
6 Reviews
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My Life (1993)
Too heartbreaking to see often
4 January 2009
My daughter gave me the DVD a few years ago. It took me a while before I got around to watching it, because I had never heard of it. It was like being hit by a truck. I don't think I've ever watched another movie that makes me sob out loud, or had a bigger lump in my throat. It is one of the most heartbreaking films I have ever seen. Just watched it again tonight, and fell apart. I can only watch it maybe once a year, because it devastates me so much. I cannot understand how Michael Keaton's performance was overlooked. He tore my heart out. Needless to say, I cherish this movie. I'm glad my daughter gave it to me, because I think she probably couldn't bear the anguish and pain of watching it more than once. Regardless of the way it affects me, I will keep it in my DVD/video library. I admire Michael Keaton's performance in this movie. He was so very believable. It's a keeper.
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Enchanted with this movie.
9 November 2006
I picked this movie up at the library out of curiosity, and found it to be one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen. I was there with those women, part of their group, and worried about them more than they did themselves. How were they going to get the bus working, so they could go on back to their lives? For some years, I exercised my memory by seeing if I could remember all the women's names. When I found I was forgetting some of them, I checked the video out again, and found it was still just as enchanting as it was the first time I watched it. I'd love to see a documentary on the making of this movie. It's unbelievable how companionable these strangers became during their time together. They opened up their lives to each other, and shared things that they probably would never have mentioned in another situation. I wonder what their lives have become in the years since the movie was made. Have they stayed in touch? I'd love to know.
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Another movie by this title.
3 November 2006
Does anyone remember another movie by the same name? It took place during the last Christmas of World War II, and was about a family whose son was in the Army, and they invited a couple of soldiers stationed nearby to spend the holidays with them. I think one of the daughters and one of the soldiers fell in love during the holiday. I can't find any information about it, and I loved the movie. Can't even tell you who was in it. The only information I can find is the above movie, with JTT, and it's not the one I would like to see. Does anyone have any idea where I can find out anything about it, and if it's available for viewing or purchasing? It was so poignant and nostalgic. It remains one of my favorite memories of the era of my childhood.
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Lonesome Dove (1989)
My favorite movie!
17 September 2006
I just want to say that the first time I saw this movie, I fell in love with Gus McCrae. I would love to find a man like him, if possible. Other than that, I shed a lot of tears when watching the movie. For the majority of the film, my eyes are so full, I can barely see the screen. And I always want to know: what happens afterward, and what happened before. What did Lorie do before she wound up in Lonesome Dove? How did Clara and Bob end up in Ogallala? I don't want to go and read the prequel again, but I like to contemplate things like that. I try to watch the movie at least once a year, and it always affects me the same way. Especially Lorie's grieving over Gus's coffin. Just tears me up.
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As Summers Die (1986 TV Movie)
Very impressed by this movie
23 August 2006
I saw this movie on TV years ago, and I've never stopped looking for it again. I'd love it if it was on DVD, so I could rent or buy it. I think Scott Glenn is one of the best actors, and one of the most underrated ones, that are in movies today. And Jamie Lee Curtis is always charming, cute, and does her usual great acting performance. I'm not a Bette Davis fan, so I don't care whether she was good or not in this movie. All the other members of the cast more than make up for my opinion of her. I was especially impressed with the concept of a white lawyer defending a black woman in a lawsuit. All the cast was excellent. I hope I get to see the movie again one of these days. I looked for it on Netflix, but unfortunately, they don't have a copy of it yet.
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Timeline (2003)
I enjoy this type of movie.
8 July 2006
I read the book first, then decided I had to see the movie. I love the time travel genre. This was full of suspense, nail-biting scenes,humor, and heart stopping action. I was especially touched at the end, when the group found ancient headstones during their excavations. It brought me to tears. Archaeology is something I find particularly fascinating, and this movie gave me an insight in that field of exploration, and also into the history depicted in the time travel. I was encouraged to look up the particular era on the internet afterwards, and found it very interesting. I'm not very up on European history, but because of this movie, I intend to explore it further. Some of the characters from history were fictional, I'm sure, but the timeframe has its highlights.
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