and music was engaging. I would recommend it to friends, but would then want to debate the points I brought up.
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A Very Intimate Look into one of pop music's greatest voices
13 May 2006
This documentary was extremely well done. George Michael goes against his own nature and opens up for an extremely intimate look into his extraordinary life. It's very easy to see him as a punch line, given all the media coverage of his flounders and mess ups...but after you see him in this very intimate portrait, you'll gain a greater respect for the man who is George Michael. He's not just a cute face...he's an extremely gifted songwriter, performer, and vocalist. I was especially touched by his opening up about the loss of his partner, Anselmo, and how he discovered love again after such a tragedy. George Michael has changed the face of music as we know it.
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Truly great horror flick...truly delivers what most do not.
19 March 2006
Kudos to Wes Craven (whose movies I usually do not like) for bringing forth a horror flick that TRULY SATISFIES and pulls few punches. When the first victim DAMN well know you are in for a gore ride like few others. If you are faint of heart...why are you seeing horror flicks to begin with. Yeesh. You can take the advice of the few who are giving this film bad reviews, but I'm tellin' ya...if you miss this one on the big screen, you are definitely being sold short.

I've seen a few reviews from *gasp* shocked individuals who were too sensitive for what this film delivers. Do the world a favor...stay home next time. If you go to see a horror assume the risk. Nobody is responsible to cater to your prickly, sensitive proclivities. Get a life already.

Additionally, it's one of the few horror flicks where the unknown actors truly deliver fine acting. The young teen boy was brilliant. He sold the fear and grief he a first rate actor. It wasn't a lot of mere screaming and acting all bonkers from fear...he ran the gamut of emotions and sold you on every one. There was a real subtlety to his character that few others, I think, can pull off in a horror flick. Did anyone notice that the dad in the film is the same man who played the crazy guy in Silence of the Lambs who put the girl in the well? The voice gives it away.

Another bright actor in this flick was Brenda, the traumatized sister. She looks like a younger Reese witherspoon and really sold me on her fear. Usually you get some young teen actor who just screams and runs and acts just like all unknown actors they toss in these flicks...but not this one. She and the boy were true standouts. The other actors simply didn't shine as much.

The visuals in this movie were first rate. Forget the quick cut-a-ways in most horror flicks...Wes Craven gives you the real deal with this one. Certain scenes were very reminiscent of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre with it's ultra-high-energy "on the end of your seat" thrill rides.

If there was anything that disappointed, it was simply the same old tired lines you hear in most horror flicks. The unbelievability of..."Let's split up. You go this way...I'll go that." It never works. In real life, these people would be literally glued to each other.

I came away from this flick very satisfied. I love a good horror flick and this was one damn good horror flick. It buries the original (for those of you who didn't know it was a re-make).

I loved it...I think you will, too. :)
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