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Entertaining but imho heavily scripted and planned
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I will just comment on the Mans family. That seem very shady and typical of people adopting kids just to get state funding and make money while - as another reviewer put it - hiding behind Jesus I feel they're pushing so hard in the direction of the civil lawsuits and the compensation that will come with it. We see it clear as day in that weird bishop dictating to the poor child how angry she should be when she meets Micheal, what attacks she should do, what words to use, what to accept and what not to accept, reinforcing certain ideas in her mind, and then trying to antagonize Michael to get him to lose his temper on camera. The saddest thing is that everyone in this child's life was and is taking advantage of her.
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Catching Killers (II) (2021– )
The usual corrupt district attorney
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh the usual. A corrupt district attorney who doesn't care the slightest about the crime or the victim or arresting the real criminals as long as he gets a conviction n labels it a win n move on to frame more innocent people. And he has the audacity to keep claiming he did nothing wrong when it is as clear as daylight sun that these two morons implicated themselves while trying to escape the stupid lie that old crone mad to frame her boyfriend. Everyone knows. But he thinks he can ride into the twilight as an innocent honest lawman. Luckily he's exposed and is just embarrassing himself more n more by sticking to the story of the two morons. Making him the biggest moron of them all. He should be in prison. Coz he knew what he was doing n hoped it'll be swept under the rug after 30 years of acting like a decent man. He's an embarrassment to himself n tolaw enforcement everywhere.
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LAZY. Avoid like the plague. 90% of the movie nothing happens. Just scenes.
30 August 2023
90% of the movie. Like literally. Is nothing but empty scenes nobody there nobody speaks nothing happens, most of the film is just empty scenes. A few minutes camera focused on a tree. Where I actually grabbed the remote thinking it froze or smth coz nobody spends the first 20 minutes in the movie where nobody speaks, nothing happens. Again, camera focused on someone walking. A few minutes the camera is just showing their face, no expression, again remember nothing is happening. U get to watch someone walking for no reason for like 10 minutes. U get a few minutes of the camera just showing their arms swinging as they walk, a few more of the face, back to the trees, arms again. N so on. I guess the director and cinematographers thought oh we have a good idea that can have some depth. Let's not delve into that. Let's just fill the 15 minute dialogue with 90 minutes scenes n make $10k profit. Seriously. Check it out. Then there is no rhyme or reason for any of the movie to happen. Both The idea for the movie n the ending are just like grabbing a book, starting from page 50 n stopping at page 52 of a 500 page novel. U donno what happened before that or why this happened then why the opposite happened or who are these ppl totally out of the storyline n unknown characters. Like someone stapled pages 53,54 from another novel in the middle. So basically 90% empty scenes, 5% unrelated ppl n unknown characters doing unknown activities. No surprise as even the main characters don't do anything n in the 5% they do, it mostly has nothing to do with the story, meh story they said lol. N the few sentences related to what's happening on the screen are empty chatter n stupid questions. Why doesn't swimming pool water feel like normal water? They wanted to show nihilism n emptiness in todays kids, but they brought more nihilism n waste of time n electricity, maybe watching the tree for 2 hours was actually better. Oh n there are a cpl of scenes of someone training in tennis with the auto tennis ball throw thingy, but what do u think, the camera is focused on the ball basket just showing it decreasing while u hear the sound of the ball then the racket. No sorry I can't laugh, u laugh n avoid the movie. N since nothing is happening in most scenes they have to put some sounds, so even tho ur in an open forest the sounds of buzzing flies is so loud like ur inside a dead dog body. Or if it's night then ur in a cricket farm. All in all there isn't a single redeeming quality to this movie. No story, no acting, no dialogue, nothing.
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Spartacus: Empty Hands (2012)
Season 2, Episode 4
Worth watching. Even better if u can ignore Cynthia (Nivea s2)
7 August 2023
I came to write this review after watching the first half of the second season. N the new Nivea (Cynthia smth) is extremely annoying. For 5 episodes straight she has one facial expression. Set in stone for 5 hours. A panicky scared open mouthed expression that is very difficult to avoid since ir never changes. I really hope they recast her or she dies off soon. Other than that the show is worth watching for sure. It's entertaining and well made. The casting was very good for the roles (again absent Cynthia smth). U relate to the characters and they're believable and well written. Character development even with recasting is smooth n logical. It's a bit weird watching it now 10 years after it's made and the cgi is a bit old but u get used to it easily.
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Interesting story. Awful editing and direction
13 July 2023
The story is interesting. And it is imperative that people understand that we now have another "blue wall of silence" covering up corruption and illegal behavior by the institutions. We had the police blue wall of silence and now we have the medical one too. As it is true in the US as it is definitely true in the UK and that leads me to believe it is EVERYWHERE.

That being said this 1:30h documentary could've been done in 45min. I mean keeping all the info mentioned which some reviewers even complained the info wasn't enough. But this thing is soooooo slow, with several intervals of repetitive music, several empty scenes, and how they move the picture on a drawn timeline while slowing down on every date so u can read it and keeps going back 20 years. Every single time the timeline is shown it's done in the same manner. Going over every date of employment u think ok they're talking about this era. Nope keep waiting.

Even limited series documentaries aren't that slow. The only documentary I watched that was worse than this was the Dennis nilsen one where the whole thing is the view of a tape recorder and narration. Not even background scenes or photos or maps or anything. Extremely lazy. Like watching paint dry. Literally.

These directors and editors need to understand that stretching scenes to get the docu to last longer than hour is easily noticeable by the viewer and it puts ppl off and lowers the rating. But I think all that happens after they all get paid so who cares right? Smh.
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A must watch. evil and sad.
2 April 2023
It's awful to watch but these truths must be known. Maybe it'll help prevent such things from happening again tho sadly I highly doubt it since most creatures like these actually keep getting away with their crimes. Even after public finding out they still get away.

I do not wanna spoil the series by discussing specifics but the reality of the matter is, it is extremely hard to see this reality.

I was joking with a friend recently about serial killers and said that a serial killer probably starts by killing someone for being annoyingly stupid and they find so much pleasure in it they keep going.

But even mass murderers and serial killers are not as evil as the ones in this series.

I only wish they delved deeper into the origins of these characters, sorry, creatures. Their early development.

Some of the stories haven't ended yet in real life, so some open endings. Maybe a serial killer will watch the series and take care of it. As the only constant in most such stories is, police incompetence. At best. If not deliberately being covered up, like in "the keepers" where every facet of high society was complicit in the crimes. Police judges priests doctors psychologists they were all part of the sexual abuse ring so the "investigation" never amounted to anything. Go figure, it was run by priests in a catholic school. But watch it instead it's an eye opener. But it's beyond me how after all these crimes by the church it still exists in the same form and parents still put absolute blind trust in them n hand over their kids to their care. Stop giving them money and kids. In France 350,000 child were raped by the church in the past 50 years. And those are the documented ones. I'd multiply this number by at least 10. But hey who cares there are more important thing to the French, like bombing Afghanistan coz they don't send their girls to school - of course it's not about the heroin trade what are you pointing at. Let's go drop some freedom and education on them. Pedophiles just get to be presidents and royalty. Let's all have NAMBLA in our countries too (North American man boy love association, which really exists and is a legal organization in America) let's focus on a proper pronoun so as to not hurt their feelings. They're all about love. I just didn't know that this mentality was spread as much in the far East before watching this series.

(In truth the formula for making a serial killer is 3 ingredient. Violence as in beatings and physical abuse + sexual abuse + mental illness, in early childhood. If one of these isn't there in early childhood then the child won't grow up to be a mass murderer)
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U get both sides. But one of them is lying
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
U get both sides in this well made docu. But it's designed to convince u of one side. Everyone knows the second part usually becomes more convincing. The fact of the matter is yes he was depressed and suicidal. And she took advantage of that for her own sick gain. Yes she was sick in her mind as well. But he thought his way out was to commit suicide. And she encouraged him. Coz her way out was to become popular n that would make her happy. She didn't kill herself did she? No she just got him to do it. And you can see how all along she was already manipulating the narrative to get to her goal. Be popular and get attention. The defense used his depression to cover for her. And the defense hired psychiatrist that was paid to help with that narrative, wouldn't be hired again if he didn't help the defense. Often my gfs accuse me of always taking the side of the woman against the man. That am biased towards believing that men are As*holes and women are abused. But in this scenario it's clear as day whos being manipulative and for what reason and towards what purpose. I haven't seen the outcome yet but from how the series is arranged they just wanted to shock and make money while not being accused of taking sides. Since one side is already gone. So I can guess where this is going. While blatantly trying to show that the prosecution had ulterior motives lol what could that be? So let's look at who's gaining what from either outcome and guess who's getting paid to prove one point and who's just doing their job. The fact of the matter is she rewarded him with love messages when he assured her he's gonna commit suicide, and her replies to his hesitation were cold "ok" short messages. She made him feel loved if he does it. And when he backs off she pushed him real hard to not back down. U will get the truth and reality from the prosecution- whom I very rarely believe in most scenarios - and you will get the paid for version from her lawyers and HER psychiatrist. Where is the prosecution psychiatrist? The best proof of all. She does not have the slightest of emotions throughout the whole story of "the love of her life" death, she only shows emotions that are of selfishness, she gets emotional during the verdict. Self preservation. That tells you what she really is. And what her goal was. And how she only felt sad when her goal was threatened. Her popularity. Her freedom to have admiration for her loss n bravery afterwards and all her work to help the community heal. The community will heal when she's behind bars. She's a danger both to herself and the community. She didn't kill one person. She ruined the life of his family. Her family. Scarred her colleagues - I don't call them her friends coz they knew better than to befriend a selfish self centered drama Queen out there for herself. She worked diligently and with every intention to gain the attention and drama that her idol got after her bf died on her favorite lame tv show.
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Muhammad Ali (2021)
This isn't Ali the boxer. It's Ali the man. And a period piece
12 March 2023
This isn't about Muhammad Ali the boxer. He was much much more than that. This is about Muhammad Ali the man. I am halfway through at the moment and I find nothing to complain about. It's objective, it's thorough, it's well designed and well narrated and above all it's very fair. The man was a great man. And he had his flaws, he had his mistakes, and he realized them all and overcame them all. The man was the greatest not just in boxing but in activism. In freedom fighting. I know in a short while we will see how some kept trying to use him for their own gains when he got older. And these people went down in history as the worst in history. The 4th episode is hard to watch but it is true to his legacy. He remained and remains the greatest. I highly recommend watching this mini series. In fact I recommend it to young people in particular as he was a true role model. He was very intelligent. He knew what he was doing and he did it all very well. It is also objective in portraying Malcolm X. To my absolute surprise their is no political propaganda or sneaky injection of propaganda in the series. Imho this is a 10/10 show. Nothing to complain about whatsoever. Some negative review aren't happy that it wasn't a 100% boxing show. Disregard these, u can watch boxing matches anytime u want. But if u want to know the man that was more than a boxer then watch this show. U will not regret it. It showed the times of Ali in all their aspects and all their sides, it showed a man with a heart of literal gold. And joe Frazier as well had an amazing heart and he managed to get Ali to truly respect him for his heart more than his boxing skills. They became friends as with Foreman. N am just so glad Tyson came and punished Holmes properly. He took advantage with Herbert and King of Ali's Parkinson's. And that's what they'll forever be known for. Awesome work by everyone revolved. Rest in peace Ali n Malcolm X. May Allah forgive any transgressions and as I've failed to meet u in this life, may we all be United in heaven in the afterlife. Peace be to all who read this as well.
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As dumb and lame as it is dark u can't see anything
8 March 2023
Just follows up in the footsteps of so many bad movies that try to save on budget by making the scenes so dark u can't see anything Story is soooo lame. Could've had potential but the writing is just so bad The acting? Just as bad. So over the top yet the characters are so flat n boring H end up hating both good n evil. Not for the concepts of good vs evil but for how lame both are portrayed If only evil was so bad in reality lol we'd have a much better world They start by saying the devil invented deception. Err what deception in this movie? None whatsoever. Everything is done by force. No need for deception.

Again with the storyline. The writers must be atheist as they know nothing about the story of Lucifer or the angels or god or anything remotely related to the supposed movie. Avoid. A total waste of time. The 4/10 rating is way too generous for this bs.
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Gomorrah (2014–2021)
Started of great. Went down after s3
7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The show started off really well. The casting the acting the story were all well planned and executed. Then after s3 it stopped making any sense. For some reason, gennaro savastano who never killed anybody that didn't betray him first, is suddenly the most evil of all gangsters and the show is trying to get the viewers to wish for his demise. N ciro the traitor who betrayed every single friend he ever had for his own gains, starting with the savastano family themselves, n killing his own wife, is suddenly the honorable hero we wish to succeed and get his revenge, they all betray each other at some point, so I cannot fathom why we should feel for ciro n support him? The show should've stopped after s3. I guess viewers liked the ciro character before his death n the creators thought to bring him back as a strong character, but they failed miserably in putting him back in the story. The show stopped being about all bad gangsters who betray n murder, and turned into a twisted tale of revenge and "right n wrong" in an all wrong and nothing right about any of it. This is the curse of the godfather trilogy. It succeeds well n they try to milk it more only to ruin the whole thing with nonsense. Same thing happens here. I am halfway thru s5 n can hardly keep watching as the narrative pushed doesn't relate to the original storyline. Can't wait for ciro to die horribly but I expect the bad ending to be for savastano n the "hero" ciro to disappear into the sunset on a white horse with long blonde luscious hair lol Will see. Still I recommend watching the show, even if u decide to stop after s3. Which is exactly what I should've done. And what the creators should've done as well. S4 is bad. S5 is just an awful awful disaster.
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Godfather of Harlem (2019– )
WAS a great series. S3 is an insult to the memory of Malcolm X
6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great series. Til they decided to recast Malcolm X. Of course they couldn't keep a black Malcolm X as an intelligent intellectual calm and decent and collected. They needed an angry black man, aggressive, a street thug looking man. Then they made up some lies about his life and visit to Saudi Arabia. Like being arrested for being black lol what was the point of this made up lie? Malcolm was respected and loved all over Africa and the Middle East. He was not the arrogant angry thug this new actor embodies. I originally rated this series 10/10 even tho Muhammad Ali character wasn't that charismatic, but the rest of the cast WERE perfect for the roles. Especially forest as bumpy, conflicted between being a drug dealer killing his own people while at the same time trying to help his community and being an intellectual as well. Very very bad move recasting Malcolm. I see political propaganda in this move. It's claimed to be a timing issue for the original Malcom. Yet I don't see him working on anything else during the same time? Unless am mistaken. So disappointed. Still the first cpl of seasons are definitely worth the watch. Still watching but can hardly stand the new Malcolm. Such a betrayal to the memory of a great great man may he n ali rest in peace and may Allah forgive any transgressions they might have had. I recommend watching the series but if u donno the real story of Malcolm u have to read about it. And read about his REAL visit to Saudi Arabia. The lie is so lame, there isn't even an airport in Mecca to begin with. I guess it would've made sense for the new angry aggressive street thug Malcom to be arrested by the backward Arabs, while the real Malcolm was assassinated by the civilized fbi. I am watching s3 now I cannot stand this depiction of Malcolm. This new guy is an insult to the memory of a great great man may he rest in peace. Can't wait for this character to die now. I guess that's exactly the point of hiring him. He either hates Malcolm or hates history and all he knows about Malcolm is his pre prison era as that's all he shows. A street thug.
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Suburra: Blood on Rome (2017–2020)
Very good. Highly recommended
21 February 2023
The show has no flaws. Acting is believable. Some reviews mention Netflix production. It was produced even before Netflix I think. It's just that when it's on Netflix they add Netflix series that's all. As far as I know since I watched it before Netflix was a thing and it was just added recently there. Deserves to be seen again after a few years. That's how good it is. I would definitely recommend checking it out. In Italian audio with subtitles they speak really fast so u miss some words. On Netflix dubbed in English is still very good. Todays autosinc makes the words sound realistically spoken. The dubbed voices are as good as the original characters. I was worried the original may sound more tough or intimidating but after trying dubbed I found no problems whatsoever. The casting is super for every single character. And the voices dubbed are as good. U won't regret watching this whether u choose subs or dubs.

Also for once on Netflix, the gay character actually serves the story. No wonder. It was made before Netflix.
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ZeroZeroZero (2019–2020)
Ignore the bad reviews. V good show. Highly recommended
20 February 2023
Very good show. The storyline, the acting, the casting, the director did a great job. Disregard the negative hype. I would've loved for the show to continue.

Nothing about it warrants a single negative review. Realistic and made with good taste. Surprised really that it's a French production, but definitely better than most British productions. Those are actually slow and annoying. Filmed in many countries and with actors from many different backgrounds and the common thing is they all performed to the highest standards. They all suited their roles perfectly. High praise for the casting agency of course.

Some negative reviews claim it's "slow". But these people just want car chases and gunfights without story. That's why we end up with the superhero movies n shows of today. Coz viewers have no taste. Toxic fan bases ruined great many shows. Unfortunately the average iq was lowered from 115 to 100. So the average viewer has no understanding of storyline n no patient for the story to develop. The story here is very good. Realistic. Actors from all over the world are relatable, believable, and the casting was just perfect. I highly recommend this show. No faults so far. Unfortunately it's a mini series. Also some negative reviews complain about the slaughter of a pig. Pigs are slaughtered every day everywhere. People just don't wanna see it happen that's all. Well it happens. Not enough reason not to watch a show. The pig would've ultimately died a worse death in mass production in slaughterhouses all over the world. Reality is worse than the screen. That's a fact. Horror fans enjoy watching people slaughtered and tortured but when it comes to animals dying a better death than what happens in reality they cry. But they'll still eat McDonald's n kfc while those are the actual torturers of animals. Animals will die best thing is to do it as humanely as possible. And no electrocuting them isn't humane at all. Don't try sticking a fork in an electric outlet, coz u know how a fraction of a second will feel. Imagine having it done all the way til death. That's the reality. SMH.

One last thing. The Don's car plate number has 666 in it. Is it a coincidence?
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You (2018–2024)
S4 fake British accents are horrendous
14 February 2023
The show as a story was ok. It just kept getting worse but still watchable. Til u reach s4. The fake British accents are more horrendous than pointless. Wait, what was the point?

And the interiors are laughable. This has nothing to do with British homes. Especially for the "poor professor" who magically lives in a flat fit for the prime minister, full of books and art? Where did this come from? In the end of s3 he escaped with nothing. Fact: the average British house is 6-8 STEPS wide. Like if u walk in front of a house, from side to side is 6-8 steps. Watch tv interviews with people in their homes if you don't believe me. Maybe after 70 years working as a professor he could afford to live in a place like that. And it doesn't exist in England.

And the weather is gray and miserable 80% of the time, yet in this show's universe it's magically sunny every day. Ffs make an effort. What's the point of this fake reality? So bored Americans can get a glimpse of a fake British "classy"? Not to mention that most authentic British accents sound like barn raised animals, like Boris Johnson for example. There is a classy British accent that I personally know a lot of British people learn to fake to sound "posh". Lame as it is, but the ones on s4 here are sooooooo fake it's painful to hear. Someone told these awful actors to extend their lower jaw to sound British. 😅 and they did. So it's not only painful to hear it's even worse to see how they tried and failed miserably. The only person in the show with an inkling of talent is Kate. Why did she accept to act with these TikTok "celebrities" is beyond my comprehension.

I am considering switching to a foreign dubbed language and using subtitles, that is if I still want to watch the show, I am halfway thru ep1 and couldn't hold back on warning poor potential viewers of the ear torture they're about to be subjected to, it's very clear that only the outside scenes were shot in England while the rest is in studios somewhere in the us were real British actors weren't available for low pay or something so they opted for fake British "posh" accents since most Americans think British people are classy, just for no other reasons than Americans just being less classy that's all. They think British people are well educated coz they "read a lot" and use bookmarks. Again reading less than enough doesn't make the ones that read a little bit more actually well educated. The ignorance is as common here as it is anywhere. Reading novels and watching reality tv doesn't make people smart. So, what was the point of this whole British saga? None whatsoever.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Good story. Unfortunately 80% of the show is just music and scenes
3 February 2023
It's a good story. Unfortunately throughout the first season and what's released of the second, the common theme is that 80% of the time nothing is happening. Nobody speaking. Just music and scenes and facial expressions which gets extremely boring, disconnects you from the story, and overly annoying. The whole show could've been a movie. And it would've worked better. The acting is good, the story is good, but trying to stretch it to be a tv show, means more money. It's a trend nowadays that unfortunately a lot don't live up to the task. We end up with shows stretching for seasons but nothing happens most of the time in such shows. Ruined many a good story and destroyed good potential. Still I do recommend watching the show while keeping a book in hand. You will finish the book and still get the full story of the show.
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I would definitely recommend
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's a sad story, and the saddest part of it is how I think he's telling the truth. He's been abused as a child. His mother was laughing when talking about hearing that he's murdered someone. N I personally think it's very very clear that his mother was lying about his childhood and how she "locked him in his room for short periods of time, he's a little guy - sounds like a stranger - n he needed protection". Even tho his cousin did somehow confirm the abuse. Then she sends him to a boys home, where almost definitely he was abused there too. But what can we expect from the system but to try n finish the deal as fast as possible with total disregard to MOTIVE? Mental health? This is a guy with history of losing control and getting violent in the face of abuse. We don't hear about him attacking anyone that wasn't in the process of abuse? The cops based their claim he's lying on how he embraced the man then went back to his home, which doesn't go hand in hand with the rape story, but it actually does. If read about abuse victims, the abuse comes from someone that claims the abuse is a form of affection. A form of a connection. Then when facing a homeless night on the streets and nobody else to turn to, it happens. Very often actually. The docu should've focused more on the trial. Why was the murder victim in his underwear? And when his neighbors say he's not a strong man, well he wouldn't have needed much strength against a drugged victim, would he? Usually the cops look - or claim to look - for who, how, why. Nope not in this case. Or most cases with abuse of young people, the corrupt system tries to swipe it fast under the rug. And that judge is a moron.
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Incredible. A must must must watch
22 December 2022
This is sooo good. Very well done. I can't understand the ratings that call it boring. It's anything but boring. And u meet so many amazing characters like miles Connor. It's extremely interesting and a pleasure to watch. I highly recommend this for anyone interested in crime shows or arts in general. But u don't have to be a fan of arts to enjoy this series. It keeps u interested to know more and gives the clues in an exciting way. I'm halfway through atm n I don't want it to end. It also steers clear of the new trend in similar shows full of filler scenes and sensational baits. This is to the point. Very well filmed. Story well told. N it's an interesting story. Highly recommend.
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I'll Be Gone in the Dark (2020–2021)
The story could've been interesting. Ruined with so much nonsense
21 December 2022
The story could've been made better. Be prepared to keep fast forwarding all the memorial parts on the dead author. It's like 30% on the killer and 70% on McNamara n her friends and family and character. I tried to watch this many many times and could never watch more than 1 episode. They tried to tell her story but ruined any chances the show is to be enjoyed. No I don't recommend watching this. It's like reporting on a story but spending most of the time telling you the story of the reporter instead of the story itself. So so so much nonsense. I'll keep trying to finish the story but it's an awful watch.
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As usual. The cops are the crooks.
13 November 2022
By now anyone interested in crime novels and crime documentaries will have to be absolutely certain that the real criminals are usually the cops and the system in general.

This is obvious here as well. This is an awesome story that u cannot believe it's not fiction. As Grisham put it.

It's very well represented and keeps the viewer wanting to find out more. It's played in a way that keeps u interested by not giving u all the facts in the beginning so u keep feeling shocked by the corruption of the system. They withhold evidence that doesn't help them convict. And to hell with justice or truth. These don't matter. All they care about is the publicity they get for closing down a case. It's the same corruption found in 3rd world countries, only played better here. They decide which evidence to use and which to coverup. They have more experience in twisting the law to their convenience. And the lawyers rarely care either. It's a good thing to use jurors, but jurors are easily swayed by the system. They trust the system when they should not. It's better to let a criminal go free than to convict an innocent person. But the prison system is a business that makes money and the more incarcerated the better for the system. RIP justice. U were never served.
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Interesting. Extremely bad annoying production tho.
5 November 2022
It's interesting to watch and adding real footage is a good thing. Real testimony from the people also helps give credibility. It also brings the opposite opinion by psychologists which is credible too. Unfortunately the production is so bad it's awful to watch. I do not get this recent trend by Netflix documentaries in foreign language with the dubbing into English. Instead of hearing just the English you can hear both languages and most of the time at almost the same volume making it impossible to understand what you're hearing. Also the 3 stories keep moving from one story to the other then back, making it very confusing. Especially when you add how some people are talking about themselves in the past, played by actors, or talking about family members, in the end you have no idea whos speaking and about what and which story is this now and what's happening and it's just confusing and annoying. In the end the only way to watch this is by both being dubbed and subs at the same time. That means you miss many details as you're focused on the subtitles and not seeing what's happening over the corner. Dubbing nowadays is synced automatically making it comfortable to watch as the mouth moves n stops with the words. Nope not here. Since they decided to start the dubbed voice a few seconds after the original. Is this done to give the viewer a sense of discomfort that they might subconsciously attribute to the effect of the stories? Making them feel the story is strong and having such an effect? Whatever the reason I personally dump shows like this after not being able to cope with dumb easily avoided annoyances. I think this will happen with this show too. Unfortunately. I'd recommend trying but be warned that all the problems I mentioned above are multiplied in their bad quality in episode 2. It just keeps getting worse.
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Awful editing. Ruined the story
4 November 2022
This could've been an interesting story but I agree with a lot of the very low rating reviews. The editing is horrible. Watching it dubbed In English, the Italian starts a few seconds earlier then you can hear both the Italian and English at the same time making it very difficult to understand. Watching with subs they disappear too quickly you can't read most of them. Using old video footage they just keep making it jump back n forth, up and down for no reason or added value other than annoying the viewer. I am 15min in the first episode and I am not sure I will be able to watch anymore. I'll update the review if I can push through further. Unfortunately instead of helping shed light on the tragedy, they're doing the opposite, making sure the least amount of people watch it. Awful awful awful editing and production.
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Waste of time. Not funny.
15 August 2022
What a total waste of time. I expected better from Seth. This was awful. Not the least bit of funny. I actually spent big portions of the film on my phone coz it was soooo boring. And when the credits started rolling I didn't even think the movie really ended coz there was no story, no end to the no story. I'd strongly suggest u avoid this waste of time n data. I never warn off movies as to each his own but I fail to see any entertaining aspect to this garbage. I think the whole msg from the movie is u can hold these hateful views but u r a good person coz u care about ur family and personal culture, but keep them views secret coz u can succeed n be rich n have all u want but only if u love ur family n culture but hate everyone else. But no problem. Secret hatred is acceptable. Just don't publicize it. Hate ppl but don't tell them u hate them. Very strange propaganda. Unfortunately some of the 10/10 rated reviews start to seem racially or politically motivated. (Even tho the "race" depicted in the movie is not actually the Jewish race, it's the Khazar. The White Russian Jewish. That's a religion not a race. Not every Semite is Jewish and not every Jewish is a Semite. Same like not every Arab is Asian or every African is Arab. But mixing these concepts serve an uglier agenda. Didn't expect rogen to promote such hate and division. Is this some kinda "he's saying what we all secretly think" thus the high ratings? I swear one review literally states the movie doesn't deserve more than 7.5 but I rated it 10 to balance the negative reviews. What total nonsense. Avoid.
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BORING. Like watching paint dry.
6 July 2022
The concept is interesting and Nielsen sounds really interesting too. But this isn't a TV show it should've been put on radio. Ur basically sitting there watching a cassette tape rolling while listening to audio. It's like interesting audio while watching paint dry. They could've definitely use video material from around the city to take the viewer into the scenes, use animation, photos of the murdered n murderer. Give the viewer an idea about London n entertain the viewer. It's called a VIEWer not a listener for a reason. Unfortunately when it comes to British tv n movie ratings it's always always misleading. I am starting to feel like some ppl rate with a misguided sense of patriotism. Add 2-3 points for dumb nationalistic pride. This deserves in no way more than 3 stars. If interested in the story I'd recommend finding smth on YouTube as this isn't worth WATCHING.
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A great movie. A role model for all people
28 November 2021
This is a great movie about a great man. Muhammad ali. This is what a role model looks like, and behaves like, no wonder he was friends will Malcolm X and MLK. When tv showed these men to inspire the youth of the whole world, instead of tricking them into rapping n selling drugs hoping to become another takeshi 69 or snoop dogg. Todays tv pushes these jokes making them earn millions only to divide the black youth and have them fight each other, divide n conquer, nothing more. Weaken the young generations and have them believe in nothing but money. No wonder this is exactly how The Protocols planned to ruin the youth and destroy their future. Simple minded people will hang on who wrote the protocols. It doesn't make any difference who wrote them, they were written 300 years ago and they're being exacted today, know your enemy. Choose between tv and books. Go down in history as the greatest and his friends or be forgotten in a cpl of decades and leave nothing behind but some lame untalented tracks.
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Day LEwis n de caprio are great
28 November 2021
It's a great movie, Daniel day lewis n Leonardo de caprio play awesome roles. There are conflicted reviews but it's a must see. It's a wonder how they didn't receive awards but probably due to the violence level. I remember seeing this movie in theatre on a first date, where the girl kept trying to kiss me while I kept pushing my head aside so I can watch the movie lol had no idea that's why she went, I went to see this great movie.
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